15 Preposition
15 Preposition
15 Preposition
İngilizce'de "preposition" çok geniş kapsamlı bir sözcük grubudur. Cümle içindeki başlıca işlevi,
cümlenin diğer öğeleri arasında, özellikle de isimler arasında bağlantı kurmaktır. Bir preposition' dan
sonra noun, pronoun, gerund ve noun clause gelebilir. Preposition' dan sonra gelen isimler yalın
haldedir: to James, on the table, with my parents, etc. Pronoun ise object pronoun biçiminde
kullanılır: to him, on it, with them, etc.
a) AT
Saatlerle at kullanılır.
What time ........? ile sorulan sorularda ve bu sorulara verilen kısa yanıtlarda at genellikle
Zamanda bir nokta belirten ifadelerle at kullanılır. Bu ifadeleri söyle gruplandırabiliriz:
At the end ile in the end arasındaki ayrıma dikkat ediniz. In the end, finally anlamındadır ve
kendinden sonra başka bir isim gelmez. At the end ise, bir şeyin sonunda anlamını verir: at the end of
the month, at the end of the week, at the end of the term, etc.
He had been out of work for months, but in the end, he found a good job.
I will be paid at the end of the month. Then I can pay you back.
b) ON
c) IN
Morning, afternoon, evening ifadeleriyle normalde in kullanılır. Ancak bu ifadeleri bir gün ismiyle
birlikte kullandığımızda preposition on dur.
Birinin yaşını ifade ederken at the age of kullanılır. Ancak, kişinin yaşını kesin olarak bilmiyorsak, in
her/his thirties gibi ifadeler kullanırız. In her early thirties (otuzlu yaşların başlarında), in her mid-
thirties (otuzbeş yaşlarında), in her late thirties (otuzlu yaşların sonlarında) gibi ifadeler tahminimize
daha bir kesinlik kazandırır.
In two days, in a few hours, in three years, in a week, etc. gibi ifadeler gelecekte bir zaman belirtir. Bu
ifadeleri in two days' time, in three years' time, in a week's time biçiminde de kullanabiliriz.
We are moving into our new apartment in two weeks/in two weeks' time.
(İki hafta sonra ...... )
They are going to get married in three months/in three months' time.
(Üç ay sonra ...... )
I expect we'll have arrived in the town in an hour/in an hour's time.
(Bir saat sonra ..... )
In + a period of time ifadesini, bir işin ne kadar zamanda yapıldığını belirtirken de kullanabiliriz. Bu
anlamda in yerine within de kullanılabilir.
Normally, in the first grade of Elementary school, they teach children to read in
(within) two or three months. (...... iki-üç ayda/iki-üç ay içinde .....)
Most of the students finished the examination in (within) an hour and a half.
(= It took them an hour and a half to finish the examination.)
In + a period of time ifadesi bu anlamda " "apostrophe + time" biçiminde kullanılmaz. Şu iki örneği
You will have to eat lunch in half an hour/in half an hour's time.
Yemeğini yarım saat sonra yemek zorunda kalacaksın.
1- You should start to feel the effects of the medicine ............... a day or two.
2- It is hard to entertain the family ............... your birthday and relax ............... the same time.
3- So, I will see you ............... the 5th of November ............... lunch time, and then we will go
to the opera ................. the evening.
4- We had a big family meal ............... the day when my son got his university degree.
Everyone stayed until late ............... night.
5- I may be home a little later than usual ............... Saturday evening, but as soon as I arrive,
I'll be ready to join you for the play ............... less than a quarter of an hour.
6- The flag sellers make a lot of money ............... Independence Day.
7- Jake should arrive ............... a few minutes because he has an appointment with a
client............... 2.00 p.m.
8- The World Baseball Series is broadcast live in the UK ............... the middle of the night
because of the lime difference. Who would want to watch sport ............... such a late hour?
9- We get a few sunny days around here ............... autumn, but hardly any ............... winter.
10- The sun is too strong ............... noon, so we will sunbathe later ............... the afternoon.
11- The hiking club meets ............... the second and last Sunday in the month ............... summer
and ............... the first Sunday .............. winter.
12- He is milking the cows ............... the moment, but he should be finished ...............half an
13- They serve breakfast............... 8 a.m. ............... weekdays and ............... 9 a.m................ the
14- The film 'Autumn Milk' is about a girl who, ............... the age of eight, takes the
responsibility of cooking and sewing for her entire family — a responsibility she only gives
up ............... her wedding day.
15- More people come to the park ............... Sunday mornings than ............... the afternoons
during the week.
16- You won't be the oldest person on the Thai Chi course as some of the participants must be
............... their seventies.
17- The castle at Usk was built............... the 12th century and extended ............... the middle
18- The reduced fares apply to passengers flying out................ a weekday and returning
................ either a Saturday or a Sunday night.
19- I'm afraid we are fully booked ............... that date. It is better to call us well in advance for
tables ............... Friday evenings.
20- These bats feed ............... night and return to their cave ............... sunrise.
21- Her knee is still troubling her ............... present, but she is hoping to compete in the
final............... two weeks' time.
22- We usually go skiing ............... April because there is still lots of snow, but the weather is
warmer than .............. winter months.
23- We stayed up all night .......... Midsummer's Day.
24- The hotel was lovely and the food was delicious, but there wasn't much to do................the
evening or ..............days when it rained.
25- Their songs were popular ............... the 1980s.
toward(s) (.... e doğru) Towards the end of the day, she started to
feel very tired.
towards the end of the month
towards 7 o'clock The snowstorm started towards 9 o'clock.
towards midnight
throughout (...... boyunca) If you had studied more throughout the
term, you wouldn't be so worried about the
throughout the year exams now.
throughout the day
throughout the week I drink several cups of coffee throughout
the day.
before Please bring the books back before the
before 1996
before 2 o'clock If you arrive before ten o'clock, you'll be
before Friday able to get a bus to my house.
I haven't had anything to eat since 8 o'clock
since Monday this morning.
since 1980
since 5 o'clock He's worked there since 1991.
till/until (not before "....) The manager will be out of the office until 2
till/Until Friday
till/until 6 o'clock We won't be able to pay you until the end
till/until 1992 of the month.
During ile while aynı anlamı ifade edecek şekilde kullanılabilir. Ancak during' den sonra bir
isim, while' den sonra bir clause (subject +verb) gelir.
Until ve by, Türkçe'ye " ...... e kadar" biçiminde çevrildiği halde farklı anlamlar ifade ederler.
Until, eylemin sözü edilen zamana kadar devam ettiğini ve o noktada bittiğini ifade eder.
By ise eylemin en geç sözü edilen zamanda gerçekleşecegini ya da sözü edilen zamana kadar
gerçekleşmiş olduğunu ifade eder. Yani eylem, belirtilen zamandan daha önce bitmiş olabilir.
EXERCISE 2 : Complete the sentences with during or while.
1- I'm not going to buy any Christmas presents .................... the end of November because I don't
like to start thinking about Christmas too early.
2- They didn't arrive .................... 8.15, so they missed the starters, which had been served at
3- We must be there .................... 7.45 as the dinner will be served at 8.00 o'clock sharp.
4- If a room has not been taken .................... 5 o'clock, we reduce the price to £20.00.
5- We had four vacant rooms .................... 5 p.m., when a group of Australian tourists booked in.
6- If the pain hasn't eased .................... the morning, phone me again and I will prescribe some
additional medicine.
7- I'm afraid the pain is certain to stay with you .................... the morning.
8- This is quick-drying nail polish, so it should be dry .................... eight, when Peter is coming
to collect me.
9- You can buy now and you don't have to pay a penny ................... next January, when your Hire
Purchase payments will start.
10- If we haven't received any money .................... the 1st of next month, we will take further
EXERCISE 4 : Complete the sentences with the prepositions explained in parts 1-1 and 1-2. In
some sentences, more than one answer is possible.
1- After you have been working .................... four hours, you are entitled to a half hour break.
2- We should have a clearer idea about what caused the accident sometime .................... the end
of the afternoon. I would guess sometime .................... 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.
3- Our Christmas party is .................... a Friday evening this year.
4- The theatre will be closed .................... two weeks, .................... the first .................... the
fifteenth, for refurbishment.
5- I didn't sell anything .................... 3 p.m., so I thought it was going to be a quiet day, but I sold
quite a few things .................... that.
6- You won't feel any pain .................... the operation and you will be out of bed .................... a
couple of days' time.
7- Our flight leaves at 8.30 a.m., so they want us to be in the airport.................... 6.30 a.m.,
which is the latest time for checking-in.
8- I’ve been directing traffic .................... 10 a.m. this morning, so I need a break.
9- You can take the dishwasher home today and you don't have to pay anything ....................
after six months; furthermore, our installments are free from interest charges .................... the
first six months.
10- I'm coming to town .................... Monday, so we could meet for a coffee after my
appointment at the hairdresser's.
11- .................... 1923, when the Republic was founded, ....................... this day, Turkey has had
57 governments.
12- They don't normally serve breakfast.................... 10 a.m., so we should meet earlier if we are
to have breakfast there.
13- I feel safe walking around Manchester any time .................... the day, but I don't like walking
around there ..................... night.
14- He was very nervous the week .................... his wedding, but.................... the actual day, he
was so happy that he didn't feel nervous at all.
15- I find it strange that you have-been cycling and playing basketball.................... the vacation
and just.................... school starts tomorrow, you suddenly have a terrible stomach cramp.
into walk into the cinema, get into the car, pour
(bir şeyin "içine doğru" (water) into the glass, etc.
hareket bildirir.)
come out of the cinema, get out of the car,
drink (tea) out of a cup, etc.
out of
(bir yerden "dışarı çıkma" anlamını verir.)
round/around live round the comer.
(çevresinde, köşede anlamını verir.) have a hedge round the garden
by by the sea, by the lake
(yanında anlamını verir.)
olduğunu ifade eder. Bazen iki nesne under water etc.
birbirine değebilir.)
opposite (facing) (karşısında anlamını verir.) the cinema opposite our house,
sit opposite me
Birinin hala yatakta olduğunu ifade etmek için in bed kullanılır. Ancak yatağın üzerindeki bir nesneyi
on (the) bed biçiminde ifade edebiliriz.
"Denizde olmak, yüzmek..." anlamlarında in the sea, "denizde yolculukta olmak", anlamında ise at
sea kullanılır.
"Nehirde yüzmek" anlamında in the river kullanılır. Ancak nehirdeki sandal, gemi, vb. taşıtların
durumunu ve bir nehir üzerine kurulmuş yerleşim merkezinin konumunu on the river biçiminde ifade
"Ayrı ayrı iki nesnenin birbirlerinin önünde/arkasında olduğunu in front of/behind ile ifade
ederiz. Ancak aynı zemin üzerinde önde/arkada derken at the front/at the back kullanılır.
Örneğin sınıfın önünde (ön tarafında) demek için at the front of the classroom, sınıfın
arkasında (arka tarafında) demek için ise at the back of the classroom ifadelerini kullanmamız
Ancak, gazetenin ön sayfasında/ arka sayfasında derken on the front/on the back page of the
newspaper; ön sırada/arka sırada derken in the front row/in the back row kullanılır.
Go, get, fly, drive gibi fiiller yönelme bildiren preposition "to" ile kullanılır.
Arrive fiili, village, town, city, country gibi bir yerleşim merkezine varmak anlamındaysa in ; station,
school, work, meeting, etc. gibi bir noktaya varmak anlamındaysa at ile kullanılır.
4- We went............... 170 floors ........... the lift of the World Trade Centre ...............New York,
which is the tallest building ............... the world.
5- I used to enjoy my job as a gardener, but I got fed up with working ............... in all kinds of
Weather and decided to get a job in which 1 could work ............... .
6- Death Valley contains land which is 283 feet................ sea level, making it the lowest dry
land in the United States of America.
7- Sarah hid ............... a tree so that her friends couldn't see her.
8- Would you like to go ............... me in the queue, as you only have two items?
9- When I arrived ............... the hotel, I went straight............... my room, put my suitcase
............... the bed and unpacked.
10- I had to get some steps to stand ............... in order that I could reach the books............... the
top shelf.
11- Buldan fabric is well-known for its quality and durability not only in the surrounding area,
but.............. Turkey.
12- During the floods, there was only one bridge ............... the River Severn that was open as
all the others were ............... the water.
13- The two newsagents are directly ............... each other, and as it is difficult to cross ...............
one side of the road .............. the other at that point, their custom has a lot to do with which
side of the road a customer is on.
14- The Alpine train set fire while it was passing ............... a tunnel. The fire spread quickly
............... the train, destroying most of the carriages and killing most of the tourists who
were travelling ............... it.
15- The problem I have with dieting is that, every day on my way ............... and ...............work,
I walk ............... a shop which sells Belgium chocolates.
16- The woman who sat.............. me on the coach was so large that she took one and a half
seats up, leaving very little room for me.
17- We had dinner ................ a wonderful restaurant............... the ocean and then we drove to
Malaga ............... the coast road, which twists and turns with the magnificent blue ocean on
its left.
18- Be careful! Don't lean anything ................ that dividing wall. It's a temporary partition and
not very strong.
19- Victoria Falls, one of the world's mightiest waterfalls, is ............... east-central Africa,
.............. the Zambezi River, ............... the border ............... Zambia and Zimbabwe.
20- The cabin of the cable car was quite small, but about thirty holidaymakers clambered
............... it with our skis. Then, squashed together, we travelled ............... the mountain
side. Gosh! I was so glad to climb ............... the cabin and ............... the fresh mountain air.
21- Only relatively close stars can be seen with the unaided eye. To see the stars that lie
............. them, we must use devices such as telescopes.
22- Last week, I was so ill that I had to stay ............. bed for three whole days.
23- I had had previous dealings with very few people ............... the delegates.............. the
24- One of the smallest countries in the world, Maldives is a chain of nearly 1,200 small coral
islands ............... the Indian Ocean. Situated southwest of India, the islands extend more
than 764 kilometres ............... north .............. south and 130 kilometres ............., an east-
west direction. All of the islands are low-lying — none rises to more than 1.8 metres
............... sea level.
25- Million's of Hindus worship the River Ganges and believe that bathing ............... its water
washes away their sins.
a cause of something
Tonight's football match isn't a good reason for not doing your homework.
After they'd repaired his car, he gave the garage a cheque for £ 50.
The traffic problems clearly show the need for better roads.
There has been a sharp rise in inflation recently, but also a slight decrease in
It seems that no one is able to find a solution to the problems in Bosnia.
I haven't had a reply to any of my letters of application yet.
a reaction to something
damage to something
The Japanese's attitude towards teachers is different from many other nationalities'.
Their names are the same but there is no connection between this company and the one
in Ankara.
Eğer birşeyi kazanmak, elde etmek için savaşım veriliyorsa "for", birşeye karşı savaşım
veriliyorsa "against" kullanılır.
In the 1920s British women had a hard fight for the right to vote.
Nelson Mandela's struggle against apartheid in South Africa finally resulted in
his being elected president.
a noun + to infinitive
Pek çok isimden sonra "to + infinitive" kullanılır.
People, when arrested by the police, have the right to remain silent.
When she was very young, her ability to play the piano was soon noticed.
1- It was quite difficult to plan the party because I didn't get a reply ............... my invitation
from most of the guests until a few days before the event.
2- The bank charges 27 pence for processing a cheque, so we don't like to accept cheques
............... small amounts.
3- A photograph ............... my husband and son appeared in the paper last week.
4- His attitude ............... English teaching is very modern and forward thinking.
5- It will be some time before they establish the cause ............... the train crash.
6- The reason ............... the amount of flooding experienced in Britain this year is unclear, but
some scientists argue that it is all part of a process known as global warming.
7- There is a need ............... better flood defences to be built in towns and cities across Britain.
8- The popularity of e-mail has led to a reduction ............... the number of hand-written letters
9- The flood resulted in extensive damage ............... the houses down by the river.
10- The politician spoke for about five minutes, but he didn't provide an answer ............... the
interviewer's question.
11- The difference ............... PC World and Tiny Computers is that the former deals with large
companies and the latter with small businesses.
12- One disadvantage ............... working the night shift is that I never see my friends during the
13- During the Industrial Revolution, the workers' struggle ............... humane working conditions
and an end to child labour took quite some time to attain any success.
14- The prize in the raffle is a painting ............... the famous wildlife artist, David Shepherd.
15- Our relationship ............... our customers is very important in this business.
EXERCISE 7: Complete each sentence with one of the phrases from the list above. Use each
phrase only once.
1- I thank you all for giving me the opportunity of expressing my feelings here, and,
......................... I'd like to say how much I have enjoyed working with you and wish you all
success in the future.
2- There are so many exclusions regarding earthquakes to his house insurance that,
....................., he is not covered at all in the event of another earthquake.
3- Today, thousands of animals, such as elephants and whales, are ........................ of extinction.
4- I don't mind you borrowing my encyclopedias as long as you put them back in the bookcase
........................ after you've finished with them.
5- I didn't speak to the director ......................... but I left a message with his secretary.
6- Affected by acute shock of the tragedy, the friends sat for a while ........................Jenny
arrived with a pot of tea and gave everyone a cup still without saying a word.
7- One by one, the friends broke down ......................... sobbing deeply over their loss.
8- Of course, ......................... they will recover from their grief and continue their lives.
9- Be quiet! They are going to announce the lottery numbers ........................ . So we could be
millionaires in less than a minute.
10- Many of the government's new policies have been unpopular. ....................... , their policy
towards retired persons and pensions.
11- The bank wrote to him and explained that they had credited a cheque to his account
........................ and that they would rectify this fault by deducting this amount from his next
12- The service at the hospital was so bad that our son was left in the waiting room sitting
........................ for over an hour.
13- The manager said quite a lot of positive things about how he thought the new branch is
performing, which I don't have time to tell you, but......................... he is very pleased.
14- We prefer to be paid ........................ because the bank charges us a fee for cashing cheques.
15- I don't worry about what sort of clothes are ........................ . I just like to buy comfortable
16- Giant pandas are popular in zoos, but they rarely breed ..........................
17- Don't write the bookings in the hotel diary ........................ until the customer has confirmed
his or her booking in writing. Write them in pencil initially.
18- You had better move your antique vase in case the baby knocks it off the table. I would hate
to see it........................ after you have looked after it all these years.
EXERCISE 8: Complete the sentences with one of the phrases from the list below.
Use each phrase only once.
1- Because of the floods, there were not as many customers in town as usual, but .........................
we did reasonably well. We had a few people in for lunch when we hadn't expected anyone at
2- As soon as the boat was ......................... we gathered our possessions and got ready to board
the vessel.
3- My flatmate is always ........................ . He is always borrowing money from me in order to
pay his bills.
4- There is a couple of small things that I don't like about my new job, but ......................... I am
very happy there.
5- Josie's son is always ........................ at school. She has had three letters about his unacceptable
behaviour from the head teacher already this term.
6- Please be quiet outside the main hall this week as examinations are ........................ .
7- Many older areas of Birmingham which used to be ........................ have now been engulfed by
the ever expanding city.
8- She sings very well for a four year old and, surprisingly, she sang the entire song perfectly
........................ .
9- Steve supports Manchester United, while Geoff supports Manchester City. Steve voted for the
Conservative candidate, while Geoff voted for the Labour candidate. In fact, they have very
little ........................ considering that they are best friends.
10- I can't stop and chat as I'm ........................ . I want to get back to my car before I have to pay
for another hour's parking.
11- Due to the progress made in electronic dictation machines, those skilled in stenography or
shorthand note-taking are not so much ........................ as they once were.
12- For ten years, they searched ........................ for their missing daughter. It appears that they will
never know exactly what happened to her.
13- Although it is three weeks from now, to secure the booking, we require a five-pound deposit
per person ......................... for Christmas day luncheon.
14- The eminent musician Eubie Blake last performed ......................... to a large audience, in 1982
at the age of 99.
15- When customers enter the bank, they take a number from the machine so that the cashiers can
serve everyone .................. .
EXERCISE 9 : Complete the sentences with one of the phrases from the list above.
Use each phrase only once.
1- The owner of the hotel is a qualified chef, but he rarely cooks himself nowadays. However,
......................... he has been known to help the head chef in the kitchen if the restaurant is
exceedingly busy.
2- I have a few recommendations which should improve your presentation, but .........................
I think it is an excellent seminar.
3- We went........................ to Paris for the day on the train and saw the Eiffel Tower and Notre
Dame Cathedral.
4- She is supposed to be studying for her exams, but whenever I go to her room, she is
........................ chatting to her friends.
5- We bought a music centre that was ........................ because it was a model which had been
on display in the shop.
6- During the floods, all the roads into the town centre were closed and it was only possible to
reach the centre ........................ using the old iron footbridge across the river.
7- A healthy human heart beats 72 times per minute ........................ .
8- In 1513, ........................ of South American jungles, Vasco Nunez Balboa became the first
European ever to look at the Pacific Ocean from the shores of the New World.
9- The yeoman warders, who are ........................ at the Tower of London to protect its
collection of valuables, are familiarly known as beefeaters.
10- The film 'Marvin's Room' is being shown for the first time ........................ on Monday night
at 9 p.m. on Channel 4.
11- 150 passengers ........................ an Alpine train in Kaprun died when the train caught fire
inside a tunnel.
12- While we were .......................... our ship anchored at Istanbul, where we visited the Grand
Bazaar and Topkapı Palace.
13- Barcelona's centre is a maze of narrow streets and medieval buildings, in contrast to the
smart, modem apartment buildings to be found ........................ of the city.
14- I'm afraid the book 'Little House of the Prairie' is ........................ from the library at the
moment. Would you like to reserve it?
15- I won't see you for a while as I'm ........................ from work next week, which I'm looking
forward to.
16- Do you pass a newsagent........................ to work? If you do, would you mind picking me up
The Guardian?
17- I don't think that the baby dropped it Instead, I think she threw it to the ground
........................ in order to gain our attention.
18- A: How long have you been ........................?
B: For three weeks now, but I can't resist eating a little chocolate occasionally, so I don't
seem to be losing weight fast.
19- Two days after the bombing, we could see the flames from the buildings still ………………
20- In 1984, the British coal miners went......................... returning to their jobs almost a year
21- We are fully booked on the 20th November, so we will need some extra staff …………….. .
22- The number of European or American companies building factories in underdeveloped
nations is .......................as they take advantage of lower wages.
23- Sherly Crow's opportunity to become a famous musician came when she was chosen to
accompany Michael Jackson ........................ of the world, his Bad World Tour.
24- Theard the clock in the bedroom playing the tune ........................ . Is it 1 or 2 p.m.?
25- My mother is moving to a block of flats specially designed for elderly people and, although
she will still be living ........................ she will have plenty of company and a warden on duty
around the clock in case she is taken ill.
"On time", "punctual" anlamındadır ve kararlaştırılmış bir saatten sözederken "vaktinde, dakik"
anlamını verir.
"In time" da Türkçe'ye "vaktinde" biçiminde çevrilir. Ancak kararlaştırılmış bir saat söz konusu
değildir. "Bir işi yapmak için uygun bir vakitte" anlamındadır. "In time for something/in time to do
something" biçiminde de kullanılabilir.
I got home in time for my favourite programme.
I got home in time to have dinner with my parents.
They are having the house painted for the wedding.
I hope the painters finish their job in time.
(Umarım boyacılar işlerini vaktinde bitirirler.)
Son örnekte, boya işinin bitmesi için kararlaştırılmış bir saat olamaz. Bu nedenle "vaktinde" sözü,
konuşmacının kendine göre "uygun bir zamanı" ifade etmektedir.
Someone had spilt coke on the chair, but Sue didn't notice it, and was going to sit
on the chair. Fortunately, I warned her just in time to prevent her from sitting
there. (Onu tam zamanında uyardım...)
1- We didn't arrive ............... time for the meal, so we missed that, but we did manage to see
the entertainment.
2- If the bus arrives ............... time, you will be in town by half past.
3- If we don't finish the job ............... time, that is, on the date agreed in the contract, we have
to pay a penalty to the customer.
4- If we don't finish the job ............... time for the official opening, it will be very
embarrassing for the customer.
5- We arrived at the book shop ............... time to see the author and even had a chance to ask
him to sign a copy of his book.
6- They never start these matches ............... time. The match is supposed to start at 3 p.m., but
it will probably be ten past before it gets underway.
"Be/go on holiday" ifadesi, eğer "holiday" in önünde the, a, my, your, etc. gibi bir sözcük
varsa "go for a/the/my holiday" biçiminde kullanılır.
EXERCISE 11: Complete the sentences with on or for.
1- I wonder where people who live in the Florida Keys go ............... their holidays?
2- They stay at their villa ............... most of their summer holiday.
3- Are you thinking of going abroad again ............... holiday this year?
4- He takes his caravan to Wales every year ............... his holidays.
5- He was struck by a tropical illness while ............... holiday last year.
6- The Smiths are ............... holiday in Canada at the moment
EXERCISE 12 : Complete the sentences with a phrase from the list above.
Use each phrase only once.
1- His father lent him some money to pay all the money that he owed, so now he is
completely ........................ .
2- Put the chocolates ........................ of the children. If they see them, they will want to eat
them all, before dinner.
3- We wanted two extra tickets to the Christmas party, but we were ....................... as all the
tickets had already been sold.
4- The factory where he used to work closed down, but he wasn't........................ for long
and soon found a new job.
5- Don't you think these modern chairs look a little ........................ among all this antique
6- Fur coats used to be very popular, but they are ........................ now because a lot of
people see the fur trade as cruel and unnecessary.
7- He found speaking French during his recent holiday quite difficult because, although he
took French at university, he is ........................ now.
8- I'm sorry, but my going rock-climbing with you is totally ........................ as I am afraid
of heights.
9- His gambling is now ......................... He spends his entire wages gambling on horses and
football matches or buying lottery tickets.
10- He likes farming because he loves working ........................ in the fields.
11- It took me quite a while to find the file on the Morrison case because, although the files
are supposed to be filed alphabetically, they were completely ........................ .
12- For security reasons, expensive perfumes are placed ........................ on high shelves. If
customers want to purchase one, they need to ask a sales assistant for help.
13- With the modern equipment available in recording studios these days, experts can even
make someone who sings completely ........................ sound all right.
14- I wouldn't eat that yoghurt if I were you. Look at the stamp on the lid. It is …………… .
15- I am so unlit that I am ........................ even when I only have to climb up a couple of
flights of stairs.
16- It is much less expensive to go to Bodrum ......................... but the weather is not as nice,
of course.
17- This book is now ....................... and the only copy kept at this library is very fragile, so
it is kept in our storeroom. You may look through the book in the reading room,
but we don't let It leave the building.
18- Because of the severe flood warning, the houses were evacuated so that the residents
were ......................... .
EXERCISE 14 : Use each of the phrases above only once to complete the following sentences.
1- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose output was enormous especially in view of his short life,
was ....................... the most productive composer of all time.
2- If you ever turn up for work ........................ of alcohol again, you will be dismissed instantly.
3- One reason, but ........................ the only reason, that Tony Blair has become so unpopular is
that he gave the pensioners such a small rise in their pensions.
4- It has taken the European Union a long time to agree on policy towards climate change. I'm
glad they have taken some positive action ........................ .
5- They have disinfected the farm from which the disease originated and destroyed all the
livestock. The authorities now claim that the situation is ........................ .
6- We only have seven hundred pounds ........................ to spend during the holiday, though it'll
be better if we don't spend all of it.
7- Julie doesn't work here any more, but she calls in ........................ to see how we are all doing.
8- She is a very dependable newspaper seller. She stands on the same comer ........................
every night of the week.
9- Please could you send a workman to inspect our drains ........................? They need urgent
10- ......................... I thought she was rude, but once I had got used to her direct manner, I grew
to like her.
11- He described ..................... how he was captured and tortured by the Japanese during the
Second World War, and I felt obliged to listen to him till the end in order not to appear rude.
12- It will cost.......................... one hundred pounds to repair your car and I must warn you that it
could be far more than that.
13- Fortunately, my computer was still..........................., so I didn't have to pay anything for the
14- We'll use an extension lead ......................... although we should have an extra electric socket
fitted as soon as possible.
15- I bought the wrong printer cartridge ........................ . The shop refunded my money, though,
which was nice.
EXERCISE 15 : Complete each phrase below by using one of the following prepositions.
EXERCISE 16 : Use each of the phrases above only once to complete the following sentences.
1- My son is so nervous at the moment because school is opening tomorrow and he is going to
say a thirty-line poem, which he has had to learn .......................... . He is afraid that he may
not remember all his lines.
2- I'm sorry. I've burnt an iron mark onto your shirt .........................
3- The candidates will be the first five names picked ........................ on the opening date of the
4- Being a chef can be stressful......................... but generally, he finds it an enjoyable
5- The whole house, or......................... the living room and the kitchen need refurbishing.
6- The teaching staff are ........................ to improve the results from the school, or else the
school could be forced to close.
7- There have been a number of people thrown out of the bar for drinking ........................
recently — some of them were not more than fifteen years old.
8- It is ........................ the most stupid proposal he has suggested so far.
9- Some of her friends call her Judy ......................... although she prefers to be called Judith.
10- The bomb exploded ........................ in a busy shopping centre.
11- We usually go fishing on Sunday afternoons, but this week, we decided hire a film on Video
........................ .
12- We should do something towards helping the environment We could, ..................... take our
bottles and cans to the recycling centre.
13- The newspaper article was written in such a way that, many of their customers were …
…................ that the shop would be closed, until after Christmas.
14- Up until now, all car owners have had to pay the same amount of Road Tax, but
......................... owners of small cars will pay a reduced rate.
15- If you prefer to study the contract at home,........................ do so. We can hold the car for you
until tomorrow.
EXERCISE 17 : Complete the sentences with one of the phrases from the list above.
Use each phrase only once.
1- George used to be a long-distance lorry driver, but now he is the transport manager. He is
....................... seventy drivers and fifty heavy goods vehicles.
2- The German romantic novel 'Effi Briest' by Theodore Fontane has a lot ........................ the
French romantic novel by Gustave Flaubert, 'Madame Bovary', which was written about the
same time. They are both about society marriages of couples who are not well-matched and
the disastrous consequences. However, there are a few striking differences between the two
3- In the novel 'Madame Bovary', the main female character falls ........................ a nobleman
and becomes heavily in debt trying to dress elegantly.
4- Eubie Blake was still performing ....................... ninety-nine.
5- The young man was ........................ jumping off the bridge when a police officer persuaded
him that bad results in his final examinations didn't mean that his life was no longer worth
6- ........................ my husband, who, unfortunately, cannot be here because of an illness, I
would like to thank everyone who voted for him to receive this award.
7- The customer's name is right........................ my tongue, but I'll have to look it up in the file.
8- He helps the old lady with her garden ........................ some of the free range eggs laid by her
9- Don't alter the menu ....................... one customer's opinion. Nobody has ever asked for
cheese on toast before.
10- The newspapers are constantly alleging that the footballer and the manager argue all the
time, but the truth is that they have always been ........................ each other.
11- The traditional livestock farming methods of North America are ........................ dying out
and nowadays, with the exception of one or two huge ranches where cattle still graze on
open ranges, cowboys are more common on ranches set up for tourists.
12- We decided against electric central heating ........................ gas central heating as we thought
the latter would be more economical.
13- As the machine is no longer under guarantee, payment for the new motor is your
responsibility, but, ........................ our business relationship and in appreciation of your
custom we will, on this occasion, pay for the new parts only, and nothing for the
14- I'm not........................ forbidding my son to go out and play in the evenings, but I have to
punish him for getting into trouble at school.
15- I have been trying to get ....................... Kat all week to tell her about the school reunion, but
I think she must be on holiday.
22- We are all indebted ................ those who fought for justice in this case.
23- In the opera Carman, Don Jose becomes jealous ................ Carman's love of a bullfighter
and, in a rage, he kills her.
24- During the nineteenth century, the question of slavery divided America, and the North
and the South became hostile ................ each other.
25- Recently, my uncle has become keen ...................... motorcycling, but his wife has no
interest at all in riding around the countryside on a motorbike.
24- I'm so furious about the attitude of the insurance assessor that I am definitely going to
write................ the insurance company to complain.
25- He retired ................ his employment a little earlier than he had planned due to his wife's
26- It has been so dull lately that I am beginning to long ................ a little sunshine.
27- He apologised ............... the customer .................... the delay in supplying his timber.
28- This is the sort of disaster that one always expects to happen ................ other people.
29- Compared ................ Mandarin Chinese, Welsh is easy to learn.
30- The pronunciation of the English letter 'p' is difficult for some students to differentiate
................ 'b'.
25- The opposition party suspected the ruling party ................ cheating in the elections.
26- The guests thanked the hostess ................. the wonderful meal, and some of them even asked
her ............... the recipe of the Indian curry.
27- I threw the ball ................ the wicket keeper, but he couldn't catch it.
28- A court in France sentenced Klaus Barbie .................. life imprisonment for the torture and
executions of Jews and Trench Resistance fighters.
29- The author dedicated his book ................ his loving wife.
30- He was dismissed ................ the government for incompetence and then he was arrested
................ corruption.
EXERCISE 21: Match each phrase on the left below with its definition on the right.
EXERCISE 22 : Complete the following sentences using the phrases on the left above.
Use each only once with the correct form of the verb.
1. He wouldn't have promoted you to head chef if he didn't.............................. you and expect
you to improve the reputation of the restaurant.
2. I often .............................. the discount I am offered from my employers and buy clothes
from them.
3. She .............................. buying clothes and gifts for her grandchildren.
4. While at university, he .............................. student demonstrations, marching with his fellow
students to protest against civil rights abuses.
5. I've been so busy today that I .............................. how much money I've taken and will have
to wait until I cash up at the end of the day to find out.
6. When her daughter died, she .............................. her three grandchildren. She was
determined that they wouldn't have to go to a children's home.
7. During my recent trip to Australia, I was hoping to .............................. a koala bear in the
wild, but I only saw them in Melbourne Zoo.
8. I am just going to telephone my brother. Would you mind .............................. the soup? I
don't think it will boil over.
9. Listen to the recording and .............................. the words Judy uses to describe her holiday.
10. The sales manager ............................... us recently to increase sales of the new model. No
one can take any holiday until we have reached this year's target.
11. We .............................. Julie by putting salt In her coffee. .She wasn't amused at all.
12. Can you ............................. the government's new tax laws for company cars? I am looking
for someone to explain them to me.
EXERCISE 23: Match each phrase on the left below with its definition on the right.
EXERCISE 24: Complete the following sentences using the phrases on the left above. Use each
only once with the correct form of the verb.
1. My mother .............................. the Queen when she visited Stafford in 1953. She went past
very quickly in her carriage.
2. During the Persian Gulf War, Iraqi forces .............................. more than 600 Kuwaiti oil
3. Can we .............................. two extra dinner guests this evening as Audrey has her mother
and father-in-law staying with her? We will fit them round the table, won't we?
4. You had better get a qualified mechanic .............................. it before you buy a second-hand
5. Having been left with no living relatives after the death of her mother, Oksana Baiul
............................ by a skating coach. She later won a gold medal at the 1994 Winter
6. He was trying .............................. his wife when he remarked that her custard was almost as
good as his mother's, but she took it as an insult.
7. .............................. what he says. He is only jealous of your success.
8. I have finally .............................. the man who replaced Mr Smith at Morris & Co. I have an
appointment with him on Monday.
9. Although she was struck by a spinal injury that cut short her career, she ..................... this
and returned to competitive sport.
10. When painting, he becomes so absorbed in it that it.............................. everything happening
in his business.
11. What ever you decide to do as a career, remember to .............................. your work and
always To produce the best possible results.
12. She has recently read the Tao, the sacred text of the Taoists, and it really ........................ her.
EXERCISE 25: Choose the correct answer.
1- If we don't get there .......... time, we will have to wait......... the end of the first act to take
our seats.
A) at/by B) on/until
C) by/after D) for/before
E) in/since
2- Brain cancer treatment is complicated by several factors that distinguish it ........ the
treatment ........ other forms of cancer.
A) from/of B) with/in
C) as/on D) by/from
E) for/to
3- American citizens descending ......... African ancestry make ........ one of the largest racial
and ethnic groups in the USA.
A) with/out B) in/among
C) from/up D) for/from
E) out of/of
4- Although she had prepared very well......... it, Sandra was anxious………….. making a
presentation to the board of directors.
A) in/through B) to/with
C) with/for D) for/about
E) over/at
5- The Welfare System provides unemployed people .......... just enough money to live ......... .
A) through/at B) for/with
C) in/about D) about/from
E) with/on
6- I ran all the way ......... the station and missed my train by a hair's breadth. Frustrated
and ........ breath, I just looked at the train disappearing out of sight.
A) to/out of B) for/under
C) at/over D) about/without
E) into/with
7- Evidence of human origins can be traced back .......... least four million years, but the
ancestors of modern man, Neanderthals, appeared, sometime .......... 150,000 and 32,000
years ago.
A) on/about B) at/between
C) in/after D) for/until
E) by/with
8- I would like to order something from your catalogue as long as you assure me that it will
arrive ......... time .......... Christmas.
A) from/until B) on/from
C) in/for D) between/and
E) at/since
9- He has had toothache .......... yesterday, but he hasn't taken any medicine.......... it yet.
A) before/with B) during/against
C) at/about D) until/to
E) since/for
10- After experiencing two floods in two years, she is worried........... living .......... the river.
A) at/in B) over/on
C) with/along D) about/beside
E) from/by
11- It is no coincidence that the words citizenship and city are similar. Both are derived ........
the Latin word ........ "city."
A) with/as B) about/in
C) through/with D) from/for
E) up/from
12- The area is very popular .......... hikers and cyclists and people who are interested ..........
other outdoor activities.
A) about/for B) over/at
C) with/in D) as/to
E) to/of
13- We are grateful........... your company .......... sending a service engineer so promptly.
A) to/for B) of/with
C) about/in D) with/about
E) in/of
15- I'm sorry, but we don't have any of that model...........stock .......... the moment.
A) on/from B) in/at
C) among/for D) of/in
E) for/with
16- While they were stranded ........... the desert island, they lived ....... seafood and coconuts.
A) to/In B) for/for
C) of/with D) with/to
E) on/on
17- I prefer group projects to assignments that I carry out ........... my own. I take a lot of
pleasure from producing something ........ part of a team.
A) for/with B) to/for
C) on/as D) with/like
E) from/in
18- ......... a population of more than 150 million, Indonesia ranks ......... the world's fifth most
populous country.
A) Towards/on B) For/in
C) From/among D) With/as
E) In/above
19- The Great Depression started ......... 24th October, 1929, and lasted ........ 1940.
A) on/until B) in/during
C) at/for D) between/and
E) from/in
20- Feeling that life was filled ......... pain and sadness, Omar Khayyam wrote poems about
escaping the sorrow of life ......... the transitory pleasures of love and wine.
A) in/from B) about/with
C) with/through D) of/along
E) up/for
21- He was just going .......... the door when you rang. I shouted .......... him, but
unfortunately, he didn't hear me.
22- As she is one of the few people who can translate documents .......... Korean ...........
English, she receives a rare skills payment from her employer, which is a Korean
electronics firm.
A) in/over B) with/towards
C) from/into D) for/as
E) between/and
23- .......... the members of the dance group, some people in the audience were also
dressed.......... traditional costumes.
A) Among/for B) Like/in
C) In/about D) For/with
E) With/from
24- I thanked him .......... all the help, ........... which I wouldn't have been able to finish the
A) to/through B) on/about
C) with/during D) for/without
E) about/for
25- The bus drivers are .......... strike, so I'm afraid, I'll have to go to town .......... foot.
A) down/with B) of/of
C) at/for D) in/by
E) on/on
26- I'm quite good .......... running, .......... but not hills.
A) in/over B) of/down
C) at/up D) with/to
E) for/round
27- In general, the world is no better fed today than decades ago because the world's
population is growing .......... an alarming rate, and agriculture has just barely kept up
.......... it.
A) with/in B) in/to
C) at/with D) of/from
E) for/on
28- Despite overproduction in some nations, perhaps one ........ every six persons ......... the
world is undernourished.
A) from/into B) out of/throughout
C) among/on D) through/among
E) towards/around
29- Some studies show that as much as half ......... the world's population may be suffering
........ malnutrition or starvation.
A) around/of B) in/with
C) on/about D) of/from
E) from/for
30- There was a really sad film on television this evening and both my sister and I were ........
tears ........ the end.
A) in/by B) with/before
C) from/at D) to/after
E) at/until
31- ....... the mountainous areas of northern Greece, there are crosses ....... the roads to mark
the places where people have died in car accidents.
A) Throughout/along B) Between/under
C) Among/in D) Towards/beneath
E) Around/over
32- Myths developed slowly as an oral tradition that was handed down from generation to
generation among people who were trying to make sense ........ the world........ them.
A) in/towards B) of/around
C) for/along D) with/among
E) from/beyond
33- They moved to a safer area .......... the sake .......... the children's security.
A) from/with B) about/for
C) over/at D) for/of
E) with/to
34- As he knew it was impossible to escape .......... the prison, he could only dream ........
A) for/on B) with/during
C) from/about D) about/over
E) around/in
35- The horse riders galloped ........... the forest .......... dawn.
A) beyond/over B) for/about
C) about/round D) with/until
E) through/at
36- Australia enjoys one of the world's highest standards ......... living, ranking sixteenth
......... the industrialised nations.
A) for/with B) from/about
C) towards/in D) in/between
E) of/among
37- He has done some awful jobs in his life, but he has never been ......... work .......... more
than a week.
A) out of/for B) without/as
C) over/of D) from/in
E) with/until
38- For a long time, she was .......... pain because of a neck injury, and she took so many
painkillers that she became addicted .......... them.
A) from/towards B) with/for
C) in/to D) about/with
E) through/of
39- Instead of complaining .......... the awful British weather, why don't you go .......... holiday
somewhere warmer?
A) of/for B) about/on
C) with/to D) over/of
E) for/with
40- There's no point.......... opening on Sundays unless they insist........ everyone in the
shopping centre participating.
A) for/to B) with/from
C) of/until D) in/on
E) about/for
41- Smith and Jones's Superstores are known ........... selling quality products
...........reasonable prices.
A) of/until B) as/down
C) about/on D) with/for
E) for/at
42- When he realised just how lonely and difficult life would be ......... her, he deeply
regretted getting divorced ........ his wife.
A) without/from B) about/to
C) for/of D) with/for
E) from/with
43- Her sofa was covered ......... a very attractive material. I wonder where I could find
something similar ......... it.
A) in/with B) among/of
C) for/into D) with/to
E) from/on
44- I'm very impressed ............ his knowledge of the subject, although I am not sure ..........
his commitment to this research.
A) about/for B) for/of
C) with/about D) to/from
E) at/in
45- Many beetles are capable ......... producing light and sound, primarily ......... the purposes
of attracting a mate or frightening enemies.
A) in/about B) of/for
C) with/in D) for/with
E) at/out of
Phrasal verb, bir fiil köküyle bir preposition'dan oluşur ve türediği fiil kökünden farklı bir anlam
taşır. Örneğin "take" fiili "almak, götürmek" anlamındadır. Ancak "take off', "uçağın havalanması"
ya da "bir giysiyi çıkarmak" anlamlarını veren ayn bir sözcük durumundadır.
Prepositional verb de "verb+preposition" biçiminde oluşur. Ancak, preposition eklendiği zaman fiilin
anlamı değişmez. Preposition'ın buradaki görevi yönelme bildirmek ya da fiilden nesneye geçişi
Prepositional verb'lerde, fiil ile preposition'ın araşma nesne giremez. Ancak, briefly, angrily,
suspiciously, etc. gibi durum bildiren zarflar girebilir.
Phrasal verb'leri geçişli (transitive) ve geçişsiz (intransitive) olarak iki grupta inceleyebiliriz. Geçişli
fiillerin bir bölümünde nesne iki şekilde yer alabilir: verb+preposition+object ya da
The expedition set off at dawn to reach the area before it got too hot. (intransitive)
By the time we arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off. (intransitive)
They turned my offer down.
Araya nesne alabilen phrasal verb'lerde nesne me, it, them, you, etc. gibi bir pronoun ise, bu nesne
preposition'dan sonra kullanılamaz. Mutlaka fiil ile preposition'ın arasında yer almalıdır.
Ancak, bölünemeyen phrasal verb'lerde, nesne bir pronoun da olsa, yeri değişmez. Yine
preposition'dan sonra gelir.
EXERCISE 26: Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb from the list above.
Use each meaning only once with the correct form of the verb.
1- Woody Alien won an award for his film, but he didn't .......................... at the award ceremony
to claim it.
2- Aunt Lily has been much happier since she .......................... American line dancing.
3- Would you mind if I .......................... the radio so that I can hear the football results?
4- The taxi is going to ................. us .................. at 7.30 p.m. this evening to take us to the
5- We .......................... lots of balloons for Sarah's birthday, party.
6- Going out with her friends helped her .......................... after her exams.
7- It is important for children to have positive role models while they .......................... .
8- There were no delays coming back from Sydney to London, but we were .......................... in
the traffic around Heathrow airport.
9- After the death of her husband, she .......................... her five children on her own.
10- I had better go to bed early tonight as I have to .......................... at 5 a.m. tomorrow.
11- I'm putting on too much weight at the moment. I will have to .......................... eating between
12- The celebrities .......................... a charity to provide a telephone answer service for children
in distress.
13- I tried to .......................... Sri Lanka in my encyclopedia, but it is so old that it lists Sri Lanka
as Ceylon. Its previous name.
14- Yesterday morning Michael overslept, but he .......................... an elaborate story as an excuse
to his manager and, surprisingly, he was believed.
15- The commander ordered his soldiers to .............................. the bridge in order to stop the
enemy troops from crossing the river.
16- If my mother sees a penny on the floor, she always ................. it.................. as she believes
that it is good luck.
17- Simon told us not to wear formal clothes for the party and then he .......................... wearing a
dinner jacket and black tie.
18- We expect the basic training to .......................... about three hours.
EXERCISE 27: Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb from the list above.
Use each meaning only once with the correct form of the verb.
1- There is nothing else I can do. I feel sorry for her, but she .......................... my offer of help.
2- When we decided to go out for a walk, it was brilliant sunshine, but now we are ready
to leave the house, it .......................... with rain.
3- I'm afraid I will have to write you a receipt, Madam, because our computer system
.......................... .
4- He didn't want to .......................... his little daughter, so he tried every toy shop in the city
trying to find a 'barbie stables', but he couldn't find one.
5- The results of the US elections .................. the value of the Euro ................ . It lost a
significant amount of its value against the dollar.
6- As a result of the loss of popularity which knitting has suffered, the knitting needle
factory.......................... at the end of the year.
7- We want to .......................... on the number of trips we make into town, so we are trying to
get into the habit of shopping for groceries just once, a week.
8- Since he took over, the new owner .......................... some new rules about staff holidays.
9- Shrewsbury Town Football Club want to ......................... their old stadium and build a new
one outside the town.
10- While the police were chasing a speeding car, they ......................... a little girl.
11- If you ........................ and took a little more time typing your essay, you would probably
make fewer mistakes.
12- I wish they would .......................... the speaker on the tram into Birmingham. It's so loud
that it gets on my nerves.
13- Living and working alone is beginning to .................. Michelle .................. . She will have
to make an effort to make new friends.
14- John Grisham moved very often throughout his youth, but eventually, he .......................... in
break out = appear, start suddenly make out = manage to see or hear with difficulty
(especially a war, fire, = try to understand
disease or rioting! pass out = lose consciousness
bring out = publish pick out = select
= introduce a new product point out = call attention to
carry out = perform or complete put out = extinguish
a task run out = be all used up
come out = appear, bloom set out = begin a journey
cross out = delete, erase sort out = separate into categories
find out = discover information stand out = be visible, more important
hand out = distribute wear someone out = exhaust tire out
keep out = not enter wear something out = cause to become old, useless
leave out = not include work out = plan, decide
let out = release = calculate (in AmE = figure out)
look out = take care , be careful
EXERCISE 28: Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb from the list
above. Use each meaning only once with the correct form of the verb.
1- The publishing company has recently .......................... a catalogue listing all the books they
2- The owners of the new Turkish restaurant.......................... two thousand leaflets advertising
their new business.
3- The influenza epidemic which ............................ in 1918, coming on the heels of World War
I, killed more than 20 million people worldwide.
4- So many people were shopping in panic during the fuel shortage that basic food items like
milk, bread, sugar, etc. .......................... at the supermarkets.
5- Several colleagues and I have been asked to .......................... an evaluation of the new
procedures. The project will probably take us about a week.
6- What she said was so obscure that I couldn't........................... what she really meant.
7- Could you .........................the cutlery drawer? Knives should go in the left-hand section,
forks in the right-hand section and spoons in the centre.
8- Recently, British Telecom .......................... a mobile telephone which can connect to the
9- I feel so tired! Chasing the children around all day ................ me .................. .
10- Because of the dense fog, I could just.......................... the number of the bus approaching.
11- She was the only woman on the committee and, particularly as she was wearing a red suit,
she .......................... from the others, who were dressed in grey suits.
12- When Christopher Columbus ......................... on his famous voyage, he was looking for a
new route from Europe to Asia.
13- I have rewritten my essay. I have added a couple of points and .......................... some which
I thought were irrelevant.
14- I've used this rucksack so much that I .............. the straps .................. .
15- Boston is so beautiful when the cherry blossom .......................... .
16- When you are hiking in the mountains of New Jersey, you should .......................... for black
bears. If you see one, stay calm and don't run.
17- As we were driving to the historical site, our guide ............................ several smaller ruins
along the way.
18- Yesterday I.......................... and ordered a great present for Irene from the Smith's gift
19- If you can ......................... the quantities of ingredients we need for the meal we are going to
cook for our dinner guests, I will buy them on my-way home.
20- Once we .......................... the best way to resolve the situation with the information
available, we will write a plan.
21- If you can .......................... from his secretary when Dr Smith is available next week, I will
ring back later to arrange an appointment.
22- The fire had spread to the neighbouring house before the fire brigade managed to
.................it...................... .
23- The American government goes to extreme measures, such as razor wire and guard
dogs, to .......................... illegal immigrants.
24- Would you sign the contract if we .......................... this section clearly in pen and initial our
25- She was so shocked to see her son back from the war that she .......................... .
26- The Halfway House is a residence for people who .......................... of prisons, mental
hospitals and drug rehabilitation centres, but who are not ready to fully integrate with
EXERCISE 29: Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb from the list above.
Use each meaning only once with the correct form of the verb.
1- The swan flapped its powerful wings and .......................... into the air.
2- You can keep the photocopier on during working hours, but if you find it too noisy,
just............... it.................. .
3- The lesson was .......................... due to the teacher's illness.
4- I can .................. you .................... at the Town Hall, which is within walking distance from
the station, if that would help you.
5- The train we were travelling on had a mechanical failure, so we had to .......................... it and
wait for a replacement to be sent.
6- If your cruise liner weren't leaving at 5 a.m., 1 would come to the harbour to ................... you
.................. .
7- Do you know why today's meeting .................... until tomorrow? I thought the points to be
discussed were urgent.
8- The recent floods .................. people .................. buying homes close to the river.
9- He can’t really afford to eat at the best restaurants. He .......................... tonight to impress his
10- It is always better to wear a few layers of clothing than just one. After all, you can always
................. a layer .................. if you get too hot.
11- Chris's son ......................three days ago for India, so he is probably lying on a beach by the
Indian Ocean by now.
12- Modem technology has allowed us to estimate the date on which food, such as yoghurt and
milk,......................... This date is usually indicated on the packet of pre-packed food.
13- The hero of the 'Bond' movies usually escapes seconds before a bomb......................
EXERCISE 30: Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb from the list above.
Use each meaning only once with the correct form of the verb.
1- I .......................... the wrong train this morning and went to Cardiff by mistake.
2- When buying a suit or a dress, you should .................... it.................... first to make sure that
it fits well.
3- I filled the coffee machine with water and ground coffee but forgot to .................. it
.................. .
4- While I am out of the room, you can .......................... with the exercises on page 176.
6- The boss asked him to clear all the rubbish from the back of the restaurant. Before starting
the job, he .......................... some old trousers and some gloves.
7- If you can .......................... a few minutes, I will be ready to leave with you.
8- I have spent too much money so far this month, and now I only have twenty pounds to
.......................... until I get paid.
9- She fasted all through Ramadan, expecting to lose weight, but she actually
.......................... two kilos.
EXERCISE 31: Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb from the list above.
Use each meaning only once with the correct form of the verb.
1- After the border between East and West Germany was opened, people .......................... from
the East to the West in large numbers.
2- My dress for the graduation ball was so long and frilly that it took me about five minutes to
.......................... the taxi.
3- I will expect your essays to be .......................... on time unless you have arranged an
extension with me already.
4- The problem with living and working in the same village is that every time I walk down the
street, I .......................... someone I know.
5- When he returned to his car, he found that someone .......................... it arid stolen the radio.
6- When I reversed my car out of my driveway this morning, I ...............I.......... the rubbish
bin, which the rubbish collectors had foolishly left at the end of our driveway.
7- The government has promised to .......................... the reasons behind the recent flooding
and then start to do what is necessary to prevent another one.
8- As soon as we ............................... at the hotel, we went to our room, put on our swimming
costumes and dashed to the pool.
9- The bride lost a little weight the week before her wedding and had to have her wedding
dress ......................... a little at the waist.
10- The staff at the music school were completely .......................... by the man who had
pretended to be the mayor and borrowed one thousand dollars from the school.
11- Mark is so boring. He never wants to .......................... any of our games.
12- We did too much grammar today. I found it far too much to .......................... all of it in one
EXERCISE 32: Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb from the list above.
Use each meaning only once with the correct form of the verb.
1- Ray asked his mother not to .......................... any egg boxes as he wanted to use them in a
model he was making.
2- Before he opened his second hotel, he ................... it ................... for a long time.
3- The telephone operator couldn't..................... me .................... to his room because of a fault
with their switchboard, so I left a message with the receptionist.
4- You don't have to walk all the way around Church Road to get to the bridge. You can
.......................... the school playing fields. It takes half the time and is a public footpath.
5- She .......................... her grandson every Wednesday afternoon, when her daughter goes to
art school.
6- I only ever lent something to Sonia once and I never ..................... it......................
7- The Chinese .......................... Tibet in 1956 and have controlled the country ever since.
8- Everybody hopes to .......................... peacefully in his or her sleep at a ripe old age.
9- I was raking the leaves off the lawn when I .......................... your gold chain. I don't know
why we couldn't find it yesterday afternoon when we searched for it all around there.
10- The more money you .......................... now from your monthly wages, the better retirement
you will have.
11- I made a presentation to the sales manager and to the marketing manager, but now the
managing director wants to see it, so I will have to .................... it ................... .
12- Do you think this blue handbag .......................... my navy blue shoes?
13- Don't leave the classroom until you .......................... all the materials you have been using.
14- A: I'm worried about handing the report in. Could you read it and. let me know your opinion
of it?
B: If you have time, we can .......................... it together.
15- Do you want to .......................... on Saturday and watch the match live on our wide-screen
16- She stayed by his hospital bed day and night so that the first thing he would see when
he.......................was her face.
17- It is going to take at least three weeks for you to .......................... your illness.
18- I wanted to .......................... from work early today and three customers came just as I was
leaving, so I actually left later than usual.
19- William looks so much like Princess Diana. He really .......................... her.
EXERCISE 33: Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb + preposition
combination. Use each only once with the correct form of the verb.
1- Cliff isn't liked at all in the company because he .......................... people who haven't got a
university education.
2- We are ahead in sales for the company at the moment, but the Bradford branch
.......................... our turnover quickly, so we shouldn't get complacent.
3- The shops .......................... a lot of things during the war and, although the pubs were open,
they didn't always have beer.
4- Her older sister persuaded her to .......................... the beauty contest.
5- I .......................... my friend's wedding next Saturday. I am going to be a bridesmaid for the
first time, which is quite exciting.
6- You ought to .......................... the number of hours you spend in front of the television. Do
you know how many hours you waste watching those stupid game shows?
7- I won't.......................... your cleaning motorcycle spare pans in the kitchen sink any longer.
8- If they win this match, they will go through to the second round in which they
.......................... some teams which are hard to beat.
9- When Sarah called off her engagement to Alistair, he .......................... an elaborate plan to
win her back.
10- The holiday company sent the family a one-hundred-pound holiday voucher to
.......................... the inconvenience they had suffered while on holiday in Spain.
11- I think Lucy .......................... that bicycle. We need to buy her a full-size adult one now.
12- Half the employees in our office ........................:. the flu, so the rest of us are really stressed.
13- He offered to drive his mother to the supermarket in order to .......................... helping his
father pick up the leaves in the garden.
14- He would feel less isolated if he ......................:... the other members of the team better.
15- It was such a high class restaurant that the doorman opened the car door for her and helped
her to .......................... the limousine.
1- No sooner had we .......... than the pilot announced that we would have to keep our seat
belts fastened for the entire flight as a lot of air turbulence was expected.
2- For fifteen years, she .......... her husband's brutality, but when he was violent towards
their daughter, she left him.
3- When the last shop in the village ........... the villagers had no choice but to travel fifteen
miles to the nearest town for then- groceries.
4- If you .......... the church yard, you can get to the Post Office in about ten minutes from
5- Delivering all the leaflets and putting up the posters about our meeting has .......... me
A) brought/up B) worn/out
C) sorted/out D) taken/in
E) called/off
7- A trip to the theatre or cinema with friends can .......... you .......... if you are depressed.
A) blow/out B) see/off
C) bring/down D) cheer/up
E) check/in
8- Everyone says she .......... Sonia, but I think she looks more like her father with each day.
9- Our English teacher read out the dictation exercise so quickly that I couldn't ......... it.
10- We came to Spain for the nice weather, but since we arrived at our hotel two days ago, it
has been ...........
11- I need a hat for my daughter's wedding, but I'm finding it difficult to find one that
........... ray suit.
A) puts on B) tries on
C) goes with D) takes after
E) wears out
12- When the council decided to pull down the cattle market, they .......... fierce opposition
from farmers.
13- Aunt Alice and Uncle Fred have made a lot of money and now they are avoiding their
old friends because they ........ them.
14- The first boxing rules were .......... in 1745 and referred to bare knuckle fights.
15- Tony Blair .......... the leadership of the British government on May 1, 1997.
16- Sarah is not sure whether to .......... teaching or change her job completely.
17- By using this map so much, we ........ it ........ in the folds, which, unfortunately, is exactly
the part we really need now.
18- Between 1685 and 1823, Spanish Roman Catholic missionaries .......... 62 missions in
19- The missions were not very successful because many Native Americans …….. European
diseases, such as smallpox and measles.
20- He is forty-two, but he goes out every night of the week, travels extensively on business
and goes hiking or skiing in the mountains whenever he can. I don't think he will ever
......... .
1- As I don't know any French, I couldn't 4- They blew ......... the tunnel just as the
understand what he was talking ...... . enemy was about to pass ..... it.
A) off B) to A) off/for B) down/over
C) about D)by C) in/away D) above/outside
E) from E) up/through
(ÖYS 1988) (ÖYS 1989)
2- The surgeon who is going to operate 5- Clara looked up ..... him ..... wonder in her
............. my grandfather is one of the best. eyes.
A) in B) about A) to/by B) at/with
C) on D) of C) upon/in D) for/on
E)at E) after/through
(ÖYS 1988) (ÖYS 1990)
3- If you don't hurry up, the boat will sail 6- Since the new technician is not very
...... us . familiar ....... the machine, he is not good
A) off B) without ...... using it.
C) instead D) through A) on/to B) to/with
E) from C) or/for D) from/in
(ÖYS 1989) E) with/at
(ÖVS 1990)
7- My daughter is not a bit like me. She 15- Over 40 million people pass ...........
seems to ............ her father. Heathrow airport each year and at least
A) look on B) take after 900 aircraft land and take off every day.
C) put out D) look after A) away B) in
E) set out C) before D) through
(ÖYS 1992) E) along
8- One of the important effects ....... the (ÖYS 1995)
traffic ....... the environment is air 16- ............ my great surprise, almost everyone
pollution. agreed ............ him.
A) in/of B) at/in A) For/to B) To/with
C) for/at D) on/for C) At/from D) In/of
E) of/on E) With/by
(ÖYS1992) (ÖYS 1995)
9- The Yorkshire Chemicals Company has 17- Few young people can start up a business
recently been .......... by a rival firm. .......... first having to borrow money.
A) taken over B) cut down A) indeed B) through
C) kept away D) settled down C) about D) without
E) crossed out E) over
(ÖYS 1993) (ÖYS 1996)
10- Mr. Brooks said he would he hack in the
18- Make sure you turn ......... the television
office ........... 4 o'clock.
before you go out, hut leave one of the
A) since B) for lights ........ .
C) until D) by
A) down/out B) off/on
E) during
C) up/in D) out/over
(ÖYS 1993)
E) on/back
11- Industrial development partly (ÖYS 1996)
depends ................... an efficient
transport system. 19- The view ........... our window must be one
of the best anywhere .......the town.
A) for B)of
C) to D) in A) in/over B) through/of
E) upon C) from/in D) down/outside
(ÖYS 1993) E) by/above
(ÖYS 1996)
12- I am afraid there is something wrong
................ my ear. I can't hear you 20- I'm extremely fond .......... her, too; but
properly. even so I'm afraid we Can't rely .......... her.
A) from B) of A) about/to B) of/on
C) with D) at C) for/in D) to/with
E) besides E) with/over
(ÖYS 1994) (ÖYS 1997)
13- Kenya spends a quarter ............ its income 21- If it's not on the table, look ...... the table;
every year ....... oil imports. it may have fallen ...... .
A) on/for B) about/through A) below/through B) at/down
C) in/over D) within/above C) within/away D) under/off
E) of/on E) after/back
(ÖYS 1994) (ÖYS 1997)
14- Two hundred years ago most people grew 22- While I was looking .......... some
......... some of their own food. magazines, I happened to find this article
A) so far B) all at once .......... butterflies.
C) at least D) by the way A) over/from B) in/over
E) at a glance C) through/on D) up/of
(OYS 1994) E) at/for
(ÖYS 1998) C) to/at D) about/in front of
23- It took me a long time to translateAPPENDIX
his 1 E) through/above
business letter as I had to .... so many (YDS 2000)
words in the dictionary. 28- The film "Brave Heart" is ....... long. It
A) make up B) turn over lasts ....... three hours.
C) look up D) get off A) rather/for B) too/on
E) take up C) quite/in D) very/at
(YDS 1999) E) so/into
24- They had to call in troops to ...... the forest (YDS 2000)
fire which was spreading rapidly. 29- For years the people ....... my hometown
A) get out C) hold up depended ...... steel, coal and fishing for
B) put out D) break down their livelihood.
E) hand put A) at/for B) from/to
(YDS 1999) C) of/by D) in/on
25- The explosion was caused ... a bomb which E) out of/on
went .... when the shop was very crowded. (YDS 2001)
A) by/off B) with/out 30- Because Susan was looking very sad, John
C) from/up D) through/into tried to cheer her ..... by reading her â
E) over/forward story.
(YDS 1999) A) up B) through
26- I couldn't....... why they were shouting so C)in D) over
loudly. E) on
(YDS 2001)
A) set up B) keep up
C) rely on D) make out 31- There's a photograph here ...... you taken
E) put off ..... your first birthday.
(YDS 2000) A) from/by B) by/to
27- A woman from Denmark has recently C) of/on D) to/over
moved .... the flat .... mine. E) on/near
(YDS 2001)
A) up/in B) into/next to
addicted to
A So many youths are addicted to drugs.
absent from
He has been absent from school for three
afraid of
She is afraid of going out after dark.
accustomed to
allergic to
I'm not accustomed to very cold climates.
My son is allergic to penicillin.
acquainted with
amazed at/by
She is acquainted with our customs quite
well. We were all amazed at/by her unusual
angry at/about beneficial to
We were angry at her selfish behaviour. Taking regular exercise is beneficial to
your health.
angry with someone for something
We were angry with him for his boastful of
selfishness. She is boastful of her son's achievements.
Good mood is usually connected with devoid of
good health. She seems to be devoid of the skills
I think she is distantly connected with/to required for this job.
that family.
devoted to
conscious of She is devoted to her children.
A good many parents are not conscious of
different from
the importance of reading for their
children. Your likes and dislikes are quite different
from mine.
content with
disappointed with
The teacher seemed content with our
exam results. She seemed really disappointed with her
exam results.
convinced of
I'm convinced of his innocence. discriminated against
coordinated with People should not be discriminated
against because of the colour of their skin.
When you are swimming, the movements
of your legs should be coordinated with
your divorced from
According to the statistics, the number of
covered with/in women divorced from their husbands is
When I in looked out of the window, I increasing.
noticed that everywhere was covered with
snow. dressed in
crowded with She was dressed in a skirt, which was
The city center is always crowded with unusual for her.
people. E
curious about eager for
I'm curious about which party will win He seems eager for a quick recovery, so
the election. he is doing whatever the doctor says.
efficient in
dedicated to
She loves her job; in fact, she is dedicated The production manager is really efficient
to it. in his job.
deficient in engaged to
You should eat vegetables and fruit She is still engaged to Johnathan, but is
regularly so that your diet is not deficient thinking of getting married soon.
in vitamins.
delighted with/at enthusiastic about
The child was delighted with his new toy. Jenny is very enthusiastic about coming
to the concert with us.
dependent on/upon
Because he hasn't got a proper job, he is envious of
still dependent on his parents financially.
I'm envious of people who can speak
derived from three or more languages fluently.
Most words in English are derived from
Latin. equipped with
Big offices are usually equipped with a full of
burglar alarm. Your composition is full of grammatical
excellent in/at
She is excellent in music. furious about
She was furious about the news that she
excited about wasn't promoted.
The children seem quite excited about
furious with someone for something
going on holiday.
She was furious with the manager for not
exposed to promoting her.
If hands and face are exposed to extreme
furnished with
cold, they may get frostbite.
The agents have been furnished with all
the necessary information.
faithful to G
Dogs are known to be faithful to their generous about/with
owners. The host was a bit too generous with the
raki, so we all became drunk.
familiar with
If you start to study English at university,
good at
you'll become familiar with English or
American literature. I'm not so good at playing cards.
hopeful of/about
She is hopeful of passing the university
entrance exam this year. jealous of
She has always been jealous of her
hopeless at brother's success.
She is hopeless at cooking. She can't even
cook the simplest dishes properly.
hostile to keen on
Since the scandal, the two families have He is very keen on football.
been hostile to each other.
kind to
She has always been kind to the people
I around her.
identical with/to
known for (famous for)
What a coincidence! Your dress is almost Mr. Eames is known for his honesty.
identical with mine.
known as
ignorant of Mr. Eames is known as an honest man.
She is ignorant of the warnings made
against her bad behaviour. L
late for
impressed with/by You've been late for work twice this
We were greatly impressed with her week.
limited to
The time given for the university entrance
inferior to exam is limited to three and a half hours.
I don't think your work is inferior to
anybody else's in the office. lucky at
He is usually lucky at cards.
indebted to M
I'm indebted to my friends for the
mad at (angry with)
encouragement they gave me for this job.
Don't be mad at me! I was just trying to
help you.
indifferent to
She seems quite indifferent to what is mad about (very fond of)
happening around her. She is mad about pop music.
innocent of made of
Tables and chairs are usually made of
She was found innocent of the charge.
wood, (if there is only physical change in
the raw material)
interested in
I've always been interested in folk music. made from
Paper is made from wood. (The raw
material changes chemically as well as
involved in physically.)
He has recently been involved in a
bribery case.
made out of She is very popular with her students.
It's difficult to believe that this lovely
vase was made out of a bottle, (if you prepared for
alter an item, and use it with a different I'm buying these boots so that I'm
aim) prepared for the snow this winter.
married to proud of
She is married to an American. She is rightly proud of her success.
mindful of provided with
You should be mindful of your The young should be provided with jobs
responsibilities. after graduation.
mistaken about R
You are mistaken about the extent of her ready for
Everybody seems ready for the journey.
related to
nervous of/about
Are you related to the headmaster? I'm
She is nervous about the job interview she asking just because your surnames are the
will have in a few minutes. same.
right about
patient with
I was right about her chance of getting the
A teacher should be patient with his/her
pleased about S
She seems very pleased about being put
in charge. sad about
She was sad about losing the chance of
pleased with giving a party, having failed the exam.
I'm pleased with the progress you've
made. satisfied with
Are you satisfied with your present job?
polite to
You should be polite to the customers. scared of
She was scared of the growling dog.
popular with
shocked at/by If you are not sure of your facts, don't
He was such a good driver we were all make them public.
shocked at the news that he'd had an
accident. sure about
I'm not sure about the time of the train.
short of
surprised at/by
I'm a bit short of money these days, so I
can't come with you to dine out. . I was really surprised at her treating us so
sick of
suspicious of
I'm sick of this ceaseless rain.
The guard became suspicious of the youth
standing on the comer.
similar to
This scheme is quite similar to the one I
prepared. T
terrible at
skilful at
She is terrible at cooking.
Eskimos are known to be skilful at using
their harpoons. terrified of
slow at The little girl was terrified of the huge
The new secretary is quite slow at typing.
thankful to someone for something
sorry for someone
I'm thankful to them for taking the time to
I feel sorry for Sue, because she hasn't help me.
been able to find a job yet.
thrilled with
sorry about something
The employees were thrilled with the
I'm sorry about my rude remarks promise given, by the boss about a high
yesterday. pay rise.
sorry for doing something tired of
I'm sorry for hurting you with my rude I'm tired of your complaints.
remarks yesterday.
troubled with
subject to
He was deeply troubled with the situation
The South-East of Turkey is subject to in the office.
extreme weather conditions.
typical of
successful in
Do you like eating food typical of the
He was successful in marketing the region in which you are travelling?
product to a wide area.
suitable for
I don't think jeans will be suitable for upset with/about
such a formal party. She was upset about the trouble she had
superior to
Do you think this job will be superior to used to
your current one? She is not used to staying at home alone.
sure of W
worried about Many people were wrong about their
APPENDIX predictions
I'm worried about his being so withdrawn. 2 for the results of the election.
concentrate on
consist of
contribute to marvel at
count on/upon
cover with/in
crash into O
object to
operate on
decide on/upon/against
depend on/upon P
die of participate in
differ from pay for
differentiate between perish with
distinguish between persist in
dream of/about pray for
drive into
emerge from quarrel with someone
escape from quarrel about something
feel like recover from
fight for/against rely on/upon
forget about resign from
respond to
retire from
happen to someone/something speak to/with
hear about/ of/from specialise in
hide from subscribe to
hope for substitute for
succeed in
suffer from
insist on T
interfere with/in talk with/to someone
talk about something
think of/ about
laugh at vote for
listen to vote against
live on (money /food)
long for W
look at wait for
look for write to someone
She doesn't care about her lessons. She is more interested in having a good time.
care for iki anlama gelir.
Would you care for something to drink? (Would you like .....?)
I don't care for tea, except for at breakfast. (1 don't like ......)
Birşeyi elde etmek için mücadele ediyorsak fight for, birşeyden kurtulmak için mücadele ediyorsak
fight against kullanılır. Aynı kullanım struggle, vote, go on strike gibi yapılar için de
hear from, telefon, mektup vb. yoluyla birinden "haber almak" anlamındadır.
Have you heard about the accident that happened on the highway late last night?
hear of, "birşeyi duymak, öyle birşeyin varlığından haberdar olmak" anlamında kullanılır.
Bu gruptaki fiiller, kendilerinden sonra bir nesne (object) ile birlikte kullanılırlar.
accuse of blame for
appoint to borrow from
arrest for
assign to
ask for
charge with
compliment on
congratulate on
cut into mistake someone for someone else
deter from point at
dedicate to prevent from
devote to promote to
differentiate from protect from/against
discourage from provide with/for
distinguish from divide into punish for
excuse for regard as
explain to remind of/about
rescue from
forgive for
sentence to
shout at/to
H spend on
help with stop from
suspect of
invite to T
involve in thank for
K throw at/to
translate from /into
keep from
warn about/of
leave for
let into
Provide, iki nesne alan bir fiildir. Bu nesnelerin cümle içindeki yerine göre with ya da for kullanılır.
"Kimin için sağlandığını" belirtiyorsak provide something for someone, "ne sağlandığını"
belirtiyorsak provide someone with something yapısı kullanılır.
shout at, birine öfkeyle "bağırmak" anlamındadır.
Sorry for my shouting at you last night, but I couldn't stop myself.
throw something to someone, birine birşeyi "tutması için atmak" anlamında; throw something at
someone, birine "vurmak" için birşey atmak anlamında kullanılır.
differentiate ve distinguish, from ve between ile kullanılır. Kullanılan preposition 'a göre cümlenin
sözcük dizimi şöyledir :
Ex. 1 (pg.5) 1. in 2. on/at 3.on/at/in 4.on/at 5.on/in 6.on 7.in/at 8.in/at 9.in/in 10.at/in a 11.on/in/on/in
12.at/in 13.at/on/at/at 14.at/on 15.on/in 16.in 17.in/in 18.on/on 19.on/on 20.at/at 21.at/in 22.in/in
23.on 24.in/on 25.in
Ex. 2 (pg.9) 1.during 2.while 3.during 4.during 5.while 6.during 7.while 8.while
Ex. 3(pg.9) 1.until 2.until 3.by 4.by 5.until 6.by 7.until 8.by 9.until 10.by
Ex. 4(pg.10) 1.for 2.towards/between 3.on 4.for/between...and (from...to/from...until) 5.until/after
6.during/in 7.by (at/before) 8.since 9.until/for 10.on 11.From/to 12.after 13.during/at 14.before/on
Ex. 5(pg.l4) 1. at/in/by 2. around 3. at/at 4.up/in/in/in 5.outside/inside 6.below 7.behind (in) 8.in front of
9.at/to/on 10.on/on 11.throughout 12.over/under 13. opposite/from/to 14.through/through/on(in)
15.to/from/past 16.beside (next to) 17.at/by/along 18.against(on) 19.in/on/on/between
20.into/up/out of/into 21.beyond 22.in 23.among/at 24.in/from/to/in/above 25.in
Ex.6(pg.l8) 1.to 2.for 3.of 4.towards 5.of 6.for 7.for 8.in 9.to 10.to 11.between 12.of 13.for 14.by
Ex. 7(pg.l9) 1.p 2.n 3.f 4.i 5.m 6.c 7.j 8.o 9.h 10.e 11.r 12.g 13.l 14.a 15.b 16.k 17.d 18.q
Ex.8(pg.20) 1.k 2.g 3.j 4.n 5.a 6.o 7.e 8.l 9.h 10.d 11.i 12.f 13.b 14.m 15.c
Ex.9(pg.21) 1.h 2.q 3.v 4.l 5.f 6.d 7.a 8.y 9.e 10.n 11.b 12.x 13.r 14.s 15.u 16.p 17.t 18.o 19.c
20.g 21.i. 22.j 23.w 24.m 25.k
Ex. 10 (pg.23) 1.in 2.on 3.on 4.in 5.in 6.on
Ex. 11 (pg,23) 1.for 2.for 3.on 4.for 5.on 6.on
Ex. 12 (pg.24) 1.f 2.j 3.a 4.i 5.l 6.k 7.c 8.d 9.p10lO.r 11.b 12.g 13.h 14.q 15.o 16.n 17.m 18.e
Ex. 13 (pg.25) a) under b) by c) at d) under e) without f) at g) by h) at i) without j) at k) under l) from m) at
n) for o) by
Ex. 14 (pg.25) 1.by far 2.under the influence 3.by no means 4.at last 5.under control 6.at the most 7.from time
to time 8.without fail 9.without delay 10.At first 11.at length 12.at least 13.under guarantee 14.for the
time being 15.by mistake
Ex. 15 (pg.26) a) by b) under c) under d) from e) for f) at g) at h) by i) without j) for k) under l) without m) at
n) for o) by
Ex. 16 (pg.26) 1.by heart 2.by accident 3.at random 4.at times 5.at any rate 6.under pressure 7.under age
8. without doubt 9.for short 10.without warning 11.for a change 12.for instance 13.under the
impression 14.from now on 15.by all means
Ex. 17 (pg.27) 1.in charge of 2.in common with 3.in love with 4.at the age of 5.on the point of 6.On behalf of
7.on the tip of 8.in return for 9.on the strength of 10.on good terms with 11.in danger of 12.in
favour of 13.for the sake of 14.in the habit of 15.in touch with
Ex. 18 (pg.28) 1.of 2.in 3.to 4.of 5.with 6.to 7.to 8.for 9.with 10.of 11.about 12.at 13.for 14.from 15.at 16.of
17.on 18.of 19.with 20.to 21.with 22.to 23.of 24 to 25.on
Ex. 19(page.29) 1.at 2.for 3.from 4.from 5.on 6.to 7.from 8.for 9.from 10.with 11.of 12.for 13.to(with) 14.of
15.for/against 16.in 17.from 18.with 19.for/for 20.of 21.from/from 22.in 23.for 24.to 25.from 26.for
27.to/for 28.to 29.with(to) 30.from
Ex.20(pg.30) 1.from 2.with 3.of 4.from 5.about 6.into 7.on 8.for 9.to 10.for 11. from 12.on 13.in 14.with
15.for/on 16.from 17.into 18.to 19.for 20.into 21.to 22.from 23.into 24.at 25.of 26.for/for 27.to
28.to 29.to 30.from/for
Ex. 21 (pg.31) 1.g 2.f 3.k 4.h 5.b 6.c 7.e 8.j 9.d 10.i 11.a 12.l
Ex. 22 (pg.31) 1.have confidence in 2.take advantage of 3.takes pleasure in 4.took part in 5.have lost count of
6.took charge of 7.catch sight of 8.keeping an eye on 9.pay attention to 10.has put pressure on
11.played a trick on 12.make sense of
Ex. 23 (pg.32) 1.l 2.k 3.a 4.c 5.e 6.h 7.j 8.b 9.d 10.g 11.f 12.i
Ex. 24 (pg.32) 1.caught a glimpse of 2.set fire to 3.make room for 4.to have a look at 5.was taken care of 6.to
pay a compliment to 7.Take no notice of 8.made contact with 9.made a recovery from 10.takes his
mind off 11.take pride in 12.has had an effect on
Ex. 25 (pg.33) 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.E. 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.E 10.D 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.A
15.B 16.E 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.C 21.B 22.C 23.B 24.D 25.E 26.C 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.A
31.A 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.E 36.E 37.A 38.C 39.B 40.D 41.E 42.A 43.D 44.C 45.B
Ex. 26 (pg.40) 1.show up 2.took up 3.turned up 4.pick/up 5.blew up 6.cheer up 7.are growing up 8.held up
9.brought up 10.get up 11.give up 12.set up 13.look up 14.made up 15.blowup 16.picks/up
17.turned up 18.take up
Ex. 27 (pg.41) 1.turned down 2.is pouring down 3.has broken down 4.1et down 5.brought/down 6.will be
closing down 7.cut down 8.has laid down 9.pull down 10.toocked down 11.slowed down 12.turn
down 13.get/down 14.settled down
Ex. 28 (pg.42) 1.brought out 2.handed out 3.broke out 4.ran out 5.carry out 6.make out 7.sort out 8.has brought
out 9.has worn/out 10.make out 11.stood out 12.set out 13.left out 14.have worn/out 15.comes out
16.1ook out 17.pointed out 18.picked out 19.workout 20.have worked out 21.find out 22.put/out
23.keep out 24.cross out 25.passed out 26.have been let out
Ex. 29 (pg.44) 1.took off 2.turn/off 3.called off 4.drop/off 5.get off 6.see/off 7.has been put off 8.have put/off
9.is showing off 10.take/off 11.set off 12.will go off 13.goes off
Ex. 30 (pg.45) 1.got on 2.try/on 3.turn/on 4.carry on 5.count on 6.put on 7.hold on 8.live on 9.put on
Ex. 31 (pg.46) 1.flooded in 2. get into 3.handed in 4.bump into 5.had broken into 6.bumped into 7.1ook into
8.checked in 9.taken in 10.taken in 11.joinin 12.take in
Ex. 32 (pg.47) 1.throw away 2.thought/over 3.put/through 4.cut across 5.looks after 6.got/back 7.took over
8.pass away 9.came across 10.put aside 11.do/over 12.goes with 13.put away 14.go over 15.come
round 16.came round 17.get over 18.get away 19.takes after
Ex. 33 (pg.48) 1.looks down on 2.are catching up with 3.ran out of 4.go in for 5.am looking forward to 6.cut
down on 7.put up with 8.will come up against 9.came up with 10.makeup for 11.has grown out of
12.have gone down with 13.get out of 14.got on with 15. get out of
Ex. 34(pg.49) 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.E 10.E 11.C 12.B 13 D 14.E
15.D 16.A 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.D