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March 18 Bulletin

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Rosaries for Healing

THIS IS THE LAST SALE UNTIL THE FALL Items include: Rosaries, bracelets, necklaces, crosses, watches for men and women AND MUCH MORE! Stop by and purchase a special gift for that special person in your life.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY will be here March 24 & 25 to accept your donations of clothing and other household items. Pick up a large white bag in the Narthex after all Masses on March 17& 18th. Accepting all clothing, shoes, linens, blankets, coats, kitchen items.. For furniture pick up please call 630-231-4658 and we will send a truck to your home for large items. Thank you for helping us help others.

March 18, 2012

Fourth Sunday Of Lent 1214 Hamilton Street, Lockport, IL 60441
Phone 815 838-2592 Fax 815 838-2401 E-mail church@saint-dennis.org Web - http://www.saint-dennis.org WORSHIP SCHEDULE
Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:15 am, 11:00 am Daily Monday thru Friday 7:15 am (Changes to daily Mass may occur. View page 2 for all changes.) Glory & Praise Tuesday 7:00 pm

Our Mission Statement St. Dennis is a welcoming, Spirit-led, Catholic Community called to be disciples of Christ, servants of those in need and celebrators of Gods love.

Dear Family, One of the greatest qualities of Jesus Christ was his humility. Jesus literally leaped from divinity into our humanity and took on all of our sinfulness. He humbled himself and washed the feet of the Apostles at the Last Supper as a sign of humility and servant-hood. True humility is being grounded, being close to the earth and being rooted in reality. Sickness, I believe, can lead to great humility. We realize how much we depend on God when we bow down, lowly and suffering. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace. (Psalm 37:11) Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5) May each of us be humble in our service of one another and humbly acknowledge that we are all in the hands of God. In the Lords Love, Fr. Jim Curtin
Reconciliation: Sat. 3:30-4:15 pm or Appt. Baptism Please call 815 838-2592 ext.123 to register and complete a Baptismal Request form. Marriage Please call 815 838-2592 ext.123 to Register, at least six months in advance.

All special orders ready when you need them!

Spring Fling Mother Son Spring Dance Sponsored by St. Dennis PTC Friday, March 30th 6:30-8:30. $15 per couple and $5 for each additional son. Open to all school and parish families Pre-K through 8th Grade This fun night will include casual dinner, drinks, sweet table, flower for mom, picture with frame, raffle, and D.J! Bring in a can good and receive a free raffle ticket!! NEEDED: MINISTERS OF CARE TO TAKE ON NEW ASSIGNMENTS We are in need of additional Ministers of Care to bring Communion to the Homebound or Nursing Homes. Diocesan training is needed for this ministry. The parish will provide the fee for the training sessions at the Carmelite Spiritual Center, Darien. Next training program is scheduled to begin May 8. [Sessions will also be held in the Fall, 2012.] If interested, please contact Sr. Joanne at the Parish Center as soon as possible. ALSO: IF YOU ARE A TRAINED MINISTER THAT HAS BEEN INACTIVE FOR SOME TIME AND ARE ABLE TO TAKE ON AN ASSIGNMENT, PLEASE CONTACT SR. JOANNE.

Parish Office Hours

8:30 am 4:00 pm PASTORAL STAFF
Pastor Rev. James Curtin Associate Pastor Rev. Thomson Panakal Pastoral Associates Deacon Rob Weierman Sr. Joanne Vallero, CSJ Jackie Bedore Music Director Patti Johnson

St. Dennis Gift Card Program

Stop by the gift card table and check out our new vendors Groupon, Berkots and many more..Need gift cards during the week? Gift cards are available on Thursday mornings in the Parish Center from 8 to 9 a.m. and Friday mornings in the school library from 8 to 9 a.m. If you have questions or to place a special order, contact scripinfo@comcast.net or (815) 836-0661.

Lenten Labyrinth Walk in Narthex Thursday, March 29th, 9am-3pm and 6:30-8:30pm Ways to do Lenten reflection using the Labyrinth walk: On your journey, reflect on your Lenten promises and journey: Pray the stations of the cross, Take a Lenten walk for repentance, Use a particular piece of scripture to reflect on: perhaps a psalm or a piece, in preparation for Holy Week Labyrinths: Ancient Paths of Wisdom and Peace A labyrinth has a single, winding, unobstructed path from the outside to the center. Unlike a maze which has many dead ends and wrong choices, a labyrinth has many twists and turns but no dead ends. Every step down the path of a labyrinth leads one deeper into reflection, deeper into a sense of peace and can be a powerful tool for healing, meditation and contemplation. The Labyrinth is an ancient tool used for meditation, self-discovery and to help ones spiritual, emotional, physical and psychological well-being. People have used labyrinths as places to receive answers to lifes troubling questions and as an oasis for the spirit. Walking a labyrinth is a powerful tool to help ones mind and body relax. In fact, people who find it difficult to sit still and meditate or pray will find the perfect outlet in the moving meditation that is the labyrinth experience. Solvitur ambulando It is solved by walking. St. Augustine.

We Welcome New Parishioners

If you would like to join St. Dennis Parish or learn more about us, please contact the parish office at 815 838-2592 x 123 or stop in to pick up a new parishioner packet. We would like to welcome you to our parish family!

Healing Prayer
Lorrie Murphy 708 301-5107 murphyfisch@comcast.net

Bulletin Editor
Kim Cast castaways@ameritech.net

SundayCatechesis 9:15am, 5:15pm, 2nd & 4th Sun.-Baptism 1 pm MondaysCatechesis of GS 4:30pm, Catholicism 7 pm TuesdayFinancial peace University 6:30 pm 2nd Tues.Catholic Council of Women 12 pm - Sept., Dec., March & May WednesdayCatechesis of GS, 6pm, Thursday All Choir Practices, Bible Study 10 am, Third Thursday Senior Luncheon First FridayHoly Hour 3:30pm SaturdayRCIA, 3:30pm
1201 Washington St. Lockport, IL 60441 815 838-4494 E-mailschool@saint-dennis.org PrincipalLisa Smith

Bulletin Information Center Deadline to submit info for the bulletin is 4 pm Friday one week before you want it to appear. Please send all information by email to castaways@ameritech.net PLEASE NOTE: In subject area, type St. Dennis Bulletin. All info must now be in MS Word or Publisher document as an attachment. Thank you, Kim Cast

Mass Intentions
Saturday, March 17 4:30pm Marian Murphy by Jim Tierney,
Charles L. Borio, Anniversary of Death by family, Virgil and Amy Hester & Jacquelyn Erickson by family, Jim Molloy by Ruthie & family, Albert Misialek, Anniversary of Death by family

March 18, 2012

Wednesday, March 21 7:15 am Donna Tierney, Anniversary of Death by Jim &

family, Anna & Bob Lindner by Mr. & Mrs. Mel Kelm 8:15 am All School Mass


YOUTH GROUP: Stations of the Cross Practice, March 18th 3:30-5 pm and Wed, March 21st 7-9 pm Friday, March 23rd 6 to 8 pm Stations of The Cross. Overnight Lock-In Friday, March 23, 8 pm to Sat., March 24th 6 am in Gym. Contact listermann3@comcast.net for more information. GLORY & PRAISE: All are welcome to join us Tuesday at 7 pm March 27th Mass in church with Fr. John Harvey. March 20th No Glory & Praise Haiti Ministry Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 21st from 6:00-8:45p.m. in Fracaro Hall. We will collect donations the weekend of March 17-18th only! Attention First Communion & Reconciliation Candidates: Next Meeting is March 23 in the Parish Center and Rehearsal is May 5 in the church. 1st Reconciliation & 1st Communion will be May 11 & 12th. Please contact Christen Morris at 838-2592 x 114 if you have questions. Word Alive Bible Study Thurs. 10-11:30 am in Stalzer Room. Our next sessions are March 22, 29 . Open to all

Mar. 10/11 Collection (369 envelopes*) ...................... $ 11,253 Weekly Auto Debit (96) ....... 2,732 Monthly Auto Debit-weekly aver. (127) ....... 3,225 Total .....$17,210
*$669 loose cash

Thursday, March 22 7:15 am Tom Marchio by the Fogelton family Friday, March 23 7:15 am Amy Hester, Birthday Remembrance by family,
Tom Marchio by Polly & Ray Mondrella 3:00 pm Stations of the Cross 6:00 pm Youth Group Living Stations of the Cross

Sunday, March 18 Fourth Sunday of Lent 7:30am Bud Smolich by Jim & Lillian Rozanski 9:15am Len Pesavento, Anniversary of Death by wife,
John Morowczynski, Anniversary of Death by Ron & Joan Jones 11:00 am Nicolette Bellos by family, Tom Marchio by Bill & Wilma King, Joan OKeeffe by Salvetti family

Weekly Operating Expenses ...$ 19,017 Eastern Europe Collection (121) ...... $1,381 THANK YOU!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!

Saturday, March 24 4:30pm Helen Kijowski by Bob & Julie Solley, Michael Cabay, Anniversary of Death by mom Ellie, Ray & Mary Jakubowski by family, May, Maurisak & Gubista Families by family Sunday, March 25 Fifth Sunday of Lent 7:30am Theresa Puralewski, Birthday Remembrance
by Mike & Cathy Pauly 9:15am Tom Marchio by Ron & Joan Jones 11:00 am Lillian Bazzarone by the King family

Monday, March 19 7:15am Tom Marchio by Carol & Jim Mondrella 12:30 pm Rosary 7:00 pm Catholicism: Word on Fire in Narthex Tuesday, March 20 7:15am Willie Tierney, Birthday Remembrance by Jim
& family, Tom Marchio by cousin Jacquie & Karl Keller 7:00 pm NO Glory & Praise

Please consider using auto debit in which your contribution is automatically withdrawn on a regular basis. Call Kathy at 815 838-2592 ext. 121 to enroll. PARISH CENTER DEBT.... $ 36,096 2011 Contribution Statements are available. Please contact the parish office at 815-838-2592 or secretary@saint-dennis.org, please let us know if you would like your statement e-mailed, mailed or ready for pick-up in the parish office. Giving the Glory to God Renovation: (as of 3/5) Total Pledged: $276,888 Number of families: 263 Payments received: $108,817 This weeks 2nd collection is for Catholic Relief Services.

adults who wish to gather for a time of prayer, input and discussion. For more info or to register, call Sr. Joanne at 815 838 2592 X 110.
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY will be here March 24 and 25. Fill those bags! ST. DENNIS ROSARY MINISTRY SALE APRIL 14th & 15th

This Week the Flame of Faith will burn in Memory of .

Willie & Donna Tierney by Jim & family Jacqueline Murphy by Joann Murphy Throughout salvation history, God has shown, again and again, His love for humanity. He did this most clearly and fully, however, by sending His only begotten Son to redeem us. Let us rejoice and give praise to our God for the call to do his work as His Stewards.

Please pray for those who have entered into Eternal Life especially Mary Galick & Cindy OBrien
Readings for the Week: Today: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23, Eph 2:4-10, Jn 3:14-21 Mon: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16, Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22, Tues: Ez 47:1-9, 12, Jn 5: 1-16 Wed: Is 49:8-15, Jn 5: 17-30 Thurs: Ex 32: 7-14, Jn 5:31-47 Fri: Wis 2: 1a, 12-22, Jn 7: 1-2, 10, 25-30 Sat: Jer 11: 18-20, Jn 7: 40-53 Sun: Jer 31: 31-34, Heb 5: 7-9, Jn 12: 20- 33

Don't forget to check our website for updates and view our calendar for all that is going on at St. Dennis!
2012 ANNUAL APPEAL: We are challenged as Catholics to build up Gods kingdom here on earth. Please consider answering Bishop Conlons request and make a generous pledge. The gifts that we give enable ministries and services that touch thousands of lives. Please pick up a pledge envelope in the Narthex after Mass or visit www.jolietdioceseappeal.org for more information.

Giving Glory to God Church Restoration Project

For those who are interested, there are additional items available to memorialize and dedicate. Some examples are the tabernacle, lectern, carpeting, marble flooring, reconciliation room, lighting of clock tower and steeple cross, Deacon, Altar Server/Lector & Confessional chairs these items range in cost from $500 to $30,000. Please call the parish office if you are interested in making a donation or memorial . Feel free to speak with Fr. Jim if you have any questions.

Please pray for those who are sick or suffering especially

Members of our parish family and extended family who are battling cancer and other life threatening diseases.

We are seeking volunteers to help with the projector for weekend Masses. This ministry is open for anyone in 5th grade and up. If you are interested please contact Alice Matteucci (708) 906-5814 or you can email alicematteucci@comcast.net. Training will be provided.

Reassurance Calls for the Elderly and Homebound Offered through the CRISIS LINE OF WILL COUNTY This FREE-OF-CHARGE service provides daily reassurance calls by volunteers to senior citizens and homebound individuals every day of the week to check on their well-being, just say Hello or give medication reminders. For more information or to sign up someone call: 815 744 5280

Dear Parishioners, Please DO NOT PARK in the Reserved Parking spots near the ELC indicated by the signs OR in the Unmarked Area between the garage and the fence near the Rectory and Narthex entrances. This area needs to be completely clear at all times for safety and emergencies. Thank you.

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