Rules - For Planet Aspects
Rules - For Planet Aspects
Rules - For Planet Aspects
or aspects, which play a very important role in assessing the results of different houses, planets and Lagnas. He is describing three categories of aspects in chapters 9 and 28 o f Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, still the majority of Jyotishas nowadays seem to be unfamiliar with the calculation and usage of these aspects. The three categor ies of aspects are Rasi Dristi (sign aspects), Graha Dristi (planetary aspects) and Sphuta Dristi (aspects by degree), which is actually the subtle form of Grah a Dristi. These three have specific methods of calculation and find different us e according to their nature in Rasi and divisional charts. First let us define, what the term Dristi or aspect means! The original Sanskrit term Drishti means glance. The planets and the houses represent animate and inani mate objects respectively in the natives chart. Both may cast their glances to ce rtain other places in the chart and thereby extend their influences there. Of co urse the Dristi of a planet, even if very strong, will not cause such influence as the occupation of the same sign by the planet, still it has considerable effe cts in many cases. In the following sections I will explain the rules for the th ree types of Dristi. Rasi Dristi Rasi Dristi means the aspect of signs. The rules for this aspect are as follows: 1. All cardinal signs (Chara Rasis) aspect the three fixed signs for the excepti on of the one adjoining them. 2. Similarly, all fixed signs (Sthira Rasis) aspect the three cardinal signs for the exception of the one adjoining them. 3. And all dual signs (Dwisvabhava Rasis) aspect all the three other dual signs for the exception of themselves. For example Aries aspects Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, but not Taurus. Taurus aspe cts Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, but not Aries. Gemini aspects Virgo, Sagittariu s and Pisces. 4. The planets in these signs aspect the same signs by Rasi Dristi. 5. Aspects may be casted by empty signs and on empty signs as well. 6. All aspects between two signs are mutual and full. The above rules are suggestive of two things: Firstly, by stating them it is imp lied that Maharishi Parasara supported the sign=house division system, as oppose d to the other two, equal house and Sripati house division systems, as Rasi Dris ti will have meaning only if we equal the signs to the houses. Secondly, this ki nd of aspect is not dependent on the degree positions of the planets in the sign s, hence can be extended to the divisional charts which thus can be studied as s eparate charts in themselves. What is the reason for the movable and fixed signs aspecting each other but the dual signs aspecting only themselves? The movable signs are lorded by Brahma, an d represent the creative force, the Raja Guna. The fixed signs are lorded by Shi va, and represent the destructive force, the Tama Guna. Krishna says in the Bhag avad-gita: jaatasya hi dhruvo mrityur dhruvam janma mritasya ca, meaning that fo r the one who is born, death is sure and for one who dies rebirth is sure.
Therefore the aspect of movable and fixed signs on each other represents the sam sara, or repetition of birth and death during the process of reincarnation. But Krishna also says that na jaayate mriyate vaa kadaacin, i.e. the soul is never b orn nor will ever cease to exist. We may realize our eternal spiritual existence when we come under the Sattwa Guna, or mode of goodness, which is ruled by Sri Vishnu, and is represented by the dual signs. Thus the dual signs aspect only ea ch other, as the soul never really mixes with matter. Graha Dristi The second type of aspects is called Graha Dristi, and it is casted by the plane ts in the chart, upon certain houses counted forward from them. In Graha Dristi calculations the Maharishi again refers to the signs as houses and states that t he given planet aspects the full house in question irrespective of the degrees o ccupied by him in his Rasi. The Graha Dristi is not always full, but can be with one foot (25%), two feet (50%), three feet (75%) and finally four feet (100%). He also lists separate rules for the aspects cast by Jupiter, Mars and Saturn as follows: 1. Saturn aspects the 9. and 5. house with one foot, the 4. and 8. house with tw o feet, the 7. house with three feet, and the 3. and 10. house with four feet. 2. Jupiter aspects the 4. and 8. house with one foot, the 7. house with two feet , the 3. and 10. house with three feet, and the 5. and 9. house with four feet. 3. Mars aspects the 7. house with one foot, the 3. and 10. house with two feet, the 9. and 5. houses with three feet, and the 4. and 8. houses with four feet. 4. The other planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus) aspect the 3. and 10. house with one foot, the 5. and 9. house with two feet, the 4. and 8. house with three feet, and the 7. house with four feet. We have seen in the above that all plane ts cast Graha Dristi on the 3., 4., 5., 7., 8., 9. and 10. houses from their positions. None of them aspect the 2., 6., 11. and 12. houses. Why is that? The planets cannot glance to the houses neighbourin g them (2. and 12. house) as they are too close to them. These houses however ma y influence the house through Argala (caused by the 2 nd ) and Virodhargala (obs truction to Argala caused by the 12 th ), or Subha- and Paapakartari yogas (occu pation of 2. and 12 th by only benefic or only malefic planets which influence t he house ina positive or negative way). Bandhana yoga is also caused by equal number of planets on either side of a sign. The 6. and 11. (6. from 6.) houses s ignify enemies and friends (enemies of enemies), which are both controlled by Go d. There is a Bengali saying: Rakhe Krishna Mare Ke, Mare Krishna Rakhe Ke, meaning that if Krishna wants to p rotect you, who will be ale to kill you, and if Krishna wants to kill you, who w ill be able to protect you? Now we may put the question: Why do Jupiter, Mars and Saturn have special aspect s and why on the given houses? Firstly, only these are the three planets that ar e outside the Suns orbit, so the rest of the planets will be able to cast their a spects only as the Sun does. Now lets see the reason for each planet to cast full aspects on certain houses. Mars has full Dristi on the 4. and 8. house form himself. The son of Mars is cal led Mrityu, and he is rising at the beginning of the portion of the day (or nigh t) ruled by Mars (see BPHS 3.69.) Mrityu means death, and Mars tends to cause da nger to life or unnatural death. Thus the houses ruling life and longevity are a spected by him. The 8 th house signifies longevity, while the 4 th house indicat es the heart, which holds the conscious soul, which leaves the body at the time of death as the heart also stops beating.
Jupiter casts full aspect on the 5. and 9. house, which direct pious activities of previous life (poorva-punya) and religiousness (dharma) or fortune (bhagya) r espectively. Jupiter, being Brihaspati, the teacher of the demigods, is the give r of these things. Saturn casts full aspect on the 3. and 10. house, because the y are Upachayas, the houses of growth. Saturn is eunuch and is very old, so he i s devoid of the ability to grow, therefore he always desire so. He cannot influe nce the 6 th and 11 th houses, which are also Upachayas, because they are contro lled by God, as we have stated before. As for the aspects of Rahu and Ketu, they are the head and the body of the demon Rahu respectively. Rahu wanted to take the position of the demigods and drink t he nectar of immortality, but Vishnu in the form of Mohini Murti severed his hea d from his body. Therefore Rahu has the similar aspects to Jupiter, the Guru of demigods, as he has the desire to spoil what Jupiter gives. So the aspect of Jup iter on the 5 th and 9 th houses indicates poorva-punya while the aspect of Rahu on the same indicates poorva-paapa, or sinful activities in previous birth. Rahu also has an aspect on the 2 nd house from his position, which is actually t he 12 th , as Rahu is retrograde. The 12 th house indicates the dharma inherited from our gotra, or dynasty, which Rahu did not want to follow. He was born in t he dynasty of Asuras (demons), but he wanted to be in the positions of Suras (de migods). Ketu, on the other hand, being the severed body of Rahu does not have a head and eyes, hece he cannot glance. He will not be able to cast any Graha Dristi, only Rasi Dristi. Of course, there would be a malefic influence on the 3., 6. and 11. houses from Ketu, but this is actually caused by Rahu, which is always opposite Ketu. Usually while judging Graha Dristi, only the full aspects are taken into conside ration, and from the above it is evident that mutual full Graha Dristi is relati vely rare between two planets. Sphuta Dristi We have seen in the above that Graha Dristi may be full or of 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4 st rength. But in the 28 th chapter of BPHS Maharishi Parasara also describes furth er rules to determine the strength of the aspect in a more subtle way depending on the angular distance between the aspecting planet and the aspected body, whic h as in Graha Dristi may be another planet, a house cusp or one of the Lagnas as well. The values of sphuta Dristi may be one Rupa, or full aspect or less than that. The aspectual values which are less than one Rupa are usually expressed in Virupas or Kalas, where 1 Rupa=60 Virupa. The first step is to find the angular distance counting from the aspecting planet forwards zodiac ally to the aspected body. The exact degrees of both should be known for this. L ets call this difference D. Obviously D will always be between 0 and 360 If D<30 or D>300, then the Sphuta Dristi is always zero. For the rest of the values there ar e different rules of calculation depending on the value of D as follows (S means the value of Srhuta Dristi expressed in Virupas): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. If If If If If If 30<D<60, then S=(D/2-15 60<D<90, then S=D-45 90<D<120, then S=90-D/2 120<D<150, then S=150-D 150<D<180, then S=2D-300 180<D<300, then S=150-D/2
The above rules are valid for Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus. Here again we will h ave special rules for the outer planets. Rules for Saturn aspecting:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
If If If If If If If If
30<D<60, then S=2D-60 60<D<90, then S=120-D 90<D<120, then S=90-D/2 120<D<150, then S=150-D 150<D<180, then S=2D-300 180<D<240, then S=150-D/2 240<D<270, then S=D-210 270<D<300, then S=600-2D
Rules for Mars: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. If If If If If If If If 30<D<60, then S=D/2-15 60<D<90, then S=D+D/2-75 90<D<150, then S=150-D 150<D<180, then S=2D-300 D=180, then S=60 180<D<210, then S=150-D/2 210<D<240, then S=270-D 180<D<300, then S=(150-D/2
Rules for Jupiter: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. If If If If If If If If If 30<D<60, then S=D/2-15 60<D<90, then S=D-45 90<D<120, then S=D/2 120<D<150, then S=180-D 150<D<180, then S=2D-300 180<D<210, then S=150-D/2 210<D<240, then S=D-150 240<D<270, then S=300-D 180<D<300, then S=150-D/2
So as we have seen, it is very cumbersome to calculate the Sphuta Dristi of all the planets on all the house cusps, other planets and special ascendants. Theref ore in practical readings Rasi and Graha Dristi is used mostly. Of course the us age of Sphuta Dristi for fine-tuning the strength of the aspect is not prohibite d. How to use Dristis? Maharishi Parasara recommends taking into consideration both Rasi and Graha Dris tis for judging the results of the horoscope. But he gives pre-eminence to Rasi Dristi, as this is always full and mutual aspect, and it will indicate the real influences on the given house, which will manifest in reality. On the other hand , he sole planetary aspect on a sign may indicate the desire, which may or may n ot be fulfilled. For example if there are only planetary aspects on someones 5 th house, but no Rasi Dristi, then he may be very desirous of having children, but may still not have them. The other point of consideration is that Rai Dristi may be easily applied in all the divisional charts, while it is impossible to apply Sphuta Dristi, and the applicability of Graha Dristi in divisional charts is hi ghly disputable. Lets see an example for using Rasi and Graha Dristi in Rasi chart, and Rasi Drist i in Navamsha chart. Bill Clinton was born on 19 th August 1946 at 3.47 am 6 hrs + GMT, in Hope (33N40 93W36). His Lagna is in Cancer, and Moon, the lord of Lagna is in Aries in the 10th hous e. Moon is also Atmakaraka, thereby becoming a very important planet for the native . The 10th house is the house of career, and gives military or political occupat
ion. Lagna is occupied by Mercury (communication) and Saturn (administration), a nd the Rasi Dristi of naturally exalted Rahu and Ketu also strengthens the other wise not very charismatic sign Cancer. Venus and Mars aspect the Ghati Lagna and Hora Lagna, increasing influence and wealth. But they are not strongly connecte d to the Lagna, so much of that wealth and power goes to his associates represen ted by the 3rd house. But Mercury as lord of Hora Lagna in Lagna gives personal power as well. The Moon and Jupiter have only Graha Dristi, but their dispositor s conjoin. They also form a Gajakesari yoga which gives success. Sun in the 2nd in won house gives good wealth coming from p olitical sources, and it also has mutual aspects with Jupiter, which is in Arudh a Lagna, thus giving good fame. Rahu casts a Rasi Dristi on the Arudha Lagna, th us causing ill fame in connection with his position as a husband. Mars has got Graha Dristi on the 10th house, thereby indicating the support of p owerful allies. But the 3rd house also has the Graha Dristi of Saturn and Rahu, thus some of these allies may help out of self-interest. Navamsha Lagna also has got aspect from Venus in the 10th from it, and Venus bei ng the lord of Ghati Lagna indicates great inlfuence and power. Jupiter is Vargo ttama in Libra, and aspects the Arudha Lagna. Lord of Lagna conjuncts debilitate d Moon in Scorpio, but again the aspect of Mars from won house and exalted Sun m akes the Karakamsha strong, and gives political influence to the native. Mars and Sun being in the Arudha of 10th house also aspect Rahu and Ketu , making him able to overpower all obstacles and enemies.