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Control Lectures (David Caughey)

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Dynamics of Flight Vehicles

M&AE 5070

David A. Caughey
Sibley School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853-7501

May 2011

Longitudinal Dynamics
Mixed Response


Speed, u/u


Speed, u/u0 Angle of attack Pitch rate Pitch angle

Angle of attack Pitch rate Pitch angle 1

0.5 State Variable

0.5 State Variable



1.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time, sec 60 70 80 90 100

1.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time, sec 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 1: Response of Boeing 747 in powered approach to perturbation in angle of attack. Level ight at M = 0.25 at standard sea level conditions. (Hefeys Condition 2.)

Longitudinal Dynamics
Modal Response

Speed, u/u 1 0.8 0.6 0.4

Speed, u/u0 1.5 Angle of attack Pitch rate Pitch angle

Angle of attack Pitch rate Pitch angle

State Variable 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

State Variable







100 Time, sec






5 Time, sec


(a) Phugoid

(b) Short Period

Figure 2: Response of Boeing 747 in powered approach to perturbation in angle of attack. Level ight at M = 0.25 at standard sea level conditions. (Hefeys Condition 2.)

Longitudinal Dynamics
Phasor Plots




q w/u0
(a) Phugoid


(b) Short Period

Figure 3: Phasor plots for response of Boeing 747 in powered approach. Level ight at M = 0.25 at standard sea level conditions. (Hefeys Condition 2.)

Longitudinal Dynamics
Effect of c.g. Location

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 Real part of root

Short-period Short-period Phugoid mode Phugoid mode

Imaginary part of root


Figure 4: Locus of roots of characteristic equation for response of Boeing 747 in powered approach. Level ight at M = 0.25 at standard sea level conditions. (Hefeys Condition 2.) As static margin is reduced from 0.22 to -.05, short-period roots join on real axis at 0.0158, phugoid roots join on real axis at 0.0021, one of the phugoid roots becomes neutrally stable at 0.0, and third oscillatory mode develops at -.0145.

Lateral/Directional Dynamics
Typical Response
1.2 Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate


0.6 State Variable





10 Time, sec






Figure 5: Response of Boeing 747 aircraft to unit perturbation in roll rate. Powered approach at M = 0.25 at standard sea level conditions (Hefeys Condition 2).

Lateral/Directional Dynamics
Modal Response

1.5 1 0.8 0.6


Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate

Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate

Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate

0.4 State Variable

State Variable

0.5 State Variable

0.2 0 0.2 0.4




0.6 0.8 1

5 Time, sec






50 Time, sec







10 Time, sec






(a) Rolling mode

(b) Spiral mode

(c) Dutch Roll mode

Figure 6: Response of Boeing 747 aircraft to unit perturbation in eigenvectors corresponding to the three lateral/directional modes. Powered approach at M = 0.25 at standard sea level conditions (Hefeys Condition 2).

Lateral/Directional Dynamics
Dutch Roll

1.5 Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate

Im p
State Variable



Re r

1.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time, sec 12 14 16 18 20

(a) Phasor plot

(b) Response

Figure 7: Dutch Roll response of Boeing 747 aircraft in powered approach at M = 0.25 at standard sea level conditions (Hefeys Condition 2). (a) Phasor plot, and (b) Response to initial perturbation exciting only the Dutch Roll mode.

Lateral/Directional Dynamics
Dutch Roll Dihedral Effect

Rolling mode Dutch Roll Dutch Roll Spiral mode

Imaginary part of root



-1 -1.4



-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 Real part of root


Figure 8: Locus of roots of plant matrix for Boeing 747 aircraft in powered approach at M = 0.25 under standard sea level conditions (Hefeys Condition 2). Dihedral effect is varied from -.041 to -.561 in steps of -.04, while all other stability derivatives are held xed at their nominal values. Rolling and spiral modes become increasingly stable as dihedral effect is increased; spiral mode becomes stable at Cl .051. Dutch Roll mode becomes less stable as dihedral effect is increased and becomes unstable at Cl .532.

Lateral/Directional Dynamics
Dutch Roll Weathercock Stability

1 Imaginary part of root

Rolling mode Dutch Roll Dutch Roll Spiral mode







-0.6 -0.4 Real part of root


Figure 9: Locus of roots of plant matrix for Boeing 747 aircraft in powered approach at M = 0.25 under standard sea level conditions (Hefeys Condition 2). Weathercock stability is varied Rom -.07 to 0.69 in steps of 0.04, while all other stability derivatives are held xed at their nominal values. Rolling and spiral modes become less stable as weathercock stability is increased; spiral mode becomes unstable at Cn 0.657. Dutch Roll mode becomes increasingly stable as weathercock stability is increased, but is unstable for less than Cn .032.

Longitudinal Control
Impulsive Elevator Response

0.8 Speed, u Angle of attack Pitch rate Pitch angle

0.8 Speed, u Angle of attack Pitch rate Pitch angle





State Variable

State Variable 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time, sec 14 16 18 20















250 300 Time, sec





Figure 10: Response of Boeing 747 for powered approach at M = 0.25 and standard sea level conditions to impulsive elevator input. Left plot is scaled to illustrate short-period response, and right plot is scaled to illustrate phugoid.

Longitudinal Control
Response to Step Elevator Input

0.15 Speed, u Angle of attack Pitch rate Pitch angle

0.15 Speed, u Angle of attack Pitch rate Pitch angle



State Variable

State Variable 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time, sec 14 16 18 20











250 300 Time, sec





Figure 11: Response of Boeing 747 in powered approach at M = 0.25 and standard sea level conditions to one-degree step elevator input. Left plot is scaled to illustrate short-period response, and right plot is scaled to illustrate phugoid.

Longitudinal Control
Response to Step Elevator Input
0.15 Speed, u Angle of attack Pitch rate Pitch angle 0.15 Speed, u Angle of attack Pitch rate Pitch angle



State Variable

State Variable 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time, sec 350 400 450 500







10 12 Time, sec





Figure 12: Response of Boeing 747 in powered approach at M = 0.25 and standard sea level conditions to one-degree step elevator input. Left plot illustrates phugoid resulting from step input; right plot adds perturbation to initial condition to cancel transient phugoid component of step input.
System response to step input is x= At 1 At 1 1 A B0 A B0 e I A B0 = e


So, system ultimately settles into the new equilibrium state given by

lim x(t) = A

B0 = [0.0459

.0186 0.0



for the one-degree value of 0 . The new equilibrium state corresponds to an increase in ight speed at a reduced angle of attack, and the aircraft has begun to descend.

Longitudinal Control
Response to Step Elevator Input
0.15 Speed, u Angle of attack Pitch rate Pitch angle 0.15 Speed, u Angle of attack Pitch rate Pitch angle



State Variable

State Variable 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time, sec 14 16 18 20











50 60 Time, sec





Figure 13: Response of Boeing 747 in powered approach at M = 0.25 and standard sea level conditions to one-degree step elevator input. Left plot illustrates phugoid resulting from step input with perturbation added to the initial condition to cancel transient phugoid component of step input. Right plot illustrates degree to which the phugoid can be canceled by impulsive control input.
For one-degree elevator step input, the system ultimately settles into the new equilibrium state given by
t 1 T

lim x(t) = A

B0 = [0.0459

.0186 0.0



The phugoid excitation can be reduced by setting the initial condition to the phugoid component of the nal state xPh = Q
1 1



or by including an impulsive control input designed to produce that initial perturbation (to the extent possible by the control available) from the least-squares approximation to the solution of Bimp = xPh (5)

Longitudinal Control
Step Elevator Input Comparison with Result of Static Longitudinal Analysis

This result is completely consistent with that of our study of static longitudinal control, where the control sensitivity was found to be de Cm (6) = dCL trim where = CL Cm e + Cm CLe Thus, from the static analysis we estimate for a step input of one degree in elevator CL = e /180 = = .100 Cm / (1.26)/(7.212) (8) (7)

The asymptotic steady state of the dynamic analysis gives exactly the same result CL = CL + CLe e = 5.70(.0186) + 0.338(/180) = .100 (9)

State-Feedback Control
1.2 Original system, x Original system, x 1 With feedback, x With feedback, x 0.8
1 2 1 2

1.2 Original system, x Original system, x 1 With feedback, x With feedback, x 0.8
1 2 1 2

State variable


State variable 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time, sec 1.4 1.6 1.8 2










2.5 Time, sec



(a) x(0) = [1.0


(b) x(0) = [1.0


Figure 14: Response of linear, second-order system, showing effect of state variable feedback. Original system has 1 = 0.0, 2 = 3.0. Modied system has n = 25 sec1 and = 0.707. (a) x(0) = [1.0 0.0]T ; (b) x(0) = [1.0 0.1]T .

Eigenvalues of original plant matrix are 1 = 0 and 2 = 3; corresponding eigenvectors are u1 = [1 3/8]T and u2 = [1 0]T

so rst initial condition has no u2 component. Final state of response of original system to second initial condition is parallel to rst eigenvector.

Lateral/Directional Feedback Control

State Variable Feedback Rudder Only

0.2 Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate

0.2 Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate





0.05 State Variable State Variable 0 5 10 15 Time, sec 20 25 30











15 Time, sec






Figure 15: Boeing 747 aircraft in powered approach at standard sea level conditions and M = 0.25; response to 5 degree (0.08727 radian) perturbation in sideslip. (a) Original open-loop response; (b) Closed loop response with Dutch Roll damping ratio changed to = 0.30 using rudder state-variable feedback.

Lateral/Directional Feedback Control

State Variable Feedback Effective Changes to Plant Matrix

The state and control vectors for lateral-directional motions are x = [v p r]T and = [r a ]T (10)

and the plant and control matrices are given by

Yv B Lv +ix Nv B 1i i xz B A=B 0 @
Nv +iz Lv 1ix iz

Yp Lp +ix Np 1ix iz 1
Np +iz Lp 1ix iz

g cos 0 0 0 0

Yr u0 0

Lr +ix Nr C 1ix iz C C Nr +iz Lr 1ix iz

1 C A



respectively. The original plant matrix and the changes to the plant matrix for improved Dutch-Roll damping due to rudder-only state variable feedback control are
.0999 B1.604 A=B @ 0.0000 0.4089 0 0.0000 1.0932 1.0000 .0395 0.1153 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1 1.000 0.2850 C C 0.0000 A .2454 and .0025 B.0120 A = B @ 0.0000 0.0337 0 .0017 .0082 0.0000 0.0230 .0023 .0109 0.0000 0.0305 1 0.0206 0.0984 C C 0.0000 A .2766 (13)

Yr B Lr +ix Nr B 1i i xz B B=B 0 @ 0
N +iz L r r 1ix iz

0 0

L +ix N C a C a 1ix iz C N +iz L a a 1ix iz

1 C A



Lateral/Directional Feedback Control

State Variable Feedback Aileron Only

0.2 Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate

0.2 Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate





0.05 State Variable State Variable 0 5 10 15 Time, sec 20 25 30











15 Time, sec






Figure 16: Boeing 747 aircraft in powered approach at standard sea level conditions and M = 0.25; response to 5 degree (0.08727 radian) perturbation in sideslip. (a) Original open-loop response; (b) Closed loop response with Dutch Roll damping ratio changed to = 0.30 using aileron state-variable feedback.

Lateral/Directional Feedback Control

State Variable Feedback Effective Changes to Plant Matrix

The state and control vectors for lateral-directional motions are x = [v p r]T and = [r a ]T (14)

and the plant and control matrices are given by

Yv B Lv +ix Nv B 1i i xz A=B B 0 @
Nv +iz Lv 1ix iz

Yp Lp +ix Np 1ix iz 1
Np +iz Lp 1ix iz

g cos 0 0 0 0 0 0

Yr u0 0

Lr +ix Nr C 1ix iz C C Nr +iz Lr 1ix iz

1 C A




Yr B Lr +ix Nr B 1i i xz B=B B 0 @ 0
N +iz L r r 1ix iz

L +ix N C a C a 1ix iz C N +iz L a a 1ix iz

1 C A


The original plant matrix and the changes to the plant matrix for improved Dutch-Roll damping due to aileron-only state variable feedback control are
.0999 B1.604 A=B @ 0.0000 0.4089 0 0.0000 1.0932 1.0000 .0395 0.1153 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1 1.000 0.2850 C C 0.0000 A .2454 and 0.0000 B 1.1387 A = B @ 0.0000 .0062 0 0.0000 .2802 0.0000 0.0015 0.0000 .2169 0.0000 0.0012 1 0.0000 1.3023 C C 0.0000 A .0071 (17)


Optimal Control

The Bass-Gura procedure often problematic for a variety of reasons:

Best placement for the eigenvalues of the augmented matrix is not always obvious; Particular eigenvalue placement may require more control input than is available; For multiple input-output systems, we need strategies for how best to allocate the gains The process may not be controllable; i.e., if the rank of the controllability matrix V is less

among the n p elements, since we have only n eigenvalues to place; than n, the method fails.

All these points argue for a control design strategy that, in some sense, optimizes the gain matrix for stabilizing a given system. This is the goal of what has come to be called optimal control.

Optimal Control
Formulation of Linear, Quadratic Control

The optimal control of the linear system x = Ax + B(t) (18)

is dened as the control vector (t) that drives the state from a specied initial state x(t) to a desired nal state xd (tf ) such that a specied performance index J= Z

g(x( ), ( ), ) d


is minimized. For quadratic optimal control, the performance index is specied in the form g = xT Qx + T R (20)

where Q and R are symmetric, positive-denite matrices, and the performance index becomes Z tf ` T J= x Qx + T R d (21)

If the control law is assumed to be linear, i.e., of the form = Kx +


then the determination of the gain matrix K that minimizes J is called the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem.

Optimal Control
Formulation of Linear, Quadratic Control

For this control law the closed-loop response of the system to a perturbation is given by x = [A BK] x = A x A (23)

where = A BK is the augmented plant matrix. We usually are interested in cases for which the matrices A, B, and K are independent of time, but the development here is easier if we allow the augmented matrix A to vary with time. In this case, we need to express the solution to Eq. (23) in terms of the general state transition matrix as x( ) = (, t)x(t) (24) Equation (24) simply implies that the state of the system at any time depends linearly on the state at any other time t. When the control law of Eq. (22) is substituted and Eq. (24) is used to express the evolution of the state variable, the performance index of Eq. (21) becomes
J = = Z t f
t t

Z t f

h i T T x ( ) Q + K RK x( ) d x (t) Z t f
t T T

h i T (, t) Q + K RK (, t)x(t) d (, t) Q + K RK (, t) d J = x (t)Sx(t)

(25) x(t)

= x (t)



S(t, tf ) =

Note that, by its construction, the matrix S is symmetric, since the weighting matrices Q and R are both symmetric.

Z t f

(, t) Q + K RK (, t) d


Optimal Control
Formulation of Linear, Quadratic Control

The simple appearance of Eq. (26) belies the complexity of determining S from Eq. (27) because it is almost impossible to develop a useful expression for the state transition matrix in general. Instead, in order to nd the gain matrix K that minimizes J, it is convenient to nd a differential equation that the matrix S satises. To this end, we note that since Z t f T x ( )Lx( ) dt (28) J =

where we can write

L = Q + K RK dJ = x ( )Lx( )


dt But, from differentiating Eq. (26), we have dJ dt


= x (t)Lx(t)


T T T = x (t)S(t, tf )x(t) + x (t)S(t, tf )x(t) + x (t)S(t, tf ) (t) x


Thus, we have two expressions for the derivative dJ/ dt: Eqs. (30) and (32). Both are quadratic forms in the initial state x(t), which must be arbitrary. The only way that two quadratic forms in x can be equal for any choice of x is if the underlying matrices are equal; thus, we must have T S = SA + A S + L (33)

and, substituting the closed-loop differential equation, Eq. (23), for x gives h i dJ T T tf ) + S(t, tf )A (t) x(t) = x (t) A S(t, tf ) + S(t, dt


Optimal Control
Formulation of Linear, Quadratic Control Equation (33) is a rst-order differential equation for the matrix S, so it requires a single initial condition to completely specify its solution. We can use Eq. (27), evaluated at t = tf to give the required condition S(tf , tf ) = 0 (35) S = SA + A



Our task, then, is to nd the gain matrix K that makes the solution to Eq. (36) as small as possible in the sense that the quadratic forms (Eq. (26)) associated with the matrix S are minimized. That is, we want to nd the matrix for which S = xT < xT Sx J Sx

Once a gain matrix K has been chosen to close the loop, the corresponding performance of the system is given by Eq. (26), where S(t, tf ) is the solution of Eq. (33), which can be written in terms of the original plant and gain matrices as T T T T S = S (A BK) + A K B S + Q + K RK (36)


and any non-optimum gain matrix, and its corresponding matrix S, can be expressed as S =+N S and K=K+Z

for any arbitrary initial state x(t) and every matrix S = S. We will proceed by assuming that such an optimum exists, and use the calculus of variations to nd it. The minimizing matrix S must, of course, satisfy Eq. (36) T T T S T = A BK + A K B + Q + K RK S S (38) (39)


Substituting this form into Eq. (36) and subtracting Eq. (38) gives T T T T T SB Z + Z RK B + Z RZ S N = NA + A N + K R A

(40) (41)

= A BK = A B K + Z

Optimal Control
Formulation of Linear, Quadratic Control Note that Eq. (40) has exactly the same form as Eq. (33) with T T T T L = K R SB Z + Z RK B + Z RZ S N(t, tf ) = Now, if is a minimum, then we must have J
T T x x Sx


so its solution must be of the form of Eq. (27)

Z t f

(, t)L (, t) d


and this equation requires that the quadratic form xT Nx be positive denite (or, at least, positive semi-denite). But, if Z is sufciently small, the linear terms in Z (and ZT ) in Eq. (42) will dominate the quadratic terms in ZT RZ, and we could easily nd values of Z that would make L, and hence N, negative denite. Thus, the linear terms in Eq. (42) must be absent altogether. That is, for the gain matrix K to be optimum, we must have
T T K R = 0 = RK B SB S

+ N x = xT + xT Nx S Sx



or, assuming that the weighting matrix R is not singular,

1 T K=R B S


Equation (46) gives the optimum gain matrix K, once the matrix has been determined. When this equation is substituted back S into Eq. (38) we have T 1 T = + A S S SA SBR B + Q S (47) This equation, one of the most famous in modern control theory, is called the matrix Riccati equation, consistent with the mathematical nomenclature that identies an equation with a quadratic non-linearity as a Riccati equation. The solution to this equation gives the matrix which, when substituted into Eq. (46), gives the optimum gain matrix K. S

Optimal Control
Formulation of Linear, Quadratic Control Due to the quadratic nonlinearity of the Riccati equation, it usually is necessary to solve it numerically. Since the matrix is S symmetric, Eq. (47) represents n(n + 1)/2 coupled, rst-order equations. Since the initial" condition is f , tf ) = 0 S(t (48)

In this case, integration of Eq. (47) backward in time will either grow without limit or converge to a constant matrix If it S. converges to a limit, the derivative must tend to zero, and must satisfy the algebraic equation S S
T 1 T 0 = +A SA S SBR B + Q S

the equation must be integrated backward in time, since we are interested in tf ) for t < tf . When the control interval S(t, [t, tf ] is nite, the gain matrix K is generally time-dependent, even if the matrices A, B, Q, and R all are constant. But, suppose the control interval is innite, so we want to nd the gain matrix K that minimizes the performance index Z T T x Qx + R d (49) J =


and the optimum gain in the steady state is given by

1 T K=R B S


The single quadratic matrix Eq. (50) represents n(n + 1)/2 coupled scalar, quadratic equations, so we expect n(n + 1) different (symmetric) solutions. The nature of these solutions is connected with issues of controllability and observability; for our purposes here, it is enough to know that

If the system is asymptotically stable; or If the system dened by (A, B) is controllable, and the system dened by (A, C), where the weighting matrix
Q = CT C, is observable, then the algebraic Riccati equation has an unique positive denite solution that minimizes J when the control law S = Kx = R only one, is positive denite.)
1 T

B Sx


is used. (Note that there are still n(n + 1) symmetric solutions; the assertion here is that, of these multiple solutions, one, and

Optimal Control
Linear, Quadratic Control: Example

We consider using optimal control to stabilize an inverted pendulum. The equation of motion for an inverted pendulum near its (unstable) equilibrium point, as illustrated in Fig. 17 is
2 mL = mgL sin + T = mgL + T

m g


where m is the mass of the pendulum, L is the pendulum length, g is the acceleration of gravity, and T is the externally-applied (control) torque; the second form of the right-hand side assumes the angle is small.

Figure 17: Inverted pendulum affected by gravity g and control torque T.

If we introduce the angular velocity = as a second state variable, Eq. (53) can be written in the standard state variable form d 0 0 1 (54) + = 1 0 dt where = g/L and = T/(mL2 ) are reduced gravity and input torque variables. Now, we seek the control law that minimizes the performance index ! Z 2 2 + dt J = c2 t


where c is a parameter that determines the relative weighting of control input and angular deviation in the penalty function. It is clear that this performance index corresponds to 1 1 0 (56) and R = Q= 0 0 c2

Optimal Control
Linear, Quadratic Control: Example If we dene the elements of the matrix to be S = S then the optimum gain matrix is
1 T 2 K=R B =c 0 S

s1 s2 1 s1 s2

s2 s3

s2 s3 h = c2 s2 c2 s3 i



which is seen to be independent of the element s1 . The terms needed for the algebraic Riccati equation
T 1 T 0 = +A SA S SBR B + Q S




s2 s1 0 1 s2 = s1 = SA s3 s2 0 s2 s3 ` T s2 s3 s1 s2 0 T = SA = A = S s1 s2 s2 s3 1 0 1 BT = SBR S s1 s2 s1 s2 s2 s3 0 2 c 0 1 s3 s2 1 c s1 s2 s2 s3 =c

(60) (61) !

s2 2 s2 s3

s2 s3 s2 3


Thus, the Riccati equation is 0= s2 s3 +

s2 s1

s2 2 s2 s3

s2 s3 s2 3

1 0

0 0


which is equivalent to the three scalar equations 0 = 2s2 c s2 + 1 0 = s1 + s3 c s2 s3

2 2 0 = 2s2 c s3 2 2 2


Optimal Control
Linear, Quadratic Control: Example

These can be solved in closed form. The rst of Eqs. (64) gives p 2 + c2 s2 = c2 and the third of Eqs. (64) gives s3 = 1p 2s2 c



Since the elements of S must be real, s2 must be positive (or s3 would be complex). Thus, we must choose the positive root in Eq. (65). Further, the second of Eqs. (64) gives p (67) s1 = c2 s2 s3 s3 = s3 2 + c2 Thus, elements s1 and s3 have the same sign which, for S to be positive denite, must be positive. Thus, p + 2 + c2 s2 = c2 h i1/2 p 1p 2 2s2 = 2 + 2 + c2 s3 = c c


represents the unique solution for the corresponding elements for which S is positive denite.

Optimal Control
Linear, Quadratic Control: Example

The augmented matrix is then given by A = A BK = and its characteristic equation is 2 + which has roots

Thus, the (optimal) gain matrix is seen to be p K = c2 s2 c2 s3 = + 2 + c2 0 p 2 + c2

i1/2 p h 2 + 2 + c2 !


1 i1/2 p h 2 + 2 + c2


i1/2 p p h + 2 + c2 = 0 2 + 2 + c2 = 2 + 2 = p 2 + c2


(72) (73)

where we have introduced

Optimal Control
Linear, Quadratic Control: Example Note that as c/ becomes large, becomes large relative to , so s (1 ) (74) lim = c/ 2 Thus, as c becomes large, the damping ratio of the system approaches a constant value of 1 = 2 while the undamped natural frequency increases as n = c Large values of c correspond to a performance index in which the weighting of the control term is small compared to that of the deviations in state variables i.e., to a situation in which we are willing to spend additional energy in control to maintain very small perturbations of the state from its equilibrium position.
5 4 3 2 Imaginary part 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5

2 Real part

Figure 18: Locus of roots of characteristic equation of augmented plant matrix for inverted pendulum. Axes are scaled to give roots in units of . Open symbols represent roots at c/ = 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, with real root corresponding to c/ = 0. Cyan lines represent asymptotes in the limit of large c/.

On the other hand, as c becomes small, the weighting of the control term in the performance index becomes large compared to that of the state variables. This is consistent with the fact that the gains in Eq. (69) 1/2 q q and K2 = 2 + 2 + c 2 K1 = + 2 + c 2 decrease monotonically with c. In the limit c = 0, however, the gains remain nite, with lim K1 = 2 and lim K2 = 2
c0 c0

since some control is necessary to stabilize this, otherwise unstable, system.

Optimal Control
Linear, Quadratic Control as a Stability Augmentation System We here apply linear, quadratic optimal control to improve the stability of the Boeing 747 aircraft in powered approach at M = 0.25 at standard sea level conditions. We apply linear, quadratic, optimal control to minimize the steady state performance index Z 1 T T J = x Qx + R d 2 c t


where the control vector is

where c is again a parameter that determines the relative weights given to control action and perturbations in the state variable in the penalty function. For lateral/directional motions at this ight condition, the plant matrix is the same as used earlier, while the control matrix is given by 0.0182 0.0868 0.0000 .2440 T (76) B= 0.0000 0.3215 0.0000 .0017 = [r Q=I a ]

(77) (78)

The weighting matrices in the performance index are taken to be simply and R = I

where Q is a 4 4 matrix and R is a 2 2 matrix. The MATLAB function [S, L, G] = care(A,B,Q,R,T,E); is used to solve the generalized matrix Riccati equation T T T 1 T T E SA + A SE E SB + T R B SE + T +Q=0


which, with the additional input matrices are dened as T = zeros(size(B)) and E = eye(size(A)) reduces to Eq. (50). In addition to the solution matrix S, the MATLAB function care also returns the gain matrix 1 T T G=R B SE + T and the vector


L = eig(A - BG, E)
containing the eigenvalues of the augmented matrix.

Lateral/Directional Feedback Control

Linear-Quadratic Control as a Stability Augmentation System

2 Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate

2 Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate Aileron Rudder



State Variable

State Variable 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time, sec 14 16 18 20







10 12 Time, sec





(a) No feedback

(b) c = 0.001

Figure 19: Boeing 747 aircraft in powered approach at standard sea level conditions and M = 0.25; response to unit perturbation in sideslip. (a) Original open-loop response; (b) Optimal closed loop response with performance parameter c = 0.001.

Lateral/Directional Feedback Control

Linear-Quadratic Control as a Stability Augmentation System

2 Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate Aileron Rudder

2 Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate Aileron Rudder

2 Sideslip Roll rate Roll angle Yaw rate Aileron Rudder




State Variable

State Variable

State Variable 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time, sec 14 16 18 20










10 12 Time, sec





10 12 Time, sec





(a) c = 0.50

(b) c = 1.0

(c) c = 2.0

Figure 20: Boeing 747 aircraft in powered approach at standard sea level conditions and M = 0.25; response to unit perturbation in sideslip illustrating effect of varying weighting parameter c. Optimal closed-loop responses with (a) c = 0.50; (b) c = 1.0; and (c) c = 2.0. Control deections required to stabilize the motions are also shown.

Lateral/Directional Feedback Control

Linear-Quadratic Control as a Stability Augmentation System

Penalty function


-2 c = 0.5 c = 1.0 c = 2.0 0 2 4 6 8 Time, sec. 10 12 14


Figure 21: Penalty functions in performance index for optimal control solution; Boeing 747 aircraft in powered approach at standard sea level conditions and M = 0.25. Upper curves are xT Qx, and lower curves are T R, as functions of time for response to unit perturbation in sideslip angle , so the area between the curves is equal to the performance index J .

Lateral/Directional Feedback Control

Linear-Quadratic Control Effective Changes to Plant Matrix

The state and control vectors for lateral-directional motions are x = [v p r]T and = [r a ]T (81)

and the plant and control matrices are given by

Yv B Lv +ix Nv B 1i i xz B A=B 0 @
Nv +iz Lv 1ix iz

Yp Lp +ix Np 1ix iz 1
Np +iz Lp 1ix iz

g cos 0 0 0 0 0 0

Yr u0 0

Lr +ix Nr C 1ix iz C C Nr +iz Lr 1ix iz

1 C A



respectively. The original plant matrix and the changes to the plant matrix for improved response using LQC with c = 2.0 are
.0999 B1.604 A=B @ 0.0000 0.4089 0 0.0000 1.0932 1.0000 .0395 0.1153 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1 1.000 0.2850 C C 0.0000 A .2454 and .0458 B 0.3433 A = B @ 0.0000 0.6100 0 .0114 .4532 0.0000 .1498 0.0099 .4662 0.0000 .1299 1 0.0773 .0253 C C 0.0000 A 1.0334 (84)

Yr B Lr +ix Nr B 1i i xz B=B B 0 @ 0
N +iz L r r 1ix iz

L +ix N C a C a 1ix iz C N +iz L a a 1ix iz

1 C A



Lateral/Directional Feedback Control

Linear-Quadratic Control as a Stability Augmentation System

Rolling Dutch roll Spiral

Imaginary part of root



-1 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0

Real part of root

Figure 22: Boeing 747 aircraft in powered approach at standard sea level conditions and M = 0.25; locus of roots of characteristic equation of augmented matrix as control weighting parameter c is increased. Symbols represent root locations for c = 0.001, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 8.0, 9.0, 9.7, 9.76, 9.7727, 9.7728, 10.0; as c is increased, all roots move to the left (except for one of the Dutch Roll roots after that mode becomes critically damped between 9.7227 < c < 9.7228).

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