Neutral Earthing Resistors: Operating Instructions
Neutral Earthing Resistors: Operating Instructions
Neutral Earthing Resistors: Operating Instructions
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Operating Instructions
Installation __________________________________________________________________________3
I II III Checking For Transportation Damage. ____________________________________________________3 Frame Assembly _______________________________________________________________________3 Visual inspection of the resistor _________________________________________________________3
I II III Electrical Testing ______________________________________________________________________3 Resistor connections ____________________________________________________________________4 Final observation_____________________________________________________________________4
I II III IV Safety Operations ______________________________________________________________________4 Rate of Maintenance operations __________________________________________________________4 Operations __________________________________________________________________________4 Estimated Time ______________________________________________________________________4
Accessories __________________________________________________________________________5
I II Current Transformer(s) _________________________________________________________________5 Disconnectors _________________________________________________________________________5
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I CHECKING FOR TRANSPORTATION DAMAGE. Carefully unpack the resistor Thoroughly inspect the resistor, including any spare parts, for shipping damage II FRAME ASSEMBLY Use the lifting lugs provided on the resistor roof to handle the resistor. Do not handle the resistor unless the louvered1 side panels are mounted and secured. After referring to the layout drawing, mount the resistor frame on anchor bolts. Securely tighten anchor bolts nuts. The Equipment must be installed on a flat surface, which shall not be subjected to vibrations. A minimum air gap of 200mm (8.5 inches) must be maintained between the resistor enclosure and any adjacent structure. This gap is necessary to insure adequate ventilation of the resistor. III VISUAL INSPECTION OF THE RESISTOR Remove the front and rear louvered1 panels. Remove the red packing wedges (if applicable). Check the active parts of the resistor to insure that they are free of any foreign object. Check all internal insulators for evidence of any conductive material. If the insulators are contaminated refer to Chapter Maintenance Instructions , Section III.1 Cleaning . Any broken insulator must be replaced. Check all bolted connection for proper torque (Refer to the attached Torque Table)
I ELECTRICAL TESTING I.1 MEASURING THE COLD RESISTANCE VALUE : Refer to the Final Test Certificate for the proper resistive value. The measured cold resistive value should not exceed that recorded on the Final Test Certificate by more than 2%. The measurement should be done with a 4 wires apparatus having appropriate accuracy class. If the ambient temperature exceeds 20c, the following temperature correction formula must be used:
I.2 MEASURING INSULATION UNDER 500VDC Disconnect the link between the Resistor Terminal (R) and the Mass Terminal (M) Insulation resistance under 500Vdc must exceed 50M. Reassemble the link between the Resistor Terminal (R) and the Mass Terminal (M) Securely fasten louvered1 Panels to the frame.
Louvered Panels are replaced by Plain Steel Sheets Panels in case of IP54 protection . See Handling Chapter Doc N : 02ENU41 File :02ENU410.doc Rev : 0 Date : 10/03/05 Written by: J.Adam Checked by: F.Lavogiez
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II RESISTOR CONNECTIONS Check high voltage and low voltage connections for proper torque. (Refer to the attached Torque Table) Securely ground the resistor frame using the grounding studs located on the resistor frame. III FINAL OBSERVATION The resistor is ready to operate. It shall not be operated until Installation and Security Local Conditions are respected. Note that during the first energisation, some safe smoke may exhaust from the resistor. This will not affect the resistor.
I SAFETY OPERATIONS Before starting any maintenance operations, make sure that according to local safety rules and regulations, the resistor cannot be energised. It is necessary to wait for 30 minutes after power cut off to allow the resistor active parts and the frame to cool. II RATE OF MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS The resistor can operate with little maintenance: approx. once a year on each frame under normal environment, but with a higher frequency under severe pollution conditions or vibrations. In order to determine the normal rate of maintenance operations, they should be carried on a more frequent basis during the first year: approx. every 3 months on few frames. III OPERATIONS III.1 CLEANING Under normal pollution conditions, remove one front and one rear panel and check the cleanness of internal insulators, bushings and internal supports. They must be wiped off, using a duster and a rapidly evaporating thinner (not water!). Any contamination must be immediately removed. Identify and replace the cracked or broken insulators and bushings. It is recommended to blow (air) the active parts of the resistor and their own insulating ceramic rings. Check that the air inlet and outlet of the frame are not clogged (a big foreign body should be removed by hand). A special care must be taken concerning ceramic rings cleaning at the end of the banks which are easily reachable and have to withstand a higher voltage than the other rings. III.2 TIGHTENING Check the visual aspect of the welded connections and the tightening torque of all bolted electrical connections. Refer to the Tightening table. Check the tightening torque of fixing bolts between porcelain outdoor insulators and metallic frame. Refer to the Tightening table. IV ESTIMATED TIME The Maintenance Operations for a single frame (module) require approximately 20-30 minutes under normal pollution conditions.
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I CURRENT TRANSFORMER(S) When connecting the Resistors Terminals, Connect the terminals S1 & S2 of the Current Transformer secondary side to the appropriate Control Panels Terminals. Do not forget to ground one of the two (2) terminals (usually S2) II DISCONNECTORS II.1 DISCONNECTORS INSTALLED INSIDE THE RESISTOR II.1.1 ELECTRICAL CHECK Insulation Resistance under 500Vdc. Must exceed 50M Operate the switch one or twice and check the auxiliary contacts (where appropriate) to insure good operation II.1.2 TERMINALS CONNECTIONS Connect the auxiliary contacts (where appropriate) II.2 DISCONNECTOR(S) CABINET(S) (INDEPENDENT CABINET) II.2.1 INSTALLATION Proceed as for the Neutral Earthing Resistor II.2.2 ELECTRICAL CHECK Insulation Resistance under 500Vdc. Must exceed 50M Operate the switch one or twice and check the auxiliary contacts (where appropriate) to insure good operation II.2.3 TERMINALS CONNECTIONS Connect the auxiliary contacts (where appropriate) After Referring to the Layout Drawing and to the Principle Diagram, Connect HV & LV Terminals. II.3 CAUTION In case of Off-Load Disconnector , DO NOT OPERATE IT ON LOAD In case of Spring Loaded Mechanism Operated Disconnector, a great attention must be paid to possible injuries caused by the Operation of the Mechanism when the Protection Panels are removed II.4 MAINTENANCE Clean the Switch Contact with a brush and preferably with a woof pad to polish the silver plating and to eliminate the pitting. Coat the contact fingers with Vaseline Lubricate the bearings and hinges (where applicable): Use good non-drying grease and for very cold weather (below 15c), use Silicone grease
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These torques will result in tensile stress in bolts equal to 3/4 of yield strength, if the bolts are fitted with washers and if the bolts are not damaged.
For Equipment weighting less than 500kG, rope lashings can be used but take care of the angle. It shall not overpass 60
For Equipment weighting more than 500kG, A lifting Beam must be used.
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You can reach us at the following: METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR 1 Route de Semur BP 150 21501 MONTBARD Tel 33(0)3 80 89 58 58 Fax 33 (0)3 80 92 24 33 E mail : Web site :
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