New Deal Civics Essay
New Deal Civics Essay
New Deal Civics Essay
about how to best guide their nations toward the future. This was the case when the
United States had to combat the Great Depression, during which many Americans looked
to the government for a solution. The Great Depression was a result of the stock market
crash of 1929, an event whose repercussions were felt throughout the United States and
Europe. The crash was brought on by the fact that investors lost faith in the stock market
and therefore began cashing in on their stocks at a rapid rate. This occurrence was a
shock to the American idea that the U.S. was immune to such an economic catastrophe.
Thus, candidates for the presidency in the election of 1932 proposed their alternatives for
confronting this dilemma. Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) would later become famous for
his New Deal proposal, which would reform the economic practices of the country. At
the time of its inception and in the years after, this proposal inspired much controversy.
However, FDR’s New Deal was the best solution to combat the Great Depression,
One of the best tests for how effective a reform has been is how well it has held
up over the course of time. A decade after the implementation of the New Deal, historian
Henry Steele Commager analyzed the role that the New Deal had played in helping the
U.S. overcome the Great Depression and concluded that the New Deal adapted well to
American economics and had, in fact, played a crucial role in getting Americans through
preservation of the U.S.’s natural resources, and the creation of many jobs for the
unemployed. Although some historians argued that the New Deal did not weave itself
into the patchwork of the American tradition, Commager proved that the lasting effects of
the New Deal were indeed built on the foundation of American democracy. In fact,
politicians of opposing parties continued implementing the programs initiated under the
New Deal. If the New Deal had not been such a success, this would not be the case. The
programs of the New Deal were not ideas that FDR conceived out of the blue, but rather
out of complaints from the American citizens themselves. Thus, in spite of the fact that
some critics claim that FDR was an overzealous legislative leader, in truth, FDR listened
to the majority and put their needs and ideas into a concrete plan.
One critic who was particularly opposed to Roosevelt’s ideas was John T. Flynn,
who believed that the New Deal was detrimental to American democracy and that
Roosevelt did not deserve the idol status he had attained. He based his argument on the
premise that a government that becomes too involved in economic planning has
overstepped its bounds. Despite Flynn’s opposition to a strong executive branch, a take-
control President was exactly what the country needed to get out of the depths of the
Great Depression. In addition, the New Deal created many government jobs to hinder the
rising unemployment rate. Flynn viewed this as a negative aspect since it increased
because these jobs helped the economy of the U.S. Furthermore, Flynn claimed that
FDR’s plan to control more of the economy was incompatible with free market
capitalism. Yet, a number of initiatives similar to those of FDR are still in effect in the
21st century and capitalism still thrives in the United States. Government intervention in
the economy does not prevent the existence of capitalism. This demonstrates that Flynn’s
formulated promptly. In light of this, it is impressive that FDR was able to conceive such
a detailed and successful strategy for liberating the American people from this
predicament in such a timely manner. Some businesses had survived the Great
Depression and FDR expanded on those. He focused on the fact that humans have two
basic economic rights. These include the right to earn an income that allows them to live
comfortably and the right to individual property, which he interpreted as the “right to be
assured of the safety of one’s savings.” Most important to him was that one person’s
rights cannot violate another person’s and that the government should establish policies to
prevent these infringements. This principle embraces concepts central to the Declaration
The New Deal has had many critics along with many supporters. The critics
maintained that government should play only a small role in economic matters and that
Roosevelt wanted to shift power from Congress to the Executive. However, desperate
times call for desperate measures and the severity of the Great Depression called for
instant reform in how economic matters in the U.S. were handled. FDR was able to keep
spite of the critics’ claims that Roosevelt was greedy for power, his main goal was to
serve the people. His role as a strong executive, instead of harming American citizens,
helped them recover from hardship. The assertion that the New Deal was a radical idea is
progress in the United States. In comparison to other proposals put forward to rise above
the Great Depression, the New Deal was clearly the best alternative.
The New Deal
Alex Burke
Civics Honors
March 7, 2007