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attributes , insert 3 to 4 records

SQL> create table empp(eno number,name varchar2(30),basic number,hra number,da number,pf number,it n umber,gross number,net number); Table created. SQL> insert into empp(eno,name,basic)

values(&eno,'&name',&salary); Enter value for eno: 1 Enter value for name: manu Enter value for salary: 5000 old 1: insert into empp(eno,name,basic)

values(&eno,'&name',&salary) new 1: insert into empp(eno,name,basic) values(1,'manu',5000) 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for eno: 2 Enter value for name: ravi Enter value for salary: 6000 old 1: insert into empp(eno,name,basic)

values(&eno,'&name',&salary) new 1: insert into empp(eno,name,basic) values(2,'ravi',6000) 1 row created.

. SQL> select * From empp;







---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------1 8850 2 10620 manu 9530 ravi 11280 6000 900 3720 780 120 5000 750 3100 780 100


FNAME MINIT LNAME SSN BDATE ADDRESS SEX SAL SUPERSSN DNO -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------John Franklin Alicia Jennifer Ramesh Joyce Ahmad James B T J S K A V E Smith Wong Zelaya 123456789 9-JAN-1965 731 Fondren, Houston, TX 638 Voss, Houston, TX 3321, Castle, Spring, TX 291, Berry, Bellaire, TX 975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX 5631 Rice, Houston, TX 980 Dallas, Houston, TX 450 Stone, Houston, TX M M F F M F M M 30000 40000 25000 43000 38000 25000 25000 55000 333445555 888665555 987654321 888665555 333445555 333445555 987654321 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 1

333445555 08-DEC-1955 999887777 19-JUL-1968 20-JUN-1941

Wallace 987654321 Narayan

666884444 15-SEP-1962

English 453453453 31-JUL-1972 Jabbar Borg 987987987 29-MAR-1969 888665555 10-NOV-37

DNAME DNUMBER MGRSSN MGRSTARTDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Research 5 333445555 22-MAY-1988 Administration 4 987654321 01-JAN-1995 Headquarters 1 888665555 19-JUN-1981 Testing 2 987987987 20-JUL-1986

Table 3: PROJECT PNAME PNUMBER PLOCATION DNUM ---------------------------------------------------------------------ProductX 1 Bellaire 5 ProductY 2 Sugarland 5 ProductZ 3 Houston 5 Computerization 10 Stafford 4 Reorganization 20 Houston 1 Newbenefits 30 Stafford 4

Table 4: WORKS_ON ESSN PNO HOURS -------------------------------------123456789 1 32.5 123456789 2 7.5 666884444 3 40 453453453 1 20 453453453 2 20 333445555 2 10 333445555 3 10 333445555 10 10 333445555 20 10 999887777 30 30 999887777 10 10 987987987 10 35 987987987 30 5 987654321 30 20 987654321 20 15 888665555 20 0

ESSN DEPENDENT_NAME SEX BDATE RELATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------333445555 Alice F 05-APR-86 DAUGHTER 333445555 Theodore M 25-OCT-83 SON 333445555 Joy F 03-MAY-58 SPOUSE 987654321 Abner M 28-FEB-42 SPOUSE 123456789 Michael M 04-JAN-88 SON 123456789 Alice F 30-DEC-88 DAUGHTER 123456789 Elizabeth F 05-MAY-67 SPOUSE

Table 6: DEPARTMENT_LOCATIONS DNUMBER DLOCATION ---------------------------------------------1 Houston 4 Stafford 5 Bellaire 5 Sugar land 5 Houston

1. Simple queries: 01.Write a query to display details of all the departments. SQL> SELECT * FROM DEPARTMENT; DNAME DNUMBER MGRSSN MGRSTARTD

--------------- ---------- --------- -------------------------------------------Research Headquarters Administration Testing 5 1 4 2 333445555 888665555 987654321 987987987 22-MAY-88 19-JUN-81 01-JAN-95 20-JUL-86

02. Write a query to retrieve birth date and address of the employees whose name is John B Smith. SQL> SELECT BDATE, ADDRESS FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE FNAME='John' AND MINIT='B' AND LNAME='Smith'; BDATE ADDRESS

--------- -----------------------------09-JAN-65 731 Fondren Houston TX

03. Write a query to retrieve all distinct Salary values. SQL> SELECT DISTINCT SALARY FROM EMPLOYEE; SALARY ---------25000 30000 38000 40000 43000 55000

04. Determine the fname, Address, salary rename the title as Employee-salary and the output must be in the following form 30000 ] SQL> SELECT FNAME || '[' | |ADDRESS ||' : ' || SALARY || ']' AS EMPLOYYEE_SAL FROM EMPLOYEE; EMPLOYYEE_SAL -------------------------------------------------John[731 Fondren Houston TX:30000] Franklin[638 Voss, Houston, TX:40000] Alicia[3321, Castle, Spring, TX:25000] Jennifer[291, Berry, Bellaire, TX:43000] Ramesh[975 Fire Oak,Humble,TX:38000] Ahmad[980 Dallas, Houston, TX:25000] James[450 Stone, Houston, Tx:55000] John[ 731 Fondren, Houston, TX :

2. Queries on Join operations (Multiple tables) : 01. Write a query to retrieve the names of all employee names that do not have supervisors. SQL> SELECT DISTINCT E.FNAME ,E.LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE E,EMPLOYEE S WHERE E.SSN=S.SUPERSSN AND E.SUPERSSN IS NULL; FNAME LNAME

--------------- --------------James Borg

02. Write a query display employees first name, last name, department number and department names for all employees who are working for deptno 5. SQL> SELECT FNAME,LNAME,E.DNO,DNAME FROM EMPLOYEE E,DEPARTMENT D WHERE E.DNO=D.DNUMBER AND E.DNO=5;





--------------- --------------- ---------- --------------John Franklin Ramesh Joyce Smith Wong Narayan English 5 5 5 5 Research Research Research Research

03.. Write a query to retrieve name and address of all employee names who work for the Research department SQL> SELECT FNAME,LNAME,ADDRESS 2 FROM EMPLOYEE E,DEPARTMENT D 3 WHERE E.DNO=D.DNUMBER AND D.DNAME='Research'; FNAME LNAME ADDRESS

--------------- --------------- ----------------------------John Franklin Ramesh Joyce Smith Wong Narayan English 731 Fondren Houston TX 638 Voss, Houston, TX 975 Fire Oak,Humble,TX 5631 Rice, Houston,TX

04. Write a query to retrieve employee s first and last name and first and last name of his or her immediate supervisor. SQL> select e.fname,e.lname,s.fname MGR_FNAME,s.lname MGR_LNAME from employee e,employee s where e.superssn=s.ssn;





--------------- --------------- --------------- -----------------------------------John Franklin Alicia Jennifer Ramesh Ahmad Smith Wong Zelaya Wallace Narayan Jabbar Franklin James Jennifer James Franklin Jennifer Wong Borg Wallace Borg Wong Wallace





3. Nested Queries : 01. Write a query to retrieve the names of all employees who have two or more dependents. SQL> SELECT FNAME,COUNT(*) DEPENDENT_COUNT 2 FROM EMPLOYEE E,DEPENDENT D 3 WHERE E.SSN=D.ESSN 4 GROUP BY FNAME 5 HAVING COUNT(*)>=2 6 ORDER BY FNAME; FNAME DEPENDENT_COUNT --------------- --------------Franklin 3 John 3 02. Write a query to retrieve the names of all employees whose salary is greater than the MAXIMUM salary of all the employees in department 5.(remind to sir) SQL> SELECT FNAME,DNO,SALARY 2 FROM EMPLOYEE 3 WHERE SALARY>(SELECT MAX(SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE DNO=5); FNAME DNO SALARY --------------- ---------- ---------Jennifer 4 43000 James 1 55000 03. Write a query to retrieve the name of each employee who has a dependent with the same first name and same sex as the employee. SQL> SELECT E.FNAME,E.LNAME 2 FROM EMPLOYEE E 3 WHERE E.SSN IN ( SELECT ESSN FROM DEPENDENT D 4 WHERE E.FNAME=DEPENDENT_NAME AND E.SEX=D.SEX); no rows selected 04. Write a query to retrieve the names of employees who have no dependents.

SQL> SELECT FNAME,LNAME,SSN 2 FROM EMPLOYEE 3 WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM DEPENDENT WHERE SSN=ESSN); FNAME LNAME SSN --------------- --------------- --------Alicia Zelaya 999887777 Ramesh Narayan 666884444 Ahmad Jabbar 987987987 James Borg 888665555 Joyce English 453453453

4. Set Oriented Operations: 01. Display all the salaries of department no 4 and 5.(Use union) SQL> SELECT SALARY FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE DNO=4 2 UNION ALL 3 SELECT SALARY FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE DNO=5; SALARY ---------25000 43000 25000 30000 40000 38000 25000

02. display the common dependent names of employee 333445555 and 123456789. SQL> SELECT DEPENDENT_NAME FROM DEPENDENT WHERE ESSN=333445555 2 INTERSECT 3 SELECT DEPENDENT_NAME FROM DEPENDENT WHERE ESSN=123456789; DEPENDENT_NAME --------------Alice 03. List unique project numbers to employee 333445555 from other employees 999887777

987987987 SQL> SELECT PNO FROM WORKS_ON WHERE ESSN=333445555 2 MINUS 3 SELECT PNO FROM WORKS_ON WHERE ESSN IN (999887777,987987987); PNO ---------2 3 20

5. DDL and TCL commands: 1. Create a view which displays the SSN, DEPTNO, DEPTNAME for all the employees and ensure that updating the view is done automatically whenever DML operations are carried on the base tables.

SQL> create view emp_dept as select ssn,dno,dname from employee,department where employee.dno=department.dnumber;

View created.

SQL> select * from emp_dept;



--------- ---------- --------------123456789 333445555 999887777 987654321 666884444 987987987 888665555 5 Research 5 Research 4 Administration 4 Administration 5 Research 4 Administration 1 Headquarters


5 Research


1) DELETE OPERATION : SQL> delete from employee where ssn=123456789;

1 row deleted.

SQL> select * from emp_dept;



--------- ---------- --------------333445555 999887777 987654321 666884444 987987987 888665555 453453453 5 Research 4 Administration 4 Administration 5 Research 4 Administration 1 Headquarters 5 Research

2) Update OPERATION : SQL> update employee set dno=4 where ssn=333445555;

1 row updated.

SQL> select * from emp_dept;



--------- ---------- --------------333445555 999887777 4 Administration 4 Administration

987654321 666884444 987987987 888665555 453453453

4 Administration 5 Research 4 Administration 1 Headquarters 5 Research

3) INSERT OPERATION : SQL> insert into department values('Development',9,666884444,'20-dec-89');

1 row created. SQL> insert into employee values('Pampapathi','M','MAnasani',999999999,'06-dec1979', 'BELLARY','M',320000,888665555,9); SQL> select * from emp_dept; SSN DNO DNAME

--------- ---------- --------------333445555 999887777 987654321 666884444 987987987 888665555 453453453 999999999 4 Administration 4 Administration 4 Administration 5 Research 4 Administration 1 Headquarters 5 Research 9 Development

2. Create a table and show the outputs with different types of TCL commands like COMMIT, ROLLBACK and SAVEPOINT commands.

SQL> create table s1(sno number(3),sname varchar2(10),salary number(5));

Table created. SQL> insert into s1 values(1,'manu',5000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into s1 values(2,'hari',6000); 1 row created. SQL> select * From s1; SNO SNAME SALARY

---------- ---------- ---------1 manu 2 hari 5000 6000

SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> select * From s1; SNO SNAME SALARY

---------- ---------- ---------1 manu 2 hari 5000 6000

SQL> delete from s1 where sno=2; 1 row deleted. SQL> select * From s1; SNO SNAME SALARY

---------- ---------- ---------1 manu 5000

SQL> rollback; Rollback complete. SQL> select * From s1; SNO SNAME SALARY

---------- ---------- ----------

1 manu 2 hari

5000 6000

SQL> savepoint s2; Savepoint created.

SQL> delete from s1 where sno=1; 1 row deleted. SQL> delete from s1 where sno=2; 1 row deleted. SQL> select * From s1; no rows selected SQL> rollback to s2; Rollback complete. SQL> select * From s1; SNO SNAME SALARY

---------- ---------- ---------1 manu 2 hari 5000 6000

E XP:7
to 5000/-

Write the following triggers for EMPLOYEE table

Before insert: check initial amount must be greater than or equal

Before update: the updated records will be transmitted to another table called updemp. Before delete: print the message the record is successfully deleted

After update: the previous records will be transmitted to oldupdemp table.

SQL> create table emp(empno number,ename varchar2(10),salary number,commission number); SQL> insert into emp

values(&empno,'&ename',&salary,'&commission'); Enter value for empno: 1 Enter value for ename: manu Enter value for salary: 5000 Enter value for commission: old 1: insert into emp

values(&empno,'&ename',&salary,'&commission') new 1: insert into emp values(1,'manu',5000,'')

SQL> / Enter value for empno: 2 Enter value for ename: hari Enter value for salary: 4000 Enter value for commission: 4000 old 1: insert into emp

values(&empno,'&ename',&salary,'&commission') new 1: insert into emp values(2,'hari',4000,'4000')

SQL> select * From emp;




---------- ---------- ---------- -----------------------------------1 2 3 SQL> manu hari Ravi create 5000 4000 5000 table 4000 3000 emp1(empno number,ename

varchar2(10),salary number,commission number); Trigger for BEFORE DELETE : create or replace trigger emp_bd before delete on emp for each row begin insert into emp1

values(:old.empno,:old.ename,:old.salary,:old.commission); dbms_output.put_line('...RECORD DELETED...'); end; / Trigger Created SQL> delete from emp where empno=1; ...RECORD IS SUCCESSFULLY DELETED... SQL> select *from emp1; EMPNO ENAME SALARY COMMISSION IS SUCCESSFULLY

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------1 manu 5000


---------- ---------- ---------- ---------2 hari 4000 4000

Trigger for Before Insert : create or replace trigger emp_BI before insert on emp for each row begin if :new.salary<5000 then raise_application_error(-20001,'...SALARY IS NOT VALID...'); end if; end; / Trigger created; SQL> insert into emp values(3,'AAA',4000,400); insert into emp values(3,'AAA',4000,400) * SQL> insert into emp values(3,'AAA',8000,600); 1 row created. Trigger for After Update : SQL> create table oldupdemp(empno number,ename

varchar2(10),salary number,commission number); Trigger : create or replace trigger After_up

before update on emp for each row begin insert into oldupdemp

values(:old.empno,:old.ename,:old.salary,:old.commission); dbms_output.put_line('...RECORD IS UPDATED...'); end; / Trigger created SQL> update emp set commission=10000 2 where empno=2; 1 row updated. SQL> select * from oldupdemp; EMPNO ENAME SALARY COMMISSION

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------2 hari 4000 4000

SQL> select * from emp;



---------- ---------- ---------- ---------2 hari 3 AAA 4000 8000 10000 600

Trigger for Before UPDATE :






varchar2(10),salary number,commission number);

create or replace trigger before_up1 after update on emp for each row begin insert into updemp

values(:new.empno,:new.ename,:new.salary,:new.commission); dbms_output.put_line('...RECORD IS UPDATED...'); end; / Trigger Created SQL> select * from emp; EMPNO ENAME SALARY COMMISSION

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------2 hari 4000 10000

Week 1:
Path Man Echo Printf Script Password U name Who Date Cal Tty Pwd List Copy

Week 2:
Gzip Uncompressing a gzipped file Bc cmd W cmd Move Remove Cat More Word count Print files Octaldum(od) Directory commands Mkdir Cd Rmdir

Week 3:
Vi editor Commands Insert command Append command New line command Vertical line command Delete command Scroll command Undo command Save and exit command

Week 4:
Disk utility commands Df command Du command Backup commands Tar command 1. Creating backup 2. Restoring Cpio Network commands telnet rlogin ftp arp finger

Week 5:
Cat Head Tail Sort nl uniq

Cut Paste Join grep Mount

Week 6:

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