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GSTS-Hotel User Manual

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InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual


If you have any queries, please contact: Yeoh Soo Hin Director, Quality & Continuous Improvement InterContinental Hotels Group, Asia Pacific Telephone - (65) 6395 6131 Mobile - (65) 9677 1838 Facsimile - (65) 6395 6158 soohin.yeoh@ichotelsgroup.com Vanessa Lim Quality & Continuous Improvement Coordinator InterContinental Hotels Group, Asia Pacific Telephone - (65) 6395 6117 Facsimile - (65) 6395 6122 vanessa.lim@ichotelsgroup.com

Copyright InterContinental Hotels Group. Developed by Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd.


InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TO GUEST SATISFACTION TRACKING SYSTEM .......................................... 3 1. Action Plan Summary ............................................................................................................. 4
Save As Draft...............................................................................................................................................................8 Submit..........................................................................................................................................................................9 Approved Action Plan ................................................................................................................................................12

2. View Progress ....................................................................................................................... 13

Copyright InterContinental Hotels Group. Developed by Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd.


InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

Introduction to Guest Satisfaction Tracking System

The GSTS (Guest Satisfaction Tracking System) is developed for the InterContinental Hotels Group, allowing hotel users to focus on the key areas that impact the guests overall satisfaction during their hotel stay. Action Planning in the system allows you to establish improvement priorities to drive superior customer experience. After logging into the system, the following homepage of GSTS will be shown:

Click on the link to start Action Planning.

Here are the following modules for Guest Satisfaction Tracking System: 1) Action Plan Summary 2) View Progress

Copyright InterContinental Hotels Group. Developed by Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd.


InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

1. Action Plan Summary

Click on Action Plan Summary on the menu

Click here to view Action Plan Summary

You will be brought to the following screen.

Click here to start Action Planning

Action Plan: Display the name of Action Plan. E.G. Action Plan Q4 2005 Quarter: Shows the quarter of Action Plan. Year: The year that Action Plan is in. Action Plan Status: Shows the status of Action Plan. The different statuses are Draft, Pending For Approval and Approved. Upon clicking Action Plan Q4 2005, you can start working on your Action Plan. The following screen will be shown. The Action Plan will show the 5 key drivers based on the Key Driver Report that impact your guest overall satisfaction.

Copyright InterContinental Hotels Group. Developed by Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd.


InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

Click on the Save As Draft button to save Action Plan details for amendments later

Click on the Submit button to submit Action Plan for Approver to Approve

Hotel: Display the hotel name that Action Plan refers to. General Manager: Name of the General Manager of the hotel. Action Plan Approver: Displays the name of the Approver after Action Plan has been submitted. Target: Display the target GSS Target GSS Index Information: Display the 3 month Rolling Average for the month and the Year to Date Score. The variance will show the show the score whether it is On Target or Below Target. You may click on the View Past 13 Months button to show the past trend in the last 13 months. The following screen will be show after clicking the button.

Copyright InterContinental Hotels Group. Developed by Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd.


InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

Action Plan Status: Show the status of Action Plan. The different statuses are Draft, Pending For Approval and Approved. Draft mode shows that Action Plan is still in progress. Pending For Approval shows that pending for Approver to approve Action Plan that has been submitted. For Approved Action Plan, hotel user will proceed to complete the action stated. Key Driver: Shows the name of the key driver to work on. Impact: Display the impact score of the key driver based on the Key Drivers Report. Score: Displace the scoring of the key driver for 6-months rolling. You may click on the trend button display the past 3-month rolling scores. The following screen will display upon clicking. to

Copyright InterContinental Hotels Group. Developed by Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd.


InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

Action: Shows a drop down list to select the Action needed for the key driver. If you have selected the Action related to Total Quality Management projects, the system will prompt you to enter the TQM project ID. Upload Attachment: You may upload attachment to support your action. Click on the button and the following window will pop out. Click on the Browse button to browse files from your local drive. Once you have selected your file, click on Submit to upload the file.

Action By: Enter the name of the personnel to work on the actions. Reference: View references on the actions to work on. There are different references such as TQM, Best In Class and IAction based on the key driver selected. Start Date: Click on the calendar icon to select the Start Date to work on the key driver action. The following window will pop out. 0nce you have clicked on the date after choosing the month and year, the calendar will close and the date chosen will be displayed in the field.

Completion Date (Target): Click on the calendar icon the key driver action.

to select the Target Completion Date to work on

Notes: You may add in notes for the key driver, click on the Notes Icon for communication. The following screen will pop out and you may enter your notes and upload attachment if any to the approver. Click on Submit button after completing your notes. Click on the Close Window link to close the window. Please note that if the Notes icon is blinking, this means that a new note has been received. Click on the icon to view the notes. You can also view the past notes by quarter by selecting the dropdown list given.

Copyright InterContinental Hotels Group. Developed by Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd.


InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

After you have entered the actions for the key driver, you can choose to Save As Draft or to click on Submit for approval.

Save As Draft The following screen appears when you click on Save As Draft.

After saving Action Plan in draft mode, you will be brought to the following page. You may click on the link to work on Action Plan again.

Click here to work on Action Plan.

The status of the Action Plan is stated as Draft if you have click to Save As Draft previously.

Copyright InterContinental Hotels Group. Developed by Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd.


InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

The following page will be shown once you have clicked on the link. You may edit the details accordingly.

Continue to add/edit in details while in Draft mode.

Click on the icon to delete the previous uploaded attachment if required.

Click on Submit button once you have completed Action Plan.

Submit The following screen after you have submitted Action Plan. The Action Plan will be sent to your immediate manager for approval. You will not be able to edit Action Plan once it is submitted. Click on OK to continue submitting or click on Cancel to stop proceeding.

After clicking on OK to confirm submitting, the following pop out message will be shown and email will be triggered to your immediate manager for approval.

Copyright InterContinental Hotels Group. Developed by Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd.


InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

You will be brought back to Action Plan Summary once Action Plan has been submitted successfully. The status of Action Plan will be stated as Pending Approval.

After submitting Action Plan successfully, the status will be Pending Approval

After clicking on Action Plan link, the following screen will be displayed. The status of each key driver is displayed in the first column. Currently, it is in Pending Approval for each key driver.

Displays the status of each key driver.

The following shows the different status of the key driver:

Pending Approval

: Pending for Approver to review the key driver action.

Pending Re-Submission : Approver requires more actions needed or comments on the Action needed hence requesting you to re-submit after amendments. Approver will post notes for communication. Refer to Manual page 10 for re-submission of the key driver action once you have done the amendments.

Copyright InterContinental Hotels Group. Developed by Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd.

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InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

: Upon successful approval, if the start date is not reached yet, the key driver will be Not Yet Started in Not Yet Started stage.

Ongoing : Upon successful approval, based on the start and target completion date entered, the action will be in Ongoing stage.

Completed : Once the action for the key driver has been completed, hotel user is required to enter the completion date. After which, the status of the key driver will be stated as Completed.

Overdue : The key driver status is stated as overdue if no completion date has been entered after the target completion date is passed. Reminder email will be sent to hotel user.


: The key driver is transferred to the next Action Plan.

Copyright InterContinental Hotels Group. Developed by Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd.

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InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

Approved Action Plan

The following screen will show the Approved Action Plan.

Click on Submit after you have completed the Completion Date.

Copyright InterContinental Hotels Group. Developed by Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd.

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InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

2. View Progress
Click on View Progress on the menu

Click here to view the progress report

You will be brought to the following screen.

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InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

Click on the link to go to Action Plan Shows the score for the key driver.

Shows the status of the key driver

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InterContinental Hotels Group: Guest Satisfaction Tracking System- Hotel User Manual

You will be able to view the progress of each key driver. The system will show the current year results. You may select from the drop down list to select past years results. The progress report of each key driver will show the following based on each quarter.

Item in Progress: The action for the key driver is in the process of carrying out. Item Yet to Complete: The action for the item is not yet completed based on the start and target completion date entered. Item Completed: Shows the action for the key driver is completed. Item Overdue: Shows the action for the key driver is overdue and no completion date is entered. Print: You may print the report if you wish to.

*** End ***

Copyright InterContinental Hotels Group. Developed by Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd.

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