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Family and The Household

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Family and The

Family refers to a group of people living together and
functioning as a single household, usually consisting of
parents and their children.
o Nuclear family is also
called as Conjugal
o A family consisting of a
married man & woman
and their biological or
adopted children.
o The main issue for
children is to help them
understand that their two
parent, heterosexual
family is a fine family, and
is one kind among many
other kinds of families.
Advantages of a nuclear family

 Development of Personality:
Nuclear family plays an important role in the development of personality of individuals. Children are
more close to the parents and can have more free and frank discussion about their problems with
parents which helps for the better development of their personality.
 Better Condition of Women:
In nuclear families the condition of woman is better than joint families. She gets enough time to
look after her children. She also gets time to plan and manage her house according to her own
idea. There is no interference of elders. Her husband can also devote more attention to the wife in
nuclear family.
 Less number of children:
Family planning programme becomes successful in nuclear families. The members of nuclear
family have to plan and limit their family as they have to bear all the responsibilities and expenses
themselves to rear their children. The children also are benefited in the long run as they inherit
directly property from their parents.
Advantages of a nuclear family

 Peace and Harmony:

Peace and harmony are very much essential for a pleasant family life. In nuclear families there
is no misunderstanding and they enjoy a harmonious atmosphere by living together.
 Individual Responsibilities:
In nuclear family there is no shifting of responsibility like in joint family. The parents are bound to
take responsibility of their children by themselves. The head of family has to work hard to take
care of his family.
 Problem Free Unit:
There is no chance of in-laws conflict. Financial problem does not arise in nuclear family.
Money can be saved for future achievement and to face uncertain crisis of family. All enjoy
independent life and can be engaged in any economic activities to supplement family
income. The will and desires of children are considered and are given proper weight. All
members of nuclear family are emotional secured. No superiority complex is felt by anybody.
All are given equal weightage.
Disadvantages of a nuclear family

 Economic disadvantage:
The property of the family is divided among the brothers and each live separately. The land being s
ubdivided does not yield much production resulting the land as an uneconomic holding. On the other
hand one has to employ other labours to achieve the desired goal due to limited size of family. In this
way the economic loss is more in nuclear family by paying remuneration to the labourers.
 Insecurity of Children:
In nuclear family both husband and wife adopt profession outside the family, then children are
neglected and looked after by the servants. They feel lonely and emotional insecure. They develop more
anxiety. If the bread winner dies or becomes incapable to en, here is no one to support the family. Even
in time of emergency like sickness, accident or during pregnancy family members are very much
neglected and there is no one to take care of them.
 Agency to Develop Bad Qualities of Inmates:
As it is an autonomous unit, it is free from the social control of elders. So the children develop all sorts of
bad qualities like theft, her and lead their lifestyle in indiscipline way. They become unsocial as they do
not get opportunity to mix with other members of the family.
Disadvantages of a nuclear family

 Loneliness:
Feeling of loneliness is one of important drawbacks in nuclear family. After completion of
household task, the housewife becomes alone at home. At the time of emergency one can get
any help and support from any other.
 Insecure For Old, Widow and Divorce:
In nuclear family widowed, old and divorce fare very much neglected. No one in the family
bothers to take care of them. Physically and psychologically they feel insecure. Above all in
nuclear family children are socially, emotionally and educational maladjusted. There is a chance
of family breakage in case of conflict between the compel. Still then everybody wants to go for a
nuclear family in the modern society because of its advantages which certainly outnumber the
Extended  A family where Grandparents or Aunts and

Family Uncles play major roles in the children’s

upbringing. This may or may not includes
those relatives living with the children. These
family members may be in addition to the
child’s parents or instead of the child’s parents
or instead of the child’s parents.
 Married couple that lives with either the
husband or the wife's parents.
 The family changes from immediate
household to extended household.
 In some circumstances, the extended family
comes to live either with or in place of a
member of the immediate family.
Advantages of a extended family

 Education
children learn faster to share, to help at home and to be more careful about their things. Children
get a lot of help with their homework.
 Socialization
in large families there is usually no loneliness, which allows children to have greater ease of relating
to other people.Children have more playmates, More people to interact with and this helps them
become more social.
 Company
There is always someone to play with, share your sorrows and also your joys, every time there is a
family member who can support you.
 Collaboration
the members of a large family value more what they have, because they understand the sacrifice it
entails for everyone.
Advantages of a extended family

 Benefits
In various places or establishments there are usually promotions for large groups and that is when
they take advantage of the huge families.
 More support children
receive more support and love throughout their lives, from a baby to adulthood. Greater security
to solve problems of economic crisis type. – Increased emotional support by being close to so
many people who love you.
 You can save money
some extended family pool their resources to run their home so this help each individual to save
Disadvantages of a extended family

 Expenses
parents face much greater expenses than in cases of families with a smaller number of
 Control
parents must know how to control both their emotions and those of their children, or the
atmosphere in the house can become a complete chaos.
 Less free time
due to so many members, leisure time may be non-existent, since there will always be
someone to tell you what you do?
 Less privacy
in most cases they have to share a room, so privacy is rather scarce in large families.
Disadvantages of a extended family

 The bathroom
everyone thinks to go and bathe at the same time and if there is only one toilet is much
 A lot of argument
different tastes in food, movies and other things can lead to heated discussions .
 Less control of children
parents are less likely to control their children because of being spoiled by grandparents
or aunts and uncles.
Reconstituted Family
 Reconstituted family also called as Blended family, Step
family, or a Complex family.
 A family unit where one or both parents have children
from a previous relationship, but they have combined to
form a new family. The parents may or may not then have
children with each other. Traditionally, the parents of a
blended family would be married, often after a divorce or
death of a previous spouse, but modern blended families
may not have married parents; cohabitant parents can
both serve as role models for the children without a
marriage ceremony.
 Formed by the joining of two adults through marriage,
cohabitation, or civil partnership, in which either one or
both of the adults have a child or children from a previous
relationship living in their home.
Advantages of a reconstituted family

The family may have a better quality of life.

There may be more money coming in to the home if both
parents are working.
Parents have an adult relationship.
There may be a new house and a new start.
Disadvantages of a reconstituted family

Odler children may find it difficult to adapt to living with

another family.
Jealousy may be evident among the children, especially
is they are of a similar age.
There may be confusion with the roles (e.g. who can
discipline the child, the birth parents? or the step parent?)
There may be amnesty towards the step parent.
Politics of Kinship
Kinship relation may extend to people an individual
or a family has political affiliation with.
Political Dynasty
May refer to the system of succession of political leaders
from the same family or clan that maintains power for
may generations.
A family which several members are involved in politics,
particularly electoral politics. Members may be related by
blood or marriage; often several generations or
multiple siblings may be involved.
Advantages of a political dynasty

 Brain Gain- Receiving educated and skilled workers.

 Growth of local market with increase of population. If migrants are
legal, then an increase in tax revenues for the government.
 There will be increased cultural diversity as migrants with their own
culture of food, dance, language, etc.
 As well as trained migrants there will be as source of cheap
migrants (low paid) to fill manual jobs.
disadvantages of a political dynasty
Political Alliance
 As political parties may be formed by the joining of forces of political families, political
alliances may be created by the collaboration among some political parties.
 Political alliance also referred to as a Political coalition or Political bloc.
 Political alliance is an agreement for cooperation between different political parties on
common political agenda, often for purposes of contesting an election to mutually
benefit by collectively clearing election threshold, or otherwise benefiting from
characteristics of the voting system or for government formation after elections. These
may break up quickly, or hold together for decades becoming the de-facto norm,
operating almost as a single unit.
 A coalition government is formed when a political alliance comes to power, or when only
a plurality (not a majority) has not been reached and several parties must work together
to govern.

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