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Norley News May 2012

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Fire Guts Disused Shop


May 2012

properties, though scalded on one side, did not fully ignite. A massive fire destroyed a disused Fingerpost Lane shop this Had it done so the implications for The Laurels could have month despite firefighters battling flames for almost four been far worse. hours. Fingerpost Lane, which police closed between the junctions Police closed the road after Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service of Cheesehill Lane, Cow Lane and Hough Lane to allow was called to the blaze at the former grocery shop at 2.50pm access for emergency vehicles, was re-opened at 6.45pm. on Friday 13th April. Keith Curbishley, Inspector for Cheshire Polices Western BY KATE GREENHALGH Rural Neighbourhood Policing Unit said, There is no A former grocery shop which has stood empty for over 20 suggestion that the fire was deliberate. years, and had no electricity supply, went up in smoke last The normal protocol is that if anything suspicious is month. identified the Police would be advised. It happed on Friday 13th, a cold damp day, which the Kate superstitious would say certainly lived up to its ominous reputation in Norley. The single story building, previously a grocers shop run by Some years ago Dr Gladys Archer, a well known member of Mr James, became the premises for a His n Hers Norleys community and past Parish Council Chair amongst hairdressers in the 1980s. But it has since been used as other things, wrote a book about the history of Norley. The storage space and fallen into disrepair. book was called "Norley A Village Alive" and was Chris Ward, of Fingerpost lane was one of the first people to printed in an initial run of 500 copies, which soon sold out. notice the fire while out walking his dog at the old antiAs well as providing the Norley News with its logo and lots aircraft gun site across the road. of reference material for articles since, the book has been You could see flames lashing out of it, he said. valued by students of local history, and by residents keen to There was black smoke coming out the back, said Chris, know about more about where they live. who thought it may mean oil was burning. Dr Archer says she has reprinted the book to allow people to The flames were 30 to 40 feet high. It looked like it started replace copies lost over the years, to allow new residents to at the back, Chris added. buy one, and to mark the Queens Jubilee. This time the The blaze was so big that four fire engines were drafted in from Winsford, Frodsham and Runcorn. News Inside The crew used four jets and breathing apparatus to tackle the Resistance is futile ............................. allo allo main fire, and another two jets to protect nearby property. But the closest neighbouring home, West Winds cottage, had A Village scheme? .................funding available! to be evacuated and still suffered fire damage including a A flair for design? .......................... Get in touch charred exterior window frame. PC response to FC............................................ On the other side, at The Laurels, the phone line was knocked June deadline.........................................5 June out and the intense heat caused glass to crack in a window pane. ........................ to include Jubilee reports Fortunately the long laurel hedge which divides the Norley NewsMay 2012 1

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Norleya village alive reprinted for the jubilee

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edition is smaller (200) and strictly limited. Copies will sell for 7. The books will be on sale at the Village Hall tea event (3.30 on the Bank Holiday Tuesday) that will mark the end of the Scarecrow Trail, and the end of the Jubilee weekend. Dr Archer will sign books at the event. You may however decide you cant wait for then, and if so she is willing to take advance orders. To advance order your signed copy, contact the author direct on 01928 788911. The original book raised money that allowed Norley to plants its fine show of spring Daffodils. This time the money raised will go to maintain the Hilltop play Area.

Calling All Wind, Silver And Brass Bands

Your chance to play on the Chester Olympic torch route: Tuesday 29th May 2012 Cheshire West and Chester are excited to be able to announce the opportunity for borough bands to be part of the celebrations and showcase local talent along the route of the torch when it visits Chester. To register an expression of interest please reply to laura.orchard@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk including Name of band: Number of people performing: Type of music/ rough idea of set list. Please note: Date: Tuesday 29th May 2012 Open to: wind, brass and silver bands in Cheshire West and Chester local authority Bands need to be available between 5.30 to 7pm. We are able to pay expenses of 75 to each band selected to perform Please note: town will be busy and there may be access restrictions on the day No amplification available Deadline for expressions of interest: Monday 23 April 2012 This is the first of 2 opportunities for bands to take part in Olympic celebrations in the area with the second to be part of the Bandstand Marathon on 9th September 2012. This event will take place in two locations in our borough and will be open to many different types of bands, music and vocal groups. More details of this will follow. Many thanks,
Laura Orchard - Arts Development Officer

Car Boot Sale At Village Hall

Disappointing weather contributed, strangely enough, to a successful outcome for the Car Boot sale run at the Village Hall on Easter Monday. Many other sales nearby were cancelled due to the rain - while the Norley sale went ahead indoors at the Village Hall. As a result, the sale raised a respectable 245 for Village Hall funds. A successful innovation was the Village Hall's own stall. The Committee would like to thank all those who donated items for sale - most went, and a good profit was made. There will be no car boot sale over the Jubilee weekend there is plenty of other stuff happening then! But watch out for details of Norley's first book and toy fair to be held in early November at the Village Hall, Details to follow in a future NN.

Resistance Is Futile
Date For Your Diaries - All Allo Coming To Norley The Kingsley Players have been touring their hilarious take on Allo Allo, the well loved TV comedy. The tour hits Norley Village Hall on Saturday 13th October. This will be great evening, so please do keep a note in your diaries. The show takes place in a cafe style setting, with refreshments provided. On this occasion we shall say this more than once - so details of how to book will be in future NN editions. 2 Norley News May 2012

Village SOS funding

The Parish Council has been told that there is additional funding available under this scheme, to support community enterprise. The Council will be discussing this opportunity, but wanted villagers to have the opportunity to make any suggestions that they might have. Please give this some thought, discuss and let us know your thoughts at the usual address (jon007.wild@hotmail.co.uk). Lets be bold the worst that can happen is that the answer is no! The following message and website give more details. Big Lottery Fund has announced a second round of Village SOS funding, which will support community enterprises in rural villages or small rural towns with fewer than 3,000 people. Grants of between 10,000 and 50,000 are available for truly enterprising ideas that have the support of the local community. More information and full application details will be made available on Tuesday 10 April. Make sure you register on the website to receive updates when more information becomes available. Take some time to explore the Village SOS website for news and advice about setting up or developing your ideas for a community enterprise, or call the Village SOS Advice Line to discuss your ideas with experts.

Booking is essential for all events. Unless otherwise stated, to book call 01606 889792 or drop in to the Linmere Information Centre. We are also running volunteer days throughout the year so come along and help your local forest. May Sunday 6th: Dawn Chorus, 5.30am 7.30am (4 per person) It is International Dawn Chorus Day today. Wake up early to enjoy the magical spring sound of the dawn chorus. An expert will be on hand to identify the individual birds calls. 5-7 mile walk with some uneven ground and steep climbs so please wear suitable footwear. Please bring your own binoculars if you have them. We can loan some pairs if needed. Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th May: The Spellbound Forest, either 9-10.45am or 11am-12.45pm each day Ticket prices: Adult 12.50, Child (3-16): 7.50, Under 3s Free, Family Ticket (2 adults and 2 children) 35 Wild Rumpus & the Forestry Commission invite you and your family to step into The Spellbound Forest. Twisting paths through the forest tell the twisting tales of English Fairy Tales through theatrical performance, music, visual art and dance. From the youngest to the oldest member of your

Delamere Forest Diary

Take part in Delameres fantastic events during 2012. Join the experts to find out all about the fauna and flora of Delamere Forest. All children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

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Please come along and support the Trust which is responsible for developing the Village Hall area in Norley. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask any questions. Pauline Coglan - Trust Secretary

Childrens' Dance Classes

at Norley Village Hall on Thursdays, 4:30 - 6:00pm. To include: baby ballet, tap & street dance. Contact Sara 07837053539

Norley NewsMay 2012

family, lose yourself in the enchanted world of fairy tales, where men can become birds, tears become rivers, and children whirl at the elven ball. The Spellbound Forest wont just tell tales though, we will create our own new English Fairytale, dance our own new dance, and sculpt a marvellous creation to live in the forest long after the magic has faded. To find out more and book tickets visit www.spellboundforest.org.uk Sunday 27th: Volunteer Day, 10am 4pm (Free) Come join in with some practical forest management led by a forest ranger. The day will involve using hand held tools out in the forest undertaking tasks such as fencing, birch removal, vegetation clearance, sign maintenance and general forest clean up. Sunday 27th: Watercolour course, 10.30am 4pm (35) Come and enjoy a one day water colour course with our resident artist Don Wilson. The course is aimed at complete beginners so absolutely no experience is needed and by the end of the day, you will be taking home your very first painting! June Sunday 3rd June: Big Jubilee Forest Picnic, all day (Free) Join us for a family picnic to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Well provide the setting, just bring yourselves and a picnic! Thursday 7th: Minibeast Madness, 10.30 11.30am or 1.30 2.30pm (2 per child) Investigate the minibeasts of our forest and discover why they are so important. Friday 8th: Den building, 10.30am 12pm or 1.30 3pm

(2 per child) Can you survive in the forest? Take part in our ever popular session creating natural dens.
Rachael ClaytonDelamere Marketing & Communications

Proposal For Changes To Spare Seat Charges

Cheshire West and Chester Council senior officers have agreed to consult on a proposed increase for the spare seat places that are offered to School pupils on education contract buses. The consultation will last for 28 School days with the consultation ending on Thursday 10 May 2012, taking into account any School holidays and Bank Holidays. A PDF version of the consultation is attached. I should be grateful if you would ensure that a copy of the consultation document could be displayed in a prominent place for the community to see. The formal consultation period will run from Monday 19 March to Thursday 10 May 2012 with the final report to go to the Cheshire West and Executive Member for Education and Children in late May 2012. The Executive Member will take a decision on whether or not to adopt the proposal. The proposed date for implementation, if the Executive Member decides to proceed, would be September 2012. Details of this consultation can be found on our website via the following link: www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/consultations If you have any queries about this consultation please do not hesitate to contact the School Planning and Organisation

Norley News May 2012

Team on 0300 123 7032, email schoolplanningandpolicy@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk

Graphic Design Help Needed

Your Norley News team has been discussing the future development of the NNs impact, and is seeking someone in the village with expertise, equipment and a little spare time to help us develop some new visual ideas. If you are able to add a little design flair, or know someone who can, please do get in touch. Usual address: jon007.wild@hotmail.co.uk.

Minutes of Norley Parish Council Meeting


89. Present Councillor D Ford, Councillor J Davidson, Councillor J Wild, Councillor A Greasley Councillor M Greenacre, Councillor N Taylor, Councillor M Greenacre, Cheshire West & Chester Councillor R Oultram attended the meeting along with 2 parishioners. 90. Declarations of Interest No declarations of interest were made. 91. Approval of Minutes of 16/02/12 The minutes of the meeting of 16/02/12 were approved subject to the following amendments:Minute No. 87 (iii) Should not be Claires Cottage as the land in question is opposite Minute number 86 Should read Following a request to Natural England not Norley Parish Council Minutes number 83 should read Arc Angel not Arc Angle 92 Matters arising from the minutes of 16/02/12 Clerk instructed to order two planters, from CWAC, one to be located on the grass verge near to the Fortune Palace and the second near to the Tigers Head Public House, after obtaining authorisation from the Land Lady of the Tigers Head. Queens Jubilee Celebration update provided to members. Catering/Big Lunch will be in the form of a Street Party outside the Tigers Head Public House on 03/06/12 starting at 1.30pm, catering will be in the form of everyone bringing their own picnic lunch. A Bouncy Castle will be obtained for the afternoon of 03/06/12. A flyer to advertise this event will be drafted and circulated


to help people in poverty out of poverty 13 - 19 May 2012
Christian Aid works with its partners in crisis situations and also in more long term projects as it aims to bring an end to poverty around the world by tackling its root causes as well as its effects.

This year Christian Aid is highlighting its work in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone is one of the hungriest countries in the world. But helped by Christian Aid partner the Methodist Church of Sierra Leone (MCSL), some people there have found the tools to move beyond hunger and speak out for the changes they want to see.

Please give generously in Christian Aid Week as your gift will help people to help themselves
If you would consider joining the band of collectors in Norley. please contact either Ruth Lane (788071) or Rita Boon (788185).

Norley NewsMay 2012

to residents. An article is to be placed in the Norley News informing residents of whats happening & when, and seeking volunteers. A Scarecrow Trail will take place on 05/06/12, starting and finishing at the Village Hall 12pm to 4pm. It is hoped that these events will be well attended and well received by parishioners. Email received from BT regarding the telephone box. confirming that the power supply has been disconnected, BT are now awaiting for the apparatus to be removed prior to the adoption. 93.Approval of Minutes of Norley Parish Council Affordable Housing Committee Meeting 27/02/12. The minutes of 27/02/12 were approved subject to the following amendment:The Affordable Housing Committee is a Committee and not a Sub Committee It should read a quorum of 3 not a quantum of 3 It is for the Clerk to call the meeting not the chairperson 94. Delamere Forest Members discussed the letters received from 3 parishioners objecting to the proposed development. Norley Parish Council decided to object against this development. Councillor Taylor agreed to draft the Parish Councils comments and forward to Andrea Peatie Delamere Forest. Councillor Oultram agreed to enquire whether Andrea worked for CWAC or the Forestry Commission, as this may have implications in regard to any formal planning application. 95. Affordable Housing An update was provided to members from the Affordable Housing Committee. An article has been included in Norley News, and villagers have started to come forward,

offering parcels of land to be considered for Affordable Housing. Norley Parish Council Affordable Housing Committee to write to owners of land which the Parish Council deem possible suitable sites. Members asked to consider whether they wished to consider mixed development sites, to take advantage of cross subsidy. Members asked to consider this prior to the next meeting, clerk instructed to add this to the next agenda. 96. Neighbourhood Plan Councillor Davidson provided an update from the NP meeting with CWAC and Tattenhall NP members. Members were informed that any development would need to satisfy the current development in the Greenbelt rules and as such the only development which Norley can expect to see will be affordable Housing. He stressed that although housing was an important part of the NP, the NP Group would cover lots of other areas such as employment and transport. The NP Group have now separated into 6 groups to consider Environment & Sustainability, Housing & Build Environment, Transport & Infrastructure, Community & Social, Business & Agriculture, and last but not least Health & Education. Letters are to be sent to each household, clerk instructed to obtain stamps prior to the expected increase to stamp price to obtain the best value for money. 97. Council Forum Meeting. Councillor Wild provided an update from CWAC Council Forum meeting. He will obtain slides from this meeting and circulate to members. 98. Planning 12/01212/FUL Woodlands Gallowsclough Lane, relocation and extension to existing annex, single storey extension to dwelling and new double garage. Norley Parish Council commented that there should be a

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Norley News May 2012

restriction if permitted that ties the ancillary accommodation to the existing house to ensure that these are not, in the future, sold separately. 12/01189/FUL Minack Crabmill Lane, single storey rear extension. Norley Parish Council feel that whilst this is not disportionate to the site, it does come almost to the boundary at the rear, and feel it would be better if this extension was on the other side of the bungalow. Decisions 12/00281/FUL Flaxmoss Cottage, conversion of garage to kitchen and incorporation of dorma windows to front and rear of usable loft space. Permitted subject to conditions 11/05614/FUL Charleston Blakemere Lane, replacement garage, permitted subject to conditions. 99. Correspondence i Email received from C Jenkinson in regard to Flaxmere Moss. Mrs Jenkinson attended in person and addressed the Council. She was informed that CWAC did not at this time have a Management Plan for Common Land. Natural England is responsible for any work that is undertaken at the moss, including the lane which Mrs Jenkinson stated requires attention. Clerk to forward Rachael Garnetts telephone number to Mrs Jenkinson, to enable her to raise her concerns directly with Natural England. ii Email received from CWAC regarding changes to spare seat charges consultation. Clerk to forward details to Councillor Wild for inclusion in Norley News. iii Email received inviting members to Frodsham Town Council Jubilee Events. 100. Accounts Clerks salary 01/01/12 to 31/03/12 549.60 passed for payment

Clerks expenses 01/01/12 to 31/03/12 113.92 passed for payment HMRC Tax 137.40 passed for payment Clerk informed members that accounts for 2011/2012 had been prepared and were now waiting for the internal audit to be completed. Clerk informed members that a letter had been received from HMRC, stating that PAYE for 2011/2012 had not been received. Clerk has telephoned HMRC to inform them that these payments had been made and provided cheque numbers. Clerk instructed to keep a record of hours worked undertaken on the Neighbourhood Plan and claim these with her usual salary payments. 101. Annual Parish Council Meeting. Members were provided with an explanation of the process for the Annual Parish Council Meeting due in May 2012. 102 Any Other Business. Clerk instructed to contact CWAC to ask whether it would be possible for the Parish Council to use the Speed Indicator Device as the vehicle speeds in the village seem to be increasing. John Lewis has offered to conduct a regular litter pick in the village. Clerk instructed to check with the insurance company if this would be possible. John Lewis raised the issue of the grass verge at the bottom of Maddocks Hill being eroded due to vehicles cutting the corner when turning; clerk to inform Highways at CWAC. The meeting finished at 9.15pm
Megan RosneyClerk, Norley Parish Council

Norley NewsMay 2012

Parish Council Expresses Initial Views On Delamere Proposals

The Parish Council was invited to comment on the controversial proposals for Delamere Forest reported in the last NN. The Council thought that the residents of Norley should see the views they have expressed on the proposals so far, and the following is the text of their letter to the Forestry Commission. To: The Forest Manager, Delamere Forest Linmere Cheshire CW 8 2JD The Delamere Project was debated as an agenda item at our Parish Council meeting on Monday (2nd April) this week. Per your email to Meg Rosney and the council, please find below our initial comments with regard to the proposal, with a formal response to follow in due course after planning applications have been submitted. 1. Firstly, in relation to the Visitor Centre and Parking:

We are not against the sensible development of the leisure aspects of the forest and have no significant concerns about the proposed development of the Visitor Centre. There was some general feeling in the meeting that the proposal for the new centre was possibly rather large but the details of this can obviously be debated in due course. We recognise the importance of the forest paying its way in order to help ensure it remains sustainable. We do object in principal to the proposed parking restrictions on Ashton Road. The restrictions seem unnecessary given the large number of lay-bys situated off the road causing no obstruction to traffic. These laybys are well used by local people, often several times a week and it was certainly a common view that forcing locals to pay for parking when there is safe off-road parking of this type seems very unreasonable and would be a source of significant resistance if it were to form part of a formal proposal. 2. Secondly, the proposed Forest Lodge development. The debate and our objections centred around three key areas Size/Scale, Access and Location and it is fair to say that the comments below are representative of the feelings of all the councillors: Size: The sheer scale 78 cabins, 47 hectares proposed is

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8 Norley News May 2012

totally disproportionate to the size of Delamere Forest. Assuming 2 people occupying a bedroom, the 78 cabins proposed would cater for over 400 people per night. Forest Holidays quote occupancy figures in excess of 90%. There appear to be 2 or 3 parking bays for each cabin. This is a HUGE number of people and cars to put in this area equivalent to the size of the nearest village! We would very much like to see a detailed breakdown of the business case that supports the claim that 75 cabins per forest are required to make these projects economical. The claim from Forest Holidays that people do not use their cars once on-site is not credible, because there are no local amenities within walking distance of Kingswood. If the statement is true, then their other claim that the cabins will make a significant contribution to the local economy must therefore be untrue. We would like to see a detailed breakdown of the calculations of the projected benefits to the local economy as there is little in the current documentation to justify confidence in the local economic benefits claimed. Current Forest Holiday sites provide a bar, caf, shop and laundry. Why are these facilities not shown on the draft Delamere Forest plans? How much of the projected spend of the cabin guests is likely to go into these facilities rather than into the local economy? Has an assessment been made of the impact on wildlife in the area? With the huge influx of people and cars proposed, and the need to fell so many trees, it seems likely that the habitats of many animals will be seriously disturbed. As far as we can tell, there have been no Environmental Impact, CO2, traffic impact or wildlife surveys carried out. Access: The point of entry requires a long road to be driven through the forest, changing its nature and opening up users on foot and horse riders to a significant traffic hazard from potentially hundreds of cars per day. It cannot be guaranteed (as Forest Holidays claim) that parallel walking

tracks maintain safety and, more importantly, walkers / runners / horse riders / cyclists / etc. should not have to be restricted this way in a forest. Given the level of development / construction work traffic requiring access, it was not clear why the proposed access point was not from the North of the forest, along Waterloo Lane, which would presumably be far less destructive. Location: Kingswood and its immediate surroundings is currently the only area of the forest that remains untouched everywhere else has some sort of associated development or activity. This should be preserved. Any development that has to take place should be kept to the area south of Ashton Road, with the area to the north left untouched. It is nonsensical to spread development throughout the whole forest. We are also informed by local residents that detailed preparations, including targeted tree felling for the specific purpose of building lodges, has already begun. If this is true, then it is an extremely serious issue given the current stage and status of the planning application, and will represent a major obstacle to building a relationship of trust between developers and local residents now and in the future. My apologies for the length of this email, but as you can imagine, the significance of the proposed development prompted a lively and lengthy discussion. Please let me know if there are any queries in relation to the points raised. Kind regards Norley Parish Council 7th April 2012

A new Norley News distributor to deliver 25 copies in Cow Lane area. If you can help contact Penny on 01928 787496

Norley NewsMay 2012

100 Club Winners

March: No 90 No 3 April: No 89 No 69 Margaret Rita Gadd Barbara Jones Patricia Austin Arnold Ashbrook

Report on Norley WI Meeting

April 5th 2012 in Norley Village Hall Helen welcomed everyone and informed us of the death of Margaret Robins a very popular past president. Alison Penny and Joan Hunt represented us. She said that in the Quiz we came second and qualified for the final. She asked for help to dress our Scarecrow our entry into the Jubilee competition. We had a lovely evening playing skittles. She reminded us of the Spinning evening on Thursday April 26th at 7-30 in the Hall. Meadow Bank conservation farm on May 2nd meet in Vill. Hall carpark at4.45. to eat at approximately 5.30 pm. Please wear appropriate clothing. Phantom on May 8th Car park 5.30pm. The Jubilee evening on June 7th. This will start as usual at 7-30pm. Party clothes, nice hats etc. Please, sign up so that we will know how many to cater for, entry 2 per head. The Haworth Trip on July 7th. The August outing in lieu of the meeting will be to Grappenhall Heyes garden tour. Our money raising evening will possibly be on October 20th We hope to have a Barn Dance. There is a quiz sheet at 1 on sale. All answers are biscuits and the money raised will go to ACWW. (Associated Countrywomen of the World) in aid of Children in the Cameroon. The prize is 10. Big walk little splash ~~ Please if you can, take a photo of

Anyone Here You Recognise?

As part of the Jubilee celebrations, there will be a display in the Village Hall on the Bank Holiday Tuesday. As well as being the culmination of the Scarecrow Walk, where prizes will be given and refreshments available, the Village Hall will be hosting this display. We have lots of intriguing pictures and items of interest covering the past of Norley, and this is a great opportunity to remind ourselves how things have changed. The WI and others in the village have kindly lent us items for display. If you have anything of interest, please do let me know on jon007.wild@hotmail.co.uk. As a taster - see if you can recognise anyone from the picture of Norley schoolchildren below. Admittedly this is from more than 80 years ago. Let us know if you can! Address above.

A self explanatory sepia spectacular from the WI archives Who can you recognise?


Norley News May 2012

your efforts. April 20th. Bluebell walk. Meet at Norley village Hall 10am, bring a packed lunch. The first of the new Group Meetings will be held in Frodsham Community Centre with the main speaker being Trisha Stewart of the Calendar Girls. Tickets at 5 each 730pm. Tea/coffee and cake in the interval. If non WI members would like to attend, find a member who just might be able to get a ticket for you. We can also arrange a car pool if needed. The talk was given by Terry Webb about Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. He brought with him Thelma with Emmy who is 5 and Mary with Forest 18 months and still in training. One was a Bichon Frise and the other a Scih Tzu, both small white and fluffy. We learnt how long they took to be trained, how much it cost to train them and the fact that the actual cost of keeping a dog is comparatively small for their companions. The next meeting in Norley Village Hall starting at 7~30pm Thursday May 10th will have Mr Ed. Salt talking about The Goat Farming Industry U.K. Retailers. Competition is a Dairy Recipe.
Mary Ramskill

Norley CE Primary School Newsletter

Dear Readers, I hope you enjoy reading about the shared residential visit older juniors had at the start of term with children from Kingsley St. John. Due to the weather, they did get a little wet! We are hoping for warmer weather and sunshine, as we have lots of summer activities planned such as sports day, Teddy Bear picnic and Summer Fayre to name but a few! Due to expanding numbers, we will be reorganising internally over the summer to create a fourth discrete class for reception children. We will be welcoming Miss G Williams to work alongside Mrs Eaton with our new starters, and Mr Bennett to work with our older infants in year 1/2. The new staff will be popping into the school over the summer term, and we hope they will be able to attend some events to become known to parents/carers.
Mrs Ann Griffiths, Headteacher, Norley CE School

The group putting together the Norley Diamond Jubilee celebrations are making good progress. As well as Jubilee prizes for the Scarecrow Trail on the Tuesday, there will be a free Souvenir Programme for all who attend the picnic lunch street party on the Sunday. More details will follow in the next Norley News and every house in the village will receive an invitation to the picnic lunch street party.

Music, food, good company, bunting and flags, Jubilee lollipops, games, prizes and scarecrows all in your Neighbourhood. What better way to mark this special day?
How can

you help the weekend go with a swing?

1. Keep your days clear to take part in what will be a oneoff occasion for Norley. You dont want to miss these events they wont be the same without you. 2. Make a scarecrow let us know (jon007.wild@hotmail.co.uk) if you plan to we have some, but want many more theme is 60 years of the Queens reign. 3. PLEASE HELP US this event will only be possible if we are able to get people to offer us some time on the day, and maybe before. Its a great chance to meet more of your neighbours, and to be part of something special. And we really do need the help. Offers to the address above please.

Norley NewsMay 2012


A number of incidents have been reported in the Cuddington/ Sandiway area regarding anti-social behaviour, with a Red Saab convertible being involved. Any sightings or issues with this vehicle should be reported to police. Officers from Frodsham police station have executed a drugs search warrant at a local address in the town, recovering six cannabis plants. A 38 year old women admitted cultivating the plants and received a police caution. There have been numerous reports of pedal cycles being stolen across the area, from a variety of different locations including; sheds, garages, places of work, hotels and public places. Please ensure you lock your bike and make a note of the frame number. This can aid in its identification at a later date if youre unfortunate enough to have it stolen. Two cars have been broken into at Delamere Forest during day light hours. A handbag containing 90 cash was taken from one of the cars. Please do not leave valuables on display when parking your car. Officers are still appealing for help following the theft of a wheel chair from Ash Road, Cuddington. The wheel chair is specially adapted for by a 12 year old boy who suffers from cerebral palsy please see the Cheshire Police website for full details

Delamere Forest School, Norley has been subject to a Burglary on three separate occasions last week. Each crime took place overnight and extensive damage was caused and copper piping stolen. Following police enquiries a male has been arrested and is currently on bail pending forensic enquiries Offender(s) have stolen lead off the roof of Blakemere Craft Centre, Sandiway. Metal Theft generally is a problem nationally and is certainly a priority for my staff on the Rural Area. Potential targets for criminals exist in all our communities, especially older property in remote locations. Please report any suspicious activity as this is not a victimless crime with considerable damage often being caused as a result of the theft. I am seeing an increase in the number of reports of unwelcome cold calling across the Rural Area. The general theme is that occupants of houses are approached by individuals purporting to be tradesmen pointing out a problem such as with the roof or driveway and that they can do the job there and then at a cheap price. By way of an example an elderly lady in Cuddington was the victim of such an approach in respect of her roof being overgrown with moss and was actually taken to the ATM Cash Machine to withdraw the money to pay for the work. Please be cautious if you experience a similar approach and phone the police if you have any concerns. Looking out for any vulnerable neighbours in the same way would also be appreciated.
Inspector Keith Curbishley 0845 458 6393

M.P. Building and Joinery (Based in Norley) All Aspects of Building and Joinery

Odd Jobs A Treat

Extensions and Renovations Complete Loft and Garage Conversions Windows, Doors, Soffits, Facias and Gutters Solid Wood Flooring and Floor and Wall Tiling Driveways, Paths, Concrete Bases & Footings Timber Garden Buildings, Workplace, Office or Storage Plumbing, Painting, Brickwork,Plastering and Roofing Time served tradesmen over 30 years of experience Insurance covered, All work Guaranteed For a free estimate & advice call Mark on 01928 787046 or on 07932695311
12 Norley News May 2012

Thanks To All Our Sponsors

for supporting Norley News. We do obtain money from our advertisers and the Parish Council contributes towards the cost of community advertising, but it is sponsorship money that makes it possible to produce 10 issues a year. So, if any reader wishes to become a sponsor and help us in the continuing development of the News, please contact Penny Clarke 2 The Spinney, Norley, WA6 8LS, tel 787496, email penny@mpfclarke.me.uk
Liz and Tony Lavin John Patten Frodsham & District Choral Society The Wednesday Club Bill & Libby Appleton Les & Gladys Archer Sophie & Martin Gambrell Mary Ramskill Joan Hunt Helen Welburn Mrs I Preston Monica Stewart Norley Horticultural Soc Tony & Katie Simpson James & Megan Posnett Bob & Ruth Downes Pauline & Mike Kay The Basnett Family Barbara Jones Norley Bowling Club Marie Cliffe Gill & John Lunt 1st Norley Scout Group, Norley WI Mary Owen Judith Hull Rosamund Walley Darren and Jane Stubbs Delamere Stores Anon (x14) Norley CE Primary School The residents of Hatchmere Park Helen and Mike Ebbitt Bette Ashbrook Pat Dixon Stephn Douglas Bruce & Ruth Lane Liz Robinson Frazer & Katrina Higson John & Maureen Lewis

Yoga Class
@ Norley Village Hall

Starting June 15th

9:30 - 10:30 am For more information contact Lyndsey on

07919 563075

Advertising & Editorial Info

0 5. 7 00 .51 00 .51 00 .03

Computer Problems? Broken Mobile Phone?

The Phone Box can help

We can repair: Broken mobile phonesScreens, Signal problems, even water damage. PCs & laptopsvirus removal, data recovery, charging faults, smashed screens. Gaming consolesPS3 yellow light of death. X-Box red ring of death. We also stock a wide range of fashion accessories for mobile phones and spares, batteries, chargers.
Now relocated to Halton Lea Shopping Centre, Runcorn with plenty of FREE parking! Opposite Tescos, next door to Sayers.

Call Paul on 07938 136200 or visit www.mobilerepairuk.com

FREE collection and delivery for Norley residents
Norley NewsMay 2012

h gi h m m 5 3 1 x e d i w m m 0 9 e g a P r et r a u Q h gi h m m 4 7 2 x e d i w m m 0 9 e g a P fl a H h g i h m m 5 3 1 x e di w m m 5 8 1 e g a P fl a H h g i h m m 4 7 2 x e di w m m 5 8 1 e g a P ll u F

Please send your ads in a graphic format, preferably JPEG or high res PDF, including fonts and embedded images.

Wednesday Club
events May and June
2nd May 9th May 16th May 23rd May 30th May 6th June 13th June 20th June 27th June Club meeting Sales table Visit from Frodsham Townswomens Guild Trip to Lytham St Anne Club meeting Jubilee tea and Entertainment Sales table Trip - Tour of Wales Club meeting

Norley Directory
Parish Council ~~ Dennis Ford (Chairman) ~ 01928 788398 MP ~ Graham Evans MP House of Commons London SW1A 0AA tel: 020 7219 7183 email: graham.evans.mp@parliament.uk Frodsham Police Stn:~ CAT (Community Action Team) 0845 458 6393. For Non-Emergency Dial 0845 458 0000 In an Emergency always dial 999 Home Watch Officer:~ Liz Biddle, Cheshire West and Chester 01244 614291 It is possible to leave a message for your local police team, based at Frodsham police station, to ask for advice or information about non urgent, community police matters. Our local community police team are based at Frodsham police station - 0845 458 6393. An officer will return the call within 24 hours Bus Service Number 48 to Frodsham via School Bank, Hough Lane and High St: 0930, 1130. 1330. 1535. 1730 - Last bus from Northwich 1705 to Northwich via High St, Hough Lane and School Bank: 0756. 1036. 1236. 1436. 1636. Last bus from Frodsham Co-op 1609 St. Johns Parish Church ~ Rev Pete Rugen ~ Ruth Downes 01928 788748 ~ the Parish Room can be hired Norley Methodist Church ~ Revd Pat Christopher 733180 ~ Schoolroom for hire ~ contact Ruth Lane 788071 Sunday School 10-45 am Hazel Dale 787216 Craft Club ~ Alison Twinn 01829 760371

Due to the patronage of the Parish Council, local organisation advertising is FREE! All new or single advertisers please pay up front or ask for a pro forma invoice. All contributions (as a simple text document), compliments (and complaints) to Penny Clarke, 2 The Spinney, WA6 8LS, tel 787496, email penny@mpfclarke.me.uk Do let us know if any contact details need updating, or if you wish to add email addresses or website details. All copy and adverts for the June 2012 issue to be with us by 31 May 2012, preferably by email.

Replacement Double Glazed Units
Fed up of trying to see through those misty/failed double glazed units? Units can be replaced in wood, pvc, and aluminium. Glazing for windows, doors, patios, roof lights, and greenhouses Call Kevin or Sue on 01928 787256 Free quotes given Your local independent tradesman 30 years experience All types of glazing work undertaken
14 Norley News May 2012


Brown Moss Farm, Norley Road, Norley WA6 6LJ tel: 01928 787500 email: vets@brownmossequineclinic.co.uk www.brownmossequineclinic.co.uk

Hollow Lane Kingsley (Next to the Horseshoe Inn) www elegancehealthandbeauty.com elegancehb@btinternet.comtel 01928 787870

Long established 100% equine veterinary clinic based in Norley Practice covers most of Cheshire, extending to Southern Lancashire, South West Greater Manchester, Merseyside and The Wirral Excellent purpose built facilities 24 hour Emergency Cover Most advanced and portable digital X-ray equipment Ultrasound, Endoscopy, ECG and In-house laboratory facilities All our vets and staff are experienced riders and horse owners themselves No call out charge for Norley patients!

Elegance Skin Brightening Facial

This half hour facial includes deep cleansing of the skin, brightening of the skin, removal of dead skin cells and a relaxing and revitalising facial massage using massage rollers with a pure facial oil.

Special Promotion only 20

(offer ends 31st May)
Opening Times:Tues & Thurs 9.30 am - 7pm Weds 9.30am - 1pm Fri. 9.30am 5pm Sat. 9.30am 4pm

Walks ~ Bruce Lane 788071 ~ Walks on the 1st Wed each month. Everyone welcome! Cheshire Wildlife Trust ~ Bob Greenwood 01928 788475 THE STORES (Our village shop) ~ USE IT, OR LOSE IT ~ 01928 788044. Opening Hours: Mon & Tues 7am to 7pm Weds 7am to 2pm Thurs & Fri 7am to 7pm

Sat 8am to 1pm Sun 8am to 1pm Norley C.E Primary School ~ Headteacher: Mrs A Griffiths ~ 01928 788471 ~ Fax 01928 787554 Norley Mothers & Toddlers ~ 0-5s ~ 10 til 12 Weds at Norley CE Primary School. Further details from Louise

Norley NewsMay 2012


Lee 01928 787287. Village Hall ~~ Available for Hire. To book, call Marie 01928 788181 (on behalf of the management committee). Hall hire facilities include, equipment, bar space, tables, chairs, heating etc Mobile Library Every other Wednesday: Norley School Car Park 11.00 to 11.15 am Norley Nursery Park 11:20 to 11:35 am Hatchmere Fortune Palace 11:40 to 12:10 pm For more information contact Northwich Library on 01606 44221 or log on to www.cheshire.gov.uk/library/mobilelibrary Scouts (in the scout hut in Crabmill Lane) ~ (Age 10 to 13) Tuesdays 7-30 to 9 pm. Beavers Tuesdays 6-7 pm Cubs Mondays 6-45 to 8-15pm More details from Bruce Lane ~ 01928 788071 The hut is also available for hire. Contact Contact Les Bennion 787636 Guides ~ Sue Clough 01606 333733 W.I ~ 2nd Thursday in the month 7-30 pm in the Village Hall ~ Di Ramsbottom 01928 788 969 Wednesday Club (Over 60s) ~~ Wednesdays 2-4 pm Village Hall ~~ Joan Barclay 01928 788394 Bingo ~ Every other Monday in the Village Hall ~ Ruth Broome 788026 Bowls behind the Village Hall ~ Eric & Barbara Bryan 01928 788203 Bowls at the Tigers Head ~ Trevor 01928 788309 Horticultural Society ~~ Margaret Worrall 01928 788278 Junior Badminton meets most Thursday evenings during term time from 7:00 to 8:30 in the Norley village Hall. We offer Professional Coaching for only 2 per session. New members aged 8 & over are always welcome! For more details phone Norma Kelly on: 01606 881941 Ladies Badminton: Shirley Craven 787251 Cheshire West & Chester Council ~ 0300 1238123 or e.mail enquiries@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk There are various voluntary/not for profit organisations

operating in Vale Royal who may be able to offer advice, or arrange for work to be carried out in residential properties eg: ARENA Options Ltd ~ Care & Repair Services 0845 142 2064 Weaver Horizon (part of Weaver Vale Housing Trust) maintenance team will quote for all types of maintenance work for private home owners 01606 813452 Help the Aged ~ Handy Van Scheme 01255 473999 Furniture Finders ~~ Donate or collect furniture (recycling) at Winsford. 0845 0264727 email ~ info@ffow.co.uk ~ website: www.ffow.co.uk Rural Buses ~ 01606 810 660 (Door to Door ~ Book the day before your journey) Travel for Over 60s and disabled persons ~ Wyvern House ~ 01606 867928 Age Concern ~ David Goodwin 01606 888921 Pensions Office ~ 0845 60 60 265

Community Classifieds
PUBS: Tigers Head 01928 788309 ~ Carriers Inn 01928 787877 Chinese Restaurant:~ Fortune Palace ~ Eat in or out (No delivery) 01928 788293/Fax 01928 787682 Holland Pharmacy ~ 01928 788559 Electrician:~ SWP Electrics 01928 740415 or 01928 740237 Electrician ~ Kingsley Electrical, Frank Pilgrim 01928 788971, 07711 258677 General Household maintenance, rubbish removal, general joinery ~ Munroe & Son 01928 787025 or 07875 304664 Property Repairs:~ Mike Kay 787292 ~ ALL EXTERIOR & INTERIOR PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. The Ovencleaners ~Lorraine~ 01928 723 906 or 0795 8610 403 or theovencleaner@tiscali.co.uk


Norley News May 2012

Christians Together in Norley

Churches and Clergy
St John the Evangelist, Norley Vicar: Curate: Revd Peter Rugen Revd Gill Stanning 01928 787180 01928 788623

Norley Methodist Church Minister: Revd Sue Levitt 01829 741022

Roman Catholic
St Lukes, Frodsham Priest: Mgr Peter ONeill 01928 733127

Church Services
The nearest Roman Catholic Church is St Lukes, Frodsham. Services normally are:
Sunday Mass Weekdays 9 am, 11 am 9.30 am except Saturday 6.00 pm Tuesday when 7.15 pm

Norley Anglican and Methodist Services

Thursday 3 May 10.00am CW Communion

St Johns, Norley

Sunday 6 May
9.30am 10:45am 11.15am 6.30pm CW Communion Morning Worship All Age Worship Evening Worship


St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist

Sunday 20 8.15am 9.00am 9.30am 10.45am 6.30pm


May BCP Communion Norley@9 Morning Worship Morning Worship Christian Aid Service

St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist Norley Methodist St Johns, Norley Pentecost Kingsley St John Norley Methodist Norley Methodist Kingsley St John

Thursday 24 May 10.00am CW Communion Sunday 27th May 10.00am Worshipping Together 10.45am All Age Worship 6.30pm Holy Communion 6.30pm Encounter

Sunday 13 May
9.30am 10.45am 6.30pm CW Communion Holy Communion BCP Evening Prayer St Johns Norley Norley Methodist Joint service for Anglicans & Methodists at St Johns, Norley

Norley NewsMay 2012


You are welcome to join these activities:Tuesdays


10.00 12.00
Meet 9.45am

Craft Club at Norley Methodist Church. Contact Alison Twinn (01829 760371) for information First Wednesday Walk - a walk around Middlewich discovering its history from Roman times to date meet at Norley Methodist Church Contact Bruce Lane (788071) for details Open Door Lunch at Norley Methodist Church contact Joan (01606 301198) by th Sunday 6 May if you want to attend Norley Ecumenical Ladies Group at Norley Parish Centre - Contact Joan Loukes (788874) Open Door Lunch at Norley Methodist Church Contact Ruth (788071) by th Sunday 20 May if you want to attend Thursday Club at Norley Methodist Church


9 May 17 May 24 May 24 May

th th th


Noon 2.00pm Noon 1.30pm


Norley News May 2012

Whats On In Norley May and June 2012

Day Dates


Time Details

Village Hall Diary

For information about Village Hall availability or any other booking enquiries ~ contact Marie Cliffe tel 01928 788181

Monday May 7 21 June 4 18 Tuesday May 1 8 15 22 29 June 12 19 26 Tuesday May 1 8 15 22 29 June 12 19 26 Tuesday June 5 Wednesday May 2 9 16 30 June 6 13 27 Wednesday May 2 9 16 23 30 June 6 13 20 27 Thursday May 10 June 7 Thursday May 3 10 17 24 31 June 7 14 21 28 Friday June 15 22 29 Saturday May 19 Saturday May 26

Bingo Ladies Badminton

Eyes down 7.30 pm Everybody welcome! Contact Ruth Broome 788026 1 :00pm 3:00 Contact Shirley Craven 01928 787251

Private Badminton Group 5:00 6:00 pm Jubilee event Norley Exhibition and afternoon tea Wednesday Club Zumba Classes W.I.
1:00 4:30 Contact Jon 788282 2pm Contact Joan Barclay 788394 7 :00 8:00 Contact Sara 07837053539 7:30pm Contact Helen 01928 787092

Childrens dance classes 4:30 6:00

Contact Sara 07837053539

Yoga Craft Club for charity Private booking Private booking

9:30 10:30 Contact Lyndsey 07919 563 075 11:am 4pm 10am 1pm 4-6pm

May 6 13 20 27 June 10 17 23 30

School Diary
For more details on booking the School Hall call Cath Tomlinson 01928 788471

Wedsnesday 20 June Tuesday 3 July Wedsnesday 11 July

NW Regional Tag Rugby School Sports Day Tag Rugby Finals

IF we get through!

Sale Sharks Training Ground call school for further details 1.30pm Rugby School

Other Events
Week commencing 18 June Friday 13 July Saturday 1 September Saturday 13 October

New Recycling & Waste Arrangements Camel Race Night

Norley Parish Centre

Full details: www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/recyclefirst From 6.30pm Tickets from Brian Coglan 01928 787426 or Robert Downes 01928 788748 All Day Booking details to follow

Village Garden Show

Tigers Head

Allo Allo
Norley Village Hall

If you have a forthcoming event planned, email the details to us and we can include it here

Norley NewsMay 2012


Norley Village Garden Show

September 1st 2012, at The Tigers Head Pub.
Are you getting ready for The Show?

*New classes included each year*

Classes for fruit, flowers, vegetables, cookery, photography and crafts. Special classes for the children-cookery, handicrafts etc.



Please note: If anyone would like to have a stall at this years show or if you require further
information contact 01928 787173 or john@thefamilylewis.com

Make sure you visit www.norleygardening.org.uk for all the latest information, photos and show news.


Norley News May 2012

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