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Order of Reaction

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Order of Reaction and Their Applications in Predicting Shelf life of Pharmaceutical Formulations (Under stability study)

KINETICS Kinetics is the study of the rate at which processes occur. It is useful in providing information that: Gives an insight into the mechanisms of changes involved, and Allows a prediction of the degree of the change that will occur after a given time has elapsed. ORDER OF REACTION This is the number of concentration terms that determine the rate. Consider the reaction: A+B C+D The rate of the reaction is proportional to the concentration of A to the power of x, [A]x and also the rate may be proportional to the concentration of B to the power of y, [B]y. The overall equation is, Rate = k [A]x [B]y The overall order of reaction is x+y RATE CONSTANT A rate constant is a proportionality constant that appears in a rate law. For example, k is the rate constant in the rate law d [A]/dt = k [A]. Rate constants are independent of concentration but depend on other factors, most notably temperature. ZERO ORDER REACTION When the reaction rate is independent of concentration of the reacting substance, it depends on the zero power of the reactant and therefore is zero order reaction. In this type of reaction, the limiting factor is something other than concentration, for example, solubility or absorption of light in certain photochemical reactions. The rate of decomposition can be described mathematically as: Rate of concentration decrease = -dCx = K (1) dt Integrating the equation yields X= Kt + constant (2) A plot of X v/s Time results in straight line with slope equal to K. The value of K indicate the amount of drug that is degraded per unit time, and intercept of line at time zero is equal to constant in equation (2). The unit of K is conc time-1, with typical units of mole L-1 s-1. Half-life is given by equation t1/2 = Co/2k. Examples: -Vitamin A acetate to anhydrous vitamin A. Photolysis of cefotaxime. Loss in color of multi sulfa product.

Intravenous infusion, Drug released from TDDS.

SLOPE=K Concentration Time FIRST ORDER REACTION When the reaction rate depends on the first power of concentration of a single reactant, it is considered to be first order. Examples are Absorption, distribution, elimination rates. Microbial death kinetics. Thus the rate of reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of reacting substance and can be expressed as follows: Rate of concentration decrease = -dCX = KCx .(3) dt If concentration of reactant X is a at beginning of reaction when t = 0, & if amount that has reacted after time t is denoted by x then amount of X remaining at time t will be (a-x). Therefore equation (3) can be rewritten as: -dCX = K (a-x) dt dCX = -K dt (a-x) -----------------------(4) Integrating equation (4) between time limit 0 to t

a-x a

dCX dt

= -K 0t dt

ln (a-x) ln a = -Kt log (a-x) log a = -kt/2.303 log (a-x) = log a Kt/2.303 -----------(5) Equation (5) is like y = mx + c (linear relationship) If first order law is obeyed then a graph of log (a-x) v/s time t will give straight line with slope of K/2.303 and an intercept of log a at t = 0.

SLOPE = -K 2.303

Log (a-x)

Time Rearranging equation (5) we have K = 2.303 log (a/a-x) ----------------------------- (6) t Unit of K for first order is time-1 i.e. SI unit is (sec)-1 because K is inversely proportional to t. The half-life, t1/2, of a drug is the time required for 50% of drug to degrade and can be calculated as follows: t1/2 = 2.303 log C0 = 2.303 log 100 k C k 50 =2.303 log 2 = 0.693 k k t1/2 = 0.693.. (7) k


In pharmaceutical field , the time required for 10% of the drug to degrade is an important value to know, since it represents a reasonable limit of degradation of active ingredients. The t10% value can be calculated as t10% = 2.303 log 100 = 0.104 k 90 k t10% = 0.104 (8) k Or t10% = 0.152 t1/2 SECOND ORDER REACTION Rate of change in conc. of product and reactant is dependent on second power of conc. of single reactant or to first powers of the conc. of two reactants. -dCX = K [X] [Y] ----------------------(9) dt or -dCX = K [X]2 -------------------------(10) dt Let us discuss - dCX = K [X] [Y] in detail dt Here decrease in conc. of Y is similar to X. If conc. of X and Y at time t = 0 are a and b respectively, and conc. of each substance that has reacted after time t is equal to x then conc. of X and Y remaining will be (a-x) & (b-x) respectively. i.e.

In case when (a b) -dx = K (a-x) (b-x) ---------------------------------------- (11) dt Where -dx = rate of decrease in conc. of X or Y dt Integrating equation (11) we get Kt = 2.303 log b(a-x)---------------------------------(12) (a-b) a(b-x) Rearranging equation (12) we get log (a-x) = (a-b) Kt + log a----------------------------(13) (b-x) 2.303 b So, if second order reaction is observed then graph of log (a-x) v/s t gives straight line with slope (a-b) K and intercept log a/b at t =0. (b-x) 2.303

Log (a-x) (b-x)

SLOPE = (a-b) K 2.303

Time In case when (a=b) -dCX = K [X] 2 dt Integration gives, Kt =

x ------------------------------------ (14) a(a-x) Rearrangement of equation (14) gives us Kt = 1 - 1 -----------------------------(15) a-x a So if second order reaction is observed then graph of 1/a-x v/s t gives straight line with slope K and intercept 1/a at t = 0. Unit of second order reaction is conc.-1 time-1 and SI unit is mol-1 sec-1. Half-life in this case is t1/2 = 1/ak.

THIRD ORDER REACTION & HIGHER Rate of change in conc. is proportional to three concentration terms. However such reactions are rare and their analysis is complex. Reaction of even higher order is unlikely to occur. Rate eqn third order reaction is as follows: K = 1/2t [1/(a-x) 2 -1/a2] PSEUDO-ZERO ORDER REACTION In solid state, may drug decomposes by pseudo zero order i.e. reaction between drug and moisture in solid dosage form. The system behaves like suspensions and because of the presence of excess solid drug; the first order rate actually becomes pseudo zero order. Equation for it is similar to zero order except K is replaced by K. How suspension degradation follows pseudo zero order reaction? Suspension is the case of zero order kinetics in which the concentration in solution depends on the drugs solubility. As the drug decomposes in solution, more drug is released from the suspended particles so that the concentration remains constant. This concentration is of course the drugs equilibrium solubility in a particular solvent at a particular temperature. The important point is that the amount of the drug in the solution remains constant despite its decomposition with time. The reservoir of solid drug in suspension is responsible for this constancy. It follows zero order kinetics because the suspended drug reservoir that ensures constant concentration. Once all the suspended particles have been converted into drug in solution the system changes to a first order reaction. PSEUDO-FIRST ORDER REACTION Here a second order or bimolecular reaction is made to behave like first order. This is found in the case in which one reacting material is present in great excess or is maintained at constant concentration as compared with other substance. Here reaction rate is determined by one reactant even though two are present. EXAMPLES: Decomposition of ascorbic acid tablet. Aspirin hydrolysis. COMPLEX REACTION Although most degradative reactions in pharmaceutical systems can be treated by simple zero order, first order and pseudo-first order kinetics, there are certain pharmaceutical formulations that exhibit more complicated reactions. These have opposing, consecutive and side reactions along with main reaction. They are as follows: 1. OPPOSING REACTION (REVERSIBLE) The simplest case is in which both reactions are of first order A

A somewhat more complicated reaction is when forward is first order type and reverse reaction is second order type. K A B+C

Example: Epimerization of tetracycline. 1. CONSECUTIVE REACTIONS k1 k2 A B

Simplest is one where both the reaction is of first order. If K2 > K1 then B can be considered as unstable intermediate and rate determining step for overall reaction would be conversion of A to B. Examples: Radioactive series \ Isotopic decay that follows first order, but it is a consecutive reaction. Degradation of chlorbenzodiazepine by hydrolysis to lactum form and further to benzophenone. 2. SIDE REACTIONS (PARALLEL) Here the reacting substance can be removed by two or more reactions occurring simultaneously, as depicted


EXAMPLES: Purified insulin degrades by two mechanisms- deamidation and polymerization. The relative rates of deamidation and polymerization are pH and temperature dependent. KNOWN FACTS: There is no detectable difference between first order and zero order at less than 15% decomposition. Many companies take the attitude of plotting by first order in situation where the order is unknown. Establishing the true order of reaction can often be difficult, due to the fact that strength chances at 25c are small and those unitsto unit and assay variation make such a distinction difficult. SUMMARY OF PARAMETERS:Integrate rate Order equation 0 X = Kt 1 log (a/a-x) = Kt/2.303 2 (a = b) X/a(a-x) = Kt

t1/2 = a/2K = 0.693/K = 1/aK

Linear Graph Ordinate Abscissa Slope Intercept X t K 0 log(a-x) t -K/2.303 log a 1/a-x t K 1/a

Order of reaction Zero First Second

Unit of K M L-1Sec-1 Sec-1 M-1Sec-1

COMPARISON OF FIRST, SECOND & ZERO ORDER REACTION A tablet decomposes after one year to 75% of its initial concentration. In the following table the data of rate constant and half-life is given for particular order. PARAMETERS K (Per Year) HALF LIFE 1ST 1.38 0.50 2ND 0.03 0.33 ZERO 75% 0.66

Initially speed of reaction: 2nd order >1st order > Zero order Because in 2nd order reaction, two molecules of reactants collide faster than one. Ideally if every collision between molecules led to product, a second order reaction would be twice as fast as first order. But in our case this is not true as half-life of first order is not twice as that of second order. This indicates that not every collision between molecules lead to reaction. After two years, Order of reaction Zero First Second Drug remaining -50% 6.76% 20%

This shows that in 2nd year the speed of reaction reverses and 2nd order reaction becomes slowest as it is dependent upon the concentration of reactants and the concentration of reactants gets depleted as the reaction progresses so the % of drug remaining is more in case of 2nd order reaction while in zero order all the drug got decomposed before two years.

SUBSTITUTION METHOD: The data accumulated in a kinetic study may be substituted in the integrated form of the equations which describes the various orders. When the equation is found in which the calculated k values remain constant the reaction is considered to be of that order.

INITIAL RATE METHOD: Graphs are plotted of rate of reaction against concentration and the initial rate determined from the gradient at time = 0. If it is a straight line the reaction is first order. nd If a curve is obtained then we can say it is 2 order reaction. A reaction which is independent on concentration is zero order.

Fig. Curves for different types of order DATA PLOTTING METHOD: Plot of conc. against time is if linear then it is zero order reaction. Plot of 1/c against time is linear then second order. Plot of ln c against time is linear then first order reaction. HALF-LIFE DETERMINATION METHOD: The relationship in general between half-life of a reaction in which the concentrations of all reactants are identical, is t1/2 1/an-1 Where n is the order of reaction. Thus if two reactions are run at different initial concentrations, a1 & a2 with their respective half-lives and putting them in above equation in logarithmic form we finally get n = log (t1/2(1)/t1/2(2)) + 1 log (a2/a1)

Determination of t10% by Arrhenius equation

o Temperature influences rate and order of reaction. So shelf life of product can be obtained under exaggerated condition. o It is said that for every 10 0C rise, rate of reaction increases by 2-3 times. Ea/RT o For this Arrhenius equation is used i.e. K = AeWhere A= frequency factor, R= gas constant, K = rate constant, Ea = energy of activation Therefore, Log K = log A Ea 2.303RT o Graph of log K v/s 1/T gives straight line with slope Ea/2.303R & intercept at t = 0.

o Ea represents energy required by molecule to react and undergo reaction. Higher is value of Ea higher is dependency on temperature. o Ea = 2-3 k-cal/mole ------Photolysis o Ea = 10-30 k-cal/mole ---Hydrolysis-Solvolysis o Ea = very high about 50-70 k-cal/mole-----Pyrolysis o Rate constant at different temperature can be obtained by log (K2/K1) = Ea (T2-T1) R (T2*T1) o With help of K at different temperature we can predict T10% t 10% = 0.105 / k (For first order only) t 10% = C0/ 10*k (for zero order only) Disadvantages of Arrhenius equation: 1. At higher temperature evaporation of solvent takes place and thus changes in concentration. 2. At higher temperature change in solubility and humidity (decreases) which cannot be correlated with room temperature. 3. For disperse systems at higher temperature viscosity decreases which can change physical characteristics resulting in potentially large errors in prediction of stability. 4. Different degradation mechanisms may predominate at different temperatures thus making stability prediction difficult.


STEP I: - Perform the experiment and find out concentration of drug remaining at different time intervals at different temperature including room temperature. Plot the graph of concentration vs time for different temp. As shown in the figure measures the slope and from that get rate Constant K.

STEP II: - After measuring the K at different temperature find value of K25 from the graph as shown in the figure.


Log K 25 C TEMP

STEP III: - The value of K25 is substituted into eq. K = 2.303/t * log (a / a-x) And get the value of t10 %, t20% t 90%. STEP IV: - Calculation for overages Plot the graph of time (Days) Vs conc. remaining. Extrapolate line from Y- axis, at 90% to the X- axis. The intersect point will give shelf life. To maintain or increase the shelf life as per need (from a to b as shown in fig.) draw a parallel line from Y to that of X, the intersect point at Y- axis will give the value of overages per 100 unit. As shown in the figure, The value of overages is 20%. So need to add 20 unit drugs to preexisting formulation. As per European guidelines the maximum amount of overages is 30%.

STEP V: - Expiration period Prime goal of stability testing is to establish an exp. Date. The terms defined in lines 82-90 of guidelines as The date placed on the immediate container label of a drug product that designates the date through which the product is expected to remain within specification. If the expiration date includes only a month and year, it is expected that the product meet specification through the last day of the month. Estimation of the Shelf Life (Expiration Period) of Drug Products:Shelf life is best defined as the time span over which the quality of a product remains within specifications. That is, it is the time period over which the efficacy, safety, and esthetics of the product can be assured. When the degradation of the essential components cannot be adequately described by a rate expression, shelf life cannot be easily estimated or projected. When a quality-indicating parameter changes with time via complex kinetics that cannot be adequately explained or predicted, one must determine stability solely from experimental observations. Many physical degradation processes exhibit this kind of behavior. In contrast, estimation of shelf life is often possible when the shelf life is governed by a degradation process that can be adequately described by a rate expression (like many chemical degradation processes).

Estimation of product shelf life is done by two methodsestimation from data obtained under the same conditions as those that the final product is expected to withstand and estimation from tests conducted under accelerated conditions. This section describes these two methods for estimating the shelf life of pharmaceuticals when chemical degradation is the major contributor to the degradation process and the degradation can be adequately described by a rate expression.

A} Extrapolation from Real-Time Data B} Shelf-Life Estimation from Temperature-Accelerated Studies C} Estimation of Shelf Life under Temperature-Fluctuating Conditions

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS:1. Compare the zero ,first, second order of reaction with suitable numerical data(LM-05) 2. How chemical kinetics is useful in studying order of reaction? (LM-06) 3. Explain different type of order of reaction & enlist the method to determined it .Explain one of them with suitable example(LM-05;06) 4. Define pharmacokinetics & bio pharmaceutics (2006;LM-06;07) 5. Short note on order of reaction and its utility in stability studies(2006) STUDY QUESTIONS 1. What is kinetics? 2. What is order of reaction? Describe different methods to determine order of reaction. 3. Discuss first order drug degradation in detail. 4. How one can predict shelf life of suspension and ascorbic acid tablet? 5. Compare first, zero, second order of degradation. 6. Discuss complex reactions.

REFERENCES 1. Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics A treatise by D. M. Brahmankar Sunil B. Jaiswal. Page no. 215-220. 2. Stability of drugs and dosage forms by Yoshioka and Stella (2002) 3. Remingtons pharmaceutical Science, Mack Publishing Company, 15th edition 1975, 275-283. 4. Physical; pharmacy by Alfred martin, second edition , 355-377. 5. The theory and practice of industrial pharmacy by Lachman, 760.

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