Cloning: What Has Been Cloned?
Cloning: What Has Been Cloned?
Cloning: What Has Been Cloned?
Genetics Task B
Cloning is one of the most controversial topics discussed today as it raises questions around ethics. The term cloning refers to the process of creating an identical copy of an organism or part of an organism. The following factors discussed and presented will review the basis of cloning as well as the possibilities and negatives associated with it.
Dolly the sheep the first mammal to be successfully cloned ntal/life/genetic/cloning.htm
Genetics Task B
How is cloning done?
Therapeutic cloning works by extracting DNA from the cells of a person. The DNA is then cloned by being inserting into a human embryo to divide over the process of 5 days. Stem cells are then extracted and are studied and used for many purposes which were stated earlier. ges/cloning_5.gif&imgrefurl= w=595&sz=36&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=jJ0zaan_X_5I9M:&tbnh=1 02&tbnw=173&ei=8jh5TcWADMG3ce3G3awE&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dth Another way cloning works is through a process called, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). During erapeutic%2Bcloning%2Bdiagram%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX% reproductive cloning, a cell from a donor adult is removed and implanted into an egg which has had 26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D555%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc its nucleus removed. The egg or embryo is left to develop for several days and is then transferred &vpx=786&vpy=99&dur=28351&hovh=173&hovw=292&tx=173&ty=67& into a host mother where it is left to fully develop. oei=8jh5TcWADMG3ce3G3awE&page=1&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0 Somatic Body Cell with desired genes Cell fused with denucleated egg cell Clone
Diagram of SCNT ttp:// /02cloning.html&usg=__2AfxrobnMzKvfb7 qs3P-
Genetics Task B
A fragment of DNA from an organism is isolated using enzymes and is then transferred to a selfreplication genetic element called bacterial plasmid, during DNA cloning. Plasmids are also known as vector. The name given to the DNA fragment once combined with the vector is recombinant DNA molecule. After replications have occurred, the copied DNA can then be inserted into a foreign host cell, where it will reproduce along with the host cell DNA.
Genetics Task B
What are the disadvantages of cloning?
Although cloning may be the solution to various things, problems will arise from it also. The first concern would be ethical issues related to cloning. It is an unnatural way of reproduction and it is thought that the world would be unbalanced because natural resources will run short due to the domination of cloning. Cloning raises many issues and questions are asked like; Is it ethically right to harvest organs from clones?, Does an embryo, at whatever stage of its existence, have the same rights as human beings? or Is it justified to create stem cells by killing a human embryo?. The lack of DNA diversity is also another disadvantage of cloning. Diversity is needed to improve survival in the future, especially when unpredictable changes take place. By fully cloning plants and animals, its DNA variants will gradually disappear and only one type may remain. If a virus or disease comes along and wipe out the species, there will be no other DNA to create the species again. Another con of cloning is that genetic changes and variations will continually need to be made in the future, as problems will occur because of the unnatural process of reproduction. Another negative issue regarding cloning is the potential cost of. There is a higher rate of failure concerning cloning and it has proven to be far more expensive to clone rather than reproduce animals other ways.
The topic of cloning is huge and debateable. Cloning shows that there are endless possibilities in the near future and that there are many issues related to cloning which are not all covered, creating many questions concerning it. There are many benefits with cloning, yet disadvantages at the same time. Based on researched information, I believe that cloning may be a good idea for many reasons including disease treatment and the possibility of cloning endangered species. This will provide effective solutions for the many problems occurring today. On the other hand, Scientists may take cloning too far, which could exploit all humankind and life on earth as everything may become too artificial and unnatural, disrupting the natrual balance on Earth.