Phosphate Hideout: Questions and Answers
Phosphate Hideout: Questions and Answers
Phosphate Hideout: Questions and Answers
Phosphate Hideout
added to the system since fresh phosphate may precipitate along with that which has already occurred. The readings for pH and phosphate are typically out of control during hideout when the load is increased, and then again when it is decreased. While it seems that the phosphate has mysteriously disappeared, and that additional charges are unsuccessful in increasing the phosphate reading, the actual phosphate inventory in the boiler has not decreased. It has combined with oxide deposits to form a slightly lower Na/PO4 ratio solid (approximately 2.1:1), causing an increase in alkalinity in the liquid phase (bulk water) hence the boiler water pH increases. When the load is decreased again, these combinations return to the soluble form and the phosphate returns to the bulk water, causing higher phosphate readings and lowered pH. The best way to recognize phosphate hideout is to graph load changes, pH, and phosphate over a period of time. The variations of the graphs will clearly indicate that the phosphate increases with decreasing load, and that the pH decreases with decreasing load (see Figures 1 and 2). Load pH Phosphate
Bulletin B-268
Recently, a utility boiler experienced severe furnace tube corrosion on the hot side of the tubes.The corrosion was transgranular in nature and quite extensive. Along the corroded areas, large quantities of sodium iron phosphate were found, indicating that sodium phosphate from the boiler water had participated in the corrosion mechanism.
Acidic forms of phosphate should not be used in an attempt to increase the phosphate reading. The most acidic form of phosphate is monosodium phosphate. During start-ups, use mainly tri-sodium phosphate. Do not go to heavy blowdown. This will further reduce the sodium:phosphate ratio. It will also make the condition that causes the hideout to worsen by allowing acidic conditions to occur. Keep the phosphate at the lowest end of the allowable range. This will vary from boiler to boiler and may have to be determined over a period of time. Since this equilibrium level of phosphate might be quite low, <1 ppm for a high pressure boiler, be alert for conditions that may indicate a condenser tube leak. High sodium, silica, and cation conductivity are all indicators of a condenser tube leak.
Table 1 Equilibrium phosphate treatment chemistry control limits* at 2600 psig [179 barg] Control Parameter pH PO4 (ppb) Cation Conductivity (S/cm) Cl (ppb) SO4 (ppb) Silica (ppb)
Figures 1 and 2,Table 1 1991. Electric Power Research Institute. EPRI TR-100195. Proceedings: International Conference on Fossil Plant Cycle Chemistry. Reprinted with permission by EPRI and J. Stodola, Ontario Hydro,Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Figure 3 Originally presented at the 47th Annual International Water Conference, October 2729, 1986, Pittsburgh, PA. Reprinted with permission by Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania and J. Stodola. Figures 47 Reprinted with permission by American Power Conference, from 1991 Proceedings.
*Pressure dependent
In units where phosphate hideout led to corrosion damage, Stodola notes that removing the minimum phosphate concentration limit and allowing 1 to 2 ppm free caustic alkalinity prevented further corrosion. Table 1 shows equilibrium treatment control limits (at 2600 psig [179 barg]). Phosphate hideout in high pressure boilers can be recognized, and prevented by changing to an equilibrium phosphate treatment program. The savings will be seen in reduced operator frustration and a cleaner, less corroded boiler.