Sodium To Phosphate Ratio
Sodium To Phosphate Ratio
Sodium To Phosphate Ratio
The current HRSG chemistry guide (ASME 2012) has an equation for the required correction for the
effect of ammonia on boiler water or evaporator water pH and calculated sodium (Na) to phosphate (PO4)
mole ratios. Controlling this sodium alkalinity associated with phosphate is more complicated than the old
method of just staying within the pH/PO4 control box. Rigorous calculation of the ratio can be necessary
to avoid corrosion of evaporator and boiler tubes. This is of greatest concern in units that have high tube
metal temperatures and high underdeposit concentration of boiler water due to such factors as high
operating pressure, high heat flux and/or thick, porous waterside deposits.
The Na:PO4 mole ratio cannot be calculated based on boiler water sodium analysis results unless all
cationic and anionic species present also are quantified and the sodium concentration is adjusted to obtain
the sodium concentration associated just with orthophosphate and hydroxide (measure and subtract the
calculated amount of sodium associated with chloride, fluoride, bromide, sulfate, nitrate and nitrite). Also,
potassium will behave in an equivalent manner as sodium and would need to be treated as an equivalent
amount of sodium. These analyses on every sample are generally not practical. When this direct
calculation method for the Na:PO4 mole ratio using incomplete results of boiler water has been
performed, it has produced erroneous and misleading estimates of the Na:PO4 mole ratios or free caustic
Large amounts of free caustic (NaOH) can cause caustic gouging under deposits – particularly in boilers
with circulation problems or high heat flux (Jacklin, 1964, Klein (1962)). Free caustic also can carry over
into the steam and cause corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of turbine components.
Low sodium-to-phosphate mole ratios can cause phosphate gouging of boiler and HRSG tube surfaces.
This is most common in boilers operating over 2000 psig, but it has occurred in a 1500 psig boiler (Selby,
If boiler water is just evaporated to dryness, the resultant solid will be a concentrated form of the material
present in the water. There have been boilers and HRSG units that have displayed this type of hideout, but
it is much less common. Typical hideout will liberate free caustic into the bulk boiler water while forming
a lower Na:PO4 ratio phosphate compound on tube surfaces.
Noll (1964) found that free caustic is generated above a ratio of 2.85:1 for 1235 psi boilers and above a
ratio of 2.65 for 3000 psi boilers. At the time, it was suggested to treat these as maximum values to avoid
caustic formation. Significant increases in corrosion were not expected until the sodium-to-phosphate
mole ratio decreased below about 2.2:1 (Economy, 1975). However, subsequent experience and research
found that other corrosion mechanisms can be experienced at sodium-to-phosphate mole ratios less than
3.0:1 – depending on the temperature and concentration mechanisms at tube surfaces.
At low sodium-to-phosphate mole ratios, the reaction of phosphate with magnetite can form an iron
phosphate compound (e.g., Maricite). Tremaine (1993) presented data indicating the ratios at which
Maricite would be expected. Maricite formation has been associated with significant cases of phosphate
gouging (also called acid phosphate corrosion). Whenever something starts to consume iron oxide as a
reaction product, it induces the formation of more magnetite and promotes corrosion. Therefore, close
monitoring and control of the sodium-to-phosphate mole ratio is desired to avoid initiating this
Careful monitoring of the sodium-to-phosphate mole ratio and free caustic can be used to detect hideout.
If the tendency for hideout and caustic production increases, this indicates an increase in the underdeposit
concentration mechanism. If hideout increases at a fixed concentration of phosphate, this may indicate
that the boiler or HRSG needs to be chemically cleaned. However, circulation problems and high heat
flux can similarly increase concentration mechanisms on tube surfaces and lead to increased hideout.
For low-pressure industrial boilers, lower minimum sodium-to-phosphate ratios are permitted and
sometimes advised. Lower minimum sodium-to-phosphate mole ratios are suggested when there is a large
potential for caustic contamination in the system. The lower ratio can neutralize more caustic
contamination and provide more time to respond to the contamination. The minimum sodium-to-
phosphate mole ratio limit is never below 2.2, and the minimum increases with increasing operating
temperature. For industrial boilers, the top sodium-to-phosphate ratio can be as low as 2.8:1 or above the
3.0:1 ratio and be controlled up to some fixed level of free caustic.
Relatively small errors in Na:PO4 mole ratios (e.g., 0.1-0.3) can significantly alter the interpretation of the
results and the proper response by the water treatment operator. The risks of improper control include
phosphate gouging corrosion (from low Na:PO4 mole ratios) and caustic attack from elevated free caustic
Establishment of suitable chemistry limits for a particular facility is beyond the scope of this paper, but
considers the following factors.
Drum pressure.
Carryover experience.
Tube deposit/condition history.
System design and materials of construction.
Makeup quality.
Contamination sources.
An example of this was at a plant with a 2600 psig all-ferrous system visited in 1997 in which boiler
water phosphate was maintained between 0.5 and 1.5 ppm as PO4 and feedwater pH was maintained at
about 9.4 units. Disodium phosphate was being fed in an effort to suppress pH because the Na:PO4 mole
ratio obtained using the graphical method was well above 3.0. However, when the impact of the boiler
water ammonia concentration of 0.65 ppm as NH3 was included, a Na:PO4 mole ratio of about 2.0 was
obtained. Clearly, the graphical method was producing inaccurate estimates leading to inappropriate
treatment decisions and maintenance of less than optimal boiler water chemistry.
To overcome this shortcoming of the graphical method, some have used graphs relating pH, phosphate
and Na:PO4 mole ratio constructed with an assumed ammonia concentration representative of typical
boiler water ammonia levels. This method worked reasonably well, but it provided erroneous estimates
when the ammonia concentrations varied from the assumed value.
content using the more rigorous models. A detailed presentation and explanation of the model was
presented by Hull (2006).
Sodium Phosphates
Hydrazine (Present at sufficiently low levels not to appreciably affect ratios.)
Carbohydrazide (Present at sufficiently low levels not to appreciably affect ratios.)
While the model estimates the Na:PO4 mole ratio, if boiler water contains significant amounts of
potassium alkalinity (hydroxide or potassium phosphate), the estimated Na:PO4 mole ratio would include
the moles of potassium alkalinity. It is cautioned that a high potassium to sodium ratio can result in very
high corrosion rates in parts of boilers and superheaters.
The form of phosphorus of interest is dissolved orthophosphate. In most power plants and industrial
facilities, phosphate is determined by colorimetric test procedures. However, ion chromatography also
may be used in some facilities with more advanced laboratories. In both cases, the standard methods
report the results as PO4, and these readings can be used directly in the calculation. A few tips in analyses
are provided in the following list.
Do not test for total phosphate as this will include other organic and complex phosphates.
Filter all samples during condenser leaks to eliminate false positive readings from precipitated
hardness phosphate. (See following discussion.)
Filter samples if significant amounts of iron are present as this can cause positive interference.
For units experiencing condenser leaks or intrusion of other sources of hard water (i.e., contains calcium
and magnesium), suspended hardness phosphates can be present in the boiler water. In at least one
spectrophotometric phosphate procedure, a portion of these suspended hardness phosphates can redissolve
and produce a false high phosphate concentration. Therefore, samples should be filtered (preferably in a
0.45 µm filter) before phosphate testing during condenser leaks.
The pH needs to be measured accurately and at a temperature of 25°C (77°F). Higher or lower
temperatures change the pH, and the ability to correct readings back to 25°C varies significantly. While
there are ways to mathematically adjust for the effect of temperature on pH, in all cases, the best approach
is to have sample temperatures rigidly controlled. Most good online analyzers have a means for adjusting
for the effect of temperature on the electrodes and user-selected adjustments for the effect of temperature
on the solution chemistry. However, it is common to see online monitors in plants still on factory default
settings rather than on settings appropriate for the particular sample stream.
In the model, it talked about total ammonia as the sum of free ammonia and ammonium ion. However,
this is just called the ammonia nitrogen as NH3 in standard analytical procedures. There also is a test for
total nitrogen (i.e., Kjeldahl method), which should not be performed for the ammonia test as it can
include other organic amines – which behave much differently than ammonia.
There was a time when most power plants programmed their own spectrophotometers to provide
ammonia readings as ppm or mg/L of ammonia as NH3, which has a molecular weight of 17.0306 g/mole.
When the sodium phosphate ratio formulas were developed, this was the basic assumption.
Most power plants that perform bench tests for ammonia have spectrophotometers with preloaded
procedures. A common default presentation of ammonia test results is ammonia nitrogen expressed as
NH3-N (Hach 2005). What this means is the ammonia concentration is expressed as just nitrogen with a
molecular weight of 14.0067 g/mole.
With older models, the procedure would have factors used to convert these NH3-N values to other units.
For example, to convert from NH3-N to ammonia as NH3, one procedure instructs multiplying by 1.22
(although a more exact factor would be 1.2159).
More modern versions of the spectrophotometers allow the user the option of setting the instrument up to
display the readings as NH3 instead of NH3-N. Some allow presentation as NH4+, but this would not be
useful for the task at hand.
Formulas presented in the HRSG chemistry consensus (ASME (2012) and calculations discussed in the
development work (Hull, 2006) were based on the ammonia readings being reported as ammonia as mg/L
of NH3. Therefore, either the meter should be set up to provide results in these units or the readings as
mg/L of NH3-N should be multiplied by 1.2159 to convert to mg/L as NH3 prior to use in the sodium-to-
phosphate ratio formulas.
The standard models assume that no amines other than ammonia are present. The use of amines other than
ammonia will tend to result in the overestimation of Na:PO4 mole ratios, unless the amine concentration is
determined and the model is adjusted to include the amine. This section discusses estimating the amine
level. A subsequent section provides guidance for modifying the spreadsheet calculation methods if other
amines are present in the boiler water.
Unfortunately, rarely is there a good means of quantifying the concentration of amine in boiler water
samples at most nonnuclear power plants or industrial facilities. Nuclear power plants, typically, will have
a degreed chemist onsite and often will have ion chromatograph (IC) units set up to quantify the levels of
amines present in steam generator samples. IC units are more prevalent in nonnuclear power plants than
in the past, so this may be a viable option at facilities with the necessary equipment and expertise.
For a facility in which the amine feed rates, operating pressure, operating temperatures, deaerator venting
rates, makeup rates, extent of condensate polishing (which removes amines), and blowdown rates are
fairly constant, it may be possible to have routine samples sent to an outside laboratory for analysis of the
amine concentrations in the boiler water and to use these values in the formula. However, this is not a
reliable control if onsite personnel have no way to verify the readings.
We recall seeing an old spectrophotometric procedure for morpholine. However, it is not carried in
current standard references.
Another hypothetical approach is proposed for evaluation to estimate amine levels: measure the total
amount of nitrogen compounds (as N); measure the ammonia nitrogen (as N); and then, calculate the
nitrogen (as N) due to the amine by difference. If the ammonia concentration was determined as NH3, it
can be converted to NH3-N by multiplying by 0.82244. The amine concentration would be the amine
nitrogen (as N) times the amine molecular weight divided by the molecular weight of nitrogen (14.0067).
Table 1 provides the molecular weights (MW), the multiplication factors to convert from amine nitrogen
as N to the amine, and the basic dissociation constants for three common amines. The basic dissociation
constant is the dissociation constant for water divided by the acid dissociation constant for the amine.
Acid dissociation constants are available from standard references such as Lange’s Handbook of
Table 1
MW ppm Amine
Amine Dissociation
g/mole / ppm N*
Constant, Kbam
Cyclohexylamine 99.1772 7.08069 4.4000E-4
Ethanolamine 61.0842 4.36107 3.1876E-5
Morpholine 87.1224 6.22005 2.1550E-6
* Multiply amine as N by factor to get amine.
It is not known if the standard procedures for total nitrogen would be able to properly detect all of the
nitrogen associated with the amine compounds in Table 1. An evaluation would be needed to determine
the recoveries of the analytical methods for the specific amines used. In systems that use more complex
amines, the amines can decompose to other amines, which would render this approach inaccurate.
In power plants using urea for NOx control, urea contamination can enter the condensate in some system
designs – which would cause false positive errors. Also, facilities receiving process condensate could
have other sources of organic nitrogen, which would cause positive interference with this approach.
We would be interested if any attendees have methods or experience quantifying amines onsite. Rapid
determination of the amine concentration is the main limitation for correcting for the effect of amines on
the Na:PO4 mole ratio with phosphate treatment programs.
For each additional amine considered in addition to ammonia, the right side of the equation would be
reduced by the following factor to decrease the predicted sodium alkalinity to a more representative value.
[Amine] = mole /L of amine = [mg/L amine / MW/1000] (e.g., mg/L as ethanolamine / 61084.2)
Kbam = basic dissociation constant for amine (see Table 1, e.g. 3.186E-5 for ethanolamine).
Kw = water dissociation constant = 1.008E-14
H= 10 ^-pH
If using the formulas presented in the HRSG chemistry consensus document, the negative of the above
factor would be included in the large bracketed { } sodium-to-phosphate ratio formula on Page 25 of that
reference (ASME 2012). This factor would be included for each additional amine in addition to ammonia.
This methodology only works for amines with a single amine group. The formula to calculate the sodium-
to-phosphate mole ratio, which includes correction for the combined effect of ammonia and one other
primary amine (such as ethanolamine), is provided in Appendix A
a spreadsheet program (e.g., Excel) in which data are entered and the calculations automatically
performed and logged with the data;
and, a program with prompts the user to enter the data and provide the results (e.g., a Basic computer
program, MS QBasic).
The spreadsheet program data (pH, phosphate, and ammonia) and results (Na:PO4 mole ratio, free
caustic) are located in parallel columns. Log sheet data can be copied into the spreadsheet for rapid
assessment of large collections of data. Some clients prefer to incorporate spreadsheets into their
electronic log sheets for automatic calculation of the ratios and free caustic. In either case, the ratios and
free caustic values can be graphed or trended versus load, date, or other chemistry parameter(s) to
evaluate hideout or cycle contamination. The advantage of the spreadsheet is that it can be used to
rapidly process large collections of data.
For the Basic program, the operator fills in the pH, phosphate, and ammonia. The Na:PO4 mole ratio, free
caustic (ppm as NaOH), and the ammonia-free pH are displayed automatically on the same screen. These
results can be manually entered on the log sheets or computerized spreadsheets for tracking and graphing.
Some versions of these programs and spreadsheets also include calculations of the minimum theoretical
conductivity, which is discussed in the paper by Hull (2006).
Na:PO4 mole ratios above 3.0 indicate that free caustic is present. Under these conditions, the reported
free caustic residual should be used for chemistry control. An example of measured and calculated values
is provided in Table 2.
The above data show that the Na:PO4 mole ratio can follow a different trend than the free caustic residual.
If the Na:PO4 mole ratio is above 3.0, the free caustic residual is much more relevant for control purposes.
The Na:PO4 mole ratio is most useful when ratios are less than 3.0.
The calculated free caustic residual will be either positive (Na:PO4>3) or negative (Na:PO4<3). The
negative value shows how much caustic would have to be added to boiler water to achieve an Na:PO4
mole ratio of 3.0.
The Na:PO4 ratio is sometimes a negative value. This would be caused by acidic contamination that
converts sodium alkalinity to neutral sodium salts and suppresses pH. This condition would also presume
a higher ammonia concentration as shown in the following list in which phosphate, pH and ammonia are
measured and the ratio is calculated.
NH3: 1.0 ppm as NH3
Na:PO4: -0.84
Figure 1
Sodium-to-phosphate Mole Ratio vs. Time, Facility A HRSG 1 HP Drum
The upper curve in Figure 1 shows the much higher ratios calculated when ammonia was not included in
the calculation. While Facility A tested for ammonia, there appeared to be a general lack of
understanding of the effect of ammonia on the allowable pH control range for the boiler water. Ignoring
the ammonia effect resulted in low to satisfactory Na:PO4 mole ratios. However, inclusion of measured
boiler water ammonia levels in the calculations resulted in excessively low Na:PO4 mole ratios during
much of the first half of the review period. During the middle and end of the review period, high Na:PO4
ratios were noted (up to 7.5). We have truncated the top of the graph to provide slightly better resolution
at the lower Na:PO4 mole ratios.
If the Na:PO4 ratio is above 3.0, the free caustic alkalinity (ppm NaOH) calculation must be used for
monitoring and control. Figure 2 presents the calculated free caustic over the same time period. The free
caustic level was high (1-8.5 ppm) on about six days. The high caustic levels (>1 ppm) are believed to
have been due to a makeup system upset. It appeared that they had just started to operate in the trace
caustic region (0-1 ppm) at the end of the review period. Negative values for free caustic were not
Figure 2
Free Caustic, ppm NaOH,
Facility A, HRSG 1, HP Drum
Figure 3
Ratio vs. Load, HP Drum, Facility B
Figure 4 presents a graph of the free caustic in the HP drum blowdown versus the gas turbine load. Only
one reading was slightly above the 1 ppm free caustic limit. Note that the calculated free caustic values
often were slightly negative. This just indicates the amount of caustic which could enter the boiler before
free caustic would be present. During low pH upsets, this value can be used to indicate the amount of
caustic that would have to be added to achieve 3.0 ratio and restore pH.
Figure 4
Free Caustic vs. Load, HP Drum, Facility B
Figure 5 presents a graph showing the error in the Na:PO4 mole ratio for the data from Facility B if
ammonia levels in the boiler water were ignored. As indicated in Figure 5, the error from ignoring
ammonia in Na:PO4 mole ratio estimates increased from about 0.1 at phosphate concentrations of 6 ppm
to an error of about 0.5 as phosphate approaches 2 ppm. The huge effect of ammonia on the ratios is well
established in the literature, but this information does not always reach the water treatment operators.
Figure 5
Error in Ratio (If Ammonia Is Ignored) vs. Phosphate Concentration, Facility B
Facility C, 2000 psig Boiler
Figures 6-8 show an evaluation for a 2000 psig drum type boiler on low level phosphate 0.75-1.5 ppm
treatment with ammonia. They routinely monitored pH, phosphate and boiler water ammonia and used a
spreadsheet to track their control. They maintained 0.33-0.45 ppm of ammonia in the boiler water during
this period of review. Control was very good, and they had a very small fluctuation in the level of free
caustic in the boiler water. As indicated in Figure 8, if they did not correct for ammonia, the free caustic
values would have been overestimated by about 0.4 ppm and they may have responded prematurely
thinking that they had high caustic in the boiler water.
Figure 6
Na:PO4 Ratios in Boiler Water
Figure 7
Calculated Free Caustic in Boiler Water
Figure 8
Relative Error in Na:PO4 Ratio and ppm NaOH vs. ppm PO4 if Ignore Ammonia
When ethanolamine is present in the blowdown sample, the actual sodium-to-phosphate mole ratio can be
noticeably less than predicted by conventional methods that ignore ethanolamine – even when significant
phosphate concentrations are present. The estimated sodium-to-phosphate mole ratios due to 1-5 ppm of
ethanolamine with 2-10 ppm of phosphate are shown in Tables 4 and 5.
0 3.51 3.27 2.96
1 3.12 3.04 2.84
2 2.73 2.81 2.72
3 2.34 2.58 2.6
4 1.96 2.35 2.48
5 1.57 2.12 2.36
The paper reviewed the use of a rigorous calculation method to determine the Na:PO4 mole ratios and free
caustic in boiler water samples from boiler water, pH, phosphate and ammonia data. Guidance on
adapting formulas for use when other amines also are present is provided.
ASME (2012). Consensus on Operating Practices for Control of Water and Steam Chemistry in
Combined Cycle and Cogeneration Power Plants, Heat Recovery Steam Generator Chemistry Limits Task
Group and the Water Technology Committee of the ASME Research and Technology Committee on
Water and Steam in Thermal Systems, CRTD-100, ASME, New York, NY, January 2012.
Economy (1975) Economy et al. Sodium Phosphate Solutions at Boiler Conditions: Solubility, Phase
Equilibria, and Interactions with Magnetite, International Water Conference, 1975.
Hach (2005). Nitrogen, Ammonia, Nessler Method (0.02-2.50 mg/L NH3-N), DR5000
Spectrophotometer Procedures Manual, November 05 2005, Version 2, Hach Company.
Hull, G. (2006) Hull, Emory H. and Robert D Bartholomew, Rigorous Calculation of Sodium-to-
Phosphate Mole Ratios for Phosphate Treatment Programs, PowerPlant Chemistry, Vol. 8, No. 9, 2006.
Jacklin C. (1961) Clarence Jacklyn, Waterside Failures in High-Pressure Boilers - A Field Survey, Paper
No. 61-W-271, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, 1961.
Klein, H. (1962) H. A. Klein, Use of Coordinated Phosphate Treatment to Prevent Caustic Corrosion in
High Pressure Boilers, Combustion, Vol. 34, pp. 45-52, 1962.
Noll, D. (1964) D. Noll, Factors that Determine Treatment for High-Pressure Boilers, American Power
Conference Proceedings, 1964.
Selby (1993) Selby, K. Anthony, Luis Maringer V. Claudia Saavedra T., and Charles E. Haberman, Case
History: Boiler Failure Due to Acid Phosphate Corrosion, Industrial Water Treatment, January/February
Tremaine, (1993) Tremaine, et al., Phosphate Interactions with Metal Oxides Under High-Performance
Boiler Hideout Conditions, International Water Conference, 1993.
Verib, G. (2003) Development and Use of Sodium-To-Phosphate Ratios in a Fossil Fired Utility Boiler,
Seventh International Conference on Cycle Chemistry in Fossil Plants, June 3-5, 2003, EPRI.
Verib, G. (2002), Sodium-to-phosphate Ratios, Power Plant Chemistry, Volume 4, No. 11, November
2002, pp. 687-690.
Appendix A
The following sodium-to-phosphate mole ratio formula includes terms to account for the effect of one
organic amine with ammonia on the boiler water pH. The parenthetic example in the variable listing is for
ethanolamine. Mixtures of ethanolamine and ammonia have commonly been used with heat recovery
steam generators.
R (1/ Pt ){Kw / H 3Pt / D 2HPt / DK3 H2Pt /((DK3 )K2 ) H At Kb /[(Kw / H) Kb ] AmKbam/[(Kw / H) Kbam]}
R = Sodium-to-phosphate ratio
H = Hydrogen ion concentration = 10-pH
At = Ammonia concentration in moles/L = (ppm NH3)/ (17,030.61)
Am = Amine concentration in moles/L (e.g. ppm ethanolamine / 61,084.2)
Pt = Phosphate concentration in moles/L = (ppm PO4)/ (94,971.4)
Kw = Dissociation constant for water = 1.008 x 10-14
Kb = Dissociation constant for ammonia = 1.7742 x 10-5
Kbam = Basic dissociation constant for organic amine (e.g. 3.1876E-5 for ethanolamine)
K1 = First dissociation constant for phosphoric acid = 7.1121 x 10-3
K2 = Second dissociation constant for phosphoric acid = 6.2373 x 10-8
K3 = Third dissociation constant for phosphoric acid = 4.571 x 10-13
D = Ionization fraction = H3/(K1K2K3) + H2/(K2K3) + H/K3 + 1
The same, separate equation from the referenced paper and the HRSG consensus document can
be used to calculate the amount of free sodium hydroxide: