Boiler Water Treatment
Boiler Water Treatment
Boiler Water Treatment
water chemistry
Phosphate Control.
Phosphate ion does not decompose as does carbonate ion at higher boiler water
temperatures. This obvious advantage favors phosphate over carbonate, together with the fact that calcium
phosphate is more insoluble than calcium carbonate.
Calcium phosphate is virtually insoluble in boiler water. Maintaining even small levels of
phosphate will ensure the precipitation of calcium phosphate in mid-stream away from heating surfaces.
The introduction of phosphate treatment eliminated calcium carbonate scale.
When calcium phosphate is formed in boiler water of sufficient alkalinity (pH 11.0 to 12.0), a
particle of relatively non-adherent surface charge is produced. This is not to say that over a period of time
deposit accumulations do not develop, they do, but they can be reasonably well controlled with blowdown.
The introduction of phosphate-based boiler-water alkalinity control brought a major improvement
to the development of programs with pH control based upon free NaOH. The application of phosphate
either by itself, or in conjunction with caustic soda, could provide the elevated pH necessary to minimize
the corrosion of carbon steel. At the same time, the phosphate also provided sufficient chemical buffering
capacity to cope with small system upsets, e.g., a small condenser leak. Phosphate was also economical and
easy to use. While phosphate had the ability to significantly curtail incidents of caustic embrittlement and
caustic gouging damage, it could not totally remove the fear of having free hydroxide in excess of that
associated with Tri sodium phosphate. There was a need to get tighter control.
Steam generating unit, supplied with deminerlised or evaporated makes up water, or pure
condensate may be protected from caustic centered damage by using general term Coordinated
pH/Phosphate control. Phosphate is a buffer in this program and limits the localized concentration of
caustic. Excess caustic combines with disodium phosphate and forms Trisodium phosphate. For the
program to work, It is esstional to have sufficient disodium phosphate available to combine with free
caustic to form tri sodium phosphate.
The hydrolysis of TSP is often used to explain the mechanism of a coordinated pH/phosphate program.
When TSP is dissolved in water, it dissociates, forming sodium hydroxide and disodium phosphate:
Consequently, when an equal molar mixture of caustic soda and disodium phosphate is evaporated to
dryness, only Trisodium phosphate remains - not sodium hydroxide and disodium phosphate. Trisodium
phosphate is the least soluble of this trio and precipitates first.
The restriction imposed is that the sodium hydroxide molar ratio must be equal to less than the
disodium phosphate molar ratio. In boiler water having a high concentration of bicarbonate alkalinity
(NaHCO3) in the feed water, it may be necessary to control a coordinated pH/phosphate program on a
sodium to phosphate molar ratio. In this case, the sodium concentration is measured and controlled equal to
or less than three times the phosphate molar concentration.
The sodium carbonate concentration is important because beneath the iron oxide deposit build up,
of any area of over-concentration, further decomposition of carbonate can occur than occurs in a bulk boiler
water. This will cause the formation of additional sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide will pass out of the
concentrated site with the steam.
Coordinated pH/phosphate programs are normally set up to take this into account, and are
maintained between 2.8 to 2.6 molar ratio of sodium to phosphate.
For HP boilers,all the points should be within the Red color boundary limits.
For MP boilers,all the points should be within the Blue color boundary limits.
For LP boilers,all the points should be within the Green color boundary limits.
3molar ratio line
Phosphate & pH limits for Process Boilers
(Coordinated Phosphate/pH Chart)
pH of BD
10.2 MP LP
10.1 HP
25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
PO4 conc in BD
Action of TSP towards Boiler water.
Boiler feed water systems using D.M makeup or pure condensate may be protected from NaOH
attack throu' CPT PO4 buffers the boiler water reducing the chance of large pH changes due to
development of high caustic concentrations.Excess caustic combines with DSP and Trisoduim phosphate
sufficient DSP must be available to combine with all free caustic in order to form TSP. Moreover the action
of TSP in the process boilers is given by following reactions.
The added Maxtreat-3223 S first reacts with the boiler water forms Di sodium phosphate and sodium
hydroxide .The DSP formed with be taking care of the Phosphate content in the boiler water where as the
NaOH formed will care of pH of the boiler water.
Phosphate hide-out
"Phosphate hideout" and "chemical hideout" are terms used to describe the loss of boiler water phosphate
residual that accompanies this solid phase formation problem. Typically, phosphate tends to "disappear" as
load (steaming rate load) is increased towards maximum. The pH will also vary, usually in an upward
direction, although one would expect that the change in pH would be consistent with the change in Na:PO4
ratio of the solution. The upward trend in pH may be explained by an interaction between phosphate and
magnetite that is also known to exist. Just as phosphate disappears with increasing load, so does it reappear
with decreasing load, with concurrent impact on the system pH. Dissolution of the solid phase occurs as
load is reduced.
The phosphate hideout phenomenon can pose a significant chemistry control problem in high pressure
boilers that experience load variations.
Essentially all reported cases of boiler tubes experiencing phosphate-induced corrosion have been
associated with phosphate hideout. In spite of hideout being a localized phenomenon, it may become
visible in the bulk sample when the boiler changes load. As the boiler pressure is brought up to full load,
hide-out will appear as a loss of phosphate from solution accompanied by an increase in pH and alkalinity.
Typically, the phosphate concentration may drop below the levels specified for coordinated or congruent
treatments while the pH goes above 9.7. Following a load reduction or shutdown, the phosphate may start
to reappear with the pH dropping, possibly below 9.0.
Effect of low pH and high pH values in the boiler: -
Maintenance pH proper pH throughout the boiler feedwater, boiler and condensate systems is esstional for
corrosion control. Most of the low Pr boiler systems operators monitor boiler water alkalinity because it
correlates very closely with pH, while most of the feed water. Condensate and high pr boiler requires direct
monitoring of pH. Control of pH is important for the following reasons.
Corrosion rates of metals used in boilers systems are sensitive to variation to pH.
Low pH or insufficient alkalinity can result in corrosive acidic attack
High pH or excess alkalinity can result in caustic gouging/cracking and foaming, with resultant
Speed of the oxygen scavenging reactions is highly dependent on pH levels.
The distribution ratio of silica between steam and boiler water depends upon two major factors. One of
major factor is pH of the boiler water. Higher pH of the boiler water decreases the silica carryover. The
effect of boiler water pH on silica ratio becomes greater at higher pH values where an increase of pH
from 11.3-12.1 reduces the silica ratio by 50%,while an increase of pH from 7.8-9.0 shows no
measurable effect .
pH and alkalinity level maintained in a boiler system depends on many factors, such as systems
pressure, system metals, feed water quality, and type of chemical treatment applied.
The corrosion rate of carbon steel at feed water temp Approaches a min. value in pH range of 9.2-9.6.It
is important to monitor the feed water system for corrosion by means of iron and copper testing.
The mechanism for the reaction of phosphate with metal oxides has been found that the reaction of
phosphate with magnetite results in the formation of two products. One has the composition
Na4FeOH(PO4)2·1/3NaOH. If the Na/PO4 ratio was less than 2.5 (as can be expected from trying to keep
within the bounds of CPT by blending in disodium or monosodium salts) and the temperature was in the
320-360°C region, the other product was NaFePO4 or maricite, formed as a result of these acidic phosphate
salts attacking both the magnetite and the base metal..
When the Na/PO4 ratio was above 2.5 and the temperature 320°C, the other product was Na2.6Fe0.2PO4
rather than maricite. If the Na/PO4 ratio went above 2.7 and the temperature was raised to 360°C, H2 was
formed as a result of a high local concentration of NaOH first dissolving the magnetite and then base metal.
The presence of the hydrogen gas can be an indication that caustic gouging is occurring.
If the phosphate is present at a concentration below the equilibrium value, deposits from tube surfaces
within the system will redissolve. The redissolution would be seen as a sudden increase in phosphate when
a unit trips. It may also, if given enough time, provide a mechanism to at least partially remove old
deposits. It also provides the necessary alkalinity to maintain the system during a shutdown state.
Based on vector control diagram following actions to be taken when specified upset occurs:
In boiler water when pH values are low and PO4 values are maintaining, then add caustic lye to dosing tank
to increase the molar ratio of the solution. This is shown by green color arrow in the vectors.
If PO4 content is low, but pH values are maintaining then add DSP to the dosing tank solution to maintain
the higher PO4 content in the Boiler water. Which is indicated by blue color.
If both pH and PO4 content are low, then add TSP solution to boiler water to increase the same.
If both pH and PO4 values were high then give blowdown to the system to reduce the same. Indicated by
red color.
Trouble shooting: -
2.Reduction in pH and PO4 1.Extra unwanted Blowdown Increase the dosing rate.
values. 2.Sudden increase in load. Controlling Blowdown.
Some of the perennial problems are due Mal-functioning of dosing pump, low/high molar-ratio and
concentration of the dosing solution.
Calculation: -
Amount of dosing solution to be dosed to attain required amount of PO4 content in boiler water, at absence
of blowdown.
Consider: -
Volume of water present in the steam drum including the circulating water 5 tons
Amount of dosing solution to be dosed = Vol. water * (required PO4 content - Available PO4 content)
Concentration of dosing tank solution.
= 5000*(50-25)/5000
= 25 liters
As per the pump capacity we have dose at 100% stoke for 5hrs OR at 50% stoke for 10hrs.
Vol. Of water to be drained = Vol. of water present in the steam drum * required PO4 concentration
= 5000*40/80
= 2500 liters.
2500 Liters of water to be drained to maintain the PO4 content as 40ppm.
Molar ratio of the dosing solution: -
Consists of 3 moles of Sodium and one mole of Phosphate. Pure TSP Always has 3:1 Na to PO4
ratio. In manuf. Of TSP the purity is always based on the PO4 concentration in the material. Normally
100% pure TSP consists of 55% of PO4 content. The sodium concentration is not considered in terms of
purity of the TSP.
High molar ratio of the dosing solution causes high pH and low phosphate problems in boiler
water. Allows free caustic to exist in boiler water and causes caustic embrittlement.
Phenolphthalein - alkalinity
Methyl - alkalinity
In boiler water, If we observe 2P-M is less then or equal to zero then we can ensure that that no free
Caustic is present in the boiler water. Hence chances of Caustic embrittlement is negligible.