Statement Showing Cost & Profitability of Power Generated - Cogeneration Plant
Statement Showing Cost & Profitability of Power Generated - Cogeneration Plant
Statement Showing Cost & Profitability of Power Generated - Cogeneration Plant
Less contribution due
A01 Power generated kWh 5,808,646 4,979,350 829,296 to low generartion
A02 Less Captive Cons. kWh 479,213 397,618.00 81,595 = 747701 x (4.50-3.17)
A03 Net Power output kWh 5,329,433 4.50 23,982,446 4.50 4,581,732 4.50 20,617,794 4.50 747,701 -3,364,652 996,606.44
A04 Steam Credits MT 12,860 450 5,787,000 1.086 11,825 450 5,321,250 1.161 1,035 0.08 -465,750
B01 Natural Gas (Al Or) LSM³/ Yr 778,208 4.60 3,579,758 1,264,068 6.53 8,254,885 485,860 4,675,127
B02 Natural Gas (Al Gl) 739,417 3,955,879 903,809.00 6.08 5,499,000 164,392 1,543,121
B03 R-LNG Al 805,833 8.31 6,696,475 6.125 6.344 0.219 Increase in avg. fuel cost per SCM
B04 HSD ind 4,121 23.14 95,360 4,121 95,360
B05 Fuel Bill 14,232,113 2.670 13,849,245 3.023 -382,868 0.35
B06 Stores & Spares 987,500 1,087,190 99,690
B07 Electricity Duty 685,296 348,555 -336,741
B08 Mat & Chem 45,833 6,577 -39,256
Yield kwh/SCM 2.50 2.297
Total variable cost Rs/kwh 15,950,741 2.993 15,291,567 3.338 0.34 -659,175 0.22 Rs/kwh due to low yield and
remaining due to high priced RLNG
(C) CONTRIBUTION 13,818,705 1.51 10,647,477 1.16 -0.34 -3,171,228
B01 Natural Gas (Al ) SM³ 778,208 4.60 3,579,758 690,000 4.80
B02 Natural Gas (Al Gl) SM³ 739,417 5.35 3,955,879 0 5.35
B03 R-LNG Al SM³ 805,833 8.31 6,696,475 6.125 318,511 8.90
B04 HSD ind 0 23.25
B05 Fuel Bill 14,232,113 2.670 6,146,745
B06 Stores & Spares 987,500
B07 Electricity Duty 685,296
B08 Mat & Chem 45,833
Yield kwh/SCM 2.50 2.820
Total variable cost Rs/kwh 15,950,741 2.993
465,000 -2,333
2,051,386 -28,494
1,770,417 0
150,000 0
505,000 0
50,000 0
1,680,000 0 Less contribution due to
4,000 -8,500 increase in fuel price as R-LNG
portion increses
6,675,803 2.558 1.30 -39,327 =0.18 x 4443409
4.07 0.90 2,353,899.31
1,124,117 -5,979,457 5,979,457.50
Statement showing cost & profitability of power generated - Cogeneration Plant
Oct 04(1to 24)
Converted to Monthly
Unit of Amount Unit rate
Sr Particulars Measur Quantity Rate Rs.
Total 27,387,524
B01 Natural Gas (Al ) SM³ 778,208 4.60 3,579,758 711,006 4.55
B02 Natural Gas (Al Gl) SM³ 739,417 5.35 3,955,879 296,038 8.61
B03 R-LNG Al SM³ 805,833 8.31 6,696,475 6.125 797,328 9.05
B04 HSD ind 333 23.25
B05 Fuel Bill 14,232,113 2.670 13,007,241
B06 Stores & Spares 987,500
B07 Electricity Duty 685,296
B08 Mat & Chem 45,833
Yield kwh/SCM 2.50 2.801
Total variable cost Rs/kwh 15,950,741 2.993
465,000 -2,333
2,051,386 -28,494
1,770,417 0
150,000 0
505,000 0
100,000 50,000
1,680,000 0 Less contribution due to
4,000 -8,500 increase in fuel price as R-LNG
portion increses
6,725,803 1.447 0.19 10,673 =0.18 x 4443409
3.25 0.08 375,856.64
5,820,413 -1,283,162 1,283,161.77
Statement showing cost & profitability of power generated - Cogeneration Plant
B01 Natural Gas (Al Or) LSM³/ Yr 9,338,500 4.60 42,957,100 0.374 778,208 4.60
B02 Natural Gas (Al Gl) 8,873,000 5.35 47,470,550 739,417
B03 R-LNG Al 9,670,000 8.31 80,357,700 6.125 805,833 8.31
B04 HSD ind
B05 Fuel Bill 170,785,350 14,232,113
B06 Stores & Spares 11,850,000
B07 Electricity Duty 8,223,546
B08 Mat & Chem 550,000
Yield kwh/SCM 2.50
Total variable cost Rs/kwh 191,408,896 2.993
4,851,745 956,901
408,336.00 70,877
23,982,446 4.50 4,443,409 4.50 19,995,341 4.50 886,024 -3,987,106
Quaterly Production Budget for Co-generation, Power House & Water Plant
2 Steam in MT
2.1 WHRSG 38,580 37,269
2.2 Boilers - -
Total 38,580 37,269
3 Water in KL
3.1 Water for General Use 194,768 96793 Kl in gen use
3.2 Soft Water 122,723
3.3 RO Water 30,074
Total 347,565
Quaterly Raw Material Budget for Co-generation, Power House & Water Plant
Sr. Material Description UOM Budget qtly Actual Apri-04 to June-04 Remarks
Quantity Cost Quantity Cost
1 Fuels
1.1 Natural Gas SCM 6,991,500 46,518,950 5,876,203 39,600,428
1.2 High Speed Diesel Lit 0.00 0 4,454 103,556
1.3 Furnace Oil Lit 0.00 0 - 0.00
Total Rs. 46,518,950 39,703,984
2 Power
GEB Kwh 91,251 4,977,975 596,018 7,593,825
Wind Farm Kwh 2,505,600 12,528,000 2,355,979 11,779,895
4 Ele. Duty
4.1 DG set Kwh
4.2 GT set Kwh
Total Duty Rs.
Budg for year 2004-05 Budg qty per quarter Actual for 04-Q1 ( Apr-june 04)
Unit of Amount Amount Amount
Sr Particulars Measur Quantity Rate Rs Lacs Quantity Rate Rs Lacs Quantity Rate Rs Lacs
B01 Natural Gas (Al) SM³ 9,338,500 4.60 42,957,100 2,334,625 4.60 10,739,275 2,144,077 4.73 10,143,139
B02 Natural Gas (Al Glass) SM³ 8,873,000 5.35 47,470,550 2,218,250 5.35 11,867,638 1,589,044 6.72 10,674,733
B03 R-LNG Al SM³ 9,670,000 8.90 86,063,000 2,417,500 8.90 21,515,750 2,095,553 8.96 18,774,387
Total Gas Fuel SM³ 27,881,500 6.33 176,490,650 6,970,375 6.33 44,122,663 5,828,674 6.79 39,592,260
B04 HSD Liter 4,454 23.25 103,556
> Reduction in power generation of 14.6 % due to reduction in avilability of Gas fuel.
> Reduction in power generation is low compare to gas fuel is due to higher yield of GT.
> Auxilery power consumption has been lower compare to budget by 0.11 % (Last Year 8.52 % ) is a result of various energy consevation efforts.
> Increase in Gas fuel weighted price from 6.65 to 6.74 Rs./SCM is due to increase in price of Alembic Glass gas.
> Lower electricity duty is a result of minimum operation of GT # 3.
'file:///conversion/tmp/scratch/447894741.xls'#$qt review
Quaterly Variance
Quantity (%) Rate % in %
-8.2 -5.6
-28.4 -10.1
-13.3 -12.7
-16.4 7.3 -10.3