CAD CAM Syllabus
CAD CAM Syllabus
CAD CAM Syllabus
Prerequisite Objectives:
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1.01 MEE302 Design of Machine Elements 1. To understand the basics of CAD/CAM. 2. To gain exposure over the concepts of computer graphics. 3. To learn about the geometric issues concerned to the manufacturing and its related areas. 4. To understand the latest advances in the manufacturing perspectives. Expected Student will be able to Outcome: 1. Understand the importance of CAD/CAM principles in the Product development. 2. Develop programs related to manufacturing using codes. 3. Analyze the importance of networking in manufacturing environment. Unit I Computer Hardware Product Development Cycle Introduction to CAD/CAM Graphics input devices- cursor control devices, Digitizers, Scanners, speech oriented devices and touch panels, Graphics display devices CRT, color CRT monitors, DVST, Flat- panel display, Graphics output Devices Printers and Plotters Graphics Standards Neutral File formats IGES, STEP Unit II Principles of Computer Graphics Geometric Modeling Wireframe, Surface and Solid CSG and B-Rep- World/device coordinate representations, 2D and 3D geometric transformations, Matrix representationtranslation, scaling, shearing, rotation and reflection, composite transformations, concatenation Graphics software, Graphics functions, output primitives- Bresenhams Algorithm and DDA Unit III CNC Machine Tools Introduction to NC, CNC, DNC- Manual part Programming Computer Assisted Part Programming Examples using NC codes- Adaptive Control Canned cycles and subroutines CAD / CAM approach to NC part programming APT language, machining from 3D models Unit IV Group Technology, CAPP and FMS Introduction to part families-parts classification and cooling group technology machine cells-benefits of group technology Process Planning CAPP & types of CAPP Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) the FMS concept-transfer systems head changing FMS Introduction to Rapid prototyping, Knowledge Based Engineering. Unit V CIM CIM wheel CIM Database- CIM-OSI Model Networking Standards in CIM Environment Network structure Network architecture TCP/IP, MAP Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality- Artificial Intelligence and Expert system in CIM. Text Books Mikell P. Groover and Emory W. Zimmers, CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Prentice Hall Edition, 2004 References 1. Mikell P. Groover, Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Pearson Education, 2005 2. James A. Rehg, Henry W. Kraebber, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Pearson Education. 2002 3. Ibrahim Zeid, Mastering CAD/CAM, Tata McGraw Hill International Edition, 2005 4. Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker Computer Graphics Prentice Hall, International., 1992
5. Ranky, Paul G., Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice Hall, International., 1986 Mode of Evaluation Quiz/Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination Recommended by the Board of Studies on: 31-10-2009 Date of Approval by the Academic Council: 27-11-2009
CAD EXPERIMENTS 1. Structural analysis of Trusses 2. Structural analysis of Beams 3. Structural analysis of Frames 4. Plane stress/Plane strain analysis 5. Model analysis of different structures 6. Steady state thermal analysis 7. Transient thermal analysis 8. Flow analysis 9. Thermo-mechanical analysis CAM EXPERIMENTS 1. Manual part programming using G and M codes for Turning, Step turning, Taper turning, multiple turning, Facing, Multiple facing, thread cutting and radius turning on cylindrical components. 2. CNC Milling program involving linear motion and circular interpolation. 3. CNC Milling program involving contour motion and canned cycles. 4. CNC Milling program involving Pocket milling 5. Diagnosis and trouble shooting in CNC machine 6. CNC code generation using any CAM software. 7. Simulation of machining operations using any CAM software. 8. Route sheet generation using CAM software. 9. Study and practical demonstration on Wire-Cut EDM, 10. Study and practical demonstration on Coordinate measuring machine, 11. Study and practical demonstration on Vertical Machining center and Horizontal Machining center 12. Study on Rapid Prototyping Technologies, Student shall submit team work in the form of project /assignments with neat documentation. References Lab Manual prepared by VIT faculty Mode of Evaluation Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination Recommended by the Board of Studies on: 31-10-2009 Date of Approval by the Academic Council: 27-11-2009