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Geagif Qtsin, In: B.T (GQ, BQ, B@NL, Fil-W

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, b.T{gq,bq,B@Nl fil-wA reTT&A&B$ PRoDucTIot'l






fron atr o1d !f.8.

The Great EIixDo Purgatlon o

f q.
prepared, l.n aone rooden vessel, tn" p , Tben


the name of God, Amen.

Talre Mercur5rr xrLtb connon salt and beat and, rub tt pour hot rater t111 the salt

whi,le the eart be nade bLaek rlth and etlr lt well together rlth Th.en part

upo! lt

a peetle of rood tne d

be dlssolved

la the rater.

water and put to more salt tlme. Then put the $




prepared and do aE before sald,

the second


a vessel of glaes aad set l.t 1.n a furnace snd salt prepared, flre, and nake a verJr the vtaegar be

pout upotr lt sLor flre

good vLnegar & a rlttle and bolr it yltb

under lt,

a soft


coasuned aray, La yapour. Thea vaeh tUe S rlth cLean rarn ra1u water; part the rater fron

tu" p
put lt

; straln ttl q through a crean rlaeu cloth, tlree fold, and

agaln la a cLean glass vessel upon a slor flre, rhile 1.t be d,rled,

aad' avoided. of aII nolstaese of the water that vas put to 1t before, and' tbea tUe $

ls clearsed
aud, ls la

fron all

his flttb

and rrill

be brlgbt,


aB a glase

degree as fiae



of CoppFo

copper ls purged thus: Take Q tn"t ?

ls pure and nelt


and rhen


l.e nolten

cast upo!. it flnely

powder of Venlce glase (that

I's glase tbat llnea. clotb,

contalie and etlr

ao lead)

pounded and, searced through fine

then uel,l together xrlth a stlck

rhlLe the blackness of tbe

0 +renaln vlth the pord.er. Melt the Q a second ttmel and put to lt + more of the glaes powder aad stlr l.t rell ae befor-saldo Lthed-se nert the Q a thi.rd tlne ? and do 1n all tbtags a.e before.

Tben ls your copper pure and ready to be reduced, l.nto his ora proper water.

Resorutlon of O tnto hls orn proper Hatsro


Thea. flle

the purged O lnto


flae llnel

aad proceed, tbus: q rell

1:ake one

pouad, of the llnature


thou wast taught before. purged put a little stlr then together.

"t To the I pound of rtnature

I aDd trelve


purged aa

of the eald Q salt

vtnegar nade of good wlne, aad a ].ittle Tben put to lt of the foresatd purged $ together,


by L1tt1e and Llttle

and bray tben reII

slovly four

and do so ti1l

pouads of the 12 I'bs. of the said,


*U tbe | lb. P of the sa1d O U" tncorporated, aad nade aII one. Tben put all lnto

ot tb.e sald, l{mature

one Urlua1 and close the vessel flre


no a1r go for the

outr aad' set Lt upoa a furnace and, uake a slor Epace of one d.ay and one nlght. bray lt Then let lt

under lt & shen it reIl


1'e cold the

ln a rooden dish r.lth warn sater. and put lt agaln 1n the urlual

tVasb lt

aad part

water fron lt rlth

upon the furnace to dry aad Etraln and vrd,ng l.t

a slow flre.

Aad rhen tt

1s dry bray it,


throu8b a clean,

stroag llnen. clotb,

tbree fold;

and aff

tUe S


l.e reeolved 1111 6o through the cloth. Then talce that uh1ch renalnetb sald, putting Bedr and set lt before, to lt ln the cloth and bray lt as a.fore-

as before other 4 Lb. of the 12 lb. ln an urlnal;

upoa a sLor flre,

q reLl pur"t a day artd a rLght as

and do ln aLl polnts

tb1.s secoad tlne,

ae thou dtdet the flrst, througb the clotb to the

and put the resolved

Q rhlcb thou etraluest ^? otber whlbb thou stralnest through before. llhenr ln like ged d Bannerr put tbe renalnlng ln the clotb,


of the 12 1.b. of prrrand

to that nhLcb renalneth

aad rork, as before;

put tt dldst relgb q l]

Ln aa url-nal upon tbe ftre, tbe flrst ttne.

and proceed tn a1l polats the rork rhlle the Q

ae tbou rb5'ch d1.d l.nto

And eo lterate

oae pound, be resolved l.nto ble ovn proper rater; the I Ib. of rell purged Q rfff ?

thb,?t 1",

, rh1ch rlth pound.s.

nor nake altogether


of the Perfect

bod,les, O


fn the 6ane manner that bae been taught rltb pure sllve r l.a a glass, purged 6 iF

alone by hlnself


Q , you nust reduce t 12 tlnes as much of cel1 by lteelf rltb

; aad ia like

naBaer of gold la a veseel apart . ls resolved,

purgee [ t And when every one of these netals

tLn eE 60 nucb of re}l 1n to lte

each ln 1te orn Q theu proceed

ve sse l,

owa proper nature,

that ls to eaV fnto

aE folloss

To brtng

tben lnto


EleneBts o f Earth

and Watero

Put the resolved self.

rrtU h1s qi lnto hls own vesse1 alone, by b1mQ Llkeyiee put tb,e resolved, ) rftU aff fte p tn tts orn Yessel and,do so rltb the Q and ble p .
the vessels and put tben upon a furnace ald bol'l. t!,eu day and nlght unttl you see blackness upon tbe upper upoD the resolved ),

aloae by lteelf,
Close all rltb enall flre

part of the resolved Q ? prettlly & rlsely,

, and blackaese fleetlng

and, blackness fLeetlng upon the resolvedQ but let

; tbe. rh1ch blachnees gather

the natter be cold flrst. aad lterate the rork rl'th t111

Keep every bLackness alone by ltself, seeth,lng and gatherlng

the blackaess fleetlng

upoa then so oftea

ln tbe veseel of O there rlse .F T aad t111 lu the vessel of O

of the ,Z/ o

no Bore blacknese and. tb" U

Bppear clear,

no blackness doth appear, and Bo l:l-kerlee

Then by the grace of God thou hast of the copper resolved, tuo eLenenta, that ls to say earth and rater; ls

and llkeylse


ana )


elenents, Ls earth,

that aad t

to say earth and rater.

For the blackaesa so gathered


OF , that renainetb cleaa ls the WATER LfEE.

To obtaln

the other

two elements, Alr,



Then take the black earth of Q and one llttLe ?


of 1ts oro

[tArER oF LrFE, trlnd. then aad beat then togetber and put then I-n a glass vessef, & pour a llttle portlon nore of lte own rater of ltfe to l t, the sater

and croee tbe vessel well, of, llfe do srln

that no atr go fortb;

and rook tbat

over the earth. tbou d.o wlth the bLack eartb of Daad lts ora proper aad so aLso rlth the brack earth of Oand hle proper keeplag each alone by ltself. a sror flre for the
And, l.n lts

Aad so shall uater of Life; water of Ltfe,

set the vessels oa a furnace and nake uader lt

space of 12 daysr and. look ever that the veseels every

be wel'l c}oeed. have drunk under

when twelve

days are passed rooh yhether aad lf lt

earth flre

owu water of rlfe, andr by alenblck,

be eo nake a strong of the rater eartb,

the veasels not black remaln earth

conveJr auay rhat

of Li.fe vtll aad thea the

coagulated, and congealed. rltb falleth tnto a6hes. those ashes,

the brack

Then bray

and let

theu drlnk




the rater


waa coaveyed forth

of then by the strength a vessel

of the flre. of glass of lts r iB ls aforesald, of ia llfe, all

Tben put the ashes agaln lato each klnd by lteelfr

aud pour upon each part the apace of twelve days.

oga nater

and seetb then for potnts another four tlnee.

And. d.o ltkerlse earth

Agatn pour upon every black owa water of llfe and glve tlll

alotre by 1tself as aforetwelve


of lts

and close a elor

tbe vessel rqother

eald and, set days;

then upon a furnace tLne to tlne


and do eo fron

every bLack eartb

becone whl,te

ard clean. And wben thou hast every earth alone by ltse1f, shlte and, e1ean,

tbou shalL put every uhlte earth aloae by ltself rtth au alenblc put upoa lt and set lt

la a strong veeeel. and at tbe ftret and so colt1nueg

upon a furnace,

gtve a slos flre

and aftervards tllL

a stronger aad stronger; of L1fe go forth

seethlng the earthr

eyery rater h1s lenblck,

of h1-s ora proper

earth and ascend up lato

and thea everlr wbLte earth- eball

renala ln tbe botton of hls vessel calclned aad dry as unslacked. LLne. Thue bast thou obtalned other two elenents: of air Q , + and flre of O , and a1r and flre
of tts of flre, ora earth is

tbat 1s al.r aud flre of O . For every rater

of Ilfer alenblckr and ls

wblch batb cone forth tbrough the strengtb

and batb ascended by ae AIR'

1n hiE oya nature


of the Phlloeophers earth

the PERPETUAL WATER(aqua perna"eae), 1a the bottou of hls yessel dry

aad. every whlte and calclned ASHES.

wb,lch renalneth nature

i.s l.n bls

aa FfRE, and i's called




the Wlri-te Work.

fben proceed thus unto the lVbi'te vork. the PEfIOSOPHERS ASHES(the whlte earth)
of the SOPEfC ASHES (tbe one portlon ! tnat sh,lte earth)

ff O

you have one pouBd of , take oae fourth

that earth ts 5 ouncea,



? OF SILVR, tbe whlte of O


of the PERPETUAL WATERof of the whlte eartb

cane forth

of O , (vi-z. the ? by strengtb of the fl're a glass vessel yell closed

& aacended lnto on a furnace, rith a soft

the lenblck)

and put then lnto a slow flre

and, m alte under lt flre tl

atrd so 6eeth tbe med1elne of D have drunlc the

11 the J lrri


the wh1te earth


of the perpetual

water of the earth, of let the aforesald

Agaln the Becond tlne


I tu

rh t c h

wa a p u t earth

to tt. of

of shlte

e":.of. ln another portion

of tbe aforesald, perpetual


dravn and

eubLlned out of the whlte earth of O and seetb then la a close glass .F vessel vLth a Elor fl.re Ln all nann.er rater, as at tbe ftrst After polnts ae before, tine, and and after the sane

bray and eeetb tben a thlrd and second tlne.

and do 1a aLl. polats

thl.s Bane naraner rater,

bray and seetb the pound of rhl-te rater dravn and Eublined

eartb of O rl-th one portlon .r

of the perpetual

out of tbe vh,Lte eartb of O . Seeth lt rith a sl,or flre, tl-ll tbe pound^of the rblte earth ot g have drunk a portlol of the perpetual rater of tbe wblte earth of that ras put to lt. D and a thLrd tlne. Thou shall do 1lke-

rrlse a second tlne,

Thea take the resldue of the perpetual waters drawn and subllned aut of the whlte earth of O and out of the rh5.te earth of t tben together and nake of these tro ratera one rater. Then take one part of the rhlte earth of O

ana nlngle

so l'nb5.bed as aforeeald and Joln

and three parts of tbe whlte earth of O tben together rlth a LittLe portlon

so funblbed, & nlngle rater

of tbe foresald

nlxed and raters. of the

conpounded of the foresald

resldeace of the tro perpetual

Agalu put one part of the whlte eartb of D whlte earth of O

lng wlth ? one.otber

to tbree parts

and ral-x & Joln then together rlth

good portlon of the foresald rater

braylng and sstsjnlxed and conpound-

ed of the resldue

of the perpetual &'Jolnlng

waters as aforesatd. by llttle and I!-ttle together the

And. so do, n1'nglln6


earth of

1on of'nlxed

tbe wh:Lte earth of Q and, D dtb.. the foresald. proport? and conpoundedwatera of the resldue of the tro perpetual rh1le the foresald eartbe wlth the foreeaid raters be

uaters aforesaldr

lncorporated togetber. Tb.enput tben lnto and set lt a glass yessel, reII closed tbat no a!.r go fortb, a slor flre for the Epace lt, rltb

upon a furnace and nake uader lt And, so lterate lt; untll

of four days. a slow fire

tbe rork and bray lt the foresald

and rater


eartbs have drunk tbe forePERPETIIAL

satd sater nlxed and conpounded of the rennant of the foresald WATERS. Sben take the water of tlfe
gathered 8athered petuar and the rater of llfe

out of rhlcb, the black eartb of Q wae

? out of rbI.cl together the blach eartb of ) rae

and. n1r tb,ese two raters drara and subllned of the water bray

as thou d!.d.Et r].th earthE.

tb.e per-


out of the foresald 60 nixed

Wltb. a portlon satd waters vessel fLre well of llfe closed; Agair

and conpounded of and put and boll

the afore-

tbe aforesald


then 1a a 61ass then rtth a elor

and eet lt put water

upon a furnace,

{ days.

to 1t and bray & beat Lt braylng uaterlng

Ln arL polnts and bolting tiII

as afore, all

& so lterate

the work agaln,

the raters

be drunk lnto arr

the foresald rlth that

earthE. a eror no alr fLre sir days, and And after keep for

Ebat doae, boll tbat slx ln

the nedlclne well closed

a Yery good glass

come forth. but

daysr by lLttle aelther

and lLttle lncreaslng earths

nake the flre


at laet furaace

an even firer l4 days or tlLl

nor dinlnlsb5.ng,

under the tnto

the sald

and water be brou6ht

one body-


the wblch tblng

you shh}l perceive

vhen the colour

ie not dlvers


tbe eartbs and waters, but ae well the earths as the raters coloured v.I'th a perfect ing together, tbe perfect colour of pure sllver. perfect dealbatlon come, aII

be perfectly

For La. tbe hour of Jolnor wbLtenlng; aad before

before tbelr

colour of flne sllver

the coloure ln the sorl,d, coloure, rlth the rboLe the colour'

ehall appear; and in tbe end, after nedlclae of flne sbal,l becone chlte sllver.

the transltory

and coloured noet perfectly

Tbea l.e the STONE ingendered & our labour A .F , tbe eartb of D ; and the raterE of llfe

eaded,, for the eartb of and the perpetual vaters

are Jolaed together wLth the bodles aforesald, and converted Lato thelr thelr

cleansed and subEned,

aature rhlch could aot be before because of With tbese l$ature lncreaseth poser. and, augFor the

uncleaanesE aod 6ro6aaesa.

nenteth that

tbe stone nay be lndued rrtth a nultlplylng

stoae shaLL be fuJ.ly nade and lngendered by raterlng d

the bodlee rtth



digestion or concoctlon a6 aforeEald.


The Stone groreth thue:

and nay be nultlplted

to tafl,al.ty,

and that le

- rhat k1nd of q thou wllt - purge and purlfy lt tn a].1 "t V points a s h,ath beea showed before. Pour part of tbe unon t he Stone Q slowley by ltttle and Llttle, eyer glving htn new q , aud. bol I then
Take on a s10 w flre.

And agaln lnblbe aud boll

and so lterate

tb,e work ritb



( that


) and botllng


the stoae have druulc tn le lro end of

and be


as nuch as you w111, for




of the Multtplled StIv!o


Stone l-ato


thou xrllt

thou natrrest nelt

part of the rork put tt

for preseat

support. and tbe

Take as nuch of tbe rlulte etoae as tbou r.llt, glve flre, but nLthout the bl-ast at the first. aad,lt shall

1n a cruclble ralse


heat rd,th the blast

) , perfectly

be turned and. nelted. lnto

nost flae


fhe restrdue whlch thou iateadest nelted, plled

to contlnue nul.t1.plyJ.ng keep un*a-cannot be nultl-

for wben once 1t ls nelted 1t le onlyD

aBJr more; but before neltlng tbe Stone calLcd ElirJ.r.

J.t nay be nultlplled


bela6 stlll-

The Red Stone.

By proceedlng dldst for



pointe rith

& j-n the Eame manner and forn tbe same proPortlon earth of O

as thou thou aa

the Whlte Elixlr, trlth of O

aDd measure, ttnes

lnayst nake conjunctlon nuch, of o f llfe the nhlte earth

the white

and four waters

, using

the perpetual

and the water shalL

o f the same, as ln

the former work,

aad the Red El.txl.r

be lngendered..


And ln llke nultlplled

nanner ae ln the uh,lte work 1t uay be augnented and Aud 1t nay be nourlshed and watered rrlth U )

to 1.nflnI.ty.

of whatever klnd, lt

be, whether p

touaC ln tbe earth

o f l e a d , o f tl n o r o f o th er netals. The cause of tblsr ls naturaLly of p all

or p mad,e , "I ?

accordlng to the PhLlosophere, l.s th5.s Mercury; ln all netale, and therefore *a fron al-l' nanaer flue eiLver

oae natter purifled

weLl flaed,

and subllned nay ftae O

be nade. According to the autborlty of Aristotle la LfB. 4t let aLl arttflcer

of Alcheny know that tbe netals ca""ot brought to tbelr flrst matter,

be servlceabLe except they be fron thelr the flrst cotr-

trercury, aad be clea"sed

upt'Lon by heat of flre. natter, that fs to p

But by tb,e reductloa of netals.to

I the rork ls possible aad. ea6Jr; and then they AD INFINfTUM, for everythiag tb.at l.s

nay be augnented aad nultlplted

lngendered and groweth, nay be augnented and nulttplled, and ani.mals.

as ln vegetables

ELt l s.

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