Safer Tomato Production Guide
Safer Tomato Production Guide
Safer Tomato Production Guide
A eId guide for soiI fertiIity and
pest management
AVRDC The World Vegetable Center
A eId guide for soiI fertiIity and
pest management
AVRDC The World Vegetable Center
Suggested citation
Srinivasan R (Ed.). 2010. Safer tomato production methods: A
feld guide for soil fertility and pest management. AVRDC The
World Vegetable Center, Shanhua, Taiwan. AVRDC Publication
No. 10-740. 97 p.
AVRDC The World Vegetable Center
P.O. Box 42
Shanhua, Tainan 74199
Tel: +886 6 583 7801
Fax: +886 6 583 0009
AVRDC Publication: 10-740
SBN 92-9058-182-4
Editor: Maureen Mecozzi
Cover design: Chen Ming-che
Publishing Team: Kathy Chen, Chen Ming-che, Vanna Liu, Lu Shiu-luan
2010 AVRDC The World Vegetable Center
Printed in Taiwan
AVRDC The World Vegetable Center is an international
nonproft research institute committed to alleviating poverty
and malnutrition in the developing world through the increased
production and consumption of nutritious, health-promoting
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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Foreword ii
Acknowledgements iv
ntroduction v
Heclthy tomcto seedlny producton
Su Fucheng, Va ChinHua, P. Srinivasan,
Wang Tienchen
Sol ]ertlty mcncyement ]or sc]er
tomcto producton
Va ChinHua and YuehHuei Lin
lnsect cnd mte pests on tomcto:
dentccton cnd mcncyement
P. Srinivasan, Su Fucheng, Veiying Lin, Hsu Yunche
Mcncyny bcctercl dsecses o] tomcto
ChihHung Lin and JawFen Wang
Mcncyny ]unycl dsecses o] tomcto
Chen Chienhua, ZongVing Sheu, Chen Wenyu,
Wang Tienchen
Clossary 85
ndex 95
Tomato is one of the most important vegetables in Asia
and Africa and these continents account for more than 65
of global tomato production. Tomato is rich in nutrients
such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are
important to wellbalanced human diets. Tomato is also
an important dietary component because it contains high
levels of lycopene, an antioxidant that reduces the risks
associated with several cancers and neurodegenerative
Tomato is susceptible to several insect and mite pests
as well as plant diseases. Chemical pesticides are being
used indiscriminately to manage these pests in South
and Southeast Asia and parts of Africa. n addition,
chemical fertilizers and insecticides are sometimes
overused in tomato production, which may contaminate
groundwater. ntensive agrochemical use in tomato
husbandry substantially increases the production cost
and may pose serious risks to producers, consumers, and
the overall health of the environment.
A7P0C - The World 7egetable Center developed and
promoted a safer tomato production strategy in Taiwan
from 2005 to 2007. This strategy has reduced reliance on
chemical pesticides and optimized the use of organic and
inorganic fertilizers. The strategy is being promoted in
South Asia, and is ready for broadscale adoption in other
major tomato growing countries in the tropics.
This eld guide contains information on healthy seedling
production, the optimum use of organic and inorganic
fertilizers, and the major insect and mite pests and
diseases damaging tomato. t provides integrated
pest management strategies for the tropics. 0etailed
information on major insect pests, mites, and plant
J.0.H. Keatinge
0irector Ceneral
A7P0C The World 7egetable Center
diseases has been provided with relevant pictures.
This guide has been prepared for tomato growers and
extension specialists. trust this eld guide will be of
practical assistance to all tomato growers and extension
specialists to produce safer, more wholesome tomatoes
in the future.
would like to thank V.L. Chadha (soil fertility
management), Pavindra C. Joshi (insect and mite pests),
Vathew V. Abang (bacterial diseases) and 0rissa Silu
(fungal diseases) for their excellent reviews of this eld
guide. gratefully acknowledge the nancial support of
AsiaPacic Forum for Environment and 0evelopment
(APFE0) through the Pyutaro Hashimoto APFE0 Awards
for Cood Practices to A7P0C - The World 7egetable
Center during 2008. Thanks also to Vaureen Vecozzi for
editorial assistance and to Chen Vingche for help with
the photographs.
R. Srnvcscn
A7P0C - The World 7egetable Center
Tomato (Solcnum lycoperscum L.) is one of the most
widely grown vegetables in the world. t is grown on more
than 5 million ha with a production of nearly 129 million
t. China is the world's top tomato grower, accounting for
more than onequarter of the world's tomato acreage.
Egypt and ndia together account for more than onefth
of the world total; Turkey and Nigeria are the other major
tomato producing countries. Asia and Africa account for
about 79 percent of the global tomato area, with about
65 percent of world output (FA0 2008).
Wild tomato species are native to western South America.
There are two competing hypotheses of the origin of
domestication of tomato, one supporting a Peruvian
origin, the other, a Vexican origin (Peralta and Spooner
2007). Although tomato requires a relatively cool, dry
climate for high yield and better quality (Nicola et al.
2009), it is adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions
from temperate to hot and humid tropical (Naika et
al. 2005). Tomato contains nutrients such as vitamin
A, vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and
calcium (US0A 2009); it also contains lycopene, an
antioxidant compound that reduces the risk of cancer
(Viller et al. 2002).
n the tropics, tomato production is severely constrained
by diseases and several insect and mite pests. The major
pests include fruit borer, common armyworm, beet army
worm, whitey, leaf miner, and spider mites. The diseases
are whiteytransmitted geminiviruses, bacterial spot,
bacterial wilt, dampingoff, early blight, late blight,
fusarium wilt, southern blight, and black leaf mold.
Crowers rely heavily on chemical pesticides to protect
their tomato crop. For example, farmers in southern
ndia spray chemical insecticides more than 50 times
during a cropping season (Nagaraju et al. 2002). Pesticide
misuse has adverse effects on the environment and
human health and also increases the cost of production.
The share of the cost of pesticide to total material input
cost was J1 percent for tomato in the Philippines (0rden
et al.1994). 0veruse of chemical fertilizers also causes
economic loss to the grower. n addition, excessive use
of nitrogenous fertilizers in tomato production has been
linked to nitrate contamination of both surface and
groundwater (Krusekopf et al. 2002).
This guide provides comprehensive information for
tomato growers and extension staff on healthy seedling
production, application of balanced and optimum
quantities of organic and inorganic fertilizers, and
management of major insect and mite pests and diseases.
The simple, lowcost integrated pest management (PV)
and soil fertility management techniques outlined in
this guide provide satisfactory, sustainable management
and can help tomato growers decrease their reliance
on agrichemicals. A7P0C - The World 7egetable Center
developed, successfully validated, and promoted the
safer tomato production strategy in Taiwan from 2005
[FA0] Food and Agriculture 0rganization. 2008. FA0STAT. http:/faostat. [accessed J1 0ecember 2009].
Krusekopf HH, Vitchell JP, Hartz TK, Vay 0V, Viyao EV, Cahn V0. 2002.
Preside dress soil nitrate testing identies processing tomato elds
not requiring side dress N fertilizer. HortScience J7(J): 520524.
Viller EC, Hadley CW, Schwartz SJ, Erdman JW, 8oileau TVW, Clinton SK.
2002. Lycopene, tomato products, and prostate cancer prevention.
Have we established causality: Pure Appl. Chem. 74(8):14J51441.
Nagaraju N, 7enkatesh HV, Warburton H, Vuniyappa 7, Chancellor TC8,
Colvin J. 2002. Farmers' perceptions and practices for managing
tomato leaf curl virus disease in southern ndia. nternational
Journal Pest Vanagement 48: JJJJJ8
Naika S, 7an Lidt de Jeude J, de Coffau V, Hilmi V, 7an 0am 8. 2005.
Cultivation of tomato. Production, processing and marketing. n:
7an 0am 8 (ed.), 0igigra, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Nicola S, Tibaldi C, Fontana E. 2009. Tomato production systems and
their application to the tropics. Acta Horticulturae 821: 27JJ.
0rden VEV, Patricio VC, Canoy 77. 1994. Extent of pesticide use in
vegetable production in Nueva Ecija: Empirical evidence and policy
implications. Pesearch and 0evelopment Highlights 1994, Central
Luzon State University, Pepublic of the Philippines. p.19621J.
Peralta E, Spooner 0V. 2007. History, origin and early cultivation of
tomato (solanaceae). n: Pazdan VK, Vattoo AK (eds.), Cenetic
mprovement of Solanaceous Crops, 7ol. 2. Eneld, USA: Science
Publishers. p. 127.
[US0A] United States 0epartment of Agriculture. 2009. Tomatoes (red,
ripe, raw, year round average) - Nutrient values and weights for
edible portion (N08 No: 11529). US0A National Nutrient 0atabase
for Standard Peference, Pelease 22.
fnic/foodcomp/cgibin/ [accessed J1 0ecember
HeaIthy tomato seedIing
Su Fu-cheng
, Ma Chin-Hua
R. Srinivasan
, and Wang Tien-chen
Crop and Ecosystem Vanagement;
A7P0C - The World 7egetable Center
With the adoption of improved high yielding and disease
resistant commercial hybrids, seed has become an
expensive input in tomato production. The seedling cost
may be signicantly increased if growers lose seedlings
due to unhygienic practices. This is not uncommon,
especially when growers follow the traditional seedbed
method to produce seedlings. The following healthy
seedling production technique has been validated and
proven effective:
- Use locally available seedling trays with hole size
about 4 cm deep and 4.5 cm in diameter.
- Fill the holes with a growing medium that drains
well, such as peat moss, commercial potting soil,
or a mixture of sand, compost and burnt rice hulls.
When the latter is used, make sure the compost is
mature, and the mixture does not contain any soil
borne pathogens.
- Place the trays on raised areas such as benches in
a sheltered place. f benches are not available,
prepare raised beds 1.5 m wide and use them as
platforms for the seedling trays.
- Seedlings should be grown in a 60mesh nethouse. f
the nethouse is not available, net tunnels should be
created over the seedling trays. Erect inverted, "U"
shaped, 2 m wide and 1 m high iron or aluminum bars
over each bench or raised bed. Vaintain a distance
of 1 m between two adjacent bars within the row.
The thickness of bar should be 1 cm in diameter.
Place 60mesh nylon net over the bar from one end
of the row to the other. Pull the net tightly over
the bars from all four sides and bury 10-15 cm of
net edging in the soil. Vake sure there are no gaps
between the soil and the net, as these gaps allow
insects to get in (Talekar et al. 200J).
- f 60mesh nylon net is not available, any size up to
J2mesh could be used, but care should be given
to monitor the entry of whitey (e.g., spraying of
the outer surfaces of the net with neem or chemical
pesticides). f the seedling trays must be kept in
open conditions, it is imperative to control insects
such as whitey, thrips, and aphids that transmit
diseases. Apply imidacloprid or neem pesticides as
seed, soil, or foliar treatments, if necessary.
- Commercially available growing media sometimes
may not be properly sterilized. Therefore, use seed
treatment with chemical and/or biocontrol agents
as a prophylactic measure for managing soilborne
diseases. For instance, the seed can be treated
with broadspectrum fungicides, such as captan
and/or thiram to reduce losses from dampingoff
(Hanson et al. 2000). Alternatively, seed may also be
treated with Trchodermc vrde and Pseudomoncs
- Sow two seeds per hole at a depth of 0.5 cm and
thin the seedlings 2-J days after the rst true (non
cotyledon) leaves appear (Hanson et al. 2000).
- Water at the rate of 15 ml per hole during rst
irrigation. Subsequent irrigation should be given
at the rate of 7.5-10 ml (maximum) per hole daily
(morning hours preferred). f the temperature is
higher, especially during summer, apply 7.5-10
ml (maximum) per hole twice a day-once in the
morning and once in the afternoon. The amount of
water required depends on the growing substrate
and its moistureholding abilities.
- Seedlings will emerge within eight days at optimal
soil temperatures of 20 - J0C (Hanson et al. 2000).
- f the seeds were not treated with chemical or
biological agents, apply a locally available and
recommended fungicide (e.g. Etridiazole) to
control soilborne fungal diseases. Follow the
recommended dose, and apply at the rate of 5 ml
solution (fungicide and water) per seedling. Apply
on the growing substrate one to two days prior to
- After three weeks, check the seedlings for vigor
and leaf color. f the leaves turn slightly yellow or
seedlings seem thin, apply fertilizer with NPK ratio
of 151015 + 2 Vg0 through foliar or soil application.
0ilute the fertilizer 1000 times and apply at the
rate of 5 ml per seedling. Apply 12 times before
transplanting. Vonitor seedling growth; if the
seedlings are growing too rapidly before you are
ready to transplant, apply less fertilizer.
- Pemove the net and apply the fungicides or
fertilizers as quickly as possible. Close the net again
promptly to prevent insects from entering. f the
seedling trays are kept in several benches or beds,
open only one bench or bed at a time.
- Use good seedlings at the four or veleaf stage
(about 4 weeks old), vigorous and stocky for
transplanting (Hanson et al. 2000).
Hanson P, Chen JT, Kuo CC, Vorris P, 0pea PT. 2000. Suggested cultural
practices for tomato. nternational Cooperators' Cuide, A7P0C
Publication No. 00508. p. 8.
Talekar NS, Su FC, Lin VY. 200J. How to produce safer leafy vegetables
in nethouses and net tunnels. Asian 7egetable Pesearch and
0evelopment Center, Shanhua, Tainan, Taiwan. 18 p.
SoiI fertiIity management for
safer tomato production
Ma Chin-Hua and Yueh-Huei Lin
Crop and Ecosystem Vanagement
A7P0C - The World 7egetable Center
0veruse and imbalanced use of manure and inorganic
fertilizers in vegetable production systems have reduced
yields of vegetables and caused environmental pollution
as well as human health hazards. nadequate fertilizer
use, improper fertilizer management, and depletion
of soil nutrients result in low yields and cause land
degradation in many developing countries. 8alanced and
efcient use of plant nutrients increases productivity and
prots and minimizes environmental risks.
Dver-appIication of fertiIizer
Excessive application of both organic and inorganic
fertilizers in intensive vegetable production systems
is very common in many countries. However, not all
nutrients applied to the soil are taken up by plants.
Unused nutrients may remain in the soil and become an
environmental hazard through water leaching in soil or
in runoff, or be lost to the atmosphere by volatilization.
All water soluble nitrogen (N) fertilizers are fairly rapidly
oxidized to nitrate after application into soils under
normal farming conditions. Nitrate is not adsorbed by
soil particles, and is therefore the most likely element
to be leached out into surface water or groundwater, or
to be lost to the atmosphere by denitrication. Nitrate
derived from the decomposition of organic matter in soil
or manure is also subject to leaching. Leaching of N0
groundwater may increase its content in drinking water,
and lead to higher accumulations in plant tissues. The
consumption of excessive N0
) or 8enomyl+Vancozeb.
- Use tolerant or resistant cultivars when available.
Pesticides that kill mites. They are also
known as miticides
The process by which atoms,
molecules, or ions are taken up from
the soil solution or soil atmosphere and
retained on the surfaces of soil solids
or organic matters by chemical or
physical binding. Adsorption occurs in
many natural physical, biological, and
chemical systems.
Ammonia volatilization refers to the
loss of NH
from the soil as a gas to the
atmosphere and is normally associated
with high free NH
in the soil solution and high soil pH.
Surface applications of ammoniacal
fertilizers or readily decomposable
organic wastes to soils can result
in considerable N loss by NH
volatilization, particularly if the soil is
alkaline in nature.
AIgaI bIooms
A sudden, massive increase or
accumulation in the population of
algae in lakes and streams, often
resulting in high turbidity and green
or redcolored water, and commonly
stimulated by nutrient enrichment
with phosphorus and nitrogen. Algal
blooms can adversely affect the health
of people and marine ecosystems
and the viability of local and regional
A substance or molecule that prevents
or slows down the oxidation of other
molecules. 0xidation produces by
products (free radicals) that can cause
cell damage.
0iminution of a body part, organ or
Application of fertilizers using a
balanced combination of organic and
inorganic sources, and a balanced ratio
among N, P and K nutrients. t sustains
good soil fertility conditions and makes
the nutrient supply more efcient.
Applying organic and/or inorganic
fertilizers before sowing or
transplanting of plants. 8asal
applications can be broadcast, applied
in bands, or placed close to the plants.
Nonselective pesticide that could
kill a wide range of species in an
Uppermost foliage cover in a plant or
Cation exchange
capacity (CEC)
The capacity of soil to hold nutrients
for plant use. Specically, CEC is the
amount of negative charges available
on clay and humus to hold positively
charged cations. Effective cation
exchange capacity (ECEC) is reported
for acid soils (pH5). t is usually
expressed as centimoles of charge per
kilogram of soil (cmol
Creen pigment that gives green color
to a plant's leaves, stems, etc. t is
vital for photosynthesis.
Chlorotic (adjective); chlorosis (noun)
relates a condition in plants showing
discoloration of normally green plant
parts caused by disease, lack of
nutrients, or various air pollutants.
Chlorotic leaves range from light green
through yellow to almost white.
Cocoon A pupal case, usually made up of silk.
0rganic residues, or a mixture of
organic residues and soil, that have
been mixed, piled, and moistened,
with or without addition of inorganic
fertilizer, and generally allowed to
undergo biological decomposition
until the original organic materials
have been substantially altered or
decomposed. Composting converts
organic constituents, usually wastes,
into humuslike material suitable for
use as a soil amendment or organic
8iochemical reduction of nitrate or
nitrite to gaseous nitrogen, either as
molecular nitrogen or as an oxide of
nitrogen, by bacterial activity or by
chemical reactions involving nitrite.
The process of the gradual
transformation of habitable land
into desert. Land in arid, semiarid,
and subhumid areas deteriorates
due to loss of vegetation and soil
moisture. t is usually caused by human
mismanagement of land resources,
with drought and other natural events
exacerbating the effect of human
0essicate 8ecome dried.
The second nymphal stage in mites.
Vostly, the deutonymph molts into
adult stage.
Temporary suspension of development
(physiological dormancy) due to
adverse environmental conditions.
Located at the back or upper surface
of an insect body.
A condition in an aquatic ecosystem
where high nutrient concentrations
cause algae to bloom and grow rapidly
which leads to a deciency of oxygen
in the water. Algae blooms disrupt the
ecosystem in two ways. First, algae
blocks sunlight that is needed by the
underwater grasses which feed sh
and other animals. Second, when the
algae die and decompose, they use
up oxygen in the water that is needed
by sh and other animals. Human
activities such as agriculture runoff,
urban runoff, and sewage leakages
accelerate these increased nutrient
Exuvia (aIso
pIuraI, exuviae)
Cast skin or shed skin after moulting.
Hairlike, whiplike, or tinsellike
appendage of a motile cell, bacterium
or zoospore that provides locomotion.
Honey dew
Liquid feces of insects in the order
Homoptera, containing soluble sugars
and amino acids.
Pathogen or its parts, capable of
causing infection when transferred to a
favorable location.
Fertilizers composed of synthetic
chemicals and/or minerals. Chemical
or inorganic fertilizers that are not
obtained from a source that is or has
been alive.
0evelopmental stage during the larval
period. The time interval between
two subsequent moulting is known as
stadium. The form of an insect during
any stadium is called as instar.
Leaf mines
Feeding tunnels between epidermal
layers of the leaf.
Upper surface of the mesothorax
(middle of the three segments in the
thorax of an insect).
Tissue between the upper and lower
epidermis of a leaf lamina.
Change in growth and development of
an insect from hatching to maturity,
involving conspicuous changes in its
body structures.
hidrib Prominent central vein in a leaf.
Practice of cultivating a single crop on
the same piece of land or in a region
The hypha or mass of hyphae that
make up the body of a fungus.
A compound that contains the
nitrate group (N0
, such as a salt
or ester of nitric acid). t is a major
plant N nutrient and component of
inorganic fertilizer. Nitrate ion with
negative charge is not adsorbed by
soil particles, and is therefore the
most likely element to be leached out
into surface water or groundwater
from septic systems, animal feed
lots, agricultural fertilizers, manure,
industrial waste waters, and sanitary
8iological oxidation process whereby
ammonia (NH
) in soil or wastewater
is oxidized to nitrite (N0
) and then to
nitrate (N0
) by autotrophic bacterial
or chemical reactions. The nitrate ion
can then be used directly by plants or
soil microorganisms or lost from the
crop rooting zone by denitrication,
leaching, or erosion/runoff.
Chemical compounds (usually organic)
containing nitrogen in combined
forms. Proteins and nitrates are
nitrogenous compounds.
Larval stage in certain insect orders
including Hemiptera. Nymphs will
directly develop into adults without
undergoing pupal stage.
Naturallyoccurring organic materials
that contain sufcient plant nutrients
to be of value as fertilizers, (e.g.
manure, green manure, worm
castings, slurry, peat, seaweed, etc.),
or naturally occurring mineral deposits
(e.g. saltpeter, guano). Processed
organic fertilizers include compost,
bone meal, humic acid, amino
acid, brassin and seaweed extracts.
0ecomposing crop residue from prior
years is another source of organic
fertilizer. n addition to increasing
yield and fertilizing plants directly,
organic fertilizers can improve the
biodiversity of soil organisms and
increase soil organic matter to sustain
longterm productivity.
An organism that spends most of its
lifecycle within a single host insect
for nutrients and protection and
ultimately kills it.
An entity, usually a microorganism,
that can incite disease.
nheritable tolerance to pesticides
among pest populations of a species.
Alternating among pesticide groups
with different modes of action to
delay the development of resistance
or to mitigate the current level of
resistance. f successive generations of
the pest are not treated with pesticide
compounds having the same mode of
action, resistance development can be
A chemical signal that elicits a
response in another member of the
same species.
Tissue in vascular plants that carry
organic nutrients, especially sugars,
and amino acids to other parts of the
Exposure duration of an organism to
light in a daily cycle.
Feeding on wide variety of host plant
Protonymph The rst nymphal stage in mites.
(pIuraI: puparia)
The protective case covering the pupa
in true ies (dipterans).
0rganisms feeding on dead or decaying
organic matter.
A compact mass of hyphae with
or without host tissue, usually
with a darkened rind, and capable
of surviving under unfavorable
environmental conditions.
Process of destroying the tissues and
leaving the basic structure or shape (of
the leaves).
SoiI buffering
The ability of solid phase soil materials
to resist changes in ion concentration
in the solution phase. t includes
pH buffering capacity as well as the
buffering capacity of other ionic and
molecular components. pH buffering
capacity refers to the ability of a soil
to resist large changes in pH when an
acidic or alkaline solution is added to
SoIanaceous Plant species in the family Solanaceae.
Sooty moId
8lack powdery coat on the leaf
surfaces due to the growth of
saprophytic fungi on the excretions
(honey dew) of certain homopteran
A container or case of asexual spores.
n some cases it functions as a single
SporuIation The process of spore production.
94 94
Starter SoIution
norganic fertilizer solution with very
high NPK concentration (200-240
mg N/plant) applied near plant roots
immediately after transplanting.
The volumes applied each time are
small (about 50 ml) so the solution
can be held near the roots. Starter
solution can tentatively build up high
nutrient gradients in the soil solution
around the soilrhizosphere system.
t provides young transplants with
readily available nutrients before their
root systems are wellestablished,
enhances initial growth of vegetables,
and improves fertilizer use efciency.
Pesticide that move throughout the
plant system after application.
Hardened plates on the upper surface
of thorax and abdomen of an insect.
Thoracic Located in the thorax (chest).
Venation The arrangement of veins in a leaf.
Highly pathogenic; having the capacity
to cause severe disease.
8acterial diseases 61
8acterial spot 62
8acterial wilt 64
8acterial spot 62
8acterial wilt 64
8eet armyworm J4
8lack leaf mold (Cercospora leaf mold) 82
Common armyworm J1
Crop rotation 1J
0ampingoff 70
Early blight 72
application tips 21
imbalanced application 7
inadequate nutrient inputs 8
inorganic 6, 8
nutrient use efciency 10
organic 6, 8, 1J
overapplication 6
recommendations 14
Starter Solution 11
Fungal diseases
8lack leaf mold (Cercospora leaf mold) 82
0ampingoff 69
Early blight 72
Fusarium wilt 76
Late blight 74
Southern blight 79
Fungicides J
Fusarium wilt 76
Ceminiviruses v
Clossary 85
ntegrated pest management 50
Late blight 74
Leaf miner 42
Lycopene v
Nethouses 2
Pest management 50
8ehavioral control 52
8iological control 52
Chemical control 54
Cultural control 50
Host plant resistance 52
Vechanical control 52
Pesticides J
Pests 2J
8eet armyworm J4
Common armyworm J1
Spider mites 46
Tomato fruit worm 24
Tomato leaf miner 42
Whitey J6
Soil fertility management 5, 8
nutrient losses 12
nutrient use efciency 10
Southern blight 79
Spider mites 46
Tomato bacterial spot 62
Tomato bacterial wilt 64
Tomato fruit worm 24
Tomato leaf miner 42
Tomato (Solcnum lycoperscum L.)
climatic conditions v
growing medium 2
healthy seedling production 2
nutrition v
wild species v
Whitey J6