Agricultural Science Work.
Agricultural Science Work.
Agricultural Science Work.
1. History of Agriculture
Definition Of Agriculture:
Agriculture can be defined as the art, the science and the business of producing crops
and livestock for economic purposes.
The art in agriculture is how skillful the farmer carries out the operations on the farm.
The science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the
natural world e.g. crop protection, land management.
Agriculture as a business aims at combining the factors of production (land, labour,
capital, management) to make a profit.
History in Agriculture
The history in agriculture can be broken down into 3 sections: Pre – colonial era, colonial era
and Post – colonial era.
Hydroponics System
Plants grown using a hydroponics system are grown in water. The water is full of nutrients,
which are taken up by the roots. In hydroponics you provide the exact nutrients your plants
need, so they can develop and grow. The nutrients are fed directly at the root base, never
stressing the plant due to lack for nutrients or water. Crops such as lettuce and tomatoes are
grown using hydroponics
Advantages of Hydroponics System
The plants receive the nutrients they need, which speeds up their growth, and the
process is totally controlled by the grower.
The plants can also be stacked to take up less space.
the plants use less water than plants grown conventionally.
Soil contains a lot of diseases and pathogens that can affect the crop. These diseases
and pathogens are eliminated by hydroponics.
Aquaponics System
It is the marriage of aquaculture (raising fish, etc.) and Hydroponics (the soil-less growing of
plants) that grows fish and plants together in one integrated system. The fish waste provides an
organic food source for the growing plants and the plants provide a natural filter for the water
that fish live in. The wastewater is pumped from the fish tank into the grow bed. In the Grow
bed, the wastewater is filtered by the plant roots into clean water. The clean water is then sent
back to the fish tank.
Grow- Box
The Grow Box system is the use of an enclosed box-like structure filled with a special mixed
medium inside the box. Soil is NOT used in making the medium inside the box. The material
used inside include: - bagasse, sharp sand, limestone and fertilizers are used instead.
Trough Culture
Trough culture involves growing crops in shallow troughs. Troughs can be filled with an inert,
soil-free medium such as rock wool and are connected to a drip system that supplies water and
nutrients in solution. Once the troughs have been set up, they are easy and inexpensive to
maintain. They can be used for vegetables and flowers and the gardener can put them in
greenhouses or anywhere convenient. Both grow boxes and trough culture enable plants to be
grown where space is limited or the soil is poor. Modifications can be made to suit the
circumstances, for example, the number of units and their arrangement, the use of different
types of inert material and temperature and lighting control (if needed). Commercial systems
have many units, but both methods can be used on a smaller scale.
Organic Farming
Organic farming is an approach that seeks to limit or eradicate the introduction of synthetic
elements into agriculture. It is the production of plants and animals without using synthetic or
inorganic chemicals. No synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics or growth hormones are
Crop Rotation is a sequence of different crops being grown from year to year (cereals, root
crops, legumes). The sequence is planned so that crops are grown on different plots each year.
Intercropping is where two or more crops grown at the same time on the same land.
This results in:
Reduces competition from weeds
The cover from the vegetation reduces run-off. Saves on space
Crops are harvest at different times
Biological Control
Biological control is a method of controlling pest populations naturally, without the use of toxic
Food Security
Food Security is where all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to
sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for
an active and healthy life.
Countries can achieve food security by encouraging agricultural production.
The agriculture sector provides employment from unskilled labourer to the professional soil
scientist. When agriculture is developed in a country, many jobs will be created • E.g..
Labourers, farmers, managers, extension Officers, Overseers, Research workers, Veterinarians,
Agricultural Engineers, Viticulturists, Soil Scientists, Teachers.
Trade Liberalization
Trade liberalization helps global competitiveness. A fair trade in goods and services develops
when tariffs and non-tariff barriers are removed. A tariff is a tax levied by a government on
imports (or occasionally exports).
A government uses a tariff to protect a local industry or product to help its balance of payments
or to raise revenue.
The aim of global trade liberalization initiatives is to encourage greater efficiency in marketing
and trade. The initiatives focus on restructuring trade policies to reduce any barriers set up to
protect producers and service providers from competition.
Trade liberalization does not just depend on the removal of barriers and the negotiation of
better access to markets. It requires rules that control how each government forms its trade
policies. This should result in each country being encouraged to improve productivity in
agriculture and make greater efforts to improve the quality of agricultural products.
5. Agricultural Enterprise