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North Park Recreation Center/Adult Center, 2719 Howard Avenue

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www.northparkplanning.org MEETING AGENDA: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 6:00 p.m.

North Park Recreation Center/Adult Center, 2719 Howard Avenue.

Parliamentary Items (6:00 pm) A. Call to Order B. Modifications to & adoption of the June 13 Agenda C. Chairs Comments D. Approval of Previous Minutes: April 11, 2012 and March 14, 2012 E. Announcements: (See page 2 of Agenda for details and links) Non Agenda Public Comment (2 minutes each). Please fill out a Public Comment Sheet and give to Chair prior to the meeting. Information Items: A. Water and Sewer Group Job 934: Replacement of approx. 5,122 LF of existing 16-inch cast iron water main and approx. 1,600 LF of existing 6-inch vitrified clay sewer main and appurtenances in the vicinity of Bancroft and Upas Streets. http://cipapp.sandiego.gov/CIPDistrictNav.aspx?district=3 (6:05 pm to 6:35 pm) New Business: A. San Diego Canyonlands request for letter of support: Action Item (6:35 pm to 7:00 pm) B. University Avenue Mobility Plan EIR: discussion & comments Action Item. Links listed in the back of the Agenda (7:00 pm to 7:20 pm) C. Traffic Calming best practices for North Park CPUAC: Discussion/Action (7:20 pm to 7:30 pm) City of San Diego Street Design Manual: http://www.sandiego.gov/planning/pdf/peddesign.pdf Old Business: A. Texas Street Improvement Design: Construction update on improvements to Texas Street from Madison Avenue to Camino Del Rio South, part of mitigation improvements for the Quarry Falls Development in Mission Valley. Action Item (7:30 pm to 7:35 pm) B. Plaza de Panama - Balboa Park (Project No. 233958): Will be heard at City Council July 9th 2012 at 2:00 p.m. Action Item (7:35 pm to 7:40 pm)




C. North Park Entry/gateway Monuments: Ongoing discussion of potential improvements to entryways to North Park, including landscaping, signage and entry monuments/gateways. Action Item (7:40 to 7:50) D. Utility Box Task Force: Update from LU&H 6/13/2012 @ 2pm Action Item (7:50 to 8:00)


Unfinished, New Business & Future Agenda Items. Next Meeting date: To be Re-scheduled to the first or third week in July 2012 Adjournment (8:00 pm)
Times listed are estimates only. Please speak only when recognized by the Chair. Be respectful of others and their ideas. Listen and be open-minded. No interruptions or side conversations. Stay focused on issues rather than personalities. * Subcommittee Quorum: Total seated members cannot exceed 13, with a maximum of 7 elected NPPC Board Members (cannot exceed NPPC quorum) and 6 Community Voting Members. The majority of total seated members must be elected NPPC board members ** Community Voting Members: Community members gain subcommittee voting rights after attending at least three subcommittee meetings. Elected Board Members have voting rights anytime. Dionn Carlson (Chair) 619-584-2496 dionneleighcarlson@cox.net Ren A. Vidales (Vice-Chair) 619-819-8690 lanphomus@cox.net

The San Diego Canyonlands Dedication Proposal:

Link to Map of North Park Canyons Proposed for Dedication:
http://www.sdcanyonlands.org/images/pdfs/DedicationInfo/northpark.pdf San Diego Canyonlands Proposes Dedication of ~11,400 Acres of City-Owned Open Space SDCL is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote, protect and restore the natural habitats in San Diegos canyons. THE FACTS ABOUT DEDICATION This dedication proposal continues a process that started at the Citys Natural Resources and Culture Committee in 2006 after a Canyonlands White Paper report. Subsequently Parks and Recreation staff produced a report indicating that ~17,000 acres were ripe for Dedication. In December 2007, the City ratified state legislation - sponsored by Mayor Sanders, authored by Senator Christine Kehoe, and signed by Governor Schwarzenegger - that dedicated ~6,600 acres of open space land. This legislation allowed the city to save over $1 million dollars in unnecessary entitlement costs. The purpose of dedicating city land is to provide for reliable open-space preservation and recreational opportunities within communities. It provides a framework for future planning. After a public vetting process, which is initiated by citizens, City Council can approve parcels for dedication. Lands that are dedicated require a 2/3s approval of San Diegos voters to be converted for non-open space or non-park uses. Dedicated lands are preserved as natural open space or developed for active outdoor recreation. Dedication does not result in any changes or additional cost in maintenance of the land. The City Council retains the authority to grant easements for utility purposes across dedicated property including roads, sewer lines, drainage channels, etc. San Diego Canyonlands (SDCL) is proposing the dedication of approximately 11,400 more acres as a next step to preserve our citys designated open spaces and Canyonlands legacy. SDCL has produced information packages for each Community Planning Area that show the city parcels proposed for dedication. This information is facilitating the required public vetting process and is available online for public review and can be accessed by clicking here. The Park and Recreation Department has reviewed and approved the proposal of all 10,669 acres of proposed land under their management (93% of all land proposed for dedication). In January 2012, Mayor Sanders and City Council sponsored and Senator Christine Kehoe authored state legislation (SB 1169) that - if signed by the Governor and ratified by City Council - could dedicate as much as 11,000 acres this year! As of March, 2012, 29 out of 30 Planning Groups, Town Councils and Citizen Advisory Councils have supported the dedication of land proposed for dedication in their respective jurisdictional areas. The controlling document and criteria SDCL used for the Dedication as it conducted its review of each parcel is Council Policy 700-17, which can be found in SDCLs 06.10.11 Report to the Park and Recreation Board (PDF). For background, more details, and to see a City-wide map of the currently proposed parcels, visit the Dedication area of SDCLs website (www.sdcanyonlands.org ) by clicking here. Sincerely, Eric Bowlby ,Executive Director, San Diego Canyonlands Draft Letter of Support requested by San Diego CanyonLands: RE: Support for Dedication of ~10,000 acres of City-owned open space as parkland, and Support for Dedication of parcels within the ____________ Community Planning Area. To Whom It May Concern: The ________________ Community Planning Group has reviewed the information and maps provided by San Diego Canyonlands regarding the proposed dedication of City-owned open space. Information included maps showing City-owned land proposed for dedication within our Community Planning area. Our committee voted as follows:

1) Although we recognize that the list of proposed sites is subject to change during the City internal review and the public vetting process
over the coming months, the ____________ Community Planning Group strongly supports the proposed dedication of approximately 10,000 acres of City-owned open space as Dedicated Land. We see this as an important step towards preserving our open space resources in future decades and for guiding planners as our city grows and changes.

and 2) The ______________ Community Planning Group strongly supports the proposed dedication of __________ sites (approximately ____________ acres) of City-owned open space within our Community Planning area as Dedicated Land. Please see the attached spreadsheet that identifies our support of specific sites for dedication. We see this as an important step towards preserving our open space resources for future decades and for guiding planners as our city grows and changes. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have with regards to this action. Sincerely,

Links to the Draft EIR for University Avenue Mobility Plan

Project No. 115295, Public Review ends July 17, 2012 Draft EIR Part 1 of 3, Public Notice Page Only Draft EIR Part 2 of 3 Draft EIR Part 3 of 3 Appendix A - NOP & Public Comments Appendix B - Traffic Part 1 of 6 Appendix B - Traffic Part 2 of 6 Appendix B - Traffic Part 3 of 6 Appendix B - Traffic Part 4 of 6 Appendix B - Traffic Part 5 of 6 Appendix B - Traffic Part 6 of 6 Appendix C (Existing Plus Project Conditions Report), D (Air Quality & Greenhouse Gases), & E (Drainage) Appendix F - Water Quality Appendix G - Initial Site Assessment & Hazardous Materials

NPPC-PF Subcommittee 06/11/2012 Announcements:

SANDAG http://www.sandag.org/enewsletter/index.html - The May 2012 edition of rEgion - facebook.com/SANDAGregion Smart Growth Concept Map updated South Bay Expressway toll prices to drop TransNet ITOC seeks new member Find your reason to ride Dump the Pump day is June 21 Trestles Bridge dedicated Healthy Communities Atlas released

North Park Community Association: See the NPCA's home page http://northparksd.org/ and their community calendar at http://northparksd.org/meetings-calendar. Contact Beth Swersie - news@northparksd.org to have your event/meeting added to the calendar Volunteer Alert for the Bird Park Summer Concerts: NPCA is looking for enthusiastic volunteers for fundraising, music selection, promotion, coordination, and day-of-event activities. Contact Lynn Elliott atLElliott@northparksd.org to join the crew!

All Concerts are on Saturday Evenings from 5:30 to 7:30 pm June 16, 2012 Nathan James Blues June 30, 2012 Tinku Latin Jazz July 14, 2012 Kitten with a Whip Indie Rock July 28, 2012 Folding Mr. Lincoln Country August 11, 2012 Whitney Shay and the Shakedowns R/B & Swing
University Heights CDC:

Grab a picnic dinner and bring your family and friends to the 2012 Summer in the Park Concert Series, sponsored by the UHCDC. The concerts all take place at historic Trolley Barn Park in University Heights on Friday evenings from 6 to 8 pm, starting June 29. June 29 GRACELAND An Elivs Presley Tribute www.gracelandsandiego.com July 6 HOTSY TOTSY 1920s & Cabaret Jazz www.hotsytotsyboys.com July 13 LATIN A GO-GO Latin Jazz, Salsa, R & B, Funk www.latinagogo.com July 20 SONIC EPIDEMIC Rockin the Hits of the 70s timluey@yahoo.com July 27 STONEY B. BLUES BAND Chicago and Southern Style Blues www.stoneybbluesmusician.com August 3 SUE PALMER & HER MOTEL SWING ORCHESTRA Boogie Woogie & Swing www.suepalmer.com

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