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BKLT Deaerator

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Revised 1/11



Why a Deaerator? What Does It Do?

A deaerator is a special kind of boiler feed pump that minimizes the corrosiveness of the boiler feed water and pumps this water into the boiler as needed. It reduces the corrosiveness by heating the water, thus removing harmful dissolved gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) by driving them out of solution. Since corrosion, like other chemical reactions, increases with temperature, a higher rated deaerator is needed for higher temperature boilers. The temperature and pressure of boiling water rise simultaneously; it is therefore important to use the best type of deaerator for high pressure boilers to protect the boiler and the system from corrosion while minimizing boiler chemicals. Lower priced, less effective deaerators can be a good compromise for low pressure boilers. Standard industry ratings are .005 for the highest rated, and .03 for the less expensive deaerators (Rating .005 = .005 cubic centimeters of oxygen remain per liter of feed water). This .005 rating is equivalent to about 7 parts per billion by weight, which is a minute amount of remaining oxygen. The .03 cc/liter rating represents about 44 parts per billion of oxygen in the water by weight. Actual performance can vary a lot and depends on the force of the boiling water (temperature and turbulence), and the steadiness of the flow into the deaeration compartment (transients), as well as other factors which will be mentioned in "How a SHIPCO Deaerator Works." Good performance depends on hard boiling, therefore the generated steam must be highly condensed before the gases are vented to atmosphere to avoid loss of steam. Design and proper controls are equally important for the efficient operation of the deaerator. Properly operated deaerators require drastically fewer oxygen scavenging boiler treatment chemicals. In summary deaeration achieves the following: Removes air (oxygen and carbon dioxide) Raises feed water temperature (reduces boiler shock) Improves heat transfer (air acts as an insulator, hindering heat transfer in the system). Saves money (limits chemicals, limits boiler retubing, saves return lines, heat exchangers & process equipment).

Fundamentals for Outstanding Deaerator Design

1) Temperature 2) Time 3) Turbulence 4) Thin Film 5) Transients 6) Venting 7) Vent condensing Use 5 T's and 2 V's as an aid to remember these very important requirements. Heat is required to raise the water temperature in your deaerator to full saturation temperature for the internal pressure of the deaerator. The temperature must remain at the boiling point to ensure oxygen removal. Time is required to remove all traces of dissolved oxygen. The more time allowed in each step of the deaerating process the more effective the deaerator becomes. Turbulence is required to vigorously scrub all the gas bubbles. Steam added at the bottom of the unit through the steam manifold assembly causes steam bubbles to rise and carry any remaining tiny air bubbles to the surface. This process helps overcome surface tension that retains dissolved gases. A thin film is required to decrease the distance tiny bubbles must travel to be released. By reducing the time required to accomplish release, the quantity that can be handled by a given size unit is increased. This increase is accomplished by spraying the water through nozzles and then by continuing the process over a series of baffles. By controlling all transients with modulating controls and allowing returns to enter a surge tank with pumps running continuously, temperature and capacity variations are minimized. Quick and sudden changes can cause air to redissolve very rapidly. Venting of the liberated non-condensable gases with the escape of some steam to atmosphere must occur. If these gases were not allowed to escape, deaeration could not happen. Lastly, vent condensing or adding a shell and tube vent condenser/preheater to the vent of a deaerator can heat low temperature water hotter before spraying, and condense nearly all of the steam from the vent, increasing the efficiency of the deaerator.

How a SHIPCO Deaerator Works Important Features

2200 2000 1800





1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200








of the oxygen. The deaerated water is stored until the boiler calls for water and it is pumped from the bottom of the tank to the boiler. Important Features: 1) A path in one direction for the steam to carry the oxygen toward the vent, effectively isolating it from the deaerated water. 2) Spring-loaded spray nozzles that provide a fine spray at varying flow rates for rapid heating and oxygen removal.




8 12





0 32 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250


The principle on which a deaerator works is Henry's Law, expressed graphically above. At the chosen pressure the amount of dissolved gases goes to zero when the water is at the boiling temperature for that particular pressure. Since it takes time for a bubble of oxygen to form and rise, boiling the water hard shortens this time. It is therefore possible to have a deaerator work at vacuum, atmospheric pressure, or a higher pressure. Atmospheric and low pressure (5 PSI) are most often used. SHIPCO manufactures both of these deaerators. Advantages and disadvantages are as follow: Atmospheric Advantages: No ASME Code tank expense No float drainer for overflow No safety valve Less steam loss at partial load No orifice in vent Shell & tube vent condenser/preheater advantage for larger temperature rise heating requirements Pressurized Advantage: Faster response of pressure pilot A steam manifold is boiling the water hard near the bottom of the tank with volumes of steam rising. The incoming water is sprayed into the top of the tank just below the vent, condensing the steam and heating the incoming water. It then cascades through the baffles further heating the water, condensing more steam, and releasing oxygen which travels up toward the vent with the steam. The water, then mostly deaerated, drops to the surface where the bubbling steam purges the last


A series of baffles further providing for heating of water, condensing of steam, and release of oxygen, as well as providing the one-direction pathway. A steam manifold with narrow slits to provide good distribution of fine steam bubbles to scrub the last of the oxygen from the stored water. It will operate relatively quietly above 160F. This scrubbing heater (a little above the bottom) assures the pumps are getting the most thoroughly deaerated water in the unit. Since heat rises, steam added at the bottom is more effective in heating the bottom as opposed to adding heat at a higher level. Furthermore, the rising steam bubbles are very effective in carrying any remaining tiny air bubbles to the surface.



6) Noticeably better deaeration can be obtained when flows increase or decrease gradually. Sudden increases and decreases, such as a large on and off flow from a condensate pump, will hinder performance unless a surge tank is used with modulated flows from the surge tank to the deaerator tank. A system with 80% to 100% make-up water can operate efficiently without a surge tank as the water flow can be modulated from the domestic water supply, but larger percentages of pumped returns require a surge tank for best performance. 7) A shell and tube vent condenser/preheater, if added to the vent of the deaerator, increases the efficiency of the deaerator by heating low temperature water hotter before spraying, and condensing nearly all of the steam from the vent.

Deaerator Boiler Feed Pump Selection & Sizing

Selection is based on gallons per minute (GPM), pounds per square inch (PSIG), net positive suction head (NPSH) and receiver size. Determine GPM The evaporation rate of one boiler horsepower is .069 gallons per minute. Other conversion equivalents: One boiler horsepower equals 33,475 BTU/hr. or 34.5 lbs./hr. or 139.4 sq. ft. EDR. Boiler feed pumps for on-off operation are sized at two (2) times this evaporation rate. Boiler feed pumps for continuous operation (generally 15 motor HP and larger) are sized at one and a half (11/2 ) times this evaporation rate. In addition, extra flow for recirculation with deaerator boiler feed pumps may have to be added. The SHIPCO centrifugal Model P and D pumps do not require any additional flow. SHIPCO pumps with motors 5 HP and less have a bleed line that serves this function, and in pumps with motors 71 /2 HP and larger a bypass orifice is used in a recirculation line for this purpose. Boiler feed pumps are sized based on the maximum number of boilers each pump is feeding. Determine PSIG The deaerator boiler feed pumps are sized to overcome the operating pressure of the boiler + friction loss in pipe + valve loss + feed valve loss (if any) + stack economizer (if any) + vertical lift from pump to boiler + safety margin of approximately 10 PSIG. The amount of these values added together, are normally expressed in feet of head. To convert feet of head to PSIG, 2.31 ft. = 1 PSIG. Generally, the feed valve loss is 20 PSIG and the stack economizer loss is 20 PSIG when estimating the pump discharge pressure. Stack economizer requires a continuously running pump in the system. The standard rules of thumb are: High-pressure boilers running onoff from a boiler level controller add 20 PSIG to the operating pressure (not the design pressure). High-pressure boilers running continuously pumping through a modulating valve add 30 PSIG to the operating pressure (always better to get pressure drop through valve). High-pressure boilers running continuously pumping through a modulating valve and a stack economizer add 50 PSIG to the operating pressure. Low-pressure boilers (running between 1 to 15 PSIG) generally use pumps with a discharge pressure of 20 PSIG. If the boilers run at more than one pressure setting (like a night setback), an additional pump(s) is

needed to handle this pressure and the steam control regulator must be sized for this nighttime lowpressure setback. Determine NPSH NPSH stands for Net Positive Suction Head. The available NPSH is essentially the measure of how close the water in the suction passage of the pump is to boiling, with the attendant formation of steam within the impeller, thus diminishing the pumps performance. Since we have a deaerator where the water is at the saturation point or boiling point, the available NPSH is at zero, located at the bottom of the steam manifold. Various physical designs of pump have various NPSH requirements. In order for any pump to operate successfully, the NPSH available must be greater than the NPSH requirements. With a deaerator the only way you can increase the NPSH available is to elevate the tank a greater distance than the pump requires. For example, a pump with an NPSH requirement of 4 ft. must be elevated at least 4 ft. plus a safety factor (usually 1 to 2 ft.). The SHIPCO model P pump requires only 2 ft. of NPSH at the best efficiency point; therefore, our standard elevation is 4 ft. or 48 inches. Suction strainers hurt NPSH calculations since you cant measure the pressure drop through a strainer. In addition, if it works it will destroy the pump by causing it to run dry. For this reason suction strainers are never used with centrifugal pumps like the SHIPCO model P or D pumps. Suction strainers are only used when turbine pumps are supplied since even a little dirt and debris will cause this style of pump to go bad due to the close tolerances within the design. The standard rule of thumb is to add one additional foot of stand elevation to compensate for this suction strainer. Determine Receiver Size The receiver size on a deaerator is based on the total load of all boilers being fed by the unit at any one time. The receiver size is generally based on 10 minutes of net storage when using a single compartment with returns. If the system utilizes a surge tank with the deaerator, then the surge tank will be sized to handle the 10 minutes of net storage time required, with the deaerator being sized for only 5 minutes of net storage. A deaerator without returns (100% make-up) requires only 5 minutes of net storage. As demonstrated, the selection of the receiver size may vary based on the characteristics of the system.

Surge Tank Pump Selection & Sizing

When Is a Surge Tank Used? The general rules of thumb are as follows: On systems with 80% or more make-up a surge tank is not required. On systems with more than 20% returns a surge tank is required to achieve good deaeration. What Is a Surge Tank? A surge tank is another name for a boiler feed tank. It acts exactly like a boiler feed tank except that it feeds a deaerator in lieu of a boiler. With a surge tank the make-up water is added into this tank and blended with the return water to avoid shocking the deaerator with extreme temperature and capacity variations. In addition, the pumps on the surge tank must run continuously, pumping the water directly into the modulating transfer or the make-up valve on the deaerator. The second transfer pump on a SHIPCO surge tank is a standby pump that is activated by a low-level switch on the deaerator (-2T or -2C Type Units).This standby pump runs automatically in case the lead pump fails or cant keep up. A surge tank is not a condensate pump since a condensate pump turns on and off based on the water level in its receiver. When a condensate style unit is used as a surge tank, it defeats the entire purpose of a surge tank by allowing large variations in capacity and temperature into the system. The main purpose of the surge tank is to level out the transients or control the fluctuations in capacity and temperature so the deaerator runs as smoothly and effectively as possible. If controlling these variations in temperature were not important, no need would exist to use expensive controls that modulate on the deaerator. What Does a Surge Tank Look Like? Since a surge tank is another name for a boiler feed tank, as mentioned earlier, the tank can take many shapes and forms. The tank can be made of stainless steel, close grained cast iron (with a 20year warranty against corrosion failure) to prevent against corrosion failure, Plasite #7156 lined, or simply black steel. The surge tank can be an integral part of the deaerator, like a two-compartment style (look under its specific tab), or be free standing by itself (called a two-tank or -2T system). Where surge tanks are in a free-standing by itself situation (-2T systems), the free-standing surge tank can be elevated or mounted on the floor like many of the types throughout the entire catalog (see Reference Chart A below). Yes, the surge tank may be placed on the floor. This is possible because at 150, 180 or even 200oF the water temperature is low enough that NPSH is not a major concern. For example, with 194oF water you have 10.46 feet of NPSH available at sea level. If you look at the pump curves in the catalog under Model D or P, the pumps, if properly selected, are 2 ft., 4 ft. or 6 ft. NPSH at the best efficient point on the curve; hence, the NPSH available is greater than the pump NPSH requirement based on 194o F water in tank. All floor-mounted units should be sold and specified with SHIPCO bronze isolated valves that are factory tested for servicing the pump. CHART A
Vertical Floor Mounted Floor or Elevated Cast Iron Rectangular Steel Tanks Cylindrical Steel Floor Mounted Pump on end Cylindrical Steel Floor or Elevated pump on side Dished Head Steel Floor or Elevated ASME Code Stamped Units EMV Tab DMC/PMC/PMEC Tab DMS/ PMS/PMES Tab CS-B Tab

CS & CES Tab SHM & SHEM Tab HT Tab

How to Determine Transfer Pump (Gallons per Minute) GPM All deaerator units are rated in lbs/hr of steam. The transfer pumps on the surge tank units are sized based on this rating. Lbs/hr divided by 500 equals the evaporation rate in GPM for these pumps. The pumps are sized as follows: If transfer pumps are feeding a deaerator on a free-standing by itself surge tank (-2T) system, the pump rate in GPM equals the evaporation rate or the total load rating on the deaerator. For example, if deaerator system is rated 10,000 lbs/hr, then each transfer pump should be rated for 20 GPM. If transfer pumps feeding a deaerator with the surge tank are part of the complete unit like our twocompartment model (-2C), the transfer pumps are sized differently based on being an atmospheric or pressurized deaerator. If a pressurized two-compartment deaerator unit is used (-2C), the pump rate equals the evaporation

rate or the total load rating on the deaerator (as mentioned earlier). If an atmospheric two-compartment deaerator is used (.005 DA-2C or .03 DA-2C), the pump rate in GPM equals the evaporation rate of the deaerator multiplied by 1.5. For example, if deaerator is rated 10,000 lbs/hr, then each transfer pump should be rated for 30 GPM (20 GPM x 1.5). This is to allow recirculation of water through the vent condensers. In addition, this is the only type of surge tank where NPSH is a concern and pumps should have an NPSH requirement lower than the height of the stand to be safe. Recirculation for these continuously running transfer pumps may be required. The SHIPCO Model P and D pumps have as standard a bleed line that does not require any additional recirculation when pumping liquids lower in temperature than the saturation or boiling point. How to Determine the Pump Discharge Pressure PSIG The surge tank pumps are sized as follows: A) To overcome the operating pressure of the deaerator B) Spray nozzles C) Friction loss in pipe D) Vertical lift between deaerator and surge tank E) Safety margin generally 5 PSIG F) Pressure drop associated with transfer valve The amount of these values, or these values added together, is normally expressed in feet of head. To convert to pounds per square inch, or PSIG, 2.31 ft. = 1 PSIG. Generally the surge tank is located beside the deaerator or when it is part of the deaerator itself; therefore, a transfer pump discharge of 25 PSIG, if feeding an atmospheric deaerator, or 35 PSIG, if feeding a pressurized deaerator, is used as our

standard since our standard transfer modulating valves are sized for 100% of the deaerator load with a 10 PSIG drop across valve. How to Size and What Style of Make-Up to Use Since the purpose of a surge tank is to gather all the returns from the system and mix the makeup water with the returns to blend the temperature, the make-up valve should be a standard close closing solenoid valve activated by a float switch in the tank. By using a modulating make-up valve you are wasting money on an expensive valve and controller that serve no purpose unless your system is larger than 75,000 lbs/hr. The make-up valve capacity should be sized for 100% of the total load of the system so you have emergency backup. In addition, make sure that your city water supply pressure is adequate for the pressure drop through this valve. What Special Equipment Should I Have? If you are purchasing a high quality deaerator with high and low water alarms and pump low water cut-off, your surge tank should be equipped with the same alarms and cut-offs. In addition, since surge tanks are vented to atmosphere, they will corrode. Surge tanks should be cast iron, Plasite lined with #7156 or made of 300 series stainless steel for about the same price. Determining Receiver Size The receiver on a surge tank is sized based on the total load of all boilers in the system or the deaerator rating, the same sizing as that of a standard boiler feed unit. The receiver size is generally based on 10 minutes of net storage as a general rule of thumb just like the deaerators. The suggested specifications, Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals, Dimension Prints, Piping Details and Bulletins are located for your convenience behind the appropriate catalog tab.

Special HS Systems Deaerators .005 DA-ISTP-2THS, .005 DA-STP-2THS, .005 DA-ISTP-2CHS or .005 DA-STP-2CHS Pressurized two-compartment or two-tank units where most if not all the returns coming back are above the saturation point. Condensate returns are not vented to atmosphere.














Where Can You Go Wrong?

Following are problems that may occur when the deaerator is used under conditions not intended by its design, or when conditions arise that have not been previously considered: 1) Pressure errors or variations The actual operating boiler pressure is the design criterion, not necessarily the boiler design pressure. Often the actual pressure is substantially lower, as when some higher pressure boilers go to a low pressure night setback. This setback drastically affects pumps and steam control valves. In some cases only a reduced pressure is available to the steam control valve. 2) Temperature and capacity variations. A surge tank can greatly minimize temperature and capacity variations to the deaeration chamber. Any flow into the surge tank, whether hot pumped returns or cold make-up water, only slightly affects the temperature of the stored volume of water in the tank. The modulated flow out of the surge tank then minimizes capacity variations to the deaeration chamber. Boiler blowdown can greatly increase capacity for a short time; if this brings in cold make-up water, temperatures can change drastically. In a single compartment deaerator, this sometimes large transient can reduce temperatures, hurting deaeration, and impose short time loads on the deaerator beyond the intended design. If the actual amount of make-up water is higher than anticipated, or if return temperatures are lower, it can substantially affect the sizing of the steam control valve, steam manifold, and other parts. If a large condensate pump starts pumping to a single compartment deaerator, it can substantially increase the steam required for the duration of the cycle. 3) Night pressure setback or night shut-offs. Night shut-off is self-defeating, as a lot of gases will dissolve overnight in the deaerator water as well as the boiler water, and two to six hours would then be required to restart the deaerator and purge the deaerator and boiler. The best solution is to isolate the boiler and deaerator from the system at night, improve the insulation, and run it on night setback. If a high pressure boiler is to be run on night setback at about 15 PSI, low pressure pumps with appropriate controls should be used at night. A lower pressure steam valve is needed when operating on low pressure pumps. 4) If boiler loads get very light, continuously running pumps on moderate HP can generate more heat in the pump than the small flow of water can carry away. Steam is then generated in the impeller, and the pumping of water ceases. Therefore consult factory for sizing. 5) Because air lends itself better to modulating controls than electricity, pneumatic controls are our standard. It is therefore important to ascertain whether the installation will have an air supply. If not, electrical controls can be furnished. 6) A deaerator requires steam for heating, and sometimes uncontrolled flows are returned to the deaerator. This is acceptable for drip lines or very small flows; larger uncontrolled flows should go to a flash tank instead, as the steam to the deaerator must be carefully controlled to obtain good deaeration. 7) Returns can flow by gravity into an atmospheric deaerator, but not into a single-compartment pressurized deaerator. If gravity returns are to enter a pressurized deaerator, they must first go to a condensate pump and be pumped into the deaerator with other pumped returns. 8) Deaerators are usually specified for the maximum continuous load, but if condensate pumps are off and then on at a higher than normal flow, or if boiler blowdown results in high peak flows, these peaks must be acknowledged and considered in the design to obtain proper operation. The best solution is a surge tank with modulated output to smooth out these peak loads and provide reliable control of the deaerator. 9) Oversizing the storage in the deaerator tank to avoid using a surge tank. A deaerator is designed to maintain a constant level of water inside and good deaeration is achieved by controlling the wide temperature variations.

Where Can You Go Wrong ? (Contd.)

10) Oversizing the deaerator rating will lead to your regulator and modulating valves being oversized and lead them to wire draw. In addition on a pressurized deaerator you lose of 1 percent of the load out the vent, and if you increase rating you lose more steam. Finally, the motor HP required will be more than you actually need, causing the customer to lose more money. 11) Using a lining to protect the steel receiver where the deaerated water lies is a waste of money. By lining this section in your deaerator, somebody is admitting that the deaerator doesnt work. When deaeration levels of .005 are present in the unit very little corrosion will take place. 12) Failure to put automatic flow control valves or balancing valves on the discharge of centrifugal boiler feed pumps. The centrifugal pumps discharge pressure must equal what the pumps impeller was trimmed for at the factory. Failure to control the pressure and flow will cause the pumps NPSH characteristics to go up and cause the pumps performance to diminish or stop. 13) Surge tank pumps are to run constantly and pump into the modulating transfer valve on the deaerator unit. Commonly, people want to run these pumps onoff, which in turn makes it no different than a condensate pump providing large temperature and capacity variations. 14) On a two-tank or two-compartment system, make-up water is to be added into the surge chamber and mixed with returns. If make-up water is directly added into the deaerator, every time the unit needs water the temperature will shock the deaerator and cause the regulator to open faster. This shock is caused by the wide temperature variation of having the regulator respond to a temperature of 50 F when it is used to 150 F. 15) Suction strainers are never used with centrifugal boiler feed pumps. A suction strainer will
.005 DA-STVP

cause a pump to destroy itself by doing its job of collecting dirt and debris. No one can calculate the pressure drop through a suction strainer and therefore you cant calculate stand height to avoid NPSH problems. The strainers belong in the return lines and make-up lines to the unit. The reason suction strainers are commonly found is that they are used with turbine pumps. Turbine pumps were the forerunner to todays multi-stage centrifugals, and these turbines had to have suction strainers because of the close tolerance and wear. A little bit of dirt could and would destroy these pumps, causing high maintenance problems. Centrifugal pumps are much more durable and can handle the dirt and debris. 16) In hospital applications a two-tank system is better than a two-compartment or duo-tank design. Hospitals cant go down, and when two compartment units need replaced the customer must get a rental unit. It would be smarter to put a twotank system in so you could have the surge tank pumps feed directly into the suction of the boiler feed pumps and inspect or replace the deaerator. If you want the surge tank replaced or to be inspected, run the make-up directly into the deaerator and bypass the surge.






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