Tda 2005
Tda 2005
Tda 2005
. . . . .
DESCRIPTION The TDA2005 is class B dual audio power amplifier in MULTIWATT package specifically designed for car radio application : power booster amplifiers are easily designed using this device that provides a high current capability (up to 3.5 A) and that can drive very low impedance loads (down to 1.6 in stereo applications) obtaining an output power of more than 20 W (bridge configuration).
March 1995
Symbol R th j-case 2/21 Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max. Value 3 Unit C/W
BRIDGE AMPLIFIER APPLICATION (TDA2005M) Figure 1 : Test and Application Circuit (Bridge amplifier)
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (refer to the Bridge application circuit, Tamb = 25oC, GV = 50dB, Rth (heatsink) = 4oC/W, unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Vs Vos Id Po Parameter Supply Voltage Output Offset Voltage (1) (between pin 8 and pin 10) Total Quiescent Drain Current Output Power Vs = 14.4V Vs = 13.2V Vs = 14.4V Vs = 13.2V d = 10% Vs = 14.4V Vs = 13.2V d Distortion RL = 4 RL = 3.2 f = 1 Hz RL = 4 RL = 3.2 RL = 3.2 18 20 17 75 70 20 22 19 Test Conditions Min. 8 Typ. Max. 18 150 150 150 160 Unit V mV mV mA mA W
f = 1kHz RL = 4 Vs = 14.4V Po = 50mW to 15W RL = 3.2 Vs = 13.2V Po = 50mW to 13W f = 1kHz Po = 2W Po = 2W f = 1kHz RL = 3.2 RL = 3.2 f = 1kHz Rg = 10k (2) Rg = 10k, C4 = 10F fripple = 100Hz, Vripple = 0.5V Vs = 14.4V, f = 1 kHz RL = 4 Po = 20W RL = 3.2 Po = 22W Vs = 13.2V, f = 1 kHz RL = 3.2 Po = 19W Vs = 14.4V, RL = 4 f = 1kHz, Ptot = 13W Vs = 14.4V Vs = 13.2V RL = 4 RL = 3.2 45 20 50 3 55 RL = 4 RL = 3.2 70 9 8
1 1
% % mV mV k
Input Sensitivity
Ri fL fH Gv eN SVR
Input Resistance Low Frequency Roll Off ( 3dB) High Frequency Roll Off ( 3dB) Closed Loop Voltage Gain Total Input Noise Voltage Supply Voltage Rejection Efficiency
Hz kHz dB
V dB
60 60 58 145
% % % C
Notes : 1. 2.
Thermal Shut-down Junction Temperature Output Voltage with one Side of the Speaker shorted to ground
For TDA2005M only Bandwith Filter : 22Hz to 22kHz.
Figure 3 : Output Offset Voltage versus Supply Voltage Figure 4 : Distortion versus Output Power (bridge amplifier)
Figure 5 :
BRIDGE AMPLIFIER DESIGN The following consideraions can be useful when designing a bridge amplifier.
Parameter Vo max Io max Po max
Where :
Peak Output Voltage (before clipping) Peak Output Current (before clippling) RMS Output Power (before clipping)
VCE sat = output transistors saturation voltage VS = allowable supply voltage RL = load impedance
1 VS 2 VCE sat 2 RL
2 1 (VS 2 VCE sat) 4 2 RL
Voltage and current swings are twice for a bridge amplifier in comparison with single ended amplifier. In order words, with the same RL the bridge configuration can deliver an output power that is four times the output power of a single ended amplifier, while, with the same max output current the bridge configuration can deliver an output power that is twice the output power of a single ended amplifier. Core must be taken when selecting VS and RL in order to avoid an output peak current above the absolute maximum rating. From the expression for IO max, assuming VS = 14.4V and VCE sat = 2V, the minimum load that can be driven by TDA2005 in bridge configuration is : VS 2 VCEsat 14.4 4 = 2.97 = RL min = IO max 3.5 The voltage gain of the bridge configurationis given by (see Figure 34) : V0 R1 R3 =1+ GV = + V1 R2 R4 R4 R +R 4 2 STEREO AMPLIFIER APPLICATION (TDA2005S) Figure 7 : Typical Application Circuit For sufficiently high gains (40 to 50dB) it is possible to put R2 = R4 and R3 = 2 R1, simplifing the formula in : R1 GV = 4
Gv (dB) 40 50
R 1 () 1000 1000
R2 = R4 () 39 12
R3 () 2000 2000
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (refer to the Stereo application circuit, Tamb = 25oC, GV = 50dB, Rth (heatsink) = 4oC/W, unless otherwwise specified)
Symbol Vs Vo Id Po Supply Voltage Quiescent Output Voltage Total Quiescent Drain Current Output Power (each channel) Vs = 14.4V Vs = 13.2V Vs = 14.4V Vs = 13.2V f = 1kHz, d = 10% R L = 4 Vs = 14.4V R L = 3.2 R L = 2 R L = 1.6 R L = 3.2 Vs = 13.2V R L = 1.6 R L = 2 Vs = 16V f = 1kHz R L = 4 Vs = 14.4V Po = 50mW to 4W R L = 2 Vs = 14.4V Po = 50mW to 6W R L = 3.2 Vs = 13.2V Po = 50mW to 3W R L = 1.6 Vs = 13.2V Po = 40mW to 6W Vs = 14.4V, Vo = 4VRMS RL = 4, Rg = 5k f = 1kHz f = 10kHz 300 f = 1kHz, Po = 1W R L = 4 R L = 3.2 f = 1kHz RL = 2 RL = 2 f = 1kHz f = 1kHz Rg = 10k (2) Rg = 10k, C3 = 10F fripple = 100Hz, Vripple = 0.5V Vs = 14.4V, f = 1kHz R L = 4 Po = 6.5W R L = 2 Po = 10W Vs = 13.2V, f = 1kHz R L = 3.2 Po = 6.5W R L = 1.6 Po = 100W 35 48 15 90 50 0.5 1.5 45 5 51 70 6 5.5 200 50 k Hz kHz dB dB dB V dB 6 7 9 10 6 9 Parameter Test Conditions Min. 8 6.6 6 7.2 6.6 65 62 6.5 8 10 11 6.5 10 12 Typ. Max. 18 7.8 7.2 120 120 Unit V V V mA mA W
1 1 1 1
% % % % dB
60 45 mV mV
Vi Vi
Ri fL fH Gv Gv Gv eN SVR
Input Resistance Low Frequency Roll Off ( 3dB) High Frequency Roll Off ( 3dB) Voltage Gain (open loop) Voltage Gain (closed loop) Closed Loop Gain Matching Total Input Noise Voltage Supply Voltage Rejection Efficiency
70 60 70 60 145
% % % % C
Notes : 1. 2.
Figure 8 : Quiescent Output Voltage versus Supply Voltage (Stereo amplifier) Figure 9 : Quiescent Drain Current versus Supply Voltage (Stereo amplifier)
Figure 14 : Distortion versus Frequency (Stereo amplifier) Figure 15 : Supply Voltage Rejection versus C3 (Stereo amplifier)
Figure 21 : Total Power Dissipation and Efficiency versus Output Power (Bridge amplifier)
Figure 22 : Total Power Dissipation and Efficiency versus Output Power (Stereo amplifier)
APPLICATION SUGGESTION The recommended values of the components are those shown on Bridge applicatiion circuit of Figure 1. Different values can be used ; the following table can help the designer.
Comp. R1 R2 R3 Recom. Value 120 k 1k 2 k Purpose Optimization of the Output Symmetry Larger Than Smaller Po max Smaller Than Smaller P o max
R4, R5
R6, R7 C1 C2
1 2.2 F 2.2 F
Frequency Stability Input DC Decoupling Optimization of Turn on Pop and Turn on Delay Supply by Pass Ripple Rejection Bootstrapping Feedback Input DC Decoupling, Low Frequency Cut-off Frequency Stability
Higher Turn on Pop, Higher Low Frequency Cut-off, Increase of Noise Danger of Oscillation
Degradation of SVR. Increase of Distortion at low Frequency Higher Low Frequency Cut-off Danger of Oscillation
APPLICATION INFORMATION Figure 23 : Bridge Amplifier without Boostrap
APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) Figure 25 : Dual - Bridge Amplifier
APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) Figure 27 : Low Cost Bridge Amplifier (GV = 42dB)
APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) Figure 29 : 10 + 10 W Stereo Amplifier with Tone Balance and Loudness Control
APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) Figure 31 : 20W Bus Amplifier
APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) Figure 33 : Bridge Amplifier Circuit suited for Low-gain Applications (GV = 34dB)
BUILT-IN PROTECTION SYSTEMS Load Dump Voltage Surge The TDA2005 has a circuit which enables it to withstand a voltage pulse train, on Pin 9, of the type shown in Figure 36. If the supply voltage peaks to more than 40V, then an LC filter must be inserted between the supply and pin 9, in order to assure that the pulses at pin 9 will be held withing the limits shown. A suggested LC network is shown in Figure 35. With this network, a train of pulses with amplitude up to 120V and width of 2ms can be applied at point A. This type of protection is ON when the supply voltage (pulse or DC) exceeds 18V. For this reason the maximum operating supply voltage is 18V. Figure 35 Thermal Shut-down The presence of a thermal limiting circuit offers the following advantages : 1) an overload on the output (even if it is pe r ma n e n t ), o r a n e x ce s sive a mbie n t temperature can be easily withstood. 2) the heatsink can have a smaller factor of safety compared with that of a conventional circuit. There is no device damage in the case of excessive junction temperature : all that happensis that PO (and therefore Ptot) and Id are reduced. The maximum allowable power dissipation depends upon the size of the external heatsink (i.e. its thermal resistance) ; Figure 37 shows the dissipable power as a function of ambient temperature for different thermal resistance. Loudspeaker Protection The circuit offers loudspeaker protection during short circuit for one wire to ground. Open Ground When the ratio is in the ON condition and the ground is accidentally opened, a standard audio amplifier will be damaged. On the TDA2005 protection diodes are included to avoid any damage. Inductive Load A protection diode is provided to allow use of the TDA2005 with inductive loads. DC Voltage The maximum operating DC voltage for the TDA2005 is 18V. However the device can withstand a DC voltage up to 28V with no damage. This could occur during winter if two batteries are series connected to crank the engine.
Figure 36
Short Circuit (AC and DC conditions) The TDA2005 can withstand a permanent short-circuit on the output for a supply voltage up to 16V. Polarity Inversion High current (up to 10A) can be handled by the device with no damage for a longer period than the blow-out time of a quick 2A fuse (normally connected in series with the supply). This feature is added to avoid destruction, if during fitting to the car, a mistake on the connection of the supply is made.
Figure 37 : Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation versus Ambient Temperature Figure 38 : Output Power and Drain Current versus Case Temperature
DIM. A B C D E F G G1 H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L7 M M1 S S1 Dia1 MIN. mm TYP. MAX. 5 2.65 1.6 0.55 0.95 1.95 17.25 20.2 22.5 22.5 18.1 17.75 10.9 2.9 4.85 5.43 2.6 2.6 3.85 MIN. inch TYP. MAX. 0.197 0.104 0.063 0.022 0.037 0.077 0.679 0.795 0.886 0.886 0.713 0.699 0.429 0.114 0.191 0.214 0.102 0.102 0.152
1 0.49 0.88 1.45 16.75 19.6 21.9 21.7 17.4 17.25 10.3 2.65 4.25 4.73 1.9 1.9 3.65 0.019 0.035 0.057 0.659 0.772 0.862 0.854 0.685 0.679 0.406 0.104 0.167 0.186 0.075 0.075 0.144
1.7 17
0.067 0.669
Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. 1995 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics - All Rights Reserved MULTIWATT is a Registered Trademark of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - France - Germany - Hong Kong - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - The Netherlands - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thaliand - United Kingdom - U.S.A.