Activated Sludge Models
Activated Sludge Models
Activated Sludge Models
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odelling of activated sludge processes has become a common part of the design and operation of wastewater treatment plants. Today models are being used in design, control, teaching and research.
In 1982 the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control (IAWPRC), as it was then called, established a Task Group on Mathematical Modelling for Design and Operation of Activated Sludge Processes. At that time modelling of activated sludge processes had been a discipline for about 15 years, most noticeably and reaching the most advanced level at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, by the research group headed by Professor G.v.R. Marais. The various models developed at that time had only little use, owing partly to lack of trust in the models, partly to the limitations in computer power and partly to the complicated way in which these models had to be presented in written form.
The ASM1 was well received and has been widely used as a basis for further model development. The direct use of the ASM1 for modelling has been almost nil, but ASM1 has been the core of numerous models with a number of supplementary details added in almost every case. It was especially the matrix notation, which was introduced together with ASM1, that facilitated the communication of complex models and allowed the concentration of discussions on essential aspects of biokinetic modelling.
The aim for the Task Group was to create a common platform that could be used for future development of models for nitrogen-removal activated sludge processes. It was the aim to develop a model with a minimum of complexity. The result was the Activated Sludge Model No. 1,todayknownundermanynames:IAWPRC model, ASM1, IAWQ model, and so on. The model outline was discussed at an IAWPRC Specialised Seminar at Kollekolle, Denmark, in 1985, and was published in 1987 in its final form in the IAWPRC Scientific and Technical Report Series as STR No. 1. The five years used for developing the model was spent in discussing with many researchers and practitioners in order to get a solid platform for the work and only to include details that could stand the test of time. What was presented was not only a model, but also a guideline for wastewater characterization and development of computer codes, plus a set of default values that since then has proved to give realistic model results with only minor changes in the parameters.
At the time of publication of the ASM1, biological phosphorus removal was already being used in a (limited number) of full-scale treatment plants. The theoretical status of the processes was such that the Task Group at that time did not enter into the modelling of it. But from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s the biological phosphorus removal processes grew very popular and at the same time the understanding of the basic phenomena of the process was increasing. Thus in 1995 the Activated Sludge Model no. 2 was published. This model included nitrogen removal and biological phosphorus removal. In 1994, when the ASM2 was finished, the role of denitrification in relation to biological phosphorus removal was still unclear, so it was decided not to include that element. However, the development in research was fast, and denitrifying PAOs (phosphorus-accumulating organisms) were needed for simulation of many results from research and practice. Because of this, the ASM2 model was expanded in 1999 into the ASM2d model, where denitrifying PAOs were included. Although the models might not have been heavily needed for nitrogen removal processes, the complexity of the combined nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes makes the models important for design and control purposes.
New platform
The models have grown more complex over the years, from ASM1, including nitrogen removal processes, to ASM2, including biological phosphorus removal processes and to ASM2d
including denitrifying PAOs. In 1998 the Task Group decided to develop a new modelling platform, the ASM3, in order to create a tool for use in the next generation of activated sludge models. The ASM3 is based on recent developments in the understanding of the activated sludge processes, among which are the possibilities of following internal storage compounds, which have an important role in the metabolism of the organisms.
models, are included in most of todays commercial and non-commercial simulation programs. Thus it is easy to get access to, and use the models for various purposes.
The major impact of the ASM model family has been based upon three facts. The first is the common language that modellers speak when using the concepts, the nomenclature and the matrix notation of the ASMs. This has created a strong model development over the past 15 years, which would probably not have been the case if all the modellers had used their own concepts, notation and platforms. The second is the organizing effect of working with a model. This has helped researchers to achieve more efficient experimental designs and helped treatment plant operators to better understand and organize the information available at their plants and in many cases to spot errors in available information. The third is that the models have served as guidance for research. By demonstrating where research was needed, focus has been put on certain details, for example wastewater characterization, out of which much interesting research has grown.
This report has been produced to give a total overview of the ASM model family status at the start of 2000 and to give to the reader easy access to the different models in their original versions. It is the hope of the present Task Group that this may facilitate the use of the models and their future development. During the years the members of the Task Group have changed. This reflects the development in research over the years and the wish to develop the models further. The ASM3 is not the final or general model for activated sludge. Like ASM1, it is a structure and a platform for further development. Many modellers are looking for the ultimate general model for activated sludge systems. Experience over the past 15 years shows that new development comes fast and the general models have a short half-life. Thus for the future development of ASMs, suggestions, experience and discussion points will be well received if the readers and users wish to share their ups and downs in modelling with members of the Task Group.
Simulation programs
iii vi
Previously published as: Henze, M., Grady, C.P.L. Jr, Gujer, W., Marais, G.v.R. and Matsuo, T. (1987) Activated Sludge Model No. 1. (IAWPRC Scientific and Technical Report No. 1.) London: IAWPRC. Previously published as: Henze, M., Gujer, W., Mino, T., Matsuo, T., Wentzel, M.C. and Marais, G.v.R. (1995) Activated Sludge Model No. 2. (IAWQ Scientific and Technical Report No. 3.) London: IAWQ. Previously published as: Henze, M., Gujer, W., Mino, T., Matsuo, T., Wentzel, M.C., Marais, G.v.R. and van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. (1999) Activated Sludge Model No. 2d. Wat. Sci. Technol. 39 (1), 165182. A new version (2000) of the activated sludge model, different from that previously published as Gujer, W., Henze, M., Mino, T. and van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. (1999) Activated Sludge Model No. 3. Wat. Sci. Technol. 39 (1), 183193.
Mogens Henze (Chairman), Technical University of Denmark, Denmark C.P. Leslie Grady, Clemson University, USA Willi Gujer, Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology, Zrich, Switzerland Gerrit v.R. Marais, University of Cape Town, South Africa Tomonori Matsuo, University of Tokyo, Japan Mogens Henze (Chairman), Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Willi Gujer, Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology, Zrich, Switzerland Takashi Mino, University of Tokyo, Japan Tomonori Matsuo, University of Tokyo, Japan Mark C. Wentzel, University of Cape Town, South Africa Gerrit v.R. Marais, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Mogens Henze (Chairman), Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark ( Willi Gujer, Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology, 8600 Dbendorf, Switzerland ( Mark van Loosdrecht, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 67, 2628 BC Delft, The Netherlands ( Takashi Mino, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (
M. Henze,
G. v. R. Marais,
T. Matsuo,
Introduction Method of model presentation
Format and notation Use in mass balances Continuity check
5 6 6 7 7 8 8 10 12 16 16 18 23 23 24 25 26 26 26 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 34 36 37
Assumptions and restrictions associated with the model Constraints upon the application of the model
Modelling of complex flow schemes Definition of initial conditions Consideration of variable load conditions Factors governing step sizes during numerical integration A simple integration routine Structure of a possible program Steady state solution for a single CSTR Sample output
Conclusion References
Mogens Henze, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Willi Gujer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland Takashi Mino, Tokyo University, Japan Tomonori Matsuo, Tokyo University, Japan Mark C. Wentzel, Cape Town University, South Africa Gerrit v. R. Marais, Cape Town University, South Africa
1. Introduction
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Background Conceptual approach Limitations Symbols and definitions Final note Components in the model Basis for the introduction of ASM2 Biological processes, stoichiometry and kinetics Chemical precipitation of phosphates
43 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 46 47 52 53 57 57 57 60 62 63 63 66 67 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 72 73 74
3. Typical wastewater characteristics, kinetic and stoichiometric constants for the Activated Sludge Model No. 2 4. Wastewater characterization for activated sludge processes
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Variations in wastewater composition Characterization of wastewater Routine analysis of model components Soluble analysis as a tool in characterization Model components without standardized analytical procedures Present status for measurement/estimation of problematic components Calibration levels Calibration using non-dynamic data (Level 1) Calibration using dynamic data (Level 2) Calibration of temperature dependency
6. Model limitations
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4
Assumptions regarding phosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) Restrictions due to model structure Constraints for useful simulations Important questions for further research
7 . Conclusion 8. Bibliography
1. Introduction
6. Model limitations
7. Conclusion
7. Conclusion
Mogens Henze (Chairman), Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Willi Gujer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland Takashi Mino, Tokyo University, Japan Tomonori Matsuo, Tokyo University, Japan Mark C. Wentzel, Capetown University, South Africa Gerrit v. R. Marais, Capetown University, South Africa Mark C.M. Van Loosdrecht, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
7. Conclusion
1. Introduction 2. Conceptual approach 3. The Activated Sludge Model No. 2d
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
79 80 81 81 83 84 89 91 96 96 97
Components in the model Basis for the introduction of ASM2 Biological processes, stoichiometry and kinetics Chemical precipitation of phosphates
4. Typical wastewater characteristics and kinetic and stoichiometric constants 5. Limitations 6. Conclusion 7. References and bibliography
1. Introduction
his report presents a mathematical model which allows for dynamic simulation of combined biological processes for chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrogen and phosphorus removal in activated sludge systems. The model as presented here is a tool for: Research (testing results, selecting and optimizing experiments) Process optimization and troubleshooting at full-scale treatment plants Teaching Design assistance (for optimization of details, not for full design) The model presented below is not the final answer to biological phosphorus removal models. Rather it is a compromise between complexity and simplicity, and between the many viewpoints on what the correct model would be. It is intended to be a conceptual platform and reference for further model development. ASM2d is an extension of the Activated Sludge Model No. 2 (Henze et al., 1995) and
the Activated Sludge Model No. 1 (ASM1) (Henze et al., 1987), and uses the concepts incorporated in these models. ASM1 has since long proved to be an excellent tool for modelling nitrification-denitrification processes and has initiated further research in modelling and wastewater characterization. It is hoped that ASM2d will serve a similar function. ASM2d may be applied as presented, but based on experience, it will most likely be used as a platform for future model development. As this is the basic idea behind presenting the model, this is highly encouraged. In ASM2 an unresolved part was the denitrification related to PAOs. Since the publication of ASM2 it has been demonstrated clearly (Mino et al., 1995, Meinhold et al., 1999, Kerrn-Jespersen and Henze, 1993) that PAOs in a modelling context can be considered to consist of two fractions, one of which can denitrify. This has created a need for an extension of ASM2, the result being presented here as ASM2d.
Conceptual approach
n attempt has been made to limit the number of processes used in the model. The aim has, however, been to produce a model that can reasonably describe the many different activated sludge system configurations which are used for biological phosphorus removal. This has resulted in the present level of complexity. In specific cases, it will be possible to reduce the complexity of the model by omitting processes that do not play a significant role, without interfering with the predictive power of the model. The kinetics and stoichiometry used to describe the processes have been chosen as sim-
ply as possible, mainly based on Monod kinetics for all components that can influence the reaction rates. Monod kinetics allows for smooth transitions of the processes, as experience has shown. Kinetics and stoichiometry are presented using the matrix notation, which has been introduced together with ASM1 and appears at this moment to be the most efficient method to overview the complex transformations among the components. The matrix notation also allows control of the conservation of components in the stoichiometric coefficients and thus ensures that mass balances in the calculations are correctly maintained.
No. 2d
he Activated Sludge Model No. 2 (ASM2) is an extension of the Activated Sludge Model No. 1 (ASM1). ASM2 is more complex and includes many more components which are required in order to characterize the wastewater as well as the activated sludge. Additional biological processes are included, primarily in order to deal with biological phosphorus removal. The most significant change from ASM1 to ASM2 is the fact that the biomass now has cell internal structure, and therefore its concentration cannot simply be described with the distributed parameter XBM. This is a prerequisite in order to include biological phosphorus removal in the model. The Activated Sludge Model No. 2d is a minor extension of ASM2. It includes two additional processes to account for the fact that phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs) can use cell internal organic storage products for denitrification. Whereas ASM2 assumes PAOs to grow only under aerobic conditions, ASM2d includes denitrifying PAOs. This report is based on the previous report which introduced ASM2. All remarks made relative to ASM2 are equally valid for ASM2d. If information is given which relates specifically to ASM2d then reference will be made to this extended model. In addition to the biological processes, ASM2 includes two chemical processes, which may be used to model chemical precipitation of phosphorus. Whereas ASM1 was based entirely on COD for all particulate organic material, as well as the total concentration of the activated sludge, ASM2 includes poly-phosphates, a fraction of the activated sludge which is of prime importance for the performance of the activated sludge system, but which does not exert any COD. For this reason, the possibility of including total suspended solids (TSS) in the model is introduced. TSS also allow for inclusion of mineral particulate solids in the influent to treatment plants, as well as generation of such solids in the context of precipitation of phosphorus.
ASM2 is introduced here in a form which is more complex than a basic version, which could still predict many of the phenomena within a biological nutrient removal plant. The complex model as presented may easily be simplified by eliminating those components which do not have a dominant effect upon the kinetics of the processes, or the aspects of performance of the plant which are of interest. ASM2 does not distinguish between the composition (cell internal structure) of individual cells but considers only the average composition of the biomass. Since each cell has a different history, its composition will typically deviate from the population average (e.g. it may not contain storage products whereas the average cell still has storage products available). This is of importance because kinetic expressions used in ASM2 are non-linear, and therefore average behaviour may not necessarily be predicted from average properties. In view of the additional problems that population models would introduce, the Task Group took the pragmatic decision to accept these problems and to propose ASM2 based on average properties of the population.
All symbols for model components distinguish between soluble S? and particulate X?. Within the activated sludge systems, particulate components, X?, are assumed to be associated with the activated sludge (flocculated onto the activated sludge). They can be concentrated by sedimentation/thickening in clarifiers whereas soluble components, S?, will only be transported with the water. All particulate model components, X?, must be electrically neutral (no ionic charges), soluble components, S?, may carry ionic charge. Soluble and particulate components may not necessarily be differentiated by filtration through 0.45 m membrane filters as is frequently assumed in the technical literature. Some of these components are defined by their interaction with the biomass and require bioassays for their analysis (see Chapter 4 of
the original report on ASM2 (Henze et al., 1995)) All components are assumed to be homogeneous and distributed throughout the systems of interest.
[M(COD) L3]: Fermentation products, considered to be acetate. Since fermentation is included in the biological processes, the fermentation products must be modelled separately from other soluble organic materials. They are endproducts of fermentation. For all stoichiometric computations, it is assumed that SA is equal to acetate, in reality a whole range of other fermentation products dominated by acetate is possible. SALK [mol(HCO) L3]: Alkalinity of the 3 wastewater. Alkalinity is used to approximate the conservation of electrical charges in biological reactions. Alkalinity is introduced in order to obtain an early indication of possible low pH conditions, which might inhibit some biological processes. For all stoichiometric computations, SALK is assumed to be bicarbonate, HCO only. 3 SF [M(COD) L3]: Fermentable, readily biodegradable organic substrates. This fraction of the soluble COD is directly available for biodegradation by heterotrophic organisms. It is assumed that SF may serve as a substrate for fermentation, therefore it does not include fermentation products. SI [M(COD) L3]: Inert soluble organic material. The prime characteristic of SI is that these organics cannot be further degraded in the treatment plants dealt with in this report. This material is assumed to be part of the influent and it is also assumed to be produced in the context of hydrolysis of particulate substrates XS. SN2 [M(N) L3]: Dinitrogen, N2. SN2 is assumed to be the only nitrogenous product of denitrification. SN2 may be subject to gas exchange, parallel with oxygen, SO2. SNH4 [M(N) L3]: Ammonium plus ammonia nitrogen. For the balance of the +electrical charges, S is assumed to be all NH .
include nitrate as well as nitrite nitrogen, since nitrite is not included as a separate model component. For all stoichiometric computations (COD conservation), SNO3 is considered to be NO-N only. 3
oxygen may be subject to gas exchange. SPO4 [M(P) L3]: Inorganic soluble phosphorus, primarily ortho-phosphates. For the balance of electrical charges, it is assumed that SPO4 consists of 50% H2PO and 50% 4 2 HPO4 , independent of pH. SS [M(COD) L3]: Readily biodegradable substrate. This component was introduced in ASM1. In ASM2, it is replaced by the sum of SF + SA.
SNO3 [M(N) L3]: Nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen (NO3 + NO2 -N). SNO3 is assumed to
[M(COD) L3]: Nitrifying organisms. Nitrifying organisms are responsible for nitrification; they are obligate aerobic, chemo-lithoautotrophic. It is assumed that nitrifiers oxidize ammonium SNH4 directly to nitrate SNO3 (nitrifiers include both ammonium and nitrite oxidizers). XH [M(COD) L3]: Heterotrophic organisms. These organisms are assumed to be the allrounder heterotrophic organisms, they may grow aerobically and anoxically (denitrification) and be active anaerobically (fermentation). They are responsible for hydrolysis of particulate substrates XS and can use all degradable organic substrates under all relevant environmental conditions. XI [M(COD) L3]: Inert particulate organic material. This material is not degraded within the systems of interest. It is flocculated onto the activated sludge. XI may be a fraction of the influent or may be produced in the context of biomass decay. XMeOH [M(TSS) L3]: Metal-hydroxides. This component stands for the phosphorus-binding capacity of possible metal-hydroxides, which may be in the wastewater or may be added to the system. For all stoichiometric computations, it is assumed that this component is composed of Fe(OH)3. It is possible to replace this component with other reactants; this would require adaptation of the stoichiometric and kinetic information. XMeP [M(TSS) L3]: Metal-phosphate, MePO4. Thiscomponentresultsfrombindingphosphorus to the metal-hydroxides. For all stoichiometric computations, it is assumed that this component is composed of FePO4. It is possible to replace this component with other precipitation products; this would require adaptation of the stoichiometric and kinetic information. XPAO [M(COD) L3]: Phosphate-accumulating organisms: PAO. These organisms are
assumed to be representative for all types of poly-phosphate-accumulating organism. The concentration of XPAO does not include the cell internal storage products XPP and XPHA, but only the true biomass. In ASM2d it is assumed that these organisms may grow in an anoxic as well as an aerobic environment whereas in ASM2 only aerobic growth is considered. XPHA [M(COD) L3]: A cell internal storage product of phosphorus-accumulating organisms, PAO. It includes primarily poly-hydroxyalkanoates(PHA). It occurs only associated with XPAO; it is, however, not included in the mass of XPAO. XPHA cannot be directly compared with analytically measured PHA concentrations; XPHA is only a functional component required for modelling but not directly identifiable chemically. XPHA may, however, be recovered in COD analysis, where it must satisfy COD conservation. For stoichiometric considerations, PHA is assumed to have the chemical composition of poly--hydroxy-butyrate (C4H6O2)n. XPP [M(P) L3]: Poly-phosphate. Poly-phosphate is a cell internal inorganic storage product of PAO. It occurs only associated with XPAO; it is, however, not included in the mass of XPAO. It is part of the particulate phosphorus and may be analytically observed. For stoichiometric considerations, poly-phosphates are assumed to have the composition of (K0.33Mg0.33PO3)n. XS [M(COD) L3]: Slowly biodegradable substrates. Slowly biodegradable substrates are high molecular weight, colloidal and particulate organic substrates which must undergo cell external hydrolysis before they are available for degradation. It is assumed that the products of hydrolysis (SF) may be fermented. XTSS [M(TSS) L3]: Total suspended solids, TSS. Total suspended solids are introduced into the biokinetic models in order to compute their concentration via stoichiometry. Since phosphorus removal and precipitation introduce mineral fractions into the activated sludge, prediction of TSS is important.
are considered in the model and the transformation processes are characterized with the indices i and j respectively. Stoichiometric coefficients are presented in the form of a stoichiometric matrix nj,i. The process rate equations form a vector rj. The rate of production of the component i, ri [Mi L3 T1], in all parallel processes may then be computed from the sum: ri = nj,i . rj over all processes j. (3.1 ) Within the stoichiometric matrix one stoichiometric coefficient, nj,k, of each process j may be chosen as dimensionless with the value of +1 or 1. For all other stoichiometric coefficients algebraic equations may be given, which introduce conservation principles into the determination of stoichiometric coefficients. Alternatively nj,i may be given in the form of absolute values with the dimension Mi M1, k where Mk is the unit mass of the component k upon which stoichiometry is based (the component which has nj,k = +1 or 1). Conservation equations are the mathematical equivalent of the principle that in chemical reactions, elements, electrons (or COD) and net electrical charges may neither be formed nor destroyed. The stoichiometry of ASM1 is implicitly based on three conservation considerations for COD, electrical charges and nitrogen. ASM2 adds phosphorus conservation to these three. Further, an equation is introduced which converts the different solid components X? from their unit of measurement, to total suspended solids, XTSS. A conservation equation, which is valid for all processes j and all materials c subject to conservation, may be written as: nj,i . ic,i = 0 over all components i, (3.2) where nj,i = stoichiometric coefficient for component i in process j [Mi M1], k ic,i = conversion factor to convert the units of component i to the units of the material c, to which conservation is to be applied [Mc M1]. i Each conservation equation contains a priori information and may be applied to each process. Each conservation equation allows the prediction of one stoichiometric coefficient without performing an experiment, provided the other coefficients are known. In ASM2, these equations are used to
3.2.2 Conservation equations
The Task Group introduced matrix notation for the presentation of biokinetic models in its report on the ASM1. The same concept will be used for the introduction of ASM2. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with this way of presenting biokinetics. As a short summary: the components which
Units g O2 g COD g COD gN gN gP g COD mole HCO 3 gN g COD g COD g COD g COD gP g COD g COD g TSS g TSS g TSS
N iN,i gN
P iP,i gP
1 1
1 iP,SI
All absolute numbers are obtained based on the chemical composition of the component (see definition of component). All factors ici are model parameters and must be obtained from experiments (See also Table 9). a) Since ASM2 does not account for K + and Mg2+ this factor must compensate for their charge. b) Since TSS are counted twice, this factor must be negative.
estimate the stoichiometric coefficients of SO2 (SNO3 and SN2 in denitrification) from COD, SNH4 from nitrogen, SPO4 from phosphorus, SALK from charge and XTSS from total solids conservation. Table 3.1 is a summary of the conversion factors ic,i which must be applied in Equation 3.2. These conversion factors are, wherever possible, obtained from chemical stoichiometry. COD as a conservative property is defined as closely as possible to the analytically obtained COD. Examples are: iCOD,5 = 64 g O2 /14 g NO-N from: 3 NO + H2O + 2 H+ NH+ + 2 O2 3 4 Or, one mole of nitrate (14 g N) has a negative oxygen demand (liberates oxygen) of two moles of oxygen (64 g O2). Similar arguments lead to: iCOD,9 = 24 g O2 /14 g N2 from: 2 N2 + 6 H2O + 4 H+ 4 NH+ + 3 O2 4 All conversion factors given with absolute numbers in Table 3.1 may be obtained from chemical stoichiometry, based on the definition of the compounds. All factors identified with a symbol ic,i must be obtained from chemical analysis. Since ASM2 does not account for potassium (K+) and magnesium ions (Mg2+)
XPP must include these counterions. This is taken care of by the conversion factor iCharge,14 = 1/31. As an example, the stoichiometric coefficient for component 2 (i = 2) in the third process ( j = 3) may be obtained from the conservation equation for COD based on Equation 3.2 according to:
The introduction of the conservation equations in an abstract form may at first appear to be complicated. However, the concept is directed towards its application in computer programs and helps to simplify the development of program code.
= (n3,1 . iCOD,1 + n3,3 . iCOD,3 + + n3,n . iCOD,n) / iCOD,2 or n3,2 = (n3,i . iCOD,i) n3,2 . iCOD,2 iCOD,2 . i
The biological processes of ASM2 are introduced here. A full stoichiometric matrix using typical stoichiometric coefficients is presented in Table 4.4.
1 2 3
n1,NH4 n2,NH4 n3,NH4
n1,PO4 n2,PO4 n3,PO4
1 f SI 1 f SI 1 f SI
SI f SI f SI f SI
n1,ALK n2,ALK n3,ALK
XS 1 1 1
n1,TSS n2,TSS n3,TSS
The stoichiometric coefficients for SNH4, SPO4, SALK and XTSS may be computed from Conservation Equation 3.2 with the aid of Table 3.1. As an example n1,PO4 = [(1 f SI) iPSF + f SI iPSi 1 iPXS] / 1.
Microorganisms have a complex cell internal structure and respond to different environmental conditions with adjustment of this structure. A frequently observed phenomenon is unbalanced growth, a situation where not all fractions of the cells are reproduced at an equal rate. Modelling such shifts of cell internal structure would require modelling of the different fractions of the biomass, a task which would be most fruitful if the behaviour of axenic cultures were described. Here, only three groups of microorganisms represent a vast variety of unknown species; each biological process described in ASM2 represents a large number of processes which act upon a variety of substances, which in the model are summarized in terms of COD. Process descriptions in ASM2 are therefore based on the average behaviour of these different microorganisms, and are described in the way balanced growth processes would be modelled.
Many high molecular weight, colloidal or particulate organic substrates cannot be utilized directly by microorganisms. These substrates must be made available by cell external enzymatic reactions which are called hydrolysis processes. It is unclear whether the products of hydrolysis ever exist in true solution or whether they are taken up directly by the organisms which catalyse hydrolysis. Typically hydrolysis processes are considered to be surface reactions, which occur in close contact between the organisms which provide the hydrolytic enzymes and the slowly biodegradable substrates themselves. Parallel with hydrolysis the activity of protozoa contribute to phenomena which are assigned to hydrolysis. Whereas it is difficult to distinguish between true hydrolysis and protozoan activity it is becoming more and more evident that the effect of electron acceptor upon the hydrolysis process may actually be due to the inactivity of protozoa under anoxic
and anaerobic conditions. Experimental evidence that hydrolysis reactions depend on the available electron acceptors, leeds to the differentiation of three hydrolysis processes in ASM2. It is, however, a difficult task to estimate hydrolysis rate constants under different electron acceptor conditions. 1. Aerobic hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable substrate characterizes hydrolysis under aerobic conditions (SO2 > 0). 2. Anoxic hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable substrate characterizes hydrolysis under anoxic conditions (SO2 0, SNO3 > 0). This process is typically slower than aerobic hydrolysis. 3. Anaerobic hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable substrate characterizes hydrolysis under anaerobic conditions (SO2 0, SNO3 0). This process is not well characterized and is probably slower than aerobic hydrolysis. Its rate remains to be studied. Table 3.2 summarizes the stoichiometry of the hydrolysis processes. It is assumed that slowly biodegradable substrate XS is degraded to readily degradable substrate SF whereby a small fraction fSI of inert organic material SI is released. The stoichiometric coefficients for SNH4, SPO4 and SALK may be computed from Conservation Equation 3.2. These three coefficients are typically positive. The proposed rate equations for the hydrolysis processes 13 are presented in Table 3.7. They are similar to those of ASM1: hyperbolic switching functions for SO2 and SNO3 consider the environmental conditions; a surface-limited reaction (XS/XH)/(KX + XS/XH) is assumed for the hydrolysis process itself. It is proposed that only heterotrophic organisms may catalyse hydrolysis. Typically hydrolysis is slower under denitrifying or anaerobic (fermentation) than under aerobic conditions. The rate for anoxic and anaerobic hydrolysis is therefore reduced by the factors hNO3 and hfe respectively. The hydrolysis of particulate, biodegradable organic nitrogen is included as a separate process in ASM1 but not in ASM2. This
4 5 6 7 8 9
Process Aerobic growth on SF Aerobic growth on SA Anoxic growth on SA Anoxic growth on SA, Denitrification Fermentation Lysis
1 YH 1 1 YH 1
1 YH
1 YH 1 YH 1
1 1 YH 2.86 YH 1 YH 2.86 YH
1 YH 2.86 YH 1 YH 2.86 YH
f XI
1 1 1 f XI 1
process is necessary if the nitrogen content of are modelled as two parallel processes, which XS is variable. In order to simplify ASM2, it is consume the two degradable organic substrates SF and SA. For both processes idenassumed that XS contains a constant fraction of nitrogen iN,XS and phosphorus iP,XS. Without tical growth rates mm and yield coefficients this simplifying assumption, six more hydrolysis YH are assumed. The rate equations are processes and two more particulate compodesigned such that the maximum specific growth rate of the heterotrophic organisms nents would be required. does not increase above mm even if both subThe process of ammonification is included in ASM1 in order to describe the release of strates, SF and SA, are present in high concenammonium, SNH4, from soluble, biodegradable trations. These processes require oxygen, SO2, nutrients, SNH4 and SPO4, and possibly organic nitrogen. In ASM2 it is assumed that alkalinity, SALK, and they produce suspended the fermentable substrates, SF, contain a constant fraction of nitrogen and phosphorus, iN,SF solids, XTSS. and iP,SF respectively. This allows the process of 6 and 7. Anoxic growth of heterotrophic orgammonification to be ignored. Without this anisms on fermentable substrates, SF, and on simplifying assumption, two more processes fermentation products, SA; denitrification. (ammonification as well as phosphatification, These two processes are similar to the the release of phosphate SPO4 from an organic aerobic growth processes, but they require fraction), and two more components (soluble, nitrate, SNO3, as the electron acceptor rather degradable organic nitrogen and phosphorus) than oxygen. The stoichiometry for nitrate is would have to be introduced. computed based on the assumption that all nitrate, SNO3, is reduced to dinitrogen, SN2. 3.3.3 Processes of facultative Denitrification releases alkalinity, the stoiheterotrophic organisms chiometry of which is predicted from charge conservation. Denitrification is assumed to The heterotrophic organisms XH are responbe inhibited by oxygen SO2 and the maxisible for the hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable mum growth rate mm is reduced relative to substrate XS (see above), the aerobic degraits value under aerobic conditions, by the dation of fermentable organic substrates SF and factor hNO3. This accounts for the fact that of fermentation products SA (aerobic growth), not all heterotrophic organisms XH may be anoxic oxidation of SF and SA and reduction of capable of denitrification or that denitrifinitrate SNO3 (denitrification), and anaerobic cation may only proceed at a reduced rate. fermentation of SF to SA. In addition these organisms are subject to decay and lysis. The 8. Fermentation. Under anaerobic conditions stoichiometry and the kinetics of the processes (SO2 0, SNO3 0) it is assumed that heterodescribed below are presented in Tables 3.3 trophic organisms are capable of fermentaand 3.7 respectively. tion,wherebyreadilybiodegradablesubstrates SF are transformed into fermentation pro4 and 5. Aerobic growth of heterotrophic orgducts SA. Although this process may possibly anisms on fermentable substrates SF and on cause growth of heterotrophic organisms, it fermentation products SA. These processes
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Process SO2 SA SN2 Storage of XPHA 1 YPHA Aerobic storage of XPP Anoxic storage n12,NO3 of XPP Aerobic growth n13,O2 of XPAO Anoxic growth n14,NO3 of XPAO Lysis of XPAO Lysis of XPP Lysis of XPHA 1
1 1
f XI 1 f XI
is introduced here as a simple transformation process. A growth process would require more complex kinetics, more kinetic and stoichiometric parameters which are difficult to obtain, and possibly different yield coefficients for SF and SA in processes 4 to 7. Fermentation releases negatively charged fermentation products, SA, and therefore has a requirement for alkalinity, SALK. This is predicted from charge conservation. Fermentation is a process which, up to now, has not been well characterized. Little is known about the kinetics of this process, which may lead to a large range of kinetic parameters for modelling experimental results. Reliable application of ASM2 requires that research is directed towards characterizing what is described here with the process of fermentation. 9. Lysis of heterotrophic organisms. This process represents the sum of all decay and loss processes of the heterotrophic organisms: endogenous respiration, lysis, predation etc. It is modelled in analogy to ASM1; its rate is independent of environmental conditions.
Some organisms, XPAO, are known for their potential to accumulate phosphorus in the form of poly-phosphate XPP. Currently these organisms are not well characterized; historically it was assumed that they would all be part of the Acinetobacter genus. However, today it is clear that Acinetobacter may contribute to, but do by far not dominate, biological phosphorus removal. Initially it was assumed that phosphorus-accumulating organisms, PAO, could not denitrify; now evidence has become available that some
of them can denitrify. Phosphate release is sometimes slower in the presence of nitrate; this observation is not predicted with ASM2 but is included in ASM2d. Glycogen is found to be an important carbon storage material of PAO but is not considered in ASM2 in order to reduce model complexity. This restriction leads to limitations of the applicability of ASM2d which will be discussed later. The greater the attempts to characterize PAO, the more complex this group of organisms becomes. The Task Group is well aware that the time has come when biological phosphorus removal is being designed and used in actual plants. The introduction of a very detailed mechanistic model for the processes responsible for biological phosphorus removal is, however, premature. The Task Group therefore has chosen to suggest a simple model, which allows prediction of biological phosphorus removal, but does not yet include all observed phenomena. The model proposed may be the base for further development. With the introduction of ASM2d the most important criticism that PAO contribute significantly to denitrification which is not described in ASM2 is taken care of. The following model for the behaviour of phosphorus-accumulating organisms, XPAO, is valid for ASM2d only, it assumes that these organisms can grow under aerobic (SO2 > 0) as well as anoxic (SO2 0, SNO3 > 0) conditions. They can only grow on cell internal stored organic materials, XPHA. This assumption is a severe restriction of ASM2d and may lead to further extensions. The stoichiometry and the kinetics of the processes described below are presented in Tables 3.4 and 3.7 respectively. 10. Storage of XPHA. It is assumed that PAO may
release phosphate, SPO4 from poly-phosphate, XPP, and utilize the energy which becomes available from the hydrolysis of XPP, in order to store cell external fermentation products SA in the form of cell internal organic storage material XPHA. The process is primarily observed under anaerobic conditions. However, since the process has also been reported to occur under aerobic and anoxic conditions, the kinetic expression does not include inhibition terms for SO2 and SNO3. Experimental observation of this process is easy if the release of phosphorus is observed rather than the organics which are stored. Experience indicates, however, that the rate of storage of organics is relatively constant, whereas the release of phosphorus varies, indicating a variable stoichiometric relationship. The base for the stoichiometry of this process was therefore chosen to be the organics which are taken up, SA and XPHA. Reliable estimation of the rate constant, qPHA, and the stoichiometric parameter, YPO4, requires independent measurement of both SA removal and SP release. It has been shown that YPO4 depends on pH. 11 and 12. Aerobic and anoxic storage of polyphosphate. Storage of ortho-phosphate, SPO4, in the form of cell internal poly-phosphates, XPP, requires the PAO to obtain energy, which may be gained from the aerobic or anoxic respiration of XPHA. The regeneration of poly-phosphates is a requirement for the growth of PAO, because the organic substrates, SA, are stored only upon the release of poly-phosphate. Storage of XPP is observed to stop if the phosphorus content of the PAO becomes too high. This observation leads to an inhibition term of XPP storage, which becomes active as the ratio XPP/XPAO approaches the maximum allowable value of KMAX. Under anoxic conditions the maximum rate of storage of poly-phosphate qPP is reduced relative to its value under aerobic conditions, by the factor hNO3. This accounts for the fact that not all PAO (XPAO) may be capable of denitrification or that denitrification may only proceed at a reduced rate. Process 12 is contained in ASM2d but not in ASM2. 13 and 14. Aerobic and anoxic growth of phosphorus-accumulating organisms. These organisms are assumed to grow only at the expense of cell internal organic storage products XPHA. As phosphorus is continuously released by the lysis of XPP, it is possible to assume that the organisms consume ortho88
phosphate, SPO4, as a nutrient for the production of biomass. It is known that PAO may grow at the expense of soluble substrates (e.g. SA), but it is unlikely that such substrates ever become available under aerobic or anoxic conditions in a biological nutrient removal plant. The Task Group therefore suggests this possibility to be ignored at this time. Under anoxic conditions the maximum growth rate of PAO mPAO is reduced relative to its value under aerobic conditions, by the factor hNO3. This accounts for the fact that not all PAO (XPAO) may be capable of denitrification or that denitrification may only proceed at a reduced rate. Process 13 is contained in ASM2d but not in ASM2. 15, 16 and 17. Lysis of phosphorus-accumulating organisms and their storage products. Death, endogenous respiration and maintenance all result in a loss or decay of all fractions of PAO. Since the storage products XPP and XPHA are accounted for separately from the biomass XPAO, all three components must be subject to separate decay processes. ASM2 includes three lysis processes which are all first-order relative to the component which is lost. If all three rate constants are equal, the composition of the organisms does not change due to decay. There is experimental evidence that XPP decays faster than XPAO and XPHA. This additional loss of poly-phosphates may be modelled by the choice of an increased rate, bPP, for the lysis of this component. The products of lysis are chosen in analogy to the lysis of heterotrophic organisms; storage products are assumed to decay to ortho-phosphate SPO4 and fermentation products SA. Nitrification is assumed to be a one-step process, from ammonium SNH4 directly to nitrate SNO3. The intermediate component, nitrite, is not included as a model component. In the context of nitrification, modelling nitrite production and consumption would be relatively easy. However, nitrite is also produced and consumed in the context of denitrification where the Task Group felt that the required addition to the model complexity does not warrant its inclusion at the present time. Modelling nitrite in nitrification but not in denitrification would, however, not be consistent and could lead to erroneous model predictions. The stoichiometry and the kinetics of the processes described below, are presented in Tables 3.5 and 3.7 respectively.
3.3.5 Nitrification processes
SO2 4 57 YA YA
n18,NH4 n19,NH4
SNO3 1 Ya
1 1
Table 3.6. Stoichiometry of the processes describing simultaneous precipitation of phosphorus. The absolute values of stoichiometry (and kinetics in Table 4.3) are based on the assumption that Fe(OH)3 is used to precipitate SPO4 in the form of FePO4 + Fe(OH)3. Stoichiometry for SALK and XTSS may be computed from conservation.
20 21
SPO4 1 1
n20, ALK n21, ALK
18. Growth of nitrifying organisms. Nitrifying organisms are obligate aerobic, they consume ammonium as a substrate and a nutrient, and produce nitrate. Nitrification reduces alkalinity. The process is modelled as proposed in ASM1 with the exception of a phosphorus uptake into the biomass. 19. Lysis of nitrifying organisms. The process of lysis of nitrifiers is modelled in analogy to ASM1 and to the process of lysis of heterotrophic organisms. Since the decay products of lysis (XS and ultimately SF) are available substrates for heterotrophic organisms only, endogenous respiration of nitrifiers becomes manifest as an increased growth and oxygen consumption of heterotrophs. This is in analogy to ASM1. In biological nutrient removal systems, metals, which are naturally present in the wastewater (e.g. Ca2+), together with the high concentration of released soluble ortho-phosphate, SPO4, may result in chemical precipitation of phosphorus (e.g. in the form of apatite or calcium phosphate). Further, simultaneous precipitation of phosphorus via the addition of iron or aluminium salts is a very common process for phosphorus removal worldwide. Simultaneous precipitation may be used in combination with biological phosphorus removal if the carbon to phosphorus ratio is unfavourably small. In order to model the low effluent concentrations of ortho-phosphate, SPO4, which are observed in practice and which are partly due to chemical precipitation, the Task Group suggests a very simple precipitation model, which may be calibrated for a variety of situations. For this
purpose, two processes (precipitation and redissolution) and two more components (XMeOH and XMeP) are added to ASM2. If chemical precipitation is not of any interest, these additions may be deleted from the model. 20 and 21. Precipitation and redissolution of phosphate SPO4. The precipitation model is based on the assumption that precipitation and redissolution are reverse processes, which at steady state would be in equilibrium according to: XMeOH + SPO4 XMeP Precipitation and redissolution may be modelled with the following process rates respectively: r20 = kPRE SPO4 XMeOH r21 = kRED XMeP If both processes are in equilibrium (n20,i r20 = n21,i r21) then an equilibrium constant may be derived as: S X n k K eq = 21,i RED = PO4 MeOH n20,i kPRE XMeP Processes 20 and 21 are introduced here based on the assumption that XMeOH and XMeP are composed of ferric-hydroxide, Fe(OH)3, and ferricphosphate, FePO4, respectively. This leads to the stoichiometry indicated in Table 3.6. The indicated rates of the processes result in residual ortho-phosphate concentrations, SP, which at steady state are typical for simultaneous precipitation with the addition of FeCl3. In this case, the addition of Fe3+ to the influent of a treatment plant may be modelled by the choice of XMeOH in the influent recognizing that 1 g Fe3+ m3 leads to 1.91 g Fe(OH)3 m3 = 1.91 g MeOH m3 (which also increases influent XTSS and decreases influent alkalinity SALK).
rj 0
[MI L3 T1]
Hydrolysis processes: S O2 XS / X H 1 Aerobic X Kh hydrolysis K O2 + SO2 K X + X S / XH H K O2 SNO3 XS / X H 2 Anoxic X Kh hNO3 hydrolysis KO2 + SO2 KNO3 + SNO3 K X + X S / XH H K O2 K NO3 X S / XH 3 Anaerobic Kh hfe X hydrolysis K O2 + SO2 K NO3 + SNO3 KX + X S / XH H Heterotrophic organisms: XH 4 Growth on S O2 SNH4 SPO4 SF SF SALK mH X fermentable K O2 + SO2 K F + SF SF + SA K NH4 + SNH4 K P + SPO4 K ALK + SALK H substrates, SF 5 Growth on S O2 SNH4 SPO4 SA SA SALK mH X fermentation K O2 + SO2 K A + SA SF + SA K NH4 + SNH4 K P + SPO4 K ALK + SALK H products, SA 6 Denitrification KO2 K NO3 SNH4 SPO4 SF SF SALK X with fermentable mH hNO3 K O2 + SO2 K NO3 + SNO3 K F + SF SF + SA K NH4 + SNH4 K P + SPO4 K ALK + SALK H substrates, SF 7 Denitrification KO2 K NO3 SNH4 SPO4 SA SA SALK X with fermentation mH hNO3 K O2 + SO2 K NO3 + SNO3 K A + SA SF + SA K NH4 + SNH4 K P + SPO4 K ALK + SALK H products, SA K O2 K NO3 SF SALK 8 Fermentation qfe X K O2 + SO2 K NO3 + SNO3 K F + SF KALK + SALK H 9 Lysis bH X H Phosphorus-accumulating organisms (PAO): XPAO S SALK XPP / XPAO 10 Storage of qPHA A X X PHA KA + SA KALK + SALK K PP + XPP / XPAO PAO 11 Aerobic SO2 SPO4 SALK XPHA / XPAO K MAX XPP / XPAO qPP X storage KO2 + SO2 KPS + SPO4 K ALK + SALK K PHA + XPHA / XPAO K PP + K MAX XPP / XPAO PAO of X PP 12 Anoxic K O2 SNO3 r12 = r11 hNO3 storage SO2 K NO3 + SNO3 of XPP 13 Aerobic S O2 SNH4 SPO4 SALK XPHA / X PAO mPAO X growth K O2 + SO2 K NH4 + SNH4 KP + SPO4 KALK + SALK K PHA + XPHA / X PAO PAO on X PHA 14 Anoxic K O2 SNO3 growth r14 = r13 hNO3 SO2 K NO3 + SNO3 on X PP
15 Lysis of XPAO bPAO X PAO SALK / (K ALK + SALK) bPP XPP SALK / (K ALK + SALK) 16 Lysis of XPP bPHA XPHA SALK / ( KALK + SALK ) 17 Lysis of XPHA Nitrifying organisms (autotrophic organisms): X AUT 18 Aerobic SO2 SNH4 SPO4 SALK mAUT X growth K O2 + SO2 K NH4 + SNH4 K P + SPO4 K ALK + SALK AUT of X AUT 19 Lysis of XAUT bAUT X AUT Simultaneous precipitation of phosphorus with ferric hydroxide Fe(OH) 3 20 Precipitation kPRE SPO4 XMeOH 21 Redissolution kRED X MeP SALK / (K ALK + SALK )
t is the responsibility of the user of the Activated Sludge Model No. 2 (ASM2 and ASM2d) to determine the concentrations of relevant components in the wastewater, as well as the stoichiometric and kinetic parameters which apply to the specific case to be dealt with. Absolute numbers of these parameters are neither part of ASM2 nor of ASM2d, but are necessary for the application of the model to a specific case. In this section, the Task Group suggests a list of typical concentrations of model components in a primary effluent as well as a set of model parameters. This neither indicates that ASM2 or ASM2d is meant to be reliable with these
Table 4.1 Short definition of model components and typical wastewater composition (primary effluent), considering the composition of the different model components as indicated in Table 4.2.
CODtot = 260 g COD m3, TKN = 25 g N m3, TP = 6 g P m3 Dissolved components: g O2 m3 SO2 Dissolved oxygen 0 SF Readily biodegradable substrate 30 g COD m3 SA Fermentation products (acetate) 20 g COD m3 SNH4 Ammonium 16 g N m3 SNO3 Nitrate (plus nitrite) 0 g N m3 SPO4 Phosphate 3.6 g P m3 SI Inert, bon-biodegradable organics 30 g COD m3 SALK Bicarbonate alkalinity 5 mole HCO m3 3 Particulate components: XI Inert, non-biodegradable organics 25 g COD m3 XS Slowly biodegradable substrate 125 g COD m3 XH Heterotrophic biomass 30 g COD m3 XPAO Phosphorus-accumulating organisms, PAO 0 g COD m3 XPP Stored poly-phosphate of PAO 0 g P m3 XPHA Organic storage products of PAO 0 g COD m3 XAUT Autotrophic, nitrifying biomass 0 g COD m3 XMeOH Ferric-hydroxide, Fe(OH)3 g Fe(OH)3 m3 0 XMeP Ferric-phosphate, FePO4 g FePO4 m3 0 XTSS Particulate material as model componenta) 180a) g TSS m3
a) This value is larger than TSS which may be measured analytically, since it includes the fraction of XS, which would pass the filter in the TSS analysis. XTSS may also include some inert mineral material, which is contained in the influent but not accounted for by other components. If this is the case, then XTSS in the influent will be larger than predicted from the conservation equation, which for the above values and based on the conversion factors given in Table 4.2 would result in 140 g TSS m 3. Analytically measured TSS (0.45 m) would be approximately 120 g TSS m 3.
0.01 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.75 0.75 0.90 0 0.625 0.10 0.625 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.24 0.10
g N (g COD)1 g N (g COD)1 g N (g COD)1 g N (g COD)1 g N (g COD)1 g P (g COD)1 g P (g COD)1 g P (g COD)1 g P (g COD)1 g P (g COD)1 g TSS (g COD)1 g TSS (g COD)1 g TSS (g COD)1 g COD (g COD)1 g COD (g COD)1 g COD (g COD)1 g COD (g COD)1 g P (g COD)1 g COD (g P)1 g COD (g COD)1 g COD (g N)1 g COD (g COD)1
model component XTSS since it will later adsorb onto the activated sludge. The total nitrogen (and phosphorus) in the influent may be computed with the aid of all influent concentrations multiplied with the relevant conversion factors from Tables 3.1 and 4.2. Table 4.2 is a list of typical stoichiometric coefficients of ASM2 and ASM2d and includes the factors which are required for the use of the conservation equations (see also Table 3.1). Many of the conversion factors have been estimated without performing specific experiments for their determination. These values indicate an order of magnitude. The stoichiometric coefficients are either based on previous experience with ASM1 or they are derived from
verification trials of ASM2 relative to full-scale experience. Experience with the three yield coefficients, YPAO, YPO4 and YPHA of the PAO are still scarce. Table 4.3 is a summary of the definitions and typical values of all kinetic parameters of the models ASM2 and ASM2d. Again, some kinetic parameters were estimated based on the experience with ASM1, those relating to biological phosphorus removal are estimated based on laboratory experience and full-scale verification trials of ASM2. Note that saturation coefficients Ki for any specific compound may be different for different organisms (e.g. KO2 may have four different values, depending on the process and organism to which it relates).
Temperature: Hydrolysis of particulate substrate: XS K h = Hydrolysis rate constant hNO3 = Anoxic hydrolysis reduction factor hf e = Anaerobic hydrolysis reduction factor K O2 = Saturation/inhibition coefficient for oxygen K NO3 = Saturation/inhibition coefficient for nitrate K X = Saturation coefficient for particulate COD Heterotrophic organisms: XH mH = Maximum growth rate on substrate qfe = Maximum rate for fermentation hNO3 = Reduction factor for denitrification bH = Rate constant for lysis and decay K O2 = Saturation/inhibition coefficient for oxygen K F = Saturation coefficient for growth on SF K fe = Saturation coefficient for fermentation of SF K A = Saturation coefficient for growth on acetate SA K NO3 = Saturation/inhibition coefficient for nitrate K NH4 = Saturation coefficient for ammonium (nutrient) K P = Saturation coefficient for phosphate (nutrient) K ALK = Saturation coefficient for alkalinity (HC O) 3 Phosphorus-accumulating organisms: XPAO qPHA = Rate constant for storage of XPHA (base XPP) qPP = Rate constant for storage of XPP mPAO = Maximum growth rate of PAO hNO3 = Reduction factor for anoxic activity bPAO = Rate for lysis of XPAO bPP = Rate for lysis of XPP bPHA = Rate for lysis of XPHA K O2 = Saturation/inhibition coefficient for oxygen K NO3 = Saturation coefficient for nitrate, SNO3 K A = Saturation coefficient for acetate, SA K NH4 = Saturation coefficient for ammonium (nutrient) K PS = Saturation coefficient for phosphorus in storage of PP K P = Saturation coefficient for phosphate (nutrient) K ALK = Saturation coefficient for alkalinity (HC O) 3 K PP = Saturation coefficient for poly-phosphate K MAX = Maximum ratio of XPP/XPAO K IPP = Inhibition coefficient for PP storage K PHA = Saturation coefficient for PHA Nitrifying organisms (autotrophic organisms): X AUT mAUT = Maximum growth rate of XAUT bAUT = Decay rate of XAUT K O2 = Saturation coefficient for oxygen K NH4 = Saturation coefficient for ammonium (substrate) K ALK = Saturation coefficient for alkalinity (HC O) 3 K P = Saturation coefficient for phosphorus (nutrient) Precipitation: kPRE = Rate constant for P precipitaion kRED = Rate constant for redissolution K ALK = Saturation coefficient for alkalinity
20 C 10 C Units 3.00 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.50 0.10 6.00 3.00 0.80 0.40 0.20 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.50 0.05 0.01 0.10 3.00 1.50 1.00 0.60 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.50 4.00 0.05 0.20 0.01 0.10 0.01 0.34 0.02 0.01 1.00 0.15 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.01 2.00 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.50 0.10 3.00 1.50 0.80 0.20 0.20 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.50 0.05 0.01 0.10 2.00 1.00 0.67 0.60 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.50 4.00 0.05 0.20 0.01 0.10 0.01 0.34 0.02 0.01 0.35 0.05 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.01 d1 g O2 m3 g N m3 g XS (g XH)1 g XS (g XH)1 d1 g SF (g XH)1 d1 d1 g O2 m3 g COD m3 g COD m3 g COD m3 g N m3 g N m3 g P m3 mole HCO m3 3 g XPHA (g XPAO)1 d1 g XPP (g XPAO)1 d1 d1 d1 d1 d1 g O2 m3 g N m3 g COD m3 g N m3 g P m3 g P m3 mole HCO m3 3 g XPP (g XPAO)1 g XPP (g XPAO)1 g XPP (g XPAO)1 g XPHA (g XPAO)1 d1 d1 g O2 m3 g N m3 mole HCO m3 3 g P m3
Process component SNO3 SPO4 SALK expressed as N P mole 1 Aerobic hydrolysis 0.001 2 Anoxic hydrolysis 0.001 3 Anaerobic hydrolysis 0.001 Heterotrophic organisms: X H 4 Growth on SF 0.60 1.60 0.022 0.004 0.001 0.60 1.60 0.07 0.02 0.021 5 Growth on SA 6 Denitrification with SF 1.60 0.022 0.21 0.21 0.004 0.014 1.60 0.07 0.21 0.21 0.02 0.036 7 Denitrification with SA 8 Fermentation of SF 1. 1 . 0.03 0.01 0.014 9 Lysis 0.031 0.01 0.002 Phosphorus-accumulating organisms (PAO): XPAO 10 Storage of PHA 1. 0.40 0.009 11 Aerobic storage of PP 0.20 1. 0.016 12 Anoxic storage of PP 0.07 0.07 1. 0.021 13 Aerobic growth 0.60 0.07 0.02 0.004 14 Anoxic growth 0.07 0.21 0.21 0.02 0.011 15 Lysis of PAO 0.031 0.01 0.002 16 Lysis of PP 1. 0.016 17 Lysis of PHA 1. 0.016 Nitrifying organisms (autotrophic organisms): XAUT 18 Aerobic growth 18.0 4.24 4.17 0.02 0.60 19 Lysis 0.031 0.01 0.002 Simultaneous precipitation of phosphorus with ferric hydroxide (Fe(OH 3)): 20 Precipitation 1. 0.048 21 Redissolution 1. 0.048 Stoichiometric matrix for particulate components Process component XI XS XH XPAO XPP XPHA XA XTSS XMeOH XMeP expressed as COD COD COD COD P COD COD TSS TSS TSS 1 Aerobic hydrolysis 1. 0.75 2 Anoxic hydrolysis 1. 0.75 3 Anaerobic hydrolysis 1. 0.75 Heterotrophic organisms: X H 4 Growth on SS 1 0.90 1 0.90 5 Growth on SA 1 0.90 6 Denitrification with SS 1 0.90 7 Denitrification with SA 8 Fermentation 9 Lysis 0.10 0.9 1 0.15 Phosphorus-accumulating organisms (PAO): XPAO 10 Storage of PHA 0.40 1. 0.69 11 Aerobic storage of PP 1. 0.20 3.11 12 Anoxic storage of PP 1. 0.20 3.11 13 Aerobic growth 1 1.60 0.06 14 Anoxic growth 1 1.60 0.06 15 Lysis of PAO 0.10 0.90 1 0.15 16 Lysis of PP 1. 3.23 17 Lysis of PHA 1. 0.60 Nitrifying organisms (autotrophic organisms): XAUT 18 Aerobic growth 1 0.90 19 Lysis 0.10 0.90 1 0.15 Simultaneous precipitation of phosphorus with ferric hydroxide (Fe(OH 3)): 20 Precipitation 1.42 3.45 4.87 21 Redissolution 1.42 3.45 4.87
Stoichiometric matrix for soluble components S O2 SF SA SI SNH4 SN2 O2 COD COD COD N N 1.00 0.01 1.00 0.01 1.00 0.01
Future experience may well lead to different good estimates of the parameters of the model. Since experimental results of many pilot studies have been performed without considering the requirements of model calibration, we do not currently have a sufficient basis to calibrate ASM2 or ASM2d to a typical wastewater. Finally a full stoichiometric matrix for ASM2d, based on the proposed stoichiometric
parameters in Table 4.2 is presented in Table 4.4. Table 4.4 is not meant to be a part of ASM2d but rather it should indicate approximate values of stoichiometric coefficients n , . Table 4.4 may be used to test computer code, which might be developed to predict stoichiometric coefficients n , based on conversion factors and stoichiometric constants as introduced in Table 4.2.
j i j i
ll models have limitations. For ASM2d among the more important ones are: the model is valid for municipal wastewater only processes with overflow of SA to the aeration tank cannot be modelled the wastewater must contain sufficient Mg2+ and K+ pH should be near neutral temperature is expected to be in the range of 1025 C Use of the model outside of these limitations is not recommended.
SM2d should be used as a basis for modelling of simultaneous biological phosphorus uptake and nitrificationdenitrification. As compared with ASM2 it will improve the accuracy when modelling nitrate and phosphate dynamics. ASM2d is considered to be a platform and a reference for further research and development of kinetic models for biological nutrient removal in activated sludge systems.
Henze, M., Gujer, W., Mino, T., Matsuo, T., Wentzel, M.C. and Marais, G.v.R. (1995) Activated Sludge Model No. 2. (IAWQ Scientific and Technical Report No. 3). London: IAWQ. Henze, M., Grady, C.P.L. Jr, Gujer, W., Marais, G.v.R. and Matsuo, T. (1987) Activated Sludge Model No. 1. (IAWPRC Scientific and Technical Report No. 1). London: IAWPRC. Kerrn-Jespersen, J.P. and Henze, M. (1993) Biological phosphorus uptake under anoxic and aerobic conditions. Wat. Res. 27, 617624. Meinhold, J., Filipe, C.D.M., Daigger, G.D. and Isaacs, S. (1999) Characterization of the denitrifying fraction of phosphate accumulating organisms in biological phosphate removal. Wat. Sci. Technol. 39 (1), 3142. Mino, T., Liu, W-T., Kurisu, F. and Matsuo, T. (1995) Modelling glycogen storage and denitrification capability
of microorganisms in enhanced biological phosphate removal processes. Wat. Sci. Technol. 31 (2), 2534.
The following literature is not explicitly cited in this text but it has significantly contributed to the process of model building in the Task Group.
Brdjanovic, D (1998) Modeling biological phosphorus removal in activated sludge systems. Ph.D thesis, IHEE and Delft University of Technology. Wanner, J., Cech, J.S. and Kos, M. (1992) New process design for biological nutrient removal. Wat. Sci. Technol. 25, (45), 445448.
Willi Gujer,
Mogens Henze,
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Tokyo University, Japan Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
1. Introduction 2. Comparison of ASM1 and ASM3 3. ASM3: definition of compounds in the model
3.1 Definition of soluble compounds, S? 3.2 Definition of particulate compounds, X?
103 105 106 106 107 108 109 111 111 113 114 116 116 116 116 117 117 119 120 121
Definition and measurement of fractions of organic carbon Transition from ASM3 to ASM3C Adjusting kinetic and stoichiometric parameters for ASM3C Typical kinetic and stoichiometric parameters for ASM3C Modelling pH with ASM3C Limitations of ASM3C
1. Introduction
ith the introduction of the Activated Sludge Model No. 1 (ASM1) the IAWPRC (later IAWQ and now IWA) Task Group on Mathematical Modelling for Design and Operation of Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes introduced a new paradigm for the mathematical modelling of activated sludge systems. ASM1 as it was introduced in 1987 (Henze et al., 1987) has become a major reference for many scientific an practical projects. Today, mathematical models related to ASM1 are implemented in various computer codes for the simulation of the behaviour of activated sludge systems treating municipal wastewater of mainly domestic origin. With over ten years of experience with the application of ASM1, some defects of this model have become apparent, including: ASM1 does not include kinetic expressions that can deal with nitrogen and alkalinity limitations of heterotrophic organisms. The result is that computer code cannot be based on the original form of ASM1, where under some circumstances negative concentrations of, for example, ammonium may occur. This led to the development of computer codes based on different versions of ASM1, which can hardly be differentiated any more. ASM1 includes biodegradable soluble and particulate organic nitrogen as model compounds. These cannot easily be measured and made the use of ASM1 unnecessarily complicated. Therefore this distinction of nitrogen compounds has in the meantime been eliminated in many models based on ASM1. The kinetics of ammonification in ASM1 cannot easily be quantified, moreover the process is fast and therefore hardly affects model predictions. Again in many versions of ASM1 assuming a constant composition of all organic compounds (constant N to COD ratio) has eliminated this process. ASM1 differentiates inert particulate organic material depending on its origin, influent or biomass decay, but it is impossible to differentiate these two fractions in reality.
In the structure of ASM1, the process of hydrolysis has a dominating effect upon the predictions of oxygen consumption and denitrification by heterotrophic organisms. In reality this process stands for some coupled processes such as hydrolysis, lysis of organisms and storage of substrates. Therefore the identification of the kinetic parameters for this combined process is difficult. Lysis combined with hydrolysis and growth is used to describe the lumped effects of endogenous respiration of, for example, storage compounds, death, predation and lysis of the biomass. This leads to further difficulties in the evaluation of kinetic parameters. With elevated concentrations of readily biodegradable organic substrates, storage of poly-hydroxy-alkanoates and sometimes lipids or glycogen is observed under aerobic and anoxic conditions in activated sludge plants. This process is not included in ASM1. ASM1 does not include the possibility to differentiate decay rates of nitrifiers under aerobic and anoxic conditions. At high solids retention times (SRT) and high fractions of anoxic reactor volumes this leads to problems with the prediction of maximum nitrification rates. ASM1 does not directly predict the frequently measured mixed liquor suspended solids concentration. In respiration tests frequently high biomass yield coefficients are obtained. Even if only soluble, readily biodegradable substrates such as acetate are added, it appears from respiration tests that this substrate includes a slowly biodegradable fraction. Considering all these defects and the advance in experimental evidence on storage of organic compounds, the Task Group has proposed the Activated Sludge Model No. 3 (ASM3) (Gujer et al., 1999) which should correct for these defects and which could become a new standard for future modelling. ASM3
relates to the same dominating phenomena as does ASM1: oxygen consumption, sludge production, nitrification and denitrification in activated sludge systems treating wastewater of primarily domestic origin. ASM3 is designed to be the core of many different models. Modules for biological phosphorus removal (as contained in the Activated Sludge Model No. 2 (ASM2 and ASM2d) (Henze et al., 1995, 1999), chemical precipitation, growth of filamentous organisms or pH calculations are not part of ASM3 but can easily be connected as add on modules. With increasing experience with ASM3 the Task Group may well suggest such modules which would serve many purposes in practical simulation work. Introduction of ASM1 has spurred and focused research internationally. Based on a common platform it became possible to discuss rather complex results of careful research. Today interest is with topics such as modelling population dynamics, biological phosphorus
removal and structured biomass (storage products). ASM3 may provide the backbone, which describes the processes of minor interest in research, such that we can concentrate on new frontiers again. In this we should realize that scientific research and model application in engineering practice have different goals. Whereas the detailed structure of the models is used to convey the message on new mechanisms which have been identified in our advanced research projects, model application in engineering must rely on manageable models with a moderate number of parameters but a high potential to predict system behaviour. ASM3 is designed to satisfy primarily the requirements of model application. Nevertheless, the Task Group has tried to fulfil the didactic requirement to keep as many details as are necessary to obtain some insight into the interconnected processes. ASM3 may well become a basis for teaching advanced biological wastewater treatment courses.
n ASM1 a single decay process (lysis) was introduced to describe the sum of all decay processes under all environmental conditions (aerobic, anoxic). The reason was that in 1985, when ASM1 was first published, computing power was still scarce. The simplest description possible saved computation time. Today, as computation is not limiting simulation to the same extent, a more realistic description of decay processes is introduced in ASM3: endogenous respiration is close to the phenomena observed (we typically measure a respiration rate) and the relevant rate constants can be obtained directly and independent of stoichiometric parameters (from the slope of ln(rO2,endog) versus time). The flow of COD in ASM1 is rather complex. The death (decay) regeneration cycle of the heterotrophs and the decay process of nitrifiers are strongly interrelated (Figure 2.1). The two decay processes differ significantly in their details. This results in differing and confusing meanings of the two decay rates in ASM1. In ASM3 all the conversion processes of the two groups of organisms are clearly separated and decay processes are described with identical models (Figure 2.1).
The complexity of ASM3 is comparable to ASM1. There is a shift of emphasis from hydrolysis to storage of organic substrates, a process, which has been postulated and observed by many researchers. Characterization of wastewater must consider this change. Readily available organic substrates (SS) must now be estimated based on the storage rather than the growth process. Differentiation of soluble and particulate substrates (SS and XS) remains somewhat arbitrary as in ASM1 and is mainly based on time constants for degradation. Correct characterization of wastewater for the use of ASM3 might still rely on bioassays, which relate to respiration. Similarly to ASM2 (Henze et al. 1995) ASM3 includes cell internal storage compounds. This requires the biomass to be modelled with cell internal structure. Decay processes (which include predation) must include both fractions of the biomass, hence four decay processes are required (aerobic and anoxic loss of XH as well as XSTO) and the kinetics of the growth processes (aerobic and anoxic) must relate to the ratio of XSTO/XH.
Nitrifiers S NH
Figure 2.1. Flow of COD in ASM1 and ASM3. In ASM1 (left) heterotrophic organisms use COD in a cyclic reaction scheme: Decay feeds into hydrolysis and triggers additional growth. Nitrifiers decay and thereby enhance heterotrophic growth. Autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms cannot be entirely separated. Only two entry points for oxygen exist. In ASM3 (right) nitrifiers and heterotrophs are clearly separated, no COD flows from one group to the other. Many entry points for oxygen exist. For definitions of state variables see later.
he following compounds are used in ASM3. Concentrations of soluble compounds are characterized by S and particulate compounds by X. Within the activated sludge systems the particulate compounds are assumed to be associated with the activated sludge (flocculated onto the activated sludge or contained within the active biomass). Particulate compounds can be concentrated by sedimentation/thickening in clarifiers whereas soluble compounds can only be transported with the water. Only soluble compounds may carry ionic charge. As in ASM1 and ASM2 filtration over 0.45 m membrane filters cannot be used to differentiate model soluble from model particulate compounds in the influent (typically primary effluent): particulate, slowly biodegradable substrates (XS, see later) will partially not be retained on the filter membrane. In the activated sludge reactors, where large amounts of surfaces exist, these substrates will rapidly adsorb to the suspended solids, resulting in a better differentiation of soluble and particulate compounds. Conservation of Theoretical Oxygen Demand (ThOD) will be used extensively in the development of process stoichiometry. For organic materials COD may analytically approximate this ThOD. For some inorganic materials ThOD must be calculated based on redox equations relative to the redox reference of 3 2 H2O, CO2, NH+, PO4 , SO4 . NH4 rather than is chosen4 as reference for nitrogen beNO3 cause the standard COD analysis with chromate does not oxidize the reduced nitrogen compounds present in wastewater. An example of calculation of ThOD is given in Table 3.1.
the soluble COD is directly available for consumption by heterotrophic organisms. In ASM3, for simplification, it is assumed that all these substrates are first taken up by heterotrophic organisms and stored in the form of XSTO. SS is preferentially determined with the aid of a bioassay (respiration test). Measuring the sum of SI + SS in the form of the total soluble COD in wastewater as determined with 0.45 m membrane filtration may lead to gross errors. This is due to the fact that some XS (see later) in wastewater (e.g. starch) cannot adsorb to the small amount of biomass present in the influent and therefore contributes to the analytically determined soluble material.
[M(COD) L3]: Inert soluble organic material. The prime characteristic of SI is that
these organics cannot be further degraded in the treatment plants dealt with in this report. This material is assumed to be part of the influent and may be produced in the context of hydrolysis of particulate substrates XS. It can
solved oxygen can directly be measured and is subject to gas exchange. In stoichiometric computations SO2 is introduced as negative ThOD.
balance of the ionic charges, SNH4 is assumed to + be all NH4 . Because ASM3 assumes that organic compounds contain a fixed fraction of organic nitrogen (iN,i, see Table 8.2), the influent SNH4,0 cannot be observed directly (measured analytically) but should be computed from wastewater composition: Kjeldahl nitrogen organic nitrogen (SNH4,0 = CTKN,0 iN,i Ci,0 + SN2,0 + SNOX,0). In the activated sludge reactors and in the effluent SNH4 is equivalent to observed concentrations. With the redox reference level chosen, SNH4 does not have a ThOD. SN2 [M(N) L3]: Dinitrogen (N2). SN2 is assumed to be the only product of denitrification. SN2 may be subject to gas exchange, parallel with oxygen, SO2. It can then be used to predict problems due to supersaturation with N2 in secondary clarifiers. Alternatively the N2 contained in the influent and gas exchange can be neglected. SN2 may then be used to calculate the amount of nitrogen lost due to denitrification. SN2 has a negative ThOD.
[M(N) L3]: Ammonium plus ammo+ nia nitrogen (NH4 -N + NH3-N). For the
SNOX [M(N) L3]: Nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen (NO-N + NO-N). SNOX is assumed to 3 2
include nitrate as well as nitrite nitrogen, since nitrite is not included as a separate model
Element Carbon Nitrogen Hydrogen Oxygen Sulphur Phosphorus Negative charge Positive charge C N H O S P +
Equivalent ThOD + 32 g ThOD (mol C)1 24 g ThOD (mol N)1 + 8 g ThOD (mol H)1 16 g ThOD (mol O)1 + 48 g ThOD (mol S)1 + 40 g ThOD (mol P)1 + 8 g ThOD (mol ())1 8 g ThOD (mol (+))1
What is the ThOD of 1 mole of NO3-? N: 24 g mole1 3 O: 48 : + 8 g mole1 Total: 64 g ThOD (mole NO)1 3 What is the ThOD of 1 mole of SO42 -? S: + 48 g mole1 4 O: 64 g mole1 2: + 16 g mole1 Total: 0 g ThOD (mole SO2 )1 4
compound. For all stoichiometric computations rolysis, which is the only anaerobic process in (ThOD conservation), SNOX is considered to be ASM3. NO-N only. SNOX has a negative ThOD. 3 XSTO [M(COD) L3]: A cell internal storage conservation of ionic charge in biological reactions. Alkalinity is introduced in order to obtain an early indication of possible low pH conditions,whichmightinhibitsomebiologicalprocesses. For all stoichiometric computations, SALK is assumed to be bicarbonate, HCO3, only. (PHA), glycogen, etc. It occurs only associated with XH; it is, however, not included in the mass of XH. XSTO cannot be directly compared with analytically measured PHA or glycogen concentrations; XSTO is only a functional compound required for modelling but not directly identifiablechemically. X 3.2. Definition of particulate compounds, in COD analysis STO may,however,berecovered and must satisfy ThOD conX? servation. For stoichiometric considerations, XI [M(COD) L3]: Inert particulate organic XSTO is assumed to have the chemical commaterial (COD). This material is not position of poly-hydroxy-butyrate (C4H6O2)n. degraded in the activated sludge systems for XA [M(COD) L3]: Nitrifying organisms which ASM3 has been developed. It is (COD). Nitrifying organisms are responsible flocculated onto the activated sludge. XI may for nitrification; they are obligate aerobic, be a fraction of the influent and is produced in chemo-litho-autotrophic. It is assumed that the context of biomass decay. nitrifiers oxidize ammonium, SNH4, directly to XS [M(COD) L3]: Slowly biodegradable nitrate, SNOX. Nitrite as an intermediate comsubstrates (COD). Slowly biodegradable sub- pound of nitrification is not considered in strates are high molecular weight, soluble, coll- ASM3. oidal and particulate organic substrates which XSS [M(SS) L3]: Suspended solids (SS). must undergo cell external hydrolysis before Suspended solids are introduced into the biothey are available for degradation. It is assumed kinetic models in order to compute their conthat the products of hydrolysis of XS are either centration via stoichiometry. Treatment plant readily biodegradable (SS) or inert (SI) soluble operators typically follow SS in day to day organics. As compared to ASM1 this fraction analysis. In the influent, SS (XSS,0) include an has a different origin. In ASM3 all XS is con- inorganic fraction of SS and the soluble fractained in the influent and none is generated in tion of XS,0, which passes membrane filters. SS decay processes. In ASM1 a large fraction of XS measured in the influent are therefore smaller is assumed to originate from decay processes. than XSS,0 used to describe the influent in the XH [M(COD) L3]: Heterotrophic organ- terms of the model compounds. Describing isms (COD). These organisms are assumed to influent SS correctly should allow predicting be the allrounder heterotrophic organisms, MLSS as observed in the activated sludge reacthey can grow aerobically and many of them tors. If chemicals are added in order to precipialso anoxically (denitrification). These organ- tate phosphorus, the precipitates formed must isms are responsible for hydrolysis of particulate in ASM3 be added to the concentration of SS substrates XS and can metabolize all degradable computed in the influent (XSS,0). Alternatively organic substrates. They can form organic stor- XSS may be used to model volatile suspended age products in the form of poly-hydroxy- Solids (VSS). This requires the relevant choice alkanoates or glycogen. XH are assumed to have of absolute numbers for the composition no anaerobic activity except cell external hyd- parameters for SS (iSS,? in Table 8.2).
[mole(HCO3) L3]: Alkalinity of the product of heterotrophic organisms wastewater. Alkalinityisusedtoapproximatethe (COD). It includes poly-hydroxy-alkanoates
SM3 includes only the microbiological transformation processes. Chemical precipitation processes are not included, but may easily be added based on the information provided for ASM2 (Henze et al., 1995). ASM3 considers the following transformation processes: 1. Hydrolysis. This process makes available all slowly biodegradable substrates XS contained in the influent to an activated sludge system. Hydrolysis is assumed to be active independently of the electron donor. This process is different from the hydrolysis process in ASM1; it is of less dominating importance for the rates of oxygen consumption and denitrification. 2. Aerobic storage of readily biodegradable substrate. This process describes the storage of readily biodegradable substrate SS in the form of cell internal storage products XSTO. This process requires energy, which is obtained from aerobic respiration. It is assumed that all substrates first become stored material and later are assimilated to biomass. This is definitely not observed in reality, however at this moment no reliable model is available which can predict the substrate flux into storage, assimilation and dissimilation respectively. Therefore the Task Group suggests for the time being this simplest assumption. However using a low yield coefficient for storage (YSTO) and a higher one for subsequent growth (YH) allows to approximate the consequences of direct growth rather than storage followed by growth. 3. Anoxic storage of readily biodegradable substrate. This process is identical to aerobic storage, but denitrification rather than aerobic respiration provides the energy required. Only a fraction of the heterotrophic organisms XH in activated sludge is capable of denitrification. ASM3 considers this by reducing the anoxic heterotrophic storage rate as compared to the aerobic rate.
5. ASM3: stoichiometry
ASM3: stoichiometry
able 5.1 introduces the stoichiometric matrix nj,i of ASM3 together with the composition matrix ik,i as proposed by Gujer and Larsen (1995). Whereas the stoichiometric matrix nj,i is well known since the introduction of ASM1, the composition matrix is less well known. Relating to Table 5.1 the composition matrix may be read as follows: i2,3 is filled with the symbol iN,SS and indicates that any g COD in the form of SS contains iN,SS g of N. The index k = 2 relates to the second conservative which is nitrogen, the index i = 3 relates to the third compound which is SS. SS is measured in terms of g COD (as indicated below the symbol SS) and the conservative nitrogen is expressed in g N (as indicated to the right of nitrogen in the composition matrix). iN,SS therefore indicates the composition of SS relative to nitrogen, hence ik,i is called the composition matrix. All empty elements of nj,i or ik,i indicate values of 0. All values of xj, yj and zj can be obtained from the conservation Equation 5.1 for the three conservatives k: ThOD, nitrogen and ionic charge:
n , i4,
i ji
for i = 8 to 12
It is known that the biochemical energy (ATP) yield of anoxic respiration is smaller than in aerobic respiration. This leads to the fact that aerobic yield coefficients (YSTO,O2 and YH,O2) exceed the anoxic yield coefficients (YSTO,NOX and YH,NOX). Assuming the anoxic energy yield to be hanoxic = 0.70 of the aerobic energy yield the following energy relationship (Equation 5.3) applies:
n , i , = 0
i ji ki
for i = 1 to 12
It is suggested that Equation 5.3 is used to relate anoxic and aerobic yields in ASM3. The net (true) yield of heterotrophic biomass XH produced per unit of substrate SS removed ( 5.1) in ASM3 is obtained from:
Ynet,O2 Ynet,NOX
As introduced earlier, ThOD stands for Theoretical Oxygen Demand and is the conservative form of COD. In most cases ThOD of organic compounds may analytically be approximated by standard dichromate COD analysis. ThOD is a conservative quantity since it effectively accounts for the electrons involved in the biological redox processes. The stoichiometric coefficient for SN2 in any denitrification process is the negative of the coefficient for SNOX. The composition coefficients for ThOD for SN2 (1.71 g ThOD (g N2)1) and SNOX (4.57 g ThOD (g NO-N)1) as well as 3 SO2 (1 g ThOD (g O2)1) are negative for electron donors relative to the redox reference for ThOD. The stoichiometric coefficients for the obser-
= =
( 5.4)
All stoichiometric parameters are defined together with their units and a typical value in Table 8.2. A numeric example of all stoichiometric coefficients is given in Table 8.4. In the composition matrix ik,i of Table 5.1 the composition of all organic fractions relative to ThOD is assumed to be unity. These values have units however (iThOD,SI = 1 g ThOD (g COD)1, ...) and it should be realized that these values are actually model parameters which here have been assumed to be unity whereas in reality COD analysis recovers only a fraction of ThOD, typically 95% in domestic wastewater.
1 2 3 4 5 S O2 S I SS SNH4 SN2 O2 COD COD N N Expressed as f SI 1 Hydrolysis x1 y1 Heterotrophic organisms, aerobic and denitrifying activity x2 1 y2 2 Aerobic storage of SS 3 Anoxic storage of SS 1 y3 x3 4 Aerobic growth of XH x4 y4 5 Anoxic growth (denitrific.) y4 x5 6 Aerobic endog. respiration x6 y6 7 Anoxic endog. respiration y7 x7 8 Aerobic respiration of XSTO x8 9 Anoxic respiration of XSTO x9 Autotrophic organisms, nitrifying activity 10 Aerobic growth of XA x10 y10 11 Aerobic endog. respiration x11 y11 12 Anoxic endog. respiration y12 x12 Composition matrix k,I k Conservatives 1 ThOD g ThOD 1 1 1 1.71 1 2 Nitrogen gN iN,SI iN,SS 1 3 Ionic charge Mole + 1/14 Observables 4 SS g SS
j Process
Compound i
12 13 XA X SS COD SS iXS
t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9
fI fI
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4.57 1 1/14 1
6. ASM3: kinetics
6. ASM3: kinetics
he kinetic expressions of ASM3 are based on switching functions (hyperbolic or saturation terms, Monod equations, S/(K+S)) for all soluble compounds consumed. This form of kinetic expression is chosen not because of experimental evidence but rather for mathematical convenience: these switching functions stop all biological activity as educts of a process approach zero concentrations, an important difference between ASM1 and ASM3. Similarly for particulate educts the switching functions relate to the ratio of XSTO/XH resp. XS/XH. Inhibition is modelled with 1 S/(K + S) = K/(K + S). Table 6.1 is a summary of all kinetic expressions of ASM3. The kinetic parameters are defined in Table 8.1 together with their units and a typical value at 10 C and 20 C. It is recommended to interpolate kinetic paramet-
ers k to different temperatures T (in C) with the following temperature equation: k T k 20 C exp q T T 20 C)) 6 1
( ) = ( ) ( ( ( .
ln k T1 / k T2 t1 T2
( ( ) (
)) (
As indicated earlier, readily biodegradable substrate SS in wastewater is best determined from a bioassay. Kinetics of the storage and growth processes are such that the storage process in ASM3 will be related to the additional rapid uptake of oxygen after addition of wastewater to biomass. Therefore the yield of the storage
j Process
process must be used in order to relate oxygen It is recommended to simulate the batch uptake to substrate consumption: experiment, which is used to identify SS with the aid of ASM3. This allows the identification nSS SS ( batch) = rSS dt = r SO2 dt of possible errors that could be introduced by nSO2 this simple procedure. r SO2 dt = (6. 3) 1 YO2 STO
7. Limitations of ASM3
Limitations of ASM3
SM3 (and ASM1) was developed for the simulation of the aerobic and anoxic treatment of domestic wastewater in activated sludge systems. It is not advised to apply it to situations where industrial contributions dominate the characteristics of the wastewater. ASM3 (and ASM1) has been developed based on experience in the temperature range of 823 C. Outside of this range model application may lead to very significant errors and even model structure may become unsatisfactory. ASM3 (and ASM1) does not include any processes that describe biomass behaviour in an anaerobic environment. Simulation of systems with large fractions of anaerobic reactor volume may therefore lead to gross errors. Development of ASM3 is based on experience in the range of pH values from 6.5 to 7.5. The concentration of bicarbonate alkalinity (SALK) is supplied to give early warnings when pH values below this range are to be expected.
Alkalinity must be dominated by bicarbonate. ASM3 cannot deal with elevated concentrations of nitrite. ASM3 (and ASM1) is not designed to deal with activated sludge systems with very high load or small SRT (<1 day) where flocculation/ adsorption of XS and storage may become limiting. ASM3 provides the structure of a model but not absolute values of model parameters. It is the responsibility of the user of this model to identify the applicable parameters and the relevant characterization of the wastewater. Neither the Task Group nor IWA can under any circumstances accept any liability for damages of any sort that may result from the application of this model. It is provided here as a service for the scientific and practical engineering community and it is hoped to serve as a reference for future scientific work.
values of these parameters are not part of ASM3. They are necessary, however, if ASM3
t is the responsibility of the user of ASM3 to determine the concentrations of relevant compounds in the wastewater, as well as the stoichiometric and kinetic parameters, which apply to the specific case to be dealt with. Absolute
is to be applied to any specific case. In Tables 8.18.4 a set of typical model parameters and concentrations of model compounds in a primary effluent is provided for convenience. This neither indicates that ASM3 is meant to be reliable with these parameters in
any case, nor that these parameters are the state of the art. They are merely presented here as a reference for testing computer code and as a first estimate for the design of possible experiments that may be used to identify these parameters more accurately. Table 8.1 contains a list of typical kinetic parameters; Table 8.2 suggests some typical stoichiometric parameters. Table 8.3 indicates the composition of a typical primary effluent and finally Table 8.4 is a stoichiometric matrix, based on Table 5.1 and the specific values introduced in Table 8.2.
Table 8.1. Typical values of kinetic parameters for ASM3. These values are provided as examples and are not part of ASM3.
Temperature Symbol Characterization 10 C 20 C Hydrolysis rate constant 2. 3. kH KX Hydrolysis saturation constant 1. 1. Heterotrophic organisms XH, aerobic and denitrifying activity kSTO Storage rate constant 2.5 5. hNOX Anoxic reduction factor 0.6 0.6 K O2 Saturation constant for SNO2 0.2 0.2 KNOX Saturation constant for SNOX 0.5 0.5 KS Saturation constant for substrate SS 2. 2. Saturation constant for XSTO 1. 1. KSTO mH Heterotrophic max. growth rate of XH 1. 2. K NH4 Saturation constant for ammonium, SNH4 0.01 0.01 KALK Saturation constant for alkalinity for XH 0.1 0.1 bH O2 Aerobic endogenous respiration rate of XH 0.1 0.2 bH NOX Anoxic endogenous respiration rate of XH 0.05 0.1 bSTO O2 Aerobic respiration rate for XSTO 0.1 0.2 bSTO NOX Anoxic respiration rate for XSTO 0.05 0.1 Autotrophic organisms XA, nitrifying activity mA Autotrophic max. growth rate of XA 0.35 1.0 K A NH4 Ammonium substrate saturation for XA 1 . 1. K A O2 Oxygen saturation for nitrifiers 0.5 0.5 KA,ALK Bicarbonate saturation for nitrifiers 0.5 0.5 bA O2 Aerobic endogenous respiration rate of XA 0.05 0.15 bA NOX Anoxic endogenous respiration rate of XA 0.02 0.05
, , , , , , , ,
Units g CODXS (g CODXH)1 d1 g CODXS (g CODXH)1 g CODSS (g CODXH )1 d1 g O2 m3 g NO-N m3 3 g CODSS m3 g CODXSTO (g CODXH)1 d1 g N m3 mole HCO m3 3 d1 d1 d1 d1 d1 g N m3 g O2 m3 mole HCO3 m3 d1 d1
Table 8.3. Short definition of model compounds and typical wastewater composition (primary effluent) for ASM3. The value of TKN considers the composition of the different model compounds as indicated in Table 8.2: TKN = Ci i2,i over all compounds i SNOX SN2 . CODtot = 260 g COD m3, TKN = 25 g N m3.
ConcenCompounds tration Units Dissolved compounds Dissolved oxygen 0 g O2 m3 SO2 SI Soluble inert organics 30 g COD m3 SS Readily biodegradable substrates 60 g COD m3 SNH4 Ammonium 16 g N m3 SN2 Dinitrogen, released by denitrification 0 g N m3 SNOX Nitrite plus nitrate 0 g N m3 SALK Alkalinity, bicarbonate 5 mole HCO m3 3 Particulate compounds Inert particulate organics 25 g COD m3 XI XS Slowly biodegradable substrates 115 g COD m3 XH Heterotrophic biomass 30 g COD m3 The value below is XSTO Organics stored by heterotrophs 0 g COD m3 suggested if XSS is used to XA Autotrophic, nitrifying biomass >0 g COD m3 model VSS rather than SS: XSS Total suspended solids 125 g SS m3 100 g VSS m3
Table 8.4. Stoichiometric matrix of ASM3 based on the stoichiometric parameters in Table 8.2. This matrix is a typical application of ASM3 but it is not suggested as a reliable form of ASM3.
Expressed as 1 Hydrolysis 0 1 0.01 Heterotrophic organisms, aerobic and denitrifying activity 0.15 1 0.03 2 Aerobic storage of SS 3 Anoxic storage of SS 1 0.03 4 Aerobic growth of XH 0.60 0.07 5 Anoxic growth (denitrific.) 0.07 6 Aerobic endog. respiration 0.80 0.066 7 Anoxic endog. respiration 0.066 8 Aerobic respiration of XSTO 1 9 Anoxic respiration of XSTO Autotrophic organisms, nitrifying activity 10 Aerobic growth of XA 18.04 4.24 11 Aerobic endog. respiration 0.80 0.066 12 Anoxic endog. respiration 0.066
j Process
Compound i
1 SO2 O2
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SN2 SNOX SALK X I XS XH XSTO XA X SS N N Mole COD COD COD COD COD SS 0.001 0.002 0.07 0.07 0.007 0.005 0.30 0.30 0.016 0.005 0.20 0.28 0.28 0.025 0.20 0.35 0.35 0.025 4.17 0.600 0.005 0.20 0.28 0.28 0.025 0.20 1 0.85 0.80 1 1.60 1 1.85 1 1 1 1 0.75 0.51 0.48 0.06 0.21 0.75 0.75 0.60 0.60 1 0.90 1 0.75 1 0.75
n some countries the chemical determination of COD-Cr in routine analysis is not possible because of the heavy metals (Hg, Cr and Ag) involved in the analytical procedures. The alternative COD-Mn is not very valuable in the context of ASM3 since it greatly underestimates ThOD. This is a severe limitation for the application of models such as ASM3. In order to facilitate the application of ASM3, the Task Group proposes ASM3C as an adapted version of ASM3, where organic state variables are expressed in terms of organic carbon rather than COD. This allows the use of TOC instead of COD-Cr measurements in order to characterize wastewater and activated sludge. Since experience with TOC is rather limited at this time, ASM3C should be used with great care.
the use of specialized TOC equipment may be the methods of choice. Since the fractionation of TOC in DOC and POC is not entirely compatible with the definition of the model compounds (XS being the problem), this report will use TOC only, in order to express that a compound is measured in terms of organic carbon.
TOC [M(C) L3] stands for Total Organic Carbon and is analytically available in wastewater. For samples with suspended solids, careful homogenization of the samples is important. Care has to be taken that sedimentation of coagulating solids does not lead to erroneous results. This is especially relevant if autosamplers are used where the sample is not stirred before it is injected into the TOC analyser. Depending on the pretreatment of the sample, the TOC analysis can be used to characterize different fractions of wastewater. In relation to TOC the terms DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon) and POC (Particulate Organic carbon) are sometimes used. By definition TOC = DOC + POC. DOC is measured after filtration of the samples. All soluble organic model compounds (SI, SS) may be expressed in terms of DOC. POC is available from the difference TOC DOC. POC may be used to characterize some of the particulate organic model compounds in the influent (XI, XH, XSTO, XA) but not for others (not XS, since a fraction of XS passes through the membrane filters). For the characterization of activated sludge as a whole, standard estimation of TOC may easily lead to gross analytical errors. Here elementary analysis of a dry washed sample or
Deriving ASM3C from ASM3 is an easy task if the composition of the organic compounds is redefined (COD is replaced by TOC). Introducing new units (g ThOD (g TOC)1 rather than g ThOD (g COD)1) and accordingly new absolute values for the composition parameters iThOD,i for all organic compounds in the composition matrix yields the basis for estimating the unknown stoichiometric coefficients xj, yj, zj and tj with the aid of Equations 5.1 and 5.2. Realizing that the values of iThOD,?? = 1 g ThOD (g COD)1 are actually model parameters chosen to be unity in ASM3 (which is based on the assumption that ThOD is identical to the measured COD), the transition of ASM3 to ASM3C is a rather minor one. Table 9.1 includes the stoichiometric matrix for ASM3C, revised from Table 5.1. Changes include transition from COD to TOC for expressing the organic state variables, introduction of the iThOD,?? values in the first row of the composition matrix and adjusting the fixed values for storage compounds (XSTO) in the composition matrix.
With the introduction of TOC based compounds in ASM3C the absolute values and the units of some kinetic and stoichiometric parameters must be adjusted. As an example the aerobic yield of autotrophic biomass YA in ASM3C may be obtained from: YA(ASM3) has the units [g CODXA (g NO-N)1] 3 YA(ASM3C) has the units [g TOCXA (g NO-N)1] 3 iThOD,BM(ASM3) has the units [g ThODBM (g CODBM1)]
j Process
Compound i
, , ,
1 1 1 1 1 3.00
iThOD,BM(ASM3C) has the units [g ThODBM (g TOCBM1)] From this we obtain (with absolute values from Tables 8.2 and 9.3): (ASM3) i (ASM3C) YA (ASM3) ThOD BM iThOD BM (ASM3C) 1 0 24 g CODBM (g NO3-N)1 28 0 09 g TOCBM (g NO3-N)1
Adjustments are best based on careful analysis of the units of the parameter to be adjusted. Even the magnitude of seemingly dimensionless coefficients such as YH must be adjusted.
Again the following remarks apply to ASM3C as well. It is the responsibility of the user of ASM3C to determine the concentrations of relevant compounds in the wastewater, as well as the stoichiometric and kinetic parameters, which apply to the specific case to be dealt with. ever, if ASM3C is to be applied to any specific case. In Tables 9.29.5 a set of typical kinetic and stoichiometric parameters and concentrations
Absolute values of these parameters are not part of ASM3C. They are necessary, how-
of model compounds in a primary effluent is provided for convenience. This indicates neither that ASM3C is meant to be reliable with these parameters in any case, nor that these parameters are the state of the art. They are merely presented here as a reference for testing computer code and as a first estimate for the design of possible experiments that may be used to identify these parameters more accurately. In comparison to the values given in Tables 8.18.4 these values have been adjusted to TOC units based on typical composition parameters in Table 9.4. There may be some rounding errors resulting in slight deviations in model predictions between ASM3 and ASM3C. The extra decimal is not provided because it is thought to be accurate but rather in order to result in better comparison of predictions relative to ASM3. Table 9.2 provides a list of typical kinetic parameters, Table 9.3 suggests some typical stoichiometric parameters, Table 9.4 indicates the composition of a typical primary effluent and finally Table 9.5 is a stoichiometric matrix, based on Table 9.1 and the specific values introduced in Table 9.3.
Including organic carbon in ASM3C allows modelling the pH value in the different reactor compartments. If bicarbonate is assumed to be
Temperature Symbol Characterization 10 C 20 C Hydrolysis rate constant 2.3 3.4 kH Hydrolysis saturation constant 1. 1. KX Heterotrophic organisms XH, aerobic and denitrifying activity kSTO Storage rate constant 2.9 5.7 hNOX Anoxic reduction factor 0.6 0.6 K O2 Saturation constant for SNO2 0.2 0.2 KNOX Saturation constant for SNOX 0.5 0.5 KS Saturation constant for substrate SS 0.6 0.6 KSTO Saturation constant for XSTO 1.1 1.1 mH Heterotrophic max. growth rate 1. 2. K NH4 Saturation constant for ammonium, SNH4 0.01 0.01 KALK Saturation constant for alkalinity for XH 0.1 0.1 bH O2 Aerobic endogenous respiration rate of XH 0.1 0.2 bH NOX Anoxic endogenous respiration rate of XH 0.05 0.1 bSTO O2 Aerobic respiration rate for XSTO 0.1 0.2 bSTO NOX Anoxic respiration rate for XSTO 0.05 0.1 Autotrophic organisms XA, nitrifying activity mA Autotrophic max. growth rate of XA 0.35 1.0 K A NH4 Ammonium substrate saturation for XA 1. 1. K A O2 Oxygen saturation for nitrifiers 0.5 0.5 KA,ALK Bicarbonate saturation for nitrifiers 0.5 0.5 bA O2 Aerobic endogenous respiration rate of XA 0.05 0.15 bA NOX Anoxic endogenous respiration rate of XA 0.02 0.05
, , , , , , , ,
Units g TOCXS (g TOCXH)1 d1 g TOCXS (g TOCXH)1 g TOCSS (g TOCXH)1 d1 g O2 m3 g NO-N m3 3 g TOCSS m3 g TOCXSTO (g TOCXH)1 d1 g N m3 mole HCO m3 3 d1 d1 d1 d1 d1 g N m3 g O2 m3 mole HC O3 m 3 d1 d1
Table 9.3. Typical stoichiometric and composition parameters for ASM3C. These values are given as examples and are not part of ASM3.
, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Characterization Production of SI in hydrolysis Aerobic yield of stored product per SS Anoxic yield of stored product per SS Aerobic yield of heterotrophic biomass Anoxic yield of heterotrophic biomass Yield of autotrophic biomass per NO--N 3 Production of XI in endog. respiration ThOD content of SI ThOD content of SS ThOD content of XI ThOD content of XS ThOD content of biomass, XH, XA N content of SI N content of SS N content of XI N content of XS N content of biomass, XH, XA SS to TOC ratio for XI SS to TOC ratio for XS SS to TOC ratio for biomass, XH, XA
Value 0 0.91 0.85 0.67 0.58 0.09 0.20 2.8 3.2 2.8 3.2 2.8 0.03 0.10 0.06 0.13 0.20 2.1 2.4 2.5
Units g TOCSI (g TOCXS)1 g TOCXSTO (g TOCSS)1 g TOCXSTO (g TOCSS)1 g TOCXH (g TOCXSTO)1 g TOCXH (g TOCXSTO)1 g TOCXA (g NSNOX)1 g TOCXI (g TOCXBM)1 g ThOD (g TOCSI)1 g ThOD (g TOCSS)1 g ThOD (g TOCXI)1 g ThOD (g TOCXS)1 g ThOD (g TOCXBM)1 g N (g TOCSI)1 g N (g TOCSS)1 g N (g TOCXI)1 g N (g TOCXS )1 g N (g TOCXBM )1 g SS (g TOCXI)1 g SS (g TOCXS)1 g SS (g TOCXBM)1
The values below are suggested if XSS is used to model VSS rather than SS: 2.1 g VSS (g XI)1 2.4 g VSS (g XS)1 2.4 g VSS (g X H or XA)1
ConcenCompounds tration Units Dissolved compounds Dissolved oxygen 0.0 g O2 m3 SO2 SI Soluble inert organics 11.0 g TOC m3 SS Readily biodegradable substrates 19.0 g TOC m3 SNH4 Ammonium 15.4 g N m3 SN2 Dinitrogen, released by denitrification 0.0 g N m3 SNOX Nitrite plus nitrate 0.0 g N m3 SALK Alkalinity, bicarbonate 5.0 mole HCO m3 3 Particulate compounds Inert particulate organics 9.0 g TOC m3 XI XS Slowly biodegradable substrates 36.0 g TOC m3 XH Heterotrophic biomass 11.0 g TOC m3 The value below is XSTO Organics stored by heterotrophs 0.0 g TOC m3 suggested if XSS is used to XA Autotrophic, nitrifying biomass >0.0 g TOC m3 model VSS rather than SS: XSS Total suspended solids 125.0 g SS m3 100 g VSS m3
Table 9.5. Stoichiometric matrix of ASM3C based on the stoichiometric parameters in Tables 9.1 and 9.3. This matrix is a typical application of ASM3C but it is not suggested as a reliable form of ASM3C.
Expressed as 1 Hydrolysis 0 1 0.03 Heterotrophic organisms, aerobic and denitrifying activity 0.47 1 0.10 2 Aerobic storage of SS 3 Anoxic storage of SS 1 0.10 4 Aerobic growth of XH 1.61 0.20 5 Anoxic growth (denitrific.) 0.20 6 Aerobic endog. respiration 2.24 0.19 7 Anoxic endog. respiration 0.19 8 Aerobic respiration of XSTO 3.00 9 Anoxic respiration of XSTO Autotrophic organisms, nitrifying activity 10 Aerobic growth of XA 48.0 11.3 11 Aerobic endog. respiration 2.24 0.19 12 Anoxic endog. respiration 0.19
j Process
Compound i
1 SO2 O2
5 6 SN2 SNOX N N
7 8 9 10 11 12 SALK X I X S X H X STO XA Mole TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC 0.002 1 0.91 0.85 1 1.47 1 1.72 1 1 1 1
0.007 0.023 0.014 0.83 0.83 0.045 0.013 0.20 0.78 0.78 0.069 0.20 0.23 0.23 1.05 1.05 0.075 11.1 1.60 0.013 0.20 0.78 0.78 0.069 0.20
the dominating buffer system, pH can be modelled by adding dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2, SCO2) and the proton (H, SH+) as additional state variables and two processes describing the equilibrium (forward and backward reaction) of bicarbonate dissociation, with fast reaction rates (the ratio of these reaction rates is given by the equilibrium constant). Further the additional stoichiometric coefficients for SCO2 can be obtained from conservation of carbon (a fourth conservative). Stripping of SCO2 must be related to aeration, considering the correct Henry coefficients and possible saturation of rising air bubbles with CO2. It is recommended to derive stoichiometric
coefficients zj from a charge balance over bicarbonate rather than the proton. This typically allows for faster numeric integration because the turnover of large amount of charge is modelled via the large pool of SALK rather than the very small pool of H. Accurate modelling of pH may require expansion of the model to include carbonate, nitrite, ammonium and phosphate buffers as well.
The limitations introduced above for ASM3 apply equally to ASM3C. Since experience with TOC is still rather scarce, extra care should be taken in analytical procedures.
SM3 and ASM3C correct for most of the defects identified in ASM1. The ASM3 models provide a common base for the simulation of nitrogen removing activated sludge systems for chemical oxygen demand as well as organic carbon based characterization of wastewater and biomass. These two characterization possibilities can analytically be approximated by COD and TOC analysis. The structure of the ASM3 models provides sufficient details such that they may be used in an advanced course on biological wastewater treatment as a didactic tool. These models are designed as the core for further development and inclusion of additional processes and states as may become necessary when biological phosphorus removal, chemical phosphorus precipitation, growth of filaments etc. ought to be included. The systematic notation, based on an array of state variables, a stoichiometric matrix, a composition matrix, an array of process rates and conservation equations made it especially easy to introduce these models and indicate how a
COD based model may be transformed into another base (here organic carbon, TOC). Neither ASM3 nor ASM3C has yet been tested against a large variety of experimental data. It is expected that future improvements of model structure may still be required, especially for the description of the storage phenomena. It is obvious that in the beginning experience with ASM3 might be inferior to experience with ASM1. But as our experience will improve the two models might well prove to be equivalent. ASM3 has the advantage that its structure does not have to be adjusted in order to be applicable even if ammonium or bicarbonate limits microbial activity. Therefore if we report in a publication that a simulation was performed with ASM3 or ASM3C, it may be assumed that the model structures introduced in this report have been applied unchanged.
It is good practice to indicate if model structure has been changed: This would then be a dialect of ASM3 but not ASM3 itself.
11. References
11. References
The following limited citations relate to the topic discussed in this report and may be useful to understand the background and the presentation of ASM3. The Task Group would like to apologize for not following the standard rules of citation of scientific work and acknowledges that a vast literature (and communication with peers) has stimulated its work. It appears impossible to explicitly identify the specific source of the elements of ASM3 and ASM3C.
Gujer, W. and Larsen, T.A. (1995) The implementation of biokinetics and conservation principles in ASIM. Wat. Sci. Technol. 31 (2), 257266. Gujer, W., Henze, M., Mino, T. and van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. (1999) Activated Sludge Model No. 3. Wat. Sci. Technol. 39 (1), 183193. [During publication of this paper some
typographical errors were introduced. These were corrected in an erratum: Gujer, W., Henze, M., Mino, T. and van Loosdrecht, M. (1999) Errata: Activated Sludge Model No. 3. Wat. Sci. Technol. 39 (12), page I. Additionally, the original of this paper was published in the preprints of the 4th IAWQ Seminar on Modelling and Microbiology of Activated Sludge Processes, Kollekolle, Denmark, 1618 March 1998.] Henze, M., Grady, C.P.L. Jr, Gujer, W., Marais, G.v.R. and Matsuo, T. (1987) Activated Sludge Model No. 1. (IAWPRC Scientific and Technical Report No. 1.) London: IAWPRC. Henze, M., Gujer, W., Mino, T., Matsuo, T., Wentzel, M.C. and Marais, G.v.R. (1995) Activated Sludge Model No. 2. (IAWQ Scientific and Technical Report No. 3.) London: IAWQ. Henze, M., Gujer, W., Mino, T., Matsuo, T., Wentzel, M.C., Marais, G.v.R. and van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. (1999) Activated Sludge Model No. 2d, ASM2d. Wat. Sci. Technol. 39 (1), 165182.
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