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The Framework For Autism in New Zealand Leaflet

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Neil Stuart, Autism NZ Parent Education Director and

Tanya Catterall, Autism NZ, Parent Educator.

Neil has been working with children with Autism
and Aspergers Syndrome since 1994 as a teacher,
Mainstream Schools Outreach support educator and
an EarlyBird Trainer for Autism NZ since 2001.
Tanya Catterall is a parent of 2 girls, one of whom has
Autism. She is also an EarlyBird Trainer.
Presented well with delicate humour and balanced
with a mother with the capacity to know
For more information or to return the registration
form please contact:
Pat Gluck
National Programme Manager
Autism New Zealand Inc.
PO Box 12599, Thorndon, Wellington 6144
Tel: (04) 470 7616
Fax: (04) 470 7617
This is a 2 day introductory programme that
enables participants to create a framework for
understanding and supporting a person on
the Autism Spectrum.
It is a collection of evidence based strategies and
recommendations from the New Zealand Autism
Spectrum Disorder Guidelines.
Practical application of the strategies is embedded in
the exercises throughout the course.
Participants will leave the course with
A better understanding of Autism Spectrum, and
how that impacts on the person.
Praotioal strategies to apply immediately, including
the use of visual supports, how to teach new
activities and writing stories for understanding.
A ramowork to support the person in a variety
of settings.
A bottor understanding of challenging behaviour,
including how to prevent it happening again and
how to manage behaviour when it does happen.
The course is delivered through presentation, video
examples, parent interviews and practical role play
dontiying situations tnat aro dihoult or pooplo
with Autism.
Sooial Communioation, Floxiblo Tninking and Making
Sense of the World.
Applying your knowlodgo to tno porson witn Autism.
Undorstanding tnat oommunioation is moro tnan
words and wants.
Simplo ways or adults to adapt tnoir oommunioation.
Oovolopmont o undorlying oapaoitios is ossontial
for later learning.
Empnasis noods to bo plaood on tnoso oapaoitios
when interacting together.
visual supports aro a vital support or onildron
with Autism.
Using visuals to support undorstanding o timo and
space, completing activities, knowing whats
happening and what is expected.
Naturalistio sottings.
Poduoing prompt dopondonoy and indopondonoo.
Using storios to oroato positivo momorios, or
ahrmation, or undorstanding and inormation.

Undorstanding wny oortain situations aro dihoult.
dontiying wnat wo oan do about tnoso
situations to reduce anxiety.
Using a unotional assossmont o bonaviour.
dontiying tno rignt wny loads to tno rignt wnat to
do about the behaviour. Preventing behaviours and
making a plan.
For more details, or to register your interest in the FANZ
programme please complete the following and return.
Postal details overleaf.

Ph (H)
Ph (W)
Ph (M)
Are you a:
professional (please specify)
family member (please specify)

person on the spectrum
other (please specify)
The Framework for Autism in New Zealand is
spooihoally dosignod or anyono wno is involvod
with a child or adult on the Autism Spectrum and
wants some understanding and practical strategies
to enhance the lives and maximize the learning
opportunities of those individuals.
$175 (plus GST) for 2 days.

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