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MEDICATION GENERIC NAME: Avorstatin BRAND NAME: Lipitor Anti-Lipidemics

DOSAGE AND ROUTE 10mg/ Tablet , oral Atorvastatin is prescribed once daily. The usual starting dose is 10-20 mg per day, and the maximum dose is 80 mg per day. Individuals who need more than a 45% reduction in LDL cholesterol may be started at 40 mg daily. Atorvastatin may be taken with or without food and at any time of day.

MECHANISM OF ACTION Mechanism of Action: Reduces plasma cholesterol and lipoprotein levels by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase and cholesterol synthesis in the liver and by increasing the number of LDL receptors on liver cells to enhance LDL uptake and breakdown..


CONTRAINDICATI ADVERSE / SIDE Chinese General Hospital College of Nursing ONS EFFECTS Drug Analysis Contraindicated in patients hyoersensitive to drugs and in those with active liver disease or unexplained persistent elevations of transaminase levels. Contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women and in women of childbearing age. Use cautiously in patients with history of liver disease or heavy alcohol use. Withhold or stop drug in patients at risk for renal failure caused by rhabdomyolysis resulting from trauma; in serious, acute conditions that suggest myopathy; and in major surgery, severe acute infection, hypotension, uncontrolled seizures, or severe metabolic, endocrine, or electrolyte disorders. Use of Atorvastatin in children has been limited to those Adverse Reactions: : CNS: Abnormal dreams, amnesia, asthenia, emotional lability, facial paralysis, fever, headache, hyperkinesia, lack of coordination, malaise, paresthesia, peripheral neuropathy, somnolence, syncope, weakness, insomnia CV: Arrhythmias, elevated serum CK level, orthostatic hypotension, palpitations, phlebitis, vasodilation, peripheral edema EENT: Amblyopia, altered refraction, dry eyes, dry mouth, epistaxis, eye hemorrhage, gingival hemorrhage, glaucoma, glossitis, hearing loss, lip swelling, loss of taste, pharyngitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, taste perversion, tinnitus, rhinitis ENDO: Hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia GI: Abdominal or biliary pain, anorexia, colitis, constipation, diarrhea, duodenal or



Treatment of the following infections: Adjunct to diet to reduce LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, and triglyceride levels and to increase HDL cholesterol levels Adjunct to diet to reduce triglyceride level (Fredrickson type IV); primary dysbetalypoprotein emia (Fredrickson type III) in patients who dont respond adequately to diet. Alone or as an adjunct to lipidlowering treatments such as LDL apheresis to reduce total and LDL cholesterol in patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolem ia. To lower cholesterol To stabilize plaque and prevent strokes through antiinflammatory and other mechanisms

Decreased Responsibilities: elimination of Atorvastatin is used in patients with atorvastatin could homozygous familial increase levels of hypercholesterolemia atorvastatin in the as an adjunct to other body and increase lipid-lowering the risk of muscle treatments or alone toxicity from only if other treatments arent available. atorvastatin. Atorvastatin adjunct to not a substitute for Therefore, low-cholesterol diet. atorvastatin should not be combined with drugs that Atorvastatin may be used with colestipol or decrease its cholestyramine for elimination. additive Examples of such antihyperlipidemic drugs effects. includeerythromycin Expect atorvastatin to ketoconazole, be used in patients itraconazole, without obvious clarithromycin, coronary artery disease telithromycin , (CAD) but with cyclosporine , multiple risk factors nefazodone , and (such as age 55 or over, smoker, history HIV protease of hypertension or low inhibitors such as HDL level, or family indinavir and history of early CAD). ritonavir. Drug is used to reduce risk of MI, angina, and Large quantities of adverse effects of grape fruit juice revascularization (>1.2 liters daily) procedures. also will increase blood levels of Also expect drug to be used in patients with atorvastatin and type 2 diabetes who should not be taken. have no obvious CAD but multiple risk Amiodarone factors, such as (Cordarone), retinopathy,

Submitted by: Ibasco Carl S. II-A

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