Insulator are material that resist flow of electricity, so electricity does not easily pass through. Examples: wood, rubber, cloth, air, glass and plastic. There are five types of insulators. Different kinds of insulating materials are used.
High mechanical strength. High dielectric strength. High insulation resistance. High ratio of rupture strength to flash over voltage. Ability to withstand large temperature variations.
A much larger class of materials, even though they may have lower bulk resistivity, are still good enough to insulate electrical wiring and cables. Examples include rubber-like polymers and most plastics. Such materials can serve as practical and safe insulators for low to moderate voltages (hundreds, or even thousands, of volts).
Used in electrical equipment to support and separate electrical conductors without allowing current through themselves. An insulating material used in bulk to wrap electrical cables or other equipment is called insulation. The term insulator is also used more specifically to refer to insulating supports used to attach electric power distribution or transmission lines to utility poles and transmission towers.
Porcelain in most commonly used material for over head insulator in present days. The porcelain is aluminium silicate. The aluminium silicate is mixed with plastic kaolin, feldspar and quartz to obtain final hard and glazed porcelain insulator material. Its surface is glazed enough so that water should not be traced on it. Porcelain also should be free from porosity,impurity and air bubbles which may affect the insulator properties.
Glass Insulator
Now a days glass insulator has become popular in transmission and distribution system. Annealed tough glass is used for insulating purpose. Glass insulator has numbers of advantages over conventional porcelain insulator
It has very high dielectric strength compared to porcelain. Its resistivity is also very high. It has low coefficient of thermal expansion. It has higher tensile strength compared to porcelain insulator. As it is transparent in nature the is not heated up in sunlight as porcelain. The impurities and air bubble can be easily detected inside the glass insulator body because of its transparency. Glass has very long service life as because mechanical and electrical properties of glass do not be affected by ageing. After all,glass is cheaper than porcelain.
Tensile Strength
35,000 Kg / cm2
Polymer Insulator
In a polymer insulator has two parts, one is glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin rod shaped core and other is silicone rubber or EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) made weather sheds. Rod shaped core is covered by weather sheds. Weather sheds protect the insulator core from outside environment. As it is made of two parts, core and weather sheds, polymer insulator is also called composite insulator. The rod shaped core is fixed with Hop dip galvanized cast steel made end fittings in both sides.
1. It is very light weight compared to porcelain and glass insulator. 2. As the composite insulator is flexible the chance of breakage becomes minimum. 3. Lower installation cost. 4. It has higher tensile strength compared to porcelain insulator. 5. Its performance is better particularly in polluted areas. 6. Due to lighter weight polymer insulator imposes less load to the supporting structure. 7. Less cleaning is required due to hydrophobic nature of the insulator.
1. Moisture may enter in the core if there is any unwanted gap between core and weather sheds. This may cause electrical failure of the insulator. 2. Over crimping in end fittings may result to cracks in the core which leads to mechanical failure of polymer insulator.
Types of insulators
Pin insulator consist of non-conducting material such as porcelain, glass, plastic, polymer or wood. Pin insulator consist of a single or a multiple shells, mounted on a spindle to be fixed to the cross arm of the supporting structures.
reliable .
The life of modern porcelain insulators is
The pin insulator is designed to secure the conductor to itself. The design of the shells is such that when uppermost shell is wet due to rain the lower shells are dry and provide sufficient leakage resistance.
To avoid a direct contact between the porcelain and the metal pin, a soft metal (usually lead) thimble is used. The insulator and its pin should be sufficiently mechanically stronger to withstand the resultant force.
Pin insulator
There are two types of pin insulator. High-voltage type pin-insulator: they consist
of two or three pieces of porcelain cemented together. This pieces are called petti-coats or rain sheds. Low-voltage type pin-insulator: Single piece type pin insulator are used for lower voltages. Petti-coats are provided to obtain sufficient length of leakage path so that the flash over voltage between the power conductor and the pin of the insulator is decreased.
They are uneconomical beyond 33kV operating voltage. Replacement of these insulators is expensive. They become very bulky and cumbersome when designed for higher voltages. So the increased size, weight and cost of pin type insulator put a limit to its use upto 33kV and therefore suspension insulators are used for high voltage work.
It is cheaper. It can do the work of two suspension insulators in many cases. It requires a shorter pole to give the same conductor clearance above the ground.
This insulators are used up-to 33kV only. Additional disc can not be added to string for higher voltage demand. It is less flexible. It become very heavy when designed for higher voltages.
It has higher cost for voltages beyond 33kV. The entire insulator has to be replaced under these conditions: If any fault occurs. Failure of even single disc.
A suspension insulator consists of a number of separate insulators unit connected with each other by metal links to form a flexible chain or a string. The insulators string is suspended from the cross arm of the support. The conductor is attached to the lowest unit. Each unit or disc is designed for a low voltage of about 11kV. The number of insulators in a string depends upon the working voltage, the weather conditions, the size of insulator used and lightening withstand requirement.
Simple in design. High mechanical strength. No risk of interruption to the service in case the porcelain between the links gets accidentally broken. It suffers from the disadvantage that the porcelain between the links is highly stressed electrically and therefore its puncture strength is lesser as compared to others.
It is the most commonly used. Consist of single disc shaped porcelain. Grooved on the undersurface. The cap is recessed at the top. Cap & Pin are secure to the insulator by cement.
DRAWBACKS : Coefficient of expansion of porcelain, cement & steel are different. Sudden temperature changes occurring in the service can crack the porcelain, leading to electrical failure. Cement, which is subjected to volumetric changes depending on its moisture content leads to failure of insulators.
Diameter - 25 cm (9.8 inches). Length 15 cm (6 inches). Load support 80-120 kN. Dry flash over voltage-about 72 kV Rated operating voltage-10-12 kV
Cheaper than pin type insulators for voltages beyond 33 kV. Each unit is designed for low voltage, usually 11 kV. Depending upon the working voltage, the desired number of discs can be connected in series If any one disc is damaged, the whole string does not become useless. Provides greater flexibility to the line. The connection at the cross arm is such that insulator string is free to swing in any direction and can take up the position where mechanical stresses are minimum. Maintain their mechanical strength over long periods of time without deterioration.
Cheaper than pin type insulators for voltages beyond 33 kV. Each unit is designed for low voltage, usually 11 kV. Depending upon the working voltage, the desired number of discs can be connected in series If any one disc is damaged, the whole string does not become useless. Provides greater flexibility to the line. The connection at the cross arm is such that insulator string is free to swing in any direction and can take up the position where mechanical stresses are minimum. Maintain their mechanical strength over long periods of time without deterioration.
Suspension insulator string is costlier than pin and post type insulator. Suspension string requires more height of supporting structure than that for pin or post insulator to maintain same ground clearance of current conductor. The amplitude of free swing of conductors is larger in suspension insulator system, hence, more spacing between conductors should be provided.
Used on overhead lines operating at or below 69 kV. Used to support line conductors in suspension or deadend modes such as line terminations, angles and tangents. These can be used with bared or covered conductors.
Line conductor is secured to the bottom disc of the string and the top disc is connected to cross arm of the disc. No. of discs connected depends upon : line operating voltage. Higher the line operating voltage larger the no. of discs required. Ideally each disc bears a voltage of 11 kV.
Following points may be noted: Voltage impressed on a string of suspension insulators does not distribute itself uniformly across the individual discs. The disc nearer to the conductor has maximum voltage across it. As we move towards the cross arm , the voltage across each disc goes on decreasing.
The unit nearest to the conductor is under maximum electrical stress and is likely to be punctured. If the voltage impressed across the string were DC then voltage across each unit would be the same. It is because insulator capacitances are ineffective for DC.
Each string insulator unit behaves like a capacitor having a dielectric medium between the two metallic parts (viz. pin and cap). The capacitance formed due to two metal fittings on either side of an insulator is known as MUTUAL CAPACITANCE.
The capacitance formed between the metal fittings of each unit and the earthed pole or tower is known as SHUNT CAPACITANCE.
As stated above the voltage applied across the string of suspension insulators is not uniformly distributed across various units. The disc nearest to the conductor has much higher potential then the other discs. This unequal potential distribution is undesirable and is usually expressed in terms of string efficiency.
The ratio of voltage across the whole string and the product of the number of units and voltage across the unit nearest to the line conductor is known as the string efficiency i.e. METHODS OF IMPROVING STRING EFFICIENCY:
Increasing the length of cross arms. Grading of the discs.
1.INCREASING THE LENGTH OF CROSS ARM K= shunt capacitance/ mutual capacitance Lesser the value of K : Greater is the string efficiency. More uniform voltage distribution K can be decreased by reducing shunt capacitance Done by using longer cross arms Limitations: cost and mechanical strength K=0.1 is the limit achieved by this method
Non uniform distribution of voltage across an insulator is due to leakage current from insulating pin to supporting structure, this cannot be eliminated bt can be reduced.
Disc of different capacitors are chosen such that: Product of current flow and their respective capacitance across each unit is same i.e. equal voltage drop.
3.GUARD OR GRADING RING METHOD: Idea of this method: to compensate the loss of current at every pin junction. The equal and opposite currents are injected through guard ring to neglect the effect of shunt capacitance currents.
Similar to strain insulators Difference: Strain insulators : Transmission system Shackle insulator : Distribution system
They support low voltage lines. Have neat efficient and economical arrangement. Are coated with extremely hard, glazed porcelain. Wet flash over voltage: 10 kV
Punture voltage
Operating voltage Weight
: 35 kV
: 1kV : 0.5 kg
Tapered hole : distributes load more evenly and reduces the possibility of breakage when heavily loaded.
Fitting is of 2 types:
a) Fitted directly on the pole. b) Fitted on the cross arm of the pole. Are used at all positions: intermediate, terminal or angle.
When suspension string is used to sustain extraordinary tensile load of conductor it is referred as strain insulator.
For high voltage transmission line strain insulator consisting of an assembly of suspension type insulator. The discs of strain insulators employed in hortizontal plane. are
Dead end of the transmission line. Corner or a sharp curve of the transmission line. The transmission line which crosses the river.
Rated System Voltage
Number of disc insulator used in strain type tension insulator string Number of disc insulator used in suspension insulator string
132KV 220KV
9 15
8 14
Cracking of insulator. Flash over. Short circuit. Mechanical stresses. Defective insulating material. Porosity of material. Deposition of dust.
Most common in pin and suspension type insulator. Due to changing climatic condition. Unequal expansion. Results cracking. Avoided by using elastic cushions.
Main cause of failure. If flash over occurs, the insulator may be over heated. Ultimately results into shuttering of it. SAFETY FACTOR= PUNCTURE STRENGTH/ FLASH OVER So it should be decreased.
Birdage in pin insulator is common. Birdage usually means short-circuiting , between earth and conductor. Avoided by using bird guards.
If an insulator has any weak portion due to manufacturing defect. Failure is very rare.
If surface of insulator is not properly glazed, moisture can stick over it. Avoided by cleaning the insulator.
If Insulator manufactured at low temperatures. Become porous and absorb moisture from air thus its insulation will decrease. Leakage current will start to flow through the insulator, lead to insulator failure.