Dorn Pulse
Dorn Pulse
Dorn Pulse
Today you will calculate the angle of the sun at NOON (12:00) for different locations on Earth.
On March 22 and on September 22, the suns rays form a 90o angle at noon at the equator.
Path of incoming suns rays
0o latitude
On March 22 and on September 22, the suns rays form a 90o angle at noon at the equator.
Vertical Pole standing at the equator will not cast a shadow at noon! 0o latitude Path of incoming suns rays
At an Equinox, for every degree of latitude you move away from the equator, the sun angle at noon decreases by 1 degree.
At an Equinox, for every degree of latitude you move away from the equator, the sun angle at noon decreases by 1 degree.
1o latitude
At an Equinox, for every degree of latitude you move away from the equator, the sun angle at noon decreases by 1 degree.
1o latitude
At an Equinox, for every degree of latitude you move away from the equator, the sun angle at noon decreases by 1 degree.
1o latitude
2o latitude
At an Equinox, for every degree of latitude you move away from the equator, the sun angle at noon decreases by 1 degree.
1o latitude
2o latitude
June 22
June 22
The sun forms a 90o angle at noon at 23.5o N
June 22
The sun forms a 90o angle at noon at 23.5o N This latitude is called the Tropic of Cancer.
June 22
The sun forms a 90o angle at noon at 23.5o N This latitude is called the Tropic of Cancer. This is the summer solstice for the Northern Hemisphere.
June 22
The sun forms a 90o angle at noon at 23.5o N This latitude is called the Tropic of Cancer. This is the summer solstice for the Northern Hemisphere. This is the winter solstice for the Southern Hemisphere.
December 22
December 22
The sun forms a 90o angle at noon at 23.5o S
December 22
The sun forms a 90o angle at noon at 23.5o S This latitude is called the Tropic of Capricorn
December 22
The sun forms a 90o angle at noon at 23.5o S This latitude is called the Tropic of Capricorn This is winter solstice for the Northern Hemisphere.
December 22
The sun forms a 90o angle at noon at 23.5o S This latitude is called the Tropic of Capricorn This is winter solstice for the Northern Hemisphere. This is the summer solstice for the Southern Hemisphere.
On the summer solstice the suns rays form a 90o angle at noon at 23.5o N
Vertical Pole standing at 23.5o will not cast a shadow at noon! Path of incoming suns rays
23.5o N
On the summer solstice, for every degree of latitude you move away from 23.5o, the sun angle at noon decreases by 1 degree.
On the summer solstice, for every degree of latitude you move away from 23.5o, the sun angle at noon decreases by 1 degree.
On the summer solstice, for every degree of latitude you move away from 23.5o, the sun angle at noon decreases by 1 degree.
On the summer solstice, for every degree of latitude you move away from 23.5o, the sun angle at noon decreases by 1 degree.
Zenith Angle: Subsolar point & your location are in the same hemisphere, subtract! 50 - 23.5 = 26.5
Noon Sun Angle = 90 - 26.5 = 63.5o
Zenith Angle: Subsolar point & your location are in the same hemisphere, subtract!
Zenith Angle: Subsolar point & your location are in the same hemisphere, subtract! 43 - 0 =
Zenith Angle: Subsolar point & your location are in the same hemisphere, subtract! 43 - 0 = 43
Zenith Angle: Subsolar point & your location are in the same hemisphere, subtract! 43 - 0 = 43
Noon Sun Angle = 90 - 43 =
Arc Distance: Subsolar point & your location are in the same hemisphere, subtract! 43 - 0 = 43
Noon Sun Angle = 90 - 43 = 47o
Arc Distance: Subsolar point & your location are in different hemispheres, add!
Arc Distance: Subsolar point & your location are in different hemispheres, add! 64 + 23.5 =
Arc Distance: Subsolar point & your location are in different hemispheres, add! 64 + 23.5 = 87.5
Arc Distance: Subsolar point & your location are in different hemispheres, add! 64 + 23.5 = 87.5
Noon Sun Angle = 90 - 87.5 =
Arc Distance: Subsolar point & your location are in different hemispheres, add! 64 + 23.5 = 87.5
Noon Sun Angle = 90 - 87.5 = 2.5o
You get to try some of these problems on your own. All the hints youve been shown are on your worksheet!
Good Luck