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Important Formulas 7

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Solar Geometry


Latitude (φ):
It is defined is the angle subtended by the radial line joining
the place to the centre of the earth, with the projection of the line on
the equatorial plane

Hour angle (ω):

It is defined as the angle measured in the earth's equatorial
plane between the projection of op’ and the projection of a line from
center of the sun to the center of earth.
- At the solar noon, the hour angle is zero.
Morning: negative and Afternoon: positive
The hour angle expresses the time of the day with respect to solar
One hour is represented by 2π/24 = 0.262 rad., or
360°/24 = 15° degrees
Declination angle (δ)
• Solar Declination is the angle between the equatorial
plane and the ecliptic plane
• The solar declination angle varies with the season of
the year, and ranges between –23.45º and +23.45º

• It is the angular distance of the sun's rays north (or

south) of the equator.
Figure shows the sun's angle of declination.
• δ = - 23.5° at winter solstice, i.e. sun's rays would be
23.5° south of the earth's equator
• δ = +23.5 at summer solstice, i.e. sun's rays would be
23.5° north of the earth's equator.
• δ = 0° at the equinoxes

Declination angle (δ) = 23.45 sin [360(284+n)/365]

where, n = day of the year
Declination angle (δ)
Summer Solstice is at
maximum solar declination
(+23.5º) and occurs around
June 21st –Sun is at Zenith at
solar noon at locations 23.5º N

Winter Solstice is at minimum

solar declination (-23.5º) and
occurs around December 21st
At any location in the Northern
Hemisphere, the sun is 47º
lower in the sky at noon on
winter solstice than on the
summer solstice – Days are
significantly shorter than nights
cos z  cos cos cos  sin  sin   cos  sin 
cos s  sec  (cos sin   cos sin  cos )
sin  s  sec  cos sin 
Incident angle (θ): It is the angle being measured between the beam
of rays and normal to the plane.
• Incidence angle of rays on collector (w.r.t. to collector normal)
cos   sin  (sin  cos   cos  cos  cos  sin  )
 cos  (cos  cos  cos   sin  cos  sin  )
 cos  sin  sin  sin 
• Case-1: β = 90o thus , for a vertical surface.
cos   sin  cos  cos  cos   cos  sin  cos   cos  sin  sin 
• Case-2: i.e. β = 0o. Thus, for the horizontal surface, then :
cos   sin  sin   cos  cos  cos   cos  z
• Case-3:  = 0o, collector facing due south
cos   sin  sin(    )  cos  cos  cos(   ) (b)

• Case-4: β = 90°,  = 0o for a vertical surface due south

cos   sin  cos  cos   cos  sin 
Sun rise, Sunset, Day length
• At the time of sunrise (or sun set), the zenith angle θz= 90° substituting in
to the equ.
cos   sin  sin   cos  cos  cos   cos  z
sin  sin 
• Sunrise hour angle (ω) cos   (c)
cos cos
cos   tan  tan 
  cos1 (  tan  tan  )
Day length (Td)
The hour angle at sunrise or sunset on an inclined surface ωst, will be
lesser than the value obtained by equ. (c) If the corresponding incidence
angle comes out to be more than 90°.

Under this condition, by putting θ = 90°, in equ. (a)

Inclined surface facing south, substituting θ = 90° in the equ. (b)

cos  sin  sin(   )  cos cos cos(   )

We obtain,
st  cos1[ tan(   ) tan  ]

The corresponding day length (in hours) is given by

Td  cos1 [  tan(   ) tan  ]
Standard Time
Local civil time for a selected meridian near the center of
the zone. Clocks are usually set for the same time
throughout a time zone, covering approximately 15° of
For U.S.A different standard time is set over different time
zone based on the meridian of the zone. Following is a list
of meridian line.
EST: 75° CST: 90°
MST: 105° PST: 120°
In India IST = 82.5° E
also, there is Day Light Savings Time
Solar Time
Time measured by apparent daily motion of the sun
Local Solar Time, LST = LCT + Equation of time (E)

Equation-of-time takes into account of non-symmetry of

the earthly orbit, irregularity of earthly rotational speed and
other factors.
E  220.2(0.000075  0.001868 cos B - 0.032077 sin B  0.0014615 cos 2B - 0.04089 sin 2B)


B  n  1
• LCT can be derived from the IST with the help of the
following equ.
• LCT = Standard time  (Lst - Llocal)x4
• Solar time
• LST= Standard time + E (Lst - Llocal)x4

• where,
• E = equation of time in minutes
• Lst= standard meridian for the local time zone.
• Llocal= longitude of the location in degrees west or east
• + sign for west
• - sign for east

India, negative sign is taken,

LST= Indian standard time + E - (Lst - Llocal)x4

Estimation of Solar Radiation
• =𝑎+𝑏
𝐻𝑐 𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥
• Hg – Monthly average of daily global
radiation on a horizontal surface at a given
• Hc – Monthly average of daily global
radiation on a horizontal surface at the
same location on a clear sky
• DL – Monthly average measured solar day
• Ho – Monthly average of daily
extraterresterial radiation
• =𝑎+𝑏
𝐻𝑜 𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥

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