Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)
Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)
Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)
Fall Semester, 2008. School of Computer Science & Engineering, Seoul National University. Professor Yanghee Choi Student : MyungHoon Kim
1. What is SDH/SONET
1.Introduction to SONET
Synchronous optical network (SONET) is a standard for optical telecommunications transport. It was formulated by the ECSA for ANSI, which sets industry standards in the United States for telecommunications and other industries. The comprehensive SONET/synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) standard is expected to provide the transport infrastructure for worldwide telecommunications for at least the next two or three decades. The increased configuration flexibility and bandwidth availability of SONET provides significant advantages over the older telecommunications system.
2. Background
Before SONET, the first generations of fiber-optic systems in the public telephone network used proprietary architectures, equipment, line codes, multiplexing formats, and maintenance procedures. The users of this equipment regional Bell operating companies and interexchange carriers (IXCs) in the United States, Canada, Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong standards so that they could mix and match equipment from different suppliers. The task of creating such a standard was taken up in 1984 by the ECSA to establish a standard for connecting one fiber system to another. This standard is called SONET.
3. STS-1
STS-1 is a specific sequence of 810 bytes (6,480 bits), which includes various overhead bytes and an envelope capacity for transporting payloads. It can be depicted as a 90-column by 9-row structure. With a frame length of 125 us (8,000 frames per second), STS-1 has a bit rate of 51.840 Mbps. The order of transmission of bytes is row-by-row from top to bottom and from left to right (most significant bit first).
4. Frame Transmission
STS : Synchronous Transport Signal STS
OC-1 OC-3
Rate (Mbps)
51.84 155.52
SPE (Mbps)
50.12 150.336
User (Mbps)
49.536 148.608
STS-12 STS-18 STS-24 STS-36 STS-48
OC-12 OC-18 OC-24 OC-36 OC-48
622.08 933.12 1244.16 1866.23 2488.32
601.344 902.016 1202.688 1804.032 2405.376
594.432 891.648 1188.864 1783.296 2377.728
5. Overheads
5. SONET Multiplexing
One of the benefits of SONET is that it can carry large payloads (above 50 Mbps). However, the existing digital hierarchy signals can be accommodated as well, thus protecting investments in current equipment. To achieve this capability, the STS SPE can be sub-divided into smaller components or structures, known as VT, for the purpose of transporting and switching payloads smaller than the STS-1 rate. And Multiplex the signal.
the user keys in each character at an indeterminate rate with possibly long random time intervals between each successive typed character each transmitted character or byte is encapsulated
3. SONET In a synchronous system such as SONET, the average frequency of all clocks in the system will be the same (synchronous) or nearly the same (plesiochronous). Every clock can be traced back to a highly stable reference supply.
Definition of a flexible architecture capable of accommodating future applications, with a variety of transmission rates