G5 Lesson 2
G5 Lesson 2
G5 Lesson 2
Instruction: 4. In your colored paper, answer the following questions:
1. Why do you think those news are good? 2. Was it hard for you to find good news from the newspaper? Why?
1. What did you learn from the activity 2. Why is it hard to find good news in our present situation? 3. As a child of God, what will you do to be good news to others?
Why is it important to read the New Testament? Are the Gospel books really important? Why?
Think-Pair-Share: (5minutes) Each pair will think of Good News that the Bible proclaim and write it in their notebook.
In the Old Testament - Promise of God to save humanity. - God promised to send a Savior or Messiah that would lead the people back to God. - This Promise was fulfilled when Jesus Christ was born here on earth.
The New Testament - life story of Jesus Christ. - the Gospel books contain the Good News that the apostles want to share with us. - Jesus is truly the Messiah.
It was years after the death and resurrection of Jesus that the Gospel accounts were written. First, Jesus was sent by God to preach about the Good News of His Love. Then, after Jesus died and resurrected, the stories about Jesus words and deeds were passed on by word of mouth. Then, each of the Gospel writers wrote the things that had been seen or heard as Jesus met and spoke to the people of His time. The Gospel writers wrote what the apostles preached. The apostles preached the Good News that Jesus has come to save all men by his life, death and resurrection.
Why is it important to read the New Testament especially the Gospel books?
Read the handout on the four Gospel books and the evangelists. Try to make a mind map about them. Construct your mind map in your CLE notebook.
How can you share the good news to other people? At home? In school?
CLOSURE: 1. Are the Gospel books really important? 2. As a Grade 5 student, do you need to share the Gospel? Why or why not?