Total Physical Response Method
Total Physical Response Method
Total Physical Response Method
Teaching Methods
disadvantages of TPR?
an umbrella term which refers to several methodologies of language learning that emphasize understanding of language rather than speaking.
language can often be conveyed through actions. Memory is activated through actions. Memory is activated through learner response. Beginning foreign language instruction should address the right hemisphere of the brain, the part which controls nonverbal behavior. The target language should be represented in chunks, not just word by word.
understanding of the target language should be developed before speaking. Students can initially learn one part of the language rapidly by moving their bodies. The imperative is a powerful linguistic device through which the teacher can direct student behavior. Language learning is more effective when it is fun.
through observing actions as well as by performing the actions themselves. It is very important that students feel successful. Feelings of success and low anxiety facilitate learning. Students should not be made to memorize fixed routines. Spoken language should be emphasized over written language.
Corrections should be
carried out in an unobtrusive manner. Students must develop flexibility in understanding novel combinations of target language chunks. They need to understand more than the exact sentences used in training. Novelty is also motivating. Students are going to speak when they are ready. . (Diane LanserFreeman, 2008)
The coordination of
central. S/he chooses the appropriate commands to introduce vocabulary and structure. The learner is a listener and a performer responding to commands individually or collectively. Learning is maximized in a stress free environment. (Michael Hutagalung, 2009)
activity in TPR. Other class activities include role plays and slide presentations. Role Reversal Action Sequence
such as "Walk to the door", "Open the door", "Sit down". The students are required to carry out the instructions by physically performing the activities. (Tim Bowen, 2013)
such things might find it embarrassing. It is only really suitable for beginner levels. It is not flexibly used to teach everything, and if used a lot, it would become repetitive. TPR can be ineffective if the teacher uses it for a long period of time without switching it with other activities that help teach the target language. (Bahasa Dan Seni, 2005)
Students who are not used to
It is very memorable. It does assist students to recognize phrases or words; It is good for kinesthetic learners who are required to be active in the class; It can be used both in large or small classes. In this case, it is no matter to have how many students you have as long as you are prepared to take the lead, the learners will follow; It is no need to have a lot of preparation or materials using the TPR. It is very effective with teenagers and young learners; It involves both left and right-brained learning;
Richards J.C. & T.S. Rodgers. (1897). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. United Kindom: Cambridge University press. Diane Lanser-Freeman. (2008). Techniques and Principles in language teaching. In D. Lanser-Freeman, Techniques and Principles in language teaching (pp. 111,112,113). Oxford: Oxfod University Press. Michael Hutagalung. (2009, july 28). My English Pages. Retrieved october 3rd, 2013, from My English Pages: Tim Bowen. (2013, May 21). One Stop English. Retrieved october 3rd, 2013, from One Stop English: Bahasa Dan Seni. (2005, August 2nd). Widodo Teaching Children. Retrieved october 19, 2013, from Widodo Teaching Children: