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IBM-Business Ethics

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Business Ethics

Ethics refers to a system of moral principles a sense of right and wrong and goodness and badness of actions, and their motives and consequences. Business ethics refers to the application of ethics to business. To be more specific, business ethics is the study of good and evil, right and wrong, and just and unjust actions of business.
Padmavathi. K

Two theories of related about the nature of ethics

The theory of moral unity: Advocates the principle that business actions should be judged by the general ethical standards of society. There exists only one ethical standard that applies to business and to non-business situations. Theory of amorality: Which argues that business can be amoral, and the actions of businesses need not be guided by general ethical standards?
Padmavathi. K

Sources of Business Ethics

Legal System Business Ethics Culture

Padmavathi. K

One of the oldest sources of ethical inspiration is religion. The worlds great religions are also in agreement on fundamental principles, which are similar to the building blocks of secular ethical doctrine. The great religions preach the necessity for an orderly social system and emphasis social responsibility in such a way as to contribute to the general welfare. Built upon such varieties are many other rules of conduct.
Padmavathi. K

Cultural Experience
Culture refers to a set of values rules and standards transmitted among generation and acted upon to produce behaviours that fall within acceptable limits. These rules and standards always play an important part in determining values, because individuals anchor their conduct in the culture of the group. Ethical systems began evolving to reflect the changing physical, cultural, institutional and intellectual environment.
Padmavathi. K

Starting from Hunting & Gathering stage

Agricultural Stage

Industrial Stage
Padmavathi. K

The Legal System

Laws are rules of Conduct, approved by legislatures that guide human behaviour in any society. They codify ethical expectations in any changing as new evils emerge. Law is reactive, new statutes and enforcement always lags behind the opportunity for corporate expediency. Whatever ethics that law confides, it is binding on business. Society expects business to abide by law and obeying law is presumed to be ethical behaviour.
Padmavathi. K

Why is Ethics Important?

Ethics corresponds to the basic Human needs. Values create credibility with the public. Values give management credibility with employees. Values help better decision making. Ethics and profits. Law cannot protect society, ethics can.
Padmavathi. K

Factors Determining Ethics:

Four factors are responsible for encouraging ethical behaviour or depressing standards of conduct. They are Leadership Strategies and Policies Organizational Culture Individual Characteristics.

Padmavathi. K

Factors shaping corporate ethics

Leaders example strategies / Policies.


Ethical Performance Organization Culture individual characteristics.


Padmavathi. K

Ways of managing ethics

Top Management Corporate Culture Ethical Behaviour Legal System Training programmes Others Ethics Hotline Codes of Ethics Ethics Committees

Padmavathi. K

Industrial Business and Ethics

Two ethical issues are prominent in International Business; bribery and corruption and work practices and worker remuneration.
Bribery and Corruption Work Practices and Work Remuneration

Bribery is a deliberate attempt to persuade someone (Usually in position of power and authority) to act improperly in favour of the briber by offering money or gifts or any other material gain. Bribery has been at the root of Corruption in many countries.
Padmavathi. K

Two ethical issues Cont

Malign Bribery leads to a widespread corruption and decline in public morals. Benign Bribe is one which benefits an economy by expending and simplifying procedures, reducing bureaucracy and reducing or eliminating unnecessary costs, thereby reducing prices and improving societys welfare. Corruption is understood as the abuse of public office for private gain. The issue of bribery is defined and practiced. In some middle east countries, it would be host as a token of appreciation for the time and consideration given. In Britain and U.S, however, such an act might be considered as an attempt to bribe for personal gain and might therefore be considered unlawful.
Padmavathi. K

Roots of Corruption
Where the legal framework and other anticorrupt institutions are weak or non-existent. High level and scope of government involvement in and regulation of economic activities make the officials become corrupt, particularly when their salaries are low. High levels of confidentially prevailing with regulatory agencies leads to unethical practices.
Padmavathi. K

Areas of ethical and social responsibility concerns for the multinational

Stakeholders Affected Ethical or Social Responsibility Issue
Product safety, Fair price, Proper disclosures and Informations.


Stock Holders Employees

Fair return on investment Fair Wages, Safety of working conditions, Child labour, Discrimination by sex, race, colours or creed. Impact on local economies, Following Local Laws, Impact on local social institutions. Environmental Protection, Raw material depletion.

Host Country

Society in General

Padmavathi. K

Work Practices and workers Remuneration

One of the main reasons for international firms to invest in production facilities abroad is to take advantage of the availability of relatively low cost labour in order to remain competitive in international markets. Ex: Child labour Low Wage Exploiting workers in Third World Countries.
Padmavathi. K

Corporate strategy of the MNC must contain ethical orientation. An ethics-centered strategy requires a firm to do the following

Pursue business goals within the bounds set by societys values and moral principles. Business policies and decisions that show disrespect for these cherished beliefs are generally condemned by most members of general public. Respect human value diversity that is found among people and groups at home and abroad, in the workplace, and the community. Peoples notions of right and wrong vary considerably among societies, religions, historical periods and ethnic groups. The wise corporation knows this and acts with care and understanding. Accept responsibility for nurturing ethical attitudes caused by the company. Business pressures that lead employees into unethical practices are a common problem. Ways exist for reducing these episodes.
Padmavathi. K

National differences in Ethics and Social Responsibility

Cultural differences affect the social and ethical practices of MNCs considerably. The figure gives a single model of the relationships among national culture, social institutions and business ethics.

Padmavathi. K

Institutional and Cultural effects on Ethics and Management

Key social institutions (Religion, Laws and Legal Systems)

Important ethical issues for Business (Equal rights for women)

Management practices to monitor & control ethical behaviour in organizations (Code of ethics)

Cultural norms and values (norms for gift giving)

Padmavathi. K

Ethical Relativism or Ethical Universalism

Ethical Relativism means that each societys view of ethics must be considered legitimate and ethical. This implies, if bribery is not unethical in a society, it is okay for an MNC to follow local practices, even if it is illegal at home. Ethical relativism means that when doing business in a country, international managers need only follow local ethical conventions. Ethical Universalism This principle holds that there are basic moral principles that transcend cultural and political boundaries. Business actions should be judged by the general ethical standards of society. There exists only one ethical standard that applies to business and non business situations in a given society. Ethical Convergence Cultural differences notwithstanding there are growing pressures on international businesses to follow the same rules in managing ethical behaviour and social responsibility. This is called ethical convergence.
Padmavathi. K

Code of conduct for an MNC

Respect Basic Human Rights and freedom. Minimize any negative impact on local economic policies. Maintain High standards of local political environment. Transfer Technology. Protect the Environment. Consumer protection. Employment Practices.
Padmavathi. K

Decision Flowchart for an MNC

International Manager, like his or her counterpart in domestic business faces ethical dilemmas.

Padmavathi. K

Decision Flowchart for an MNC.Is the Behaviour or its Consequences

In violation of Host or Home Country Laws?
Legal Analysis No In violation of international Agreements? No In violation of the Companys ethical code? Organisational ethical analysis No Consistent with company culture? Yes Yes






Yes Cultural sensitivity ethical analysis Consistent with local culture norms? No


Personal ethical analysis

Yes Consistent with personal moral beliefs? Yes



Do it?



Padmavathi. K

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