The Role of Creativity in Entrepreneurship
The Role of Creativity in Entrepreneurship
The Role of Creativity in Entrepreneurship
What is creativity?
Creative behaviors possessing an element of newness, novelty, and difference (Herrmann, 1996) Creativity is an act, an idea, or product that changes an existing domain, or that transforms an existing domain into a new one, and creative person is whose thoughts or actions bring these changes. (Csikszentmihalyi)
What is creativity?
Creativity leads to innovation Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth. Innovation, indeed, creates a resource. (Drucker)
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking, reasoning and acting that is opportunity obsessed, holistic in approach and leadership balanced. Entrepreneurial qualities
commitment and determination, leadership, opportunity obsession, tolerance of risk, ambiguity and uncertainty, creativity, self-reliance and ability to adapt, and the motivation to excel, ability to use failure experience as a way of learning
Creativity comes in writing an amazing sales letter or visualizing the perfect logo For practicing innovation, they need to be aware of change, and creatively use it to their advantage
The Unexpected, Process Need, Industry and Market Structures, Demographics. Changes in Perception, New Knowledge (Drucker)
EDPs are functioning in India as a School for Entrepreneurs Provided with the many benefits and advantages
Diploma holders of science, engineering and technology are being identified and selected for entrepreneurial training
have technical competency needed to start the new ventures
Use of IT tools to promote creativity and thinking, should be incorporated in studies Program should try to present familiar information in unfamiliar context
presenting information in new and innovative ways to help students look for new possibilities
Programs should entail approaches and activities that build the self-confidence of the students
Needed most in the verification step (Wallas)
Creativity plays a very significant role in Entrepreneurship Educational institutions play a vital role in enhancing creative skills of individuals and teams