W.Z Topic 7 2013 Sem6
W.Z Topic 7 2013 Sem6
W.Z Topic 7 2013 Sem6
Objective testing
Items that can be objectively scored items on which a
person select a response from the list of options. (W Wiersma & G Jurs, 1990)
a test, such as one using multiple-choice questions,
in which the feelings or opinions of the person marking it cannot affect the marks given. (http://www.collinsdictionary.com)
- Sentence Completion Items - Fill in the blanks B) Recognition type - Multiple choice items - True-false items - Matching items
c) Others / problem solving types - Rearrangement - Analogy - Context dependent (Pictorial form, interpretative)
- Extremely versatile - convenient for various subjects - provide reliability and validality - reduce the effort of guessing
- difficult to construct plausible alternative responses. - need more time and effort to prepare - provide cues that are unavailable in practice - cant test the skills like communication, psychomotor skills and interpersonal skills
5 basic types
- best answer type - right answer type - multiple true false type - reason-assertion type - analogy type
- Correct response
Matching type
Consist of two columns
relation of facts. Directions: - short title for each column - number of choices exceed number of statements. - Longer statement in statement column and shorter in choices column
It can be done:
Computer assisted
Objective type High degree of objectivity More reliability Higher validity Economical in reading and scoring while expensive in marking Effective even in large group Subjective type Lacks objectivity Lesser reliability Lesser validity Expensive in reading and scoring while economical in marking Effective in small group (max-10)
Subjective Testing
Method of Evaluation 1. Requires judgment from the markers part. 2. Extended answers. 3. Answers will vary from one candidate to another. 4. Higher degree of validity. 5. Takes into consideration: Explanation, alternative answers and organization of ideas.
A. Short-answer essay B. Long-answer essay
C. Structure Questions
o Assumption :
Phoneme recognition. Yes/No, True/ False answers. Spelling. Word completion. Grammar items. Most multiple choice tests.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
o Example of Question :
Integrative Tests
o Requires students to combine many linguistics elements real
Writing tasks.
2. 3. 4. 5.
o Example of Question :
Fill in the blank: 1. When the doorbell _______, I was having a bath.
(A) rang
(B) rings (C) rung (D) ringed
Communicative Tests
A communicative language testing system requires tests which are devoted to testing not only learners knowledge of a language and how to use it
Communicative ability should encompass the following skills: Grammatical competence. How grammar rules are actually applied in written and oral real life language situations. Sociolinguistic competence. Knowing the rules of language use, Turn taking during conversation discourse, etc. or using appropriate language for a given situation.
Strategic competence. Being able to use appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication strategies.
replicate real life situations the importance of context is recognized
tasks ought to be as direct as possible
functional use of language rather than on the more limited mastery of language form found in discreet point tests