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Singeing Process: Presented By: Bhawana Mohta Manuj Shukla Nuti Mehta Dhruva Vaghela Presented To: Prof Pranav Vora

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Yarn formation (fiber production, spinning) Fabric formation (weaving, knitting)

Wet processing (dyeing, printing, finishing) and fabrication (garment)

Singeing Process

Singeing is a process that uses gas flame or hot plate in order to get rid of small fibers protruding (hairs) on the fabrics (these fibers normally come from spun yarns).

1. 1. To get rid of the small fibers

2. To make the fabrics smoother than before

3. To help the printing ink or dyestuff to make clearer marks on the fabrics 4. To improve rubbing fastness and washing fastness of the dyed or printed fabrics

A distinction is made between direct and indirect processes: Direct Indirect

DIRECT SINGEING With this treatment fuzz and fiber ends are burnt off in order highlight the fabric weave. 1.5 - 4 mm

Most common one is: Perpendicular flame

Tangential flame

Fabric speed can range from 50 to 200 meters per minute


Singeing unit (Ksters) The singeing machine is preferably used for cord

Singeing machine for tubular knit goods

Dornier singeing machine, type EcoSinge


Types of singeing machines

There are three main types of singeing machines:

1. Plate singeing machine 2. Rotary-cylinder singeing machine 3. Gas singeing machine

1. Plate-Singeing m/c
The main parts of plate singeing m/c :i) Two copper plate & clay. ii) Fire

Copper plates are set up on the fire clay which is heated with farness (gas and oil or oil jet). At first the fabric opening with guide roller is passed over the plate with drawn roller. When the plate was red heated with farness, copper plates drawn with draw roller which speed 135-225 m/min. Projecting fibres is burnt contact with heated plate. In this process, one side of fabric is singed. Advantages: Very suitable for back filter in finishing process. A certain amount of lusture is produce due to friction between the fabric & hot surface of curv ed plate. Improved lusture. Uniform singeing. More effective in case of valvet & pile fabric. Disadvantage:

Very difficult to maintain the proper heat control of the plate.

2. Roller singeing m/c

This is more improved process than plate singeing m/c process. In this process, the fabric issinged one side also by heat but not red heat. If the fabric is singed by red heated roller, the heating not even for this the result is not good.

The surface temp of cylinder is more uniform than plate singeing m/c. This method is very suitable for velvet & pile fabrics. Uniform singeing. Luster increase. Disadvantage: Only one side of the fabric is singed. Due to over use, small tinny groove created on the cylinder. Local cooling may arise on cylinder due to contact between cold fabric & cylinder s urface.

3. Gas or flame singeing m/c

This is the most commonly used process for woven fabric. The burners are usually supplied with a suitable mixture of gas and air. Source of gas are-Coal-Petrol-Natural gas. This m/c may be single or double burner. In double burner, fabric is singed the bot h side. At first fabric is drawn onto the guide roller then brushing is done on both side of fa brics such that, flying and projecting fiber stands sufficiently. Then fabric is passed over the burner. The burner should be adjusted with the widt h of the fabric. Height of the flame depends upon the fineness or coarseness and speed of the fabric. After singeing the fabric is immersed in the water or de sizing tank to prepare next process. Fabric speed in this m/c, generally, 150-250 m/min. The machine may be horizontal or vertical. Advantages: 1. Uniform temperature ensure to proper singeing. 2. Both side of the fabric can be singed. 3. As the process is continuous, there is no hamper in production.

Disadvantages: 1. Dirty burner can produce spot on the fabric. 2. The process is not suitable for synthetic fabric.

3. Due to in consistent of fabric speed, it may be burnt.

Gas singeing is preferable than plate & roller singeing: Both side of fabric is singed in gas singeing m/c. Uniform temp can be controlled than roller and plate m/c. In gas singeing, brush is used which stands the lying projecting the fibers but not i n plate and roller singeing.

Plates not decay on gas but decay in plate and roller singeing.
After singeing the fabric is dipped in the water tank hence all sparks are extinguish ed.

The fabric in inter

Plate singeing
1. One side of fabri c is singed. 2. Uniform temp ca n not be maintaine d 3. Extra lusture produce, due to friction between fabric & surface. 4. Not suitable for dyeing & printing 5. Brush is not use d for proper singei ng.

Roller singeing
1. One side of fabri c is singed. 2. Uniform temp ca n not be maintaine d. 3. Extra lusture produce, due to friction between fabric & surface. . 4. Not suitable for dyeing & printing. 5. Brush is not use d for proper singein g.

Gas singeing
1. Both side of fabric is singed 2.Uniform temp can be maintained. 3. No extra lusture is produced.

4. Very suitable for dyeing & printing.

5.Brush is used for proper singeing.

6. No decay.

6. Plate may decay due to friction.

6. Plate may decay due to friction.

Common Problem in Gas Singeing and their causes

A. Incomplete Singeing Too low flame intensity Too fast fabric speed Too far distance between the fabric and the burner Inappropriate (i.e. less severe) singeing position Too much moisture in the fabric incoming for singeing.

If the fabric incoming for singeing has too much moisture in it, a significant amount of thermal energy will be used up in evaporating the fabric moisture rather than burning the protruding fibres, resulting in incomplete singeing.
B. Uneven Singeing Across the Fabric Width Non-uniform moisture content across the fabric width Non-uniform flame intensity (uneven flame height) across the fabric width Uneven distance between the burner and the fabric. This may be due to misalignment or improper setting of the guide rollers

Common Problem in Gas Singeing and their causes

C. Uneven Singeing Along the Fabric Length Non-uniform moisture content along the fabric length Non-uniform flame intensity along the fabric length Change in fabric speed during singeing Change in the distance between the fabric and the burner along the length

D. Horizontal Singeing Stripes

Rollers with an un-centered rolling action Sudden fabric tension increase

E. Vertical Singeing Stripes Total or partial blockage of flame outlet

Common Problem in Gas Singeing and their causes

F. Over-singeing or Thermal Damage of the Fabric
Too high flame intensity Too slow fabric speed or too long contact time between fabric and flame Too close distance between the fabric and the burner or too deep penetration of the singeing flame into the fabric Inappropriate singeing position G. Formation of Small Beads of Molten Material Insufficient energy supply, when the thermal energy is not supplied quickly enough to be able to ignite the thermoplastic fiber rather than melting it.


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