Lecture 1 Blood Physiology by Dr. Roomi
Lecture 1 Blood Physiology by Dr. Roomi
Lecture 1 Blood Physiology by Dr. Roomi
Physiology of Blood
Definition: Blood is a specialized connective tissue in which there is a liquid intercellular substance known as plasma and formed elements. It circulates in a closed system of blood vessels and chambers of heart by pumping of heart. Formed elements:
Red blood cells-Erythrocytes White blood cells-Leucocytes Platelets- Thrombocytes
Functions of Blood
1- Transport function:
A-Respiratory function: Haemoglobin the respiratory pigment present in the Red Blood Cells (RBCS) .It increases oxygen carrying capacity of blood.O2 & CO2. B-Nutritive function: glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals & water. C- Excretory function: Urea, uric acid, creatinine through kidney. Bile pigments through liver. CO2 through lungs. D:Distribution function: Hormones & hormone binding proteins towards target tissues & organs. E: Temperature regulation: Heat produced in active tissues in the body core is brought to the skin and lungs. It is regulated by the amount of blood flow to these areas. The water in plasma has
i) High specific heat-can absorb large amount of heat. ii) High thermal conductivity-distribute heat. iii) High heat of evaporation-heat loss.
Temperature regulation
2- Regulatory function:
a) Maintenance of ionic balance and internal environments b/w cells &ICF b) Maintenance of water balance b/w interstitial, intracellular and vascular compartments. c) Maintenance of acid base equilibrium. hemoglobin , plasma proteins are buffers. Bicarbonate buffer system. d) Regulation of blood volume- Haemostasis (homeostasis). Excessive blood loss is prevented by clotting of blood (clot formation) by clotting factors and platelets.
3- Defensive function:
Neutrophils and monocytes: Phagocytosis of dead tissues invading micro-organisms. T lymphocytes: Cellular immunity B lymphocytes & plasma cells: Humoral immunity (antibodies). Eosinophils: Phagocytosis of allergic complex
Composition of blood
Plasma---52-55% Formed elements (hematocrit)---45-48% pH 7.35-7.45, Plasma
Liquid 90-92% Solids 8-10%
D-Coloured substances
Bilirubin 0.3---1mg/dl Carotene
E-Other substances
Hormones, enzymes, vitamins,minerals, Metabolites (Lactic acid, Ketone bodies)
Plasma proteins
60% 0f total Plasma Proteins 4.55.7gm/dl Mol.wt 69000 Water soluble Heat co-aguable Precipitated by fully saturated solution of (NH4)2SO4. MCQ Produced by liver cells. MCQ Responsible for 2/3rd plasma colloidal osmotic pressure (oncotic pressure). MCQ
30% 0f total Plasma Proteins 1.52.5gm/dl Mol. Wt.= 80,000---200,000 Types 1, 2 , , Insoluble in water but soluble in dilute salt solution It is precipitated with half saturation of (NH4)2SO4 Mainly transport function and immunity Mostly produced by liver, but noy -globulins
2-Proteins perform transport functions: Albumin----carries bilirubin, calcium, fatty acids, steroids and drugs etc. *** 1-globulin---- carries thyroxin, polysaccharides (glyco proteins) 2-globulin----- carries copper (Ceruloplasmin), erythropoietin, prothrombin -globulins:
Lipoproteins carry lipid, steroids and cholestrol. Transferrin carries iron (Fe). MCQ
4-Proteins perform nutritive functions: are in a state of dynamic equilibrium with cellular proteins. Undergo constant breakdown to supply raw material to body tissues & constantly being replenished by synthesis of new plasma proteins.
9-Plasma Proteins include proteins of inflammation: Gamma globulins Complement system Acute phase proteins
C reactive proteins (CRP) Fibrinogen Haptoglobins