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& Project portfolio management

Ale Zeman
Manager PMO
Strategy and Planning
Vodafone Czech Republic a.s.
M +420 777 351 494

Time for Dilbert


What is the PMO?

Why setup the PMO?
What can the PMO be?
What would the PMO provide?
Why does the PMO fail?
Prioritization and portfolio management
Questions and answers

What is the PMO?

An organizational body
assigned various responsibilities related to the centralized and coordinated
management of those projects under its domain.

There in no such thing as a universal solution.

To be effective, a PMO must be tailored to your organisations
project types, management/staff capabilities, and organisation

Why setup the PMO?

Limited resources (financial, human staff, )

Multiple projects
Time to market is a critical factor
* Condition is full executive support

Time for Dilbert

What can the PMO be?

Supportive PMO
Generally provides support in the area of expertise, templates, best practices,
access to information

Controlling PMO
It also requires that support to be used (pass the regular reviews, audits, )

Directive PMO
Only professional project managers are assigned to the projects
High level of consistency across all projects because PMs are reporting back to
the PMO

What would the PMO provide?

Project managenet processes
Supporting tools
Training and mentoring
Best practices collecting
Project Managers services
Continuous improvement of level of sucess within

Why does the PMO fail?

One example from many posibilities


Defining processes
Defining best practices
Have executive level support


Process oriented staff without

significant experience in delivering
projects, arent respected
Push to the teams to get information
that the top management wants

PMO cops
Similar problem as IAD (Internal
affairs department) inside PD
(Police department)

Prioritization and portfolio management?

What is the Portfolio Management?

The act or practice of making investment decisions in order to make the largest possible

What is the Project Portfolio Management?

Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is a term used by project managers and project
management (PM) organizations to describe methods for analyzing and collectively
managing a group of current or proposed projects based on numerous key

Why setup the Project Portfolio Management?

The fundamental objective of the PPM process is to determine the

optimal mix and sequencing of proposed projects to best achieve the
organization's overall goals

Basic inputs are:

hard economic measures

business strategy goals
constraints - imposed by management or external real-world factors.

The key challenge to implementing an effective PPM process is typically securing the
mandate to do so.

PPM in
Vodafone Czech Republic

Basic approaches

Working on all projects at the time

This leads to seizures, delays,
insufficient resources,

Working on projects which have apropriate resources

Preffered way, eliminates disadvantages of the previous
method, leads to better TTM and timing in general,
could prevent teams from overloading

Prioritization Vodafone Czech Republic

Prioritization is about selecting the best investments

from many, the ones that will deliver the most value
and the ones that will differentiate us from the rest.
Because we have limited resources mainly the IT
development area (Vendors) and internally as well.

Investments that are Subject to Prioritization

1st all investments that consist of multiple business requirements usually

generating requirements also from other departments. Application
development or maintenance effort needed to implement all the
requirements exceeds 30 man-days.
2nd If no application development or maintenance resources are
needed then the second criteria is the total required CAPEX budget
exceeds 1,5 M CZK.

All of these projects are subject to Investment Board


Time for Dilbert

Prioritization Process

Prioritization process in Vodafone Czech Republic is

1. Project Outlook gets priority scoring in the Idea
stage- IRG go/nogo decision
2. Pipeline gets priority scoring in the Concept stageCGR go/nogo decision

Investment Board- CFT

Investment Board at VF CZ is called CFT

CFT meets every week and consists of directors of
Finance, Marketing, Sales, Customer Care, Technology, CFT
is managed by
Project prioritization that is used by CFT is combination of
prioritization scoring matrix and CFT members expertise

Scoring matrix hard prioritization criteria

Alignment with strategies

Non - financials criteria
Financial criteria
Alignment with the CAPEX budget
Mandatory project (Law, PR, VF Group, End of support)
Risks (PIR history, Complexity, Black scenario, Scope stability)
Gates passed

Project outlook

max 100 points from Scoring matrix + max 100 points from CFT
members expertise

Resource planning execution

Prioritization, based on resource planning, allows us to run

certain number of projects, according to available resources.
can proceed to IRG in February
Why those
1) Migration to NBP
2) M2W II
3) OneNet BSS Enhancement II

How many projects we are able to support

with internal resources?
Internal resources are important to determine capacities,
allow us to solve narrow points and other problems.
How we determine which projects could continue to IRG

How many projects we are able to run in February

projects are shown by support?





How many projects we are able to run in February

We were able to move 3 projects to the concept in February

2. Resource planning
1. Scoring and prioritization

5. Results
3. Scenarios

4. Execution



Jak jsou charakteristiky organizace, u n m smysl dit portfolio? Od jak

velikosti, druhu podnikn apod.

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