Linguistic Area
Linguistic Area
Linguistic Area
1. Indo-Aryan
4.Austro- Asiatic
5. Sino- Tibetan
6. Tibeto-Burman
Linguistic Area
The term Linguistic Area was made popular
by M.B. Emeneau (1956) : Language and
Linguistic area
He Defined Linguistic area as an area
which includes languages belonging to
more than one family but showing traits in
common which are found not to belong to
other members of (at least) one of the
Linguistic area
Linguistics Area may be defined as a
geographically contiguous area, which is
characterized by the existence of common
linguistic features shared by genetically nonrelated language.
Hence a Linguistic Area is marked by the
convergence of linguistic features of
various languages spoken in a particular
region regardless of the fact that these
languages may belong to different families or
sub families
Retroflex and voiceless aspirated sounds
are widely spread even in those languages
that were isolated for thousands of years,
eg. Andamanees
Almost all languages offer morphologically
derivable pairs of transitive and causative verbs.
Some languages have double causatives.
Eg. Hindi
pina drink[TR]
pIalana drink[CAUS1]
pIlwana drink[CAUS2]
tinnu ate (TR) tiRRiccu ate(CASU1), tiRRippiccu
ate (CAUS2)
Echo Formations
Word Reduplication
This refers to a complete or partial repetition of a
Complete word reduplication is constituted of
two identical (bimodal) words. That is, both
form and meaning are repeated once. The
combined meaning give various modified
The repetition of the entire lexical item, e.g.
Hindi ghar house > ghar ghar house
house each and every house' (complete
Apart from areal features, there are also those features that
identify a micro-area.
1 Nasalisation (Northern India) Hindi: h 3plural
2. Aspiration (Northern India) Hindi: bharat India
3. Gender agreement (Western India) cgi [ADJ] kui [N]
good girl
4. Right hand is eating hand
5. Relative-correlative pronoun (Northern India). Hindi:
jo kitab aj khridi
vo kl
REL book
today buy.PST.FEMSG CORREL tomorrow
The book (I ) bought today (that book) (I ) will read tomorrow.