Post Partum Hemorrhage
Post Partum Hemorrhage
Post Partum Hemorrhage
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Preceptor :
Dr Gioseffi Sp.OG
By :
Gita Larasastri Tarigan
Varla Septrinidya Gharatri
Case Report
: Mrs. S
: 21 years
: Female
: Kp. Cilember
: Sunda
: Islam
: elementary
: Housewife
: Mr. A
: 29 years
: male
: Kp. Cilember
: Sunda
: Islam
: Junior High School
: Housewife
Autoanamnesa on April 28, 2014.
Main complaints: Bleeding after
childbirth since 3 hours before
arriving at the hospital
Additional Complaint: headache (+)
Disease History
The patient was referred by a midwife Siti Mulyanti
with diagnosis P2A0 inpartu stage II with retained
placenta. Patients admitted to having a baby
helped by shaman at 09.00 am (dated 28 April
2014), the patient said that the placenta had not
come out about half an hour after the baby is born.
In addition the patient also complained of
headache (+), the body weak (+). Complaints of
blurred vision (-), nausea (-). Already bore 2
children, a history of previous miscarriages (-).
LMP: 8-9-2013. History of menstruation is regularly
every 28 days, a history of contraception (-).
Physical Examination
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Blood Pressure: 90/60 mmHg
Heart rate: 104 x / min
Temperature: 36.9 C
Respiratory rate: 24 x / min
State of Nutrition: Good
Awareness: Compos Mentis
General examination
Eye : CA +/+ , SI -/- , pupils isokor, the
light reflex + / +
Ear : an intact of the tympanic
membrane (+ / +) , wax (-)
nose : deviation of septum (-),
mouth : good oral hygiene
neck : lymph nodes and thyroid was not
palpable enlarged
General examination
Breast :normal breast shape, inverted nipple -/-, fissure -/ Lungs
o Inspection : normal chest shape
o palpation : stem fremitus of right and left chest is equally
o percussion : sonor +/+
o Auscultation : vesicular, ronchi - / -, wheezing - / Cor
o Inspection : ICTUS cordis is not visible
o Palpation : ICTUS cordis ICS VI palpable in the left MCL
o Percussion : dim
o Auscultation : BJ I - II regular, murmur (-), gallop (-)
Status of Obstetric
o Inspection : flat
o Palpation : high of fundus is 1 finger
above center, tenderness (-)
o Auscultation : bowels sounds(+)
Genitalia external : no abnormalities of
vulva and vagina, bleeding (+)
Examination in : not done
Follow up
Dated 28 April 2014 at 13: 30 pm
Ultrasonographys results: retained
placenta (+)
P: Plan curettage if Hb 10 g / dL
Have examined a woman (21 years old)presenting with bleeding after
childbirth since 3 hours before arriving at the hospital. The patient said
that the placenta had not come out after about half an hour a baby is
born. Complaints of headache(+), the body weak (+), blurred vision (-).
Already bore 2 children, a history of previous miscarriages (-).
On physical examination found :
Blood pressure 90/60 mmHg
HR 104 x / min
RR24 x / min.
Eyes : CA (+ / +)
Abdomen : flat, high of fundus uteri 1 finger center, tenderness (-),
BU (+)
Genitalia: v / v was bleeding (+) slightly
Routine blood tests (28/04/14)
Hb : 7.7 g / dL Ht : 22%
Leukocytes: 25500 / uL Platelets : 177000/L
Basic Diagnosis
Retained placenta
In the complaint obtained history of bleeding after
delivery, the placenta has not come out about half
an hour after the baby is born. On physical
examination of the abdomen, high of fundus uteri is
1 finger above the center, genital examination
found bleeding (+) minimum.
In the complaint obtained history of bleeding after
childbirth, headache (+), limp +. On physical
examination found CA + / +. In laboratory tests Hb
Fluid resuscitation
PRC transfusion to Hb> 8 g / dL
If the Hb 10 g / dL plan to
Paracetamol 3 x 500 mg
Observation KU, TTV, and bleeding
Uterine Atony
Failure of the uterus to contract
properly following delivery is the most
common cause of obstetrical
Women with a large fetus, multiple
fetuses, or hydramnios are prone to
uterine atony
High parity may be a risk factor for
uterine atony.
Uterotonic Agents
Oxytocin is given intravenously or
intramuscularly. This or other oxytocics will
prevent most cases of uterine atony.
Ergot Derivatives
If oxytocin does not prove effective to reverse
uterine atony, we usually administer 0.2 mg of
methylergonovine intramuscularly. Importantly,
if ergot agents are intravenously administered,
they may cause dangerous hypertension,
especially in women with preeclampsia.
Uterotonic Agents
Prostaglandin Analogs
The 15-methyl derivative of prostaglandin
F2carboprost tromethaminehas been
approved since the mid-1980s for
treatment of uterine atony. The initial
recommended dose is 250 g (0.25 mg)
given intramuscularly. This is repeated if
necessary at 15- to 90-minute intervals
up to a maximum of eight doses
Coagulation Defects
In late pregnancy, plasma fibrinogen levels
typically are 300 to 600 mg/dL. To promote
clinical coagulation, fibrinogen levels must
be approximately 150 mg/dL.
Fibrin and Fibrinogen Derivatives
Monoclonal antibodies to detect D-dimers
significant consumption coagulopathy, these
measurements are always abnormally high.
Coagulation Defects
With severe preeclampsia and eclampsia,
there may also be qualitative platelet
Prothrombin and Partial Thromboplastin
Prolongation of the prothrombin time and
partial thromboplastin time need not be the
consequence of consumptive coagulopathy.