Compact Spinning System: What For ?
Compact Spinning System: What For ?
Compact Spinning System: What For ?
What for ?
To overcome some of the issues in classical Ring Spinning system such as;
Yarn Hairiness
Lower production speed
Frequent yarn breakages while processing
And also to provide;
Ring spun
Compact spun
A development in Ring Spinning Technology
Use additional drafting components and pneumatics
Apply air suction or magnetic system for condensing the fibres before twisting
Reduce or eliminate the Spinning triangle
Mutually exclusive functions
Solo Spinning
What is a SOLOSPUN yarn ?
A singles worsted yarn which can be woven as a warp without plying, sizing or any other yarn
finishing treatment
Has a very high level of resistance to the abrasive forces imposed by the weaving process
This roller attachment does not affect the normal operation of the machine &
Can be easily fitted or removed from the spinning frame