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Yokohama National University Geotechnical Engineering Lab: Ground Improvement

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Yokohama National University

Geotechnical Engineering Lab

Ground Improvement

Vu Nguyen
Lecturer: Prof. Hayano

Principles of
Ground Improvement

Principles of Ground Improvement


rearrangement of soil particles


drainage and reduction of voids

Chemical Modification hardening by addition of binders

Displace & Reinforce

pushing unsuitable soils aside,

installing stiffer elements

Ground Improvement Methods

Vibro ground compaction

Compaction of granular soils by depth vibrators : Vibro Compaction.

- The principle of sand compaction (Vibroflotation):

The compaction process consists of a flotation of the soil particles as a
result of vibration, wich then allows for a rearrangement of the particles into
a denser state.

Dynamic compaction

The basic principle behind the technique consists in the transmission of

high energy waves in order to improve weak subsoil. As a result of the
impact the soil is compacted depending on its condition, structure and

Compaction grouting

Compaction grouting is a technique employing injection of grout-soil

mix into soil under pressure. The technology allows forming the
columns of different diameters and lengths depending on the ground
conditions making this technique extremely efficient in highly stratified

Prefabricated Vertical Drain

The principle of vertical drainage

The purpose of vertical drain system is to shorten the drainage path of the pore
water from a low permeable layer to free water surface
. Application of ground improvement method using prefabricated vertical drains
(PVD) coupled with surcharge or preloading can significantly shorten the
period of primary settlement.

Deep Mixing Method

The principle of the DSM is to improve the strength properties of the soil by
mixing it with the binder (e.g. cement slurry, cement-fly ash slurry or bentonite).
As a result, a solidified mixture of soil and cement is created with considerably
higher strength and mechanical parameters. Deep soil mixing consists in the
introduction of a rotating auger with a special design into the subsoil which
destroys the soil structure and mixes it with the injected binder.

Jet grouting method

Jet-grouting improves the mechanical characteristics of the soil using

a fluid jetting with very high kinetic energy that breaks up the soil
structure and mixes the soil particles in-situ with a grout to create a
homogeneous mass of high strength reinforced soil-cement material.

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