OD Diagnosis: J. Michael Sammanasu JIM
OD Diagnosis: J. Michael Sammanasu JIM
OD Diagnosis: J. Michael Sammanasu JIM
OD Diagnosis
What does it mean: Dx is Tx?
What is the traditional OD approach to Dx?
What are the mechanisms involved in deriving Dx?
What is the value/utility of a Dx? (nomenclature)
What is the Reflective Learning model & how is it
Consider the models: McKinsey 7S, Weisbord 6-box,
etc what do they have in common?
What is Systems Theory & how is it used?
Team Task: Analyze and draw a systems model of an
organizational problem showing mechanisms & possible
intervention points
doctor-patient model:
share observations
explore interpretations
consider application
Survey Feedback
Identify area of concern & associated beliefs
Involve client system in survey construction
Gather data
Analyze data to contrast with beliefs
Present to client group
Use Reflective Learning Model to
identify discrepancies
explore interpretations
consider interventions
Organizational LifeLine
Outcome Criteria:
Process timeliness
backward reconstruction: what must precede this?
what is done at each stage?
what is the value of that task (criteria)?
where are the bottlenecks? relevant to purpose
what can be streamlined without decreasing value? staff support
pride in product & process
Process Map Examples
Processing Mapping Questions
What prevents
it from being
Problems with OD Dx there aint none!
whats wrong?
how did it happen?
how can we fix it?
fix it!
did we fix it?
The problem with a
problems statements are not
necessarily related to the solution
focusing on the problem can
reinforce it
complex problems require a shift
in frame
trying to remove problem
elements may elicit resistance
absence of a problem does not
mean high level functioning
many solved problems simply
maintain the status quo
Solution focused change
what would be the first just noticeable indication that things were different?
2. What will have to be different for that to begin happening?
3. When does that already happen, even if only a little? Who will have to do what to make
that happen more?
4. What will be an indication to you and others that the problem is really solved?
Coping Question Sequence:
1. Why aren't things worse than they are?
2. What are people doing to prevent things from getting worse?
3. How are those things helpful? What else would be helpful?
4. What needs to happen for those things to continue?
1. Discovering what
2. Understanding
how it works
3. Amplifying and
transferring what
The - D Model of Appreciative Inquiry