Plot 2: Rejecting MR Perfect: Rej Ect Ing MR Per Fec T
Plot 2: Rejecting MR Perfect: Rej Ect Ing MR Per Fec T
Plot 2: Rejecting MR Perfect: Rej Ect Ing MR Per Fec T
i ng
Producer: TVF ct
e j e t
R f e c
e r
Type: RomCom and P
Drama Coming Soon
Choice of Cast
Neha Pathak: Ashwin Malhotra:
Played by Mithila Palkar
Famous for her charming role Played by Shakti Arora
in the popular web series Girl Teenage Heartthrob Shakti
in the City, Mithila is the ideal Arora defines the very essence
choice for playing a bubbly of the Ashwin Malhotra
city girl who secretly admires character. He is charismatic,
her customer from across the hes got swag, and most
counter, but is shy enough to importantly, he has the right
never let it show acting experience to carry the
series on his shoulders
Played by Ayesha Raza Mishra
Ayesha Raza Mishra of TVF Permanent Roommates fame is the first
name which comes to our minds when we think of a mother who
cares a lot for her daughter but ends up being a roadblock to her
daughters love live, which creates both hilarious as well as teary-
eyed moments for the viewers
Segmentation and Targeting
Those who Segmentation type:
stream Demographic Segmentation
videos The market is segmented into:
online 5-18 years
18-30 years
30-50 years
50 years+
Target Segment These may further be subdivided
into Internet Users and Non
internet users
Internet users can be further
segmented into Browsing users
Female and Streaming users
Interne The streaming users shall be
t Users either male or female
Thus, We shall target young women between the age 18-30 who are internet users and stream
videos online regularly