Gas Power Cycles: Diesel Cycle
Gas Power Cycles: Diesel Cycle
Gas Power Cycles: Diesel Cycle
MCE 341 2
Diesel Cycle difference when
compared to Otto cycle
Diesel cycle has constant pressure
heat addition.
(Otto cycle had constant volume heat
MCE 341 3
Which of the following cycles is
diesel cycle?
(a) (b)
MCE 341 4
T-s and P-v Diagrams for the
Ideal Diesel Cycle
V3 v 3
rc cutoff ratio
V2 v 2
MCE 341
Work Heat 5
Idealized Diesel cycle
MCE 341 6
Diesel Cycle
The Diesel cycle is the ideal cycle for
the compression-ignition
reciprocating engines. It is very
similar to the Otto cycle, except that
the constant volume heat-addition
process is replaced by a constant
pressure heat-addition process.
MCE 341 7
Diesel Cycle (Process 1 to 2)
The first and second law yield:
q12 w12 u2 u1
win w12 u2 u1
MCE 341 8
Diesel Cycle (Process 2 to 3)
Constant pressure heat addition
q23 w 23 u3 u2
q23 P (v 3 v 2 ) u3 u2
q23 u3 u2 P (v 3 v 2 ) h3 h2
In summary w 23 P ( v 3 v 2 )
for 23,
qin q23 h3 h2
MCE 341 9
Diesel Cycle (Process 3 to 4)
Isentropic expansion process
q34 w34 u4 u3
wout w34 u3 u4
MCE 341 10
Diesel Cycle (Process 4 to 1)
Constant-volume heat rejection
q41 w41 u1 u4
qout q41 u4 u1
MCE 341 11
Diesel Cycle
For either the air standard cycle or the cold
air standard cycle, we need temperatures:
Consider when we know T1 and r =V1/V2.
To find T2,
v r2 V2 1
v r1 V1 s r
v r2 v r1 From table find
r T2, u2
MCE 341 12
Diesel Cycle
To find T3
P3V3 P2V2
T3 T2
mR mR
(The ideal gas law always applies to
any point in an air standard cycle).
Note P3 = P2, so
V3 T3 V3
T3 T2 or
V2 T2 V2
MCE 341 13
Diesel Cycle
Define the cutoff ratio--it may be thought
of as the ratio of the volume when heat
addition ends (cuts off) to the clearance
From previous slide, T3 T2
Then, T3 rcT2
MCE 341 14
Diesel Cycle
To find T4 (note: V4 = V1)
V4 V4 V2 V1 V2 r
V3 V2 V3 V2 V3 rc
v r4 V4 r
v r3 V3 s rc
vr4 vr3 From table to find
rc T4, u4
MCE 341 15
Diesel Cycle Performance
Get net work from energy balance of cycle:
wnet ( h3 h2 ) ( u4 u1 )
MCE 341 16
Diesel Cycle Performance
Substituting for net work and heat input:
w net (h3 h2 ) (u4 u1 )
qin h3 h2
We can simplify the above expression:
u4 u1
th, Diesel 1
h3 h2
MCE 341 17
For cold cycle analysis
cv (T4 T1 ) (T4 T1 )
1 1
c p (T3 T2 ) k(T3 T2 )
1 rc 1
th ,Diesel 1 k 1
r k rc 1
MCE 341 18
k = 1.4
MCE 341 19
Thermal Efficiency of the
Ideal Diesel Cycle
The thermal efficiency of the ideal Diesel cycle as a
function of compression and cutoff rates (k=1.4)
1 rc 1 1
1 k 1
k rc 1 r
MCE 341 20
Comparison between Otto and
Diesel cycles
For the same compression ratio
th,Otto th, Diesel
Diesel operate at higher compression
ratio and burn fuel more completely at
low RPM
th, Diesel th,Otto
MCE 341 21
Problem #1
A Diesel air-standard cycle has a compression
ratio of 15:1. The pressure and temperature at
the beginning of the compression are 100 kPa
and 17oC, respectively. If the maximum
temperature of the cycle is 2250 K, determine:
MCE 341 22
Draw Diesel cycle
MCE 341 23
Apply assumption as
before with Otto cycle
Cold cycle assumptions
Kinetic and potential energies neglected
Ideal cycle
MCE 341 24
Begin analysis
Look at cutoff ratio:
rc V3 V2 mRT3 P3 / m RT2 P2
rc T3 T2 need T2
Get T2 from isentropic relationship:
T2 T1 V1 V2 17 273 15
k 1 1.4 1
T2 856.7 K
MCE 341 25
More analysis
Cutoff ratio is then:
Thermal efficiency:
1 rc 1
1 k 1
r k rc 1
MCE 341 26
Thermal Efficiency
Plug numbers into thermal efficiency:
1 2.626 1
1 0.4
15 1.42.626 1
MCE 341 27
Mean Effective Pressure
w net qin
v max v min v 1 v 2
qin h3 h2 C p T3 T2 C pT2 rc 1
1.005 856.7 K 2.626 1
kg K
qin 0.574 1400.0
wnet 803.6
kg kg
MCE 341 28
Mean Effective Pressure
0.287 290 K
RT1 kg K kg
v1 0.8323 3
100 kPa 3
kPa m
w net qin
v1 v 2 v1 ( 1 1 / r )
( 803.6 kJ / kg )( 10 MPa / kJ m ) 3
( 0.8323m / kg )( 1 1 / 15 )
P1v 1 P2 v 2 P3 v 3 P4 v 4
T1 T2 T3 T4
MCE 341 30
Problem #3
A Diesel air-standard cycle has a compression
ratio of 14. The cutoff ratio is 2.7, The
pressure and temperature at the beginning of
the compression are 100 kPa and 17oC,
respectively., determine:
1. the maximum temperature
2. the thermal efficiency
3. the mean effective pressure
MCE 341 31
MCE 341 32
Dual Cycle
The dual cycle better describes modern
IC engines.
It has both a constant pressure heat
addition process and a constant volume
heat addition.
(It has been known in past times as the
semi-diesel cycle).
MCE 341 33
Dual Cycles
MCE 341 34
Dual Cycle on
3 4 a P-v diagram
s = const.
s = const.
MCE 341 v 35
Dual Cycle on a
T-s diagram
p = const.
2 v= const.
1 v= const.
MCE 341 s 36
Dual Cycle
1 to 2--isentropic compression from
BDC to TDC (work done on system)
2 to 3--constant volume heat addition
3 to 4--constant pressure heat addition
(work done by system)
4 to 5--isentropic expansion (work
done by system)
5 to 1--constant volume heat rejection
MCE 341 37
Diesel Cycle
1 r 1 1
1 c
k 1
k rc 1 r
MCE 341 38