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Software Quality Assurance

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Module-V-IT Project Management

Five different perspectives:

❑The transcendental perspective defines quality as something

that can be recognized but not defined in advance.
❑The user perspective defines quality as fit for purpose.
❑The manufacturing perspective defines quality as
conformance to specification.
❑The product view defines quality in terms of essential
characteristics of the product in question.
❑The value-based view defines quality in terms of the amount a
customer is willing to pay for it.
Software quality is the extent to which an
industry-defined set of desirable features are
incorporated into a product so as to enhance
its lifetime performance.
 Prevention costs
 quality planning, formal technical reviews, test
equipment, training
 Appraisal costs
 in-process and inter-process inspection, equipment
calibration and maintenance, testing
 Failure costs
 rework, repair, failure mode analysis
 External failure costs
 complaint resolution, product return and replacement,
help line support, warranty work

The perspective we take on quality influences how we define it. But

we also want to be able to measure quality so we can establish
baselines, predict likely quality and monitor improvement.

Users assess software product quality in terms of their interaction

with the final product. Product attributes that contribute to user
satisfaction are a mixture of .

▪ The product’s functions, which are either present or absent;

▪ The product’s nonfunctional qualities, which is measurable within
some range; and
▪ The constraints that determine if a customer will use a particular

When users think of software quality, they often think of software

quality, they often think of reliability.

Users, however, often measure more than reliability. They are also
concerned about usability, including ease of installation, learning
and use.
manufacturer’s view
Manufacturer’s vies of quality suggests two characteristics to

Defect counts: Defects counts are the number of known defects

recorded against a product during development and use. For more
detailed analysis, we can categorize defects on the basis of the phase or
activity where the defect was introduced, as well as the phase or
activity in which it was detected. This information can be especially
helpful in evaluating the effects of process change.

Rework Costs: Defects differ in their effect on the system: some take
a little time to find and fix; others are catastrophic and consume
valuable resources. To monitor the effect of defect detection and
correction, we often measure rework costs-
A quality model is the set of characteristics and
the relationships between them, which
provide the basis for specifying quality
requirements, and evaluating quality.
McCall started with a volume of 55 quality characteristics
which have an important influence on quality, and called them
"factors". For reasons of simplicity, McCall then reduced the
number of characteristics to the following eleven:
External quality integrity Internal quality efficiency
▪Integrity ▪Efficiency
▪Reliability ▪Maintainability
▪Usability ▪Testability
▪Accuracy ▪Flexibility
▪Interface Facility
Efficiency: McCall's view of efficiency or performance is concerned with the efficient
use of computer code to perform processes and the efficient use of storage resources.
There are a number of techniques that can be used to achieve both of these objectives.
Typical of these are:
Programming languages. Selecting the most appropriate programming language for
the problem has a major impact on program efficiency.
Operating systems. Modern operating systems have the ability to perform multi-
tasking thereby improving system performance by facilitating background operations.
Design. Strategies that address cohesion and coupling, normalization techniques to
reduce data redundancy and algorithms that optimize process time should always be
Access strategies. Algorithms that optimize seek time, rotational delay and data
transfer time must be continuously searched out and implemented to improve
Programming techniques. Typical good programming techniques and practice like:
Integrity: The extent to which illegal access to the programs and data of a product can
be controlled. McCall et al.
Integrity has to concern itself with controls for preventing inaccurate data entering the
system and detecting it if it does. It also has to concern itself with preventing changes to
the software which compromise its original purpose.
French (1986) states that the aims of these controls are:

a. To ensure that all data are processed

b. To preserve the integrity of maintained data
c. To detect, correct and re-process all errors
d. To prevent and detect fraud".

He also suggests that there are five different types of control. Manual checks which are
applied to documents before computer processing, data preparation controls,
validation checks, batch controls and file controls. Only the last three of these can be
built into the software to ensure integrity.
Reliability: The extent to which a program can be maintained so that it can fulfill its
specific function.

The mean time between failures - under pre-defined conditions, the average time
between consecutive failures over a given period in the life of a system.

The mean time to repair - the average time to repair or maintain equipment.

The mean time to recover - the average time to return a system to operation after a
failure. The time involved should include periods taken to re-instate from previous

The probability of failure - the use of formal methods to predict the likelihood that a
system will behave in an expected way under certain circumstances. Probability of
failure is most appropriate to safety-critical systems and "continuous running" systems.
Usability: The cost/effort to learn and handle a product.

General ergonomics is concerned with equipment and the work environment.

Equipment is concerned with the selection of display screens, keyboards, work surfaces
and work chair. The environment like space requirements, lighting and distracting
reflections should all be such that the user is as comfortable as possible. Noise, heat
radiation and humidity are also considered as part of the desired environment.

Software ergonomics is concerned with topics like how suitable is the software for the
intended operations. How easy is it for users to learn and to master it.
Accuracy: The extent to which a program fulfils its specification.

Ghezzi et al. also prefer the term correctness and their definition is "A
program is functionally correct if it behaves according to the specifications of the
functions it should provide".
Maintainability: The cost of localizing and correcting errors.
Ghezzi et al. (1991) divide maintenance into three categories: corrective, adaptive and
perfective and only corrective is concerned with correcting errors as suggested by
Corrective maintenance is concerned with removing minor bugs left after development
and testing are completed. This process is also involved after other maintenance

Adaptive maintenance is concerned with changing the software to reflect changes in

the user‘s requirements. For example changes in VAT rates, income tax bands or income
tax rates. Or, a user might wish to add more functionality.

Perfective maintenance seeks to improve the algorithms used in the software to

enhance performance. Perfective maintenance is often influenced by technological
Testability: The cost of program testing for the purpose of safeguarding that the
specific requirements are met.
Sommerville (1992) suggest five stages - unit testing, module testing, subsystem
testing, system testing and acceptance testing. In ISO 9000-3 names them as - item
testing, integration testing, system testing and acceptance testing.
Item testing - Standalone components are individually tested to ensure that they
function properly. A substantial amount of item or unit testing is completed by
programmers as part of their normal role.
Integration testing - Brings together standalone components into modules which are
tested to reflect how they link in a new environment. Integration testing is also referred
to as module testing.
System testing - Best performed as a full test run of the system that the client is about to
receive but done without the client being present. It is the supplier's opportunity to
confirm that the requirements specification has been fully achieved.
Acceptance testing - The client running the new system to ensure that it complies with
the original specifications. Acceptance testing is often referred to as Alpha testing.
Flexibility: The cost of product modification

Recent interpretation of flexibility would be more associated with adaptability, ie. being
able to change or reconfigure the user interface to suit users' preferences. This is a
usability quality issue and is better considered in the usability section.

Interface facility (Interoperability): The cost of connecting two products with one
This is the development strategy that encourages product development in a
manner that it can interact with other products.
Functionality :
The F in the FURPS acronym represents all the system-wide functional requirements
that we would expect to see described.

The functional requirements can also be very technically oriented. Functional

requirements that you may consider to be also architecturally significant system-wide
functional requirements may include auditing, licensing, localization, mail, online help,
printing, reporting, security, system management, or workflow. Each of these may
represent functionality of the system being developed and they are each a system-wide
functional requirement.

Usability includes looking at, capturing, and stating requirements based around user
interface issues, things such as accessibility, interface aesthetics, and consistency within
the user interface.
Reliability includes aspects such as availability, accuracy, and recoverability, for
example, computations, or recoverability of the system from shut-down failure.

Performance involves things such as throughput of information through the system,
system response time (which also relates to usability), recovery time, and startup time.

Supportability :
Finally, we tend to include a section called Supportability, where we specify a number
of other requirements such as testability, adaptability, maintainability, compatibility,
configurability, installability, scalability, localizability, and so on
Software quality management is split
into three main activities:
Quality assurance: Quality planning: Quality control:
The development of The selection of Definition of
a framework of appropriate processes ensuring
organizational procedures and that software
procedures and standards from this development follows
standards that lead framework and adapt the quality
to high quality for a specific procedures and
software. software project. standards.
What is quality control -- the series of inspections, reviews,
and test used throughout the develop cycle of a software
Quality control includes a feedback loop to the process.
Objective ---> minimize the produced defects, increase
the product quality
Implementation approaches:
- Fully automated
- Entirely manual
- Combination of automated tools and human
Key concept of quality control:
--> compare the work products with the
specified and measurable standards
Quality assurance consists of:
- the auditing and reporting function of
Goal --> provide management with the necessary
data about product quality.
--> gain the insight and confidence of product
 Systematic activities providing evidence of
the fitness for use of the total software
 It is achieved through the use of established
guidelines for quality control to ensure
integrity and prolonged life of software.
 It is a planned effort to ensure that a software
product fulfills criteria and has additional
attributes specific to the product.
 It is the collection of activities and functions
used to monitor and control a software
project so that specific objectives are
achieved with the desired level of confidence.
 It is not the sole responsibility of the
software quality assurance group but is
determined by the consensus of the project
manager ,project leader, project personnel,
and the users.
Software Quality Assurance

About quality assurance:

The first formal quality assurance and control function was introduced
at Bell Labs in 1916 in the manufacturing world.

- During the 1950s and 1960s, the programmers controls their product

- During the 1970s, quality assurance standards were introduced first in

military contract software development.

- In 1987, the extending definition is given in [SCH87].

SQA Group

Who involves quality assurance activities?

• Software engineers, project managers, customers, sale
people, SQA group

Engineers involved the quality assurance work:

• - apply technical methods and measures
• - conduct formal technical review
• - perform well-planned software testing
SQA Group
The SQA group’s role -> serves as the customer’s in-house representative

•assist the software engineering team in achieving high-quality

The SQA group’s responsibility:

- quality assurance planning oversight, record keeping, analysis and reporting

The SQA group’s tasks:

- Prepare a SQA plan for a project

- Participate in the development of the project’s software process description

- Review engineering activities to verify compliance with the defined process

- Audits designated software work products to verify compliance the defined process

- Ensure the deviations in software work and products according to a documented procedure

- Records any noncompliance and reports to senior management

Software Reviews

What is software • A “filter” for the software engineering process.


Purpose: • Serves to uncover errors in analysis, design, coding, and testing.

Why software • To err is human

• Easy to catch the errors in engineers’ work
A review --> a • Identify the needed improvements of the parts in a product
• Confirm the improvement parts of a product.
way to • Achieve technical work of more uniform, predicable, and manageable.
Software Reviews

• Informal reviews: Informal meeting and

Different informal desk checking
• Formal reviews: (design to an audience of
types of customers, management, and staff)
reviews: Walkthrough, inspection, and round-robin
Formal Technical Reviews (FTR)

• To uncover errors in function, logic, or

Objectives of • To verify the software under review meets its
FTR: • To ensure that the software has been represented
according to predefined standards
• To develop software in a uniform manner
• To make projects more manageable

Purposes of • Serves as a training ground for junior engineers

FTR: • Promote backup and continuity
Formal Technical Reviews (FTR)

• 3-5 people involved in a review

Review • Advanced preparation (no more than 2 hours for
each person)
meeting’s • The duration of the review meeting should be less
constraints: than 2 hours
• Focus on a specific part of a software product

People involved
• Producer, review leader, 2 or 3 reviewers (one of
in a review them is recorder)
Review Guidelines (for FTR)

• Review the product, not the producer

• Set an agenda and maintain it
• Limit debate and rebuttal
A minimum • Enunciate problem areas, but don’t attempt to
solve every problem noted
set of •

Take written notes
Limit the number of participants and insist
guidelines upon advance preparation
• Develop a checklist for each work product that
for FTR: is likely to be reviewed
• Allocate resources and time schedule for FTRs
• Conduct meaningful training for all reviewers
• Review your early reviews
Statistical Quality Assurance

quality Statistical quality assurance implies the following steps:
reflects a
industry to
- Using the
more - Information Once the vital
- An attempt is principle (80
quantitative about few causes
made to trace percent of the
about software have been
each defect to defects can be
quality. defects is identified,
its underlying traced to 20
collected and correct the
cause percent, and
categorized defects.
isolate the 20
Statistical Quality Assurance

• - Incomplete or erroneous specification (IES)

• - Misinterpretation of customer communication (MCC)
• - Intentional deviation from specification (IDS)
• - Violation of programming standards (VPS)
• - Error in data representation (EDR)

Causes of •

- Inconsistent module interface (IMI)
- Error in design logic (EDL)

errors: •

- Incomplete or erroneous testing (IET)
- Inaccurate or incomplete documentation (IID)
• - Error in programming language translation of design
• - Ambiguous or inconsistent human-computer
interface (HCI)
• - Miscellaneous (MIS)
Statistical Quality Assurance
In conjunction with the collection of defect information, software developers can calculate an
error index (EI) for each major step in the software engineering process.

After analysis, design, coding, testing, and release, the following data are collected:

Ei = the total no. of errors uncovered during the ith step in the process.
Si = the no. of serious errors
Mi = the no. of moderate errors
Ti = the no. of minor errors
PS = the size of the product at the ith step.

At each step in the software engineering process, a phase index (PI i ) is computed:

PI i = ws (Si/Ei) + wm(Mi/Ei) + wt(Ti/Ei)

Ws, wm, wt are the weighted factors for serious, moderate and minor errors and the value are
10,3,1 respectively.

Error index (EI) can be computed as follows: EI = (PI 1 + 2 PI 2 + 3 PI 3 + iPI I)/PS

Software Quality Assurance

Cost of Software Quality

Cost of Software Quality
cost of software quality
 – the economic assessment of software quality
development and maintenance
 – is just another class of software quality metrics,
where financial values are used as the measuring

The classic model of cost of software quality
 The classic quality cost model, developed in the
early 1950s by Feigenbaum
 Provides a methodology for classifying the costs
associated with product quality assurance from an
economic point of view
 Developed to suit the quality situations found in
manufacturing organizations

The model classifies costs related to product quality
into two general classes:
 Costs of control include costs that are spent to
prevent and detect soft-ware errors in order to
reduce them to an accepted level
 Costs of failure of control include costs of failures
that occurred because of failure to prevent and
detect software errors

Costs of control are assigned to either the prevention or the appraisal
costs subclass:
 Prevention costs include investments in quality infrastructure and
quality activities that are not directed to a specific project or system,
being general to the organization
 Appraisal costs include the costs of activities performed for a
specific project or software system for the purpose of detecting
software errors

Failures of control costs are further classified into internal failure

costs and external failure costs:
 Internal failure costs include costs of correcting errors that have
been detected by design reviews, software tests and acceptance
tests (carried out by the customer) and completed before the
software is installed at customer sites.
 External failure costs include all costs of correcting failures
detected by customers or the maintenance team after the software
system has been installed
The classic model of cost of software quality

Prevention costs
Typical preventive costs include:
(1)Investments in development of new or improved SQA
infrastructure components or, alternatively, regular updating of
those components:
 Procedures and work instructions
 Support devices: templates, checklists, etc.
(2)Regular implementation of SQA preventive activities:
 Instruction of new employees in SQA subjects and procedures relat-
ed to their positions
 Instruction of employees in new and updated SQA subjects and
 Certification of employees for positions that require special
 Consultations on SQA issues provided to team leaders and others.
(3) Control of the SQA system through performance of:
 Internal quality reviews
 External quality audits by customers and SQA system certification
9 Department of IEM, MSRIT
 Management quality reviews
Appraisal costs
Appraisal costs are devoted to detection of software errors in specific projects
or software systems. Typical appraisal costs cover:
 Formal design reviews (DRs)
 Peer reviews (inspections and walkthroughs)
 Expert reviews
(2)Costs of software testing:
 Unit tests
 Integration tests
 Software system tests
 Acceptance tests (participation in tests carried out by the customer).
(3)Costs of assuring quality of external participants, primarily by means of
design reviews and software testing. These activities are applied to the
activities performed by:
 Subcontractors
 Suppliers of COTS software systems and reusable software modules
 The customer as a participant in performing the project
Internal failure costs
Internal failure costs are those incurred when
correcting errors that have been detected by design
reviews, software tests and acceptance tests
performed before the software has been installed at
customer sites
Typical costs of internal failures are:
 Costs of redesign or design corrections subsequent to
design review and test findings
 Costs of re-programming or correcting programs in
response to test findings
 Costs of repeated design review and re-testing
(regression tests)
External failure costs
External failure costs entail the costs of correcting failures
detected by customers or maintenance teams after the
software system has been installed at customer sites
Typical external failure costs cover:
 Resolution of customer complaints during the warranty
period. In most cases, this involves a review of the
complaint and transmission of instructions
 Correction of software bugs detected during regular
 Correction of software failures after the warranty period is
over even if the correction is not covered by the warranty
 Damages paid to customers in case of a severe software
failure detected during regular operation
 Insurance against customer’s claims in case of severe
software failure
The greater proportion of external failure costs hidden
costs – reflect the indirect damages suffered by the
software development organization as a result of those
same failures
Typical examples of hidden external failure costs are:
 Damages of reduction of sales to customers suffering from
high rates of software failures
 Severe reduction of sales motivated by the firm’s
damaged reputation
 Increased investment in sales promotion to counter the effects of
past software failures
 Reduced prospects to win a tender or, alternatively, the
need to under-price to prevent competitors from winning 13tenders
An extended model for cost of software
Managerial preparation and control costs
Managerial preparation and control costs are associated
with activities per-formed to prevent managerial failures or
reduce prospects of their occurrence
Typical managerial preparation and control costs include:
 Costs of carrying out contract reviews (proposal draft and
contract draft reviews)
 Costs of preparing project plans, including quality plans
and their review
 Costs of periodic updating of project and quality plans.
 Costs of performing regular progress control of internal
software development efforts
 Costs of performing regular progress control of external
participant’s contributions to the project
Managerial failure costs
Managerial failure costs can be incurred throughout the
entire course of software development, beginning in the
pre-project stage
Typical managerial failure costs include:
 Unplanned costs for professional and other resources,
resulting from underestimation of the resources upon
which the submitted proposals are based
 Damages paid to customers as compensation for late
completion of the project, a result of the unrealistic
schedule presented in the company’s proposal
 Damages paid to customers as compensation for late
completion of the project, a result of management’s
failure to recruit sufficient and appropriate team members
 Domino effect: damages to other projects performed by
the same teams involved in the delayed projects
Application of a cost of software quality
In order to apply a cost of software quality system in an
organization, the following are required:
 Definition of a cost of software quality model and array of
cost items specifically for the organization, department,
team or project
 Each of the cost items that constitute the model should
be related to one of the sub-classes of the chosen cost of
software quality model (the classic model or the extended
 Definition of the method of data collection.
 Application of a cost of software quality system, including
thorough follow-up.
 Actions to be taken in response to the findings produced
The Global IT Workforce

Although there have been ups and downs in the IT labor market, there
will always be a need for good IT workers

By the end of 2014, there were almost 3 billion Internet users and 2.3
billion mobile-broadband subscriptions

By 2020, ICT spending is projected to grow to nearly $5 trillion

Project management was number two on Computerworld’s hottest skill

list for 2015

PMI estimates demand for 15.7 million project management jobs from
2010 to 2020
What is Project Human Resource
Making the most effective use of the people involved with a
Processes include
Planning human resource management: identifying and documenting project roles,
responsibilities, and reporting relationships
Acquiring the project team: getting the needed personnel assigned to and working
on the project
Developing the project team: building individual and group skills to enhance project
Managing the project team: tracking team member performance, motivating team
members, providing timely feedback, resolving issues and conflicts, and coordinating
changes to help enhance project performance
Project Human Resource Management
Keys to Managing People

Psychologists and management theorists have devoted much

research and thought to the field of managing people at work

Important areas related to project management include

• Motivation theories
• Influence and power
• Effectiveness
• Emotional intelligence
• Leadership
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation causes people to participate in an

activity for their own enjoyment

Extrinsic motivation causes people to do something for a

reward or to avoid a penalty

For example, some children take piano lessons for intrinsic

motivation (they enjoy it) while others take them for
extrinsic motivation (to get a reward or avoid punishment)
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow argued that humans possess unique

qualities that enable them to make independent
choices, thus giving them control of their destiny.

Maslow developed a hierarchy of needs which states

that people’s behaviors are guided or motivated by a
sequence of needs.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Herzberg’s Motivational and Hygiene Factors

Frederick herzberg wrote several famous books and

articles about worker motivation. He distinguished
• Motivational factors: achievement, recognition, the work itself,
responsibility, advancement, and growth, which produce job

• Hygiene factors: cause dissatisfaction if not present, but do not

motivate workers to do more. Examples include larger salaries,
more supervision, and a more attractive work environment.
Examples of Herzberg’s Hygiene Factors and
Developing the Human Resource Plan

Involves identifying and documenting project roles,

responsibilities, and reporting relationships

Contents include

• Project organizational charts

• Staffing management plan
• Responsibility assignment matrixes
• Resource histograms
Sample Organizational Chart for a Large
IT Project
Work Definition and Assignment Process
Responsibility Assignment Matrices

A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) is a matrix that maps

the work of the project as described in the WBS to the people
responsible for performing the work as described in the OBS

Can be created in different ways to meet unique project needs

Figure 9-5. Sample Responsibility
Assignment Matrix (RAM)
Sample RACI Chart

R = responsibility
A = accountability, only one A per task
C = consultation
I = informed
Note that some people reverse the definitions of responsible and accountable.
Staffing Management Plans and Resource

A staffing management plan describes when and how

people will be added to and taken off the project team

A resource histogram is a column chart that shows the

number of resources assigned to a project over time
Figure 9-6. Sample Resource
Acquiring the Project Team

Acquiring qualified people for teams is crucial

The project manager who is the smartest person on the team

has done a poor job of recruiting!

It’s important to assign the appropriate type and number of

people to work on projects at the appropriate times
Resource Assignment

Staffing plans and good hiring procedures are important, as are incentives for
recruiting and retention
• Some companies give their employees one dollar for every hour a new person they helped hire works
• Some organizations allow people to work from home as an incentive

Enrollment in U.S. Computer science and engineering programs has dropped almost
in half since 2000, and one-third of U.S. Workers were over the age of 50 by 2010.

Researchers suggest that organizations rethink hiring practices and incentives to

hire and retain it talent
Best Practice

Best practices can be applied to include the best

places for people to work
• For example, Fortune Magazine lists the “100 Best
Companies to Work For” in the United States every year,
with Google taking the honors for the sixth time in 2015
• Working Mothers Magazine lists the best companies in the
U.S. for women based on benefits for working families
• The Timesonline (www.timesonline.co.uk) provides the
Sunday Times list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For, a
key benchmark against which UK companies can judge their
Best Practice performance as employers
Resource Loading

Resource loading refers to the amount of individual resources an

existing schedule requires during specific time periods

Helps project managers develop a general understanding of the

demands a project will make on the organization’s resources and
individual people’s schedules

Over-allocation means more resources than are available are

assigned to perform work at a given time
Resource Leveling

Resource leveling is a technique for resolving resource

conflicts by delaying tasks

The main purpose of resource leveling is to create a

smoother distribution of resource usage and reduce
Resource Leveling Example
Benefits of Resource Leveling

When resources are used on a more constant basis, they require

less management

It may enable project managers to use a just-in-time inventory type

of policy for using subcontractors or other expensive resources

It results in fewer problems for project personnel and accounting


It often improves morale

Developing the Project Team

The main goal of team development is to help people

work together more effectively to improve project

It takes teamwork to successfully complete most


Training can help people understand themselves,

each other, and how to work better in teams

Team building activities include

• Physical challenges
• Psychological preference indicator tools
Reward and Recognition Systems

Team-based reward and recognition systems can

promote teamwork

Focus on rewarding teams for achieving specific goals

Allow time for team members to mentor and help each

other to meet project goals and develop human
Managing the Project Team

Project managers must lead their teams in

performing various project activities

After assessing team performance and related

information, the project manager must decide
• If changes should be requested to the project
• If corrective or preventive actions should be recommended
• If updates are needed to the project management plan or
organizational process assets.
Project communication is the exchange of
project-specific information with the emphasis
on creating understanding between the sender
and the receiver. Effective communication is one
of the most important factors contributing to the
success of a project.
Project Communication Management is the
knowledge area that employs the processes
required to ensure timely and appropriate
generation, collection, distribution, storage,
retrieval and ultimate disposition of project
Three reasons you need to manage project
 Meet the information needs of your project
stakeholders (Communication Planning and Information
 Track and report on project performance
(Performance Reporting)
 Formally document project results (Administrative
Communication Planning Information

Initiating Planning Executing

Processes Processes Processes

View Project
Communication in Controlling Closure
the context of the Processes
five PM process Performance Closing
groups. Reporting Processes
The project development team (PDT)
develops a communication plan by asking
the following questions:
• Who needs what information?
• When do they need the information?
• Who delivers the information?
• How should the information be delivered?
• WBS product list — a list of potential
The PDT project products, based on the work plan
develops two that includes all the elements of the
inputs for the WBS, and the sub-products of the WBS.
• Project charter — the record of the
project agreement between the sponsor and the
communication project manager on the key elements of
planning a project. The project charter lists the
project manager, the project sponsor,
process: and the PDT
The PDT must identify the stakeholders on a project, determine what
their needs and expectations are, and then manage and influence
those expectations to ensure a successful project.

As early as possible, the PDT assigns team members to contact local,

regional, state, and federal agencies that have even a minor stake in a
project. By working with these agencies from the earliest stages, the
project team reduces the chance of conflict at critical times.
The project team uses the WBS product
list to identify the products that may be
needed on the project. The PDT
• Who produces the product
• Who receives the product
• The method of product transmittal
The project communication plan includes the information
needed to successfully manage project product
deliverables. The project communication plan includes the

Brief introduction and Methods of

A list of the project
background — answers the communications to be
sponsor, project manager,
question, “Why do we used, including formal
PDT members, and other
need a project meetings to be held (who,
key stakeholders.
communication plan?” what, when, how).
matrix — this tool is
Stakeholder’s analysis used to track project
— includes internal performance by
Project reporting
stakeholders (name project component
information —
and contact and WBS element. The
answers the question,
information) identified WBS product list is the
“How will project
by Cost Center number input. To complete the
performance be
and function, and communication
collected and
external stakeholders matrix, the PDT
distributed to the
(name and contact indicates if the sub-
internal and external
information) identified product is required,
project stakeholders?”
by agency or who produces it, who
organization. receives it, the method
of transmittal, and the
date submitted.
The project manager sends the draft project communication plan to
the project stakeholders for review and input.

When reviewing the communication matrix, functional managers

ensure that a task manager is assigned to each WBS elements listed
in the functional managers’ area of responsibility.

The functional managers list all the assigned task managers on the
communication matrix and the stakeholder analysis.
The project manager or PDT members incorporate
changes from the project stakeholders into the project
communication plan.

The project manager then distributes the final project

communication plan to the project team members.

The project management support unit (PMSU) uses the

finalized project communication matrix to track the
progress of project deliverables.
Plan Purchases & Acquisitions

Plan Contracting

Request Seller Responses

Select Sellers

Contract Administration

Contract Closeout
Major Processes:
• Determining what to procure and when and how (make or buy)

Primary Inputs:
• Enterprise Environmental Factors
• Organizational Process Assets
• Project scope statement
• WBS Dictionary
• Project Management Plan
Tools & Techniques
• Make or buy analysis
• Expert judgment
• Contract types
Primary Outputs
• Procurement mgmt plan
Contract Statement(s) of Work
• Make or Buy Decisions
• Requested Changes
Major Processes:
• Preparing the documents needed to do contracting. Document requirement and identify sellers

Primary Inputs:
• Procurement management plan
• Contract Statement(s) of work
• Make or Buy Decisions
• Project Management Plan

Tools & Techniques

• Standard forms
• Expert judgment

Primary Outputs
• Procurement documents
• Evaluation criteria
• Contract Statement of work (updates)
Major Processes:
• Obtaining quotations, bids, offers, or proposals

Primary Inputs:
• Organizational Process Assets
• Procurement Management Plan
• Procurement Documents

Tools & Techniques

• Organizational Process Assets
• Procurement Management Plan
• Procurement Documents

Primary Outputs
• Qualified sellers list
• Procurement Document Package
• Proposals
Major Tools & Primary
Primary Inputs:
Processes: Techniques Outputs
• Involves the receipt • Organizational Process • Weighting system • Selected Sellers
of bids or proposals Assets • Independent estimates • Contract
• Procurement • Screening system • Contract Management
and the application
Management Plan • Contract Negotiation Plan
of evaluation
• Evaluation Criteria • Seller Rating System • Resource Availability
criteria to select a
• Procurement Document • Expert Judgment • Procurement
seller. Also involves Package • Proposal Evaluation Management Plan
applying evaluation • Proposals (Updates)
criteria. • Qualified Sellers List • Requested changes
• Project Management
Major Tools & Primary
Primary Inputs:
Processes: Techniques Outputs
• Ensuring that the • Contract • Contract change • Contract
seller’s performance • Contract control system Documentation
meets contractual Management Plan • Buyer conducted • Requested Changes
requirements. • Selected Sellers performance • Recommended
• Performance review Corrective actions
Reports • Organizational
• Inspections and
• Approved change Process assets
requests audits • Project
• Work Performance • Performance Management plan
information reporting • Procurement
• Payment system Management
• Claims Plan
administration • Contract
• Records management
• Information
Major Processes:
• Product verification and administration closeout

Primary Inputs:
• Procurement management Plan
• Contract management plan
• Contract documentation
• Contract closure procedure

Tools & Techniques

• Procurement audits
• Records Management System

Primary Outputs
• Closed Contracts
• Organizational process assets (Updates)
 The problem:
 Multiple people have to work on software that is
 More than one version of the software has to be
▪ Released systems
▪ Custom configured systems (different functionality)
▪ System(s) under development
▪ Software on different machines & operating systems
 Definition Software Configuration
 A set of management disciplines within a
software engineering process to develop a
 Software Configuration Management
encompasses the disciplines and techniques of
initiating, evaluating and controlling change to
software products during and after a software
 Software Configuration Management is a
project function with the goal to make
technical and managerial activities more
 Software Configuration Management can
be administered in several ways:
 Organization-wide
 Project-specific
 Distributed among the project members
 Mixture of all of the above.
 Software Configuration Management
 Configuration item identification
 Promotion management
 Release management
 Branch management
 Variant management
 Change management
 Configuration item identification
 Modeling the system as a set of evolving components
 Promotion management
 the creation of versions for other developers
 Release management
 the creation of versions for clients and users
 Change management
 the handling, approval & tracking of change requests
 Branch management
 the management of concurrent development
 Variant management
 the management of coexisting versions
 Configuration Manager
 Responsible for identifying configuration items
 Also often responsible for defining the procedures for creating
promotions and releases
 Change Control Board Member
 Responsible for approving or rejecting change requests
 Developer
 Creates promotions triggered by change requests or the
normal activities of development. The developer checks in
changes and resolves conflicts
 Auditor
 Responsible for the selection and evaluation of promotions for
release and for ensuring the consistency and completeness of
this release.
 We will define the following terms
 Configuration Item
 Baseline
 SCM Directories
 Version
 Revision
 Release
Configuration Item: An aggregation of hardware,
software, or both, designated for configuration
management and treated as a single entity in
the configuration management process.

 Software configuration items are not only

source files but all types of documents
 In some projects, not only software but also
hardware configuration items (CPUs, bus speed
frequencies) need to be put under control!
 Not every entity needs to be under configuration
management control all the time
 Two Issues:
 What: Selection of Configuration Items
▪ What should be under configuration control?
 When: When do you start to place entities under
configuration control?
 Choices for the Project Manager:
 Starting with Configuration Items too early introduces
 Starting with Configuration Items too late introduces
 Selecting the right configuration items is a
skill that takes practice
 Very similar to object modeling
 Use techniques similar to object modeling for
finding configuration items!
▪ Find the configuration items
▪ Find relationships between configuration items.
Configuration Item

Models Subsystems Documents

Object Model Dynamic Model RAD ODD ....

Database User Interface ....

.... Code Data Unit Test ....

Version: The initial release or re-release of a
configuration item associated with a
complete compilation or recompilation of the
item. Different versions have different
A version control system (also known as a Revision Control
System) is a repository of files, often the files for the
source code of computer programs, with monitored
access. Every change made to the source is tracked, along
with who made the change, why they made it, and
references to problems fixed, or enhancements
introduced, by the change.
A complete long-term change history of every file. This means every change made by many
individuals over the years. Having the complete history enables going back to previous
versions to help in root cause analysis for bugs and it is crucial when needing to fix problems in
older versions of software.

Branching and merging. Having team members work concurrently is a no-brainer, but even
individuals working on their own can benefit from the ability to work on independent streams
of changes. Creating a "branch" in VCS tools keeps multiple streams of work independent from
each other while also providing the facility to merge that work back together, enabling
developers to verify that the changes on each branch do not conflict.

Traceability. Being able to trace each change made to the software and connect it to project
management and bug tracking software, and being able to annotate each change with a
message describing the purpose and intent of the change can help not only with root cause
analysis and other forensics.
Baseline: “A specification or product that has been
formally reviewed and agreed to by responsible
management, that thereafter serves as the basis for
further development, and can be changed only
through formal change control procedures.”

 Examples:
 Baseline A: The API has been completely been defined; the
bodies of the methods are empty
 Baseline B: All data access methods are implemented and
 Baseline C: The GUI is implemented.
Effective baselines have the following
• A baseline must be associated with the production
and formal approval of a physical deliverable such as
a document or hardware/software component
• All items associated with a baseline must be placed
under formal change control.
 Many naming scheme for baselines exist (1.0,
6.01a, ...)
 A 3 digit scheme is quite common:


Major, Minor, Small Revision

External Release Internal Release (Developer)
(Customer) (Developer)
 As systems are developed, a series of baselines
is developed, usually after a review (analysis
review, design review, code review, system
testing, client acceptance, ...)
 Developmental baseline
 Functional baseline
 Product baseline
Baseline When Established Components
Completion of software requirements Concept of Operations Document, Software
review Requirements Specification
High level design documents, interface control
Allocated Completion of preliminary design review
Design Completion of design review Detailed design documents
Completion of a set of module tests where
Unit test Source and executable code modules
the modules comprise a unit
Source and executable code units, unit test plans,
Completion of a set of unit tests where the
Integration test test procedures, test cases and data sets and test
units can be integrated
Source and executable code units, integration test
Acceptance test Completion of integration testing plans, test procedures, test cases and data sets and
test reports
Source and executable code units, final system
specifications, user and maintenance manuals,
Product Completion of acceptance testing
acceptance test plans, test procedures, test cases
and data sets and test reports
Source and executable code units, final system
specifications, user and maintenance manuals,
Operational Completion of deployment
acceptance test plans, test procedures, site
integration test cases and data sets and test reports
 Two types of controlling change:
 Promotion: The internal development state of a software is
 Release: A changed software system is made visible outside
the development organization.

Programmer Master Software
Promotion Directory Release Repository
 Change management is the handling of change
 The general change management process:
 The change is requested
 The change request is assessed against requirements
and project constraints
 Following the assessment, the change request is
accepted or rejected
 If it is accepted, the change is assigned to a developer
and implemented
 The implemented change is audited.
No project mandate: Without a mandate (mission and objectives) it’s difficult for an at-risk project to recover. The
mandate is a blueprint for your program. As McKinsey states, “This mandate should include business case, project
justification, high-level requirements and success criteria.”

Unclear expectations: A mandate gets an IT project off on the right foot, but it’s no substitute for gathering
detailed requirements and expectations from all stakeholders. This sounds almost intuitive but project managers
eager to start can overlook this critical step.

Poor communications between IT and the business: Communicating well with your internal client is a must.
Business and IT often speak different language, so the project manager must translate. A big data project is
challenging enough, so don’t let miscommunication derail your efforts.

No user input: It’s one thing to engage line-of-business managers in the project requirements, but don’t forget the
end users who will actually work with your project deliverables. Identify potential gaps between what business
executives want and what their employees will use.

Sufficient software specific expertise: The software selection process can be time-consuming and tedious for
business owners and executives, and when it comes to implementations, finding project management
professionals with the relevant experience can be just as difficult, whether in-house or outsourced.

Quality testing and bug fixes requiring numerous software iterations: It is common to discover issues/bugs
throughout the testing phases that require fixing and retesting until the issues are resolved. It can be extremely
difficult for project teams to isolate issues, requiring escalation to more senior IT staff/developers.

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