ACI Mix Design
ACI Mix Design
ACI Mix Design
Local characteristics in materials should be considered The lower the w/c ratio, the higher the
concrete strength.
The following sequence of steps should be followed: Whereas strength depends on the w/c ratio, economy
(1)determine the job parameters - aggregate properties, depends on the percentage of aggregate present that
maximum aggregate size, slump, w/c ratio, admixtures, would still give a workable mix.
(2) calculation of batch weight, and
The aim of the designer should always be to get
(3) adjustments to batch weights based on trial mix . concrete mixtures of optimum strength at minimum
cement content and acceptable workability.
Therefore, a balance or compromise must be The mold is lifted, leaving the concrete to
made between strength and workability. "slump," that is, to spread or drop in height.
4. Estimation of mixing water and air content -- An Approximate mixing water (lb/yd3) and air content for different
estimation of the amount of water required for air- slumps and nominal maximum sizes of aggregates
entrained and non-air-entrained concretes can be
Slump(in) 0.375 0.5 Maximum aggregate size (in) 2 3 6
obtained from Table 2.
0.75 1 1.5
1 to 2 350 335 315 300 275 260 220 190
One major disadvantage of concrete is its susceptibility to
3 to 4 385 365 340 325 300 285 245 210
damage by single or multiple freeze-thaw cycles.
6 to 7 410 385 360 340 315 300 270 -
Air Content
However, concrete can be made frost-resistant by using air- 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.3% 0.2%
entraining admixtures.
Concrete is routinely air-entrained in the Northern U.S. and Non-Air-Entrained Concrete
Air-Entrained Concrete
Strength (psi)
(a) Strength -- Without strength vs. w/c ratio data for a
2,000 0.82 0.74
certain material, a conservative estimate can be made for
the accepted 28-day compressive strength from Table 3. 3,000 0.68 0.59
4,000 0.57 0.48
(b) Durability -- If there are severe exposure conditions, 5,000 0.48 0.40
such as freezing and thawing, exposure to seawater, or 6,000 0.41 0.32
sulfates, the w/c ratio requirements may have to be
adjusted. 7,000 0.33 ---
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weight of water The value from the table multiplied by the dry-rodded
weight of cement unit weight (the oven-dry (OD) weight of coarse
w /c aggregate required per cubic foot of concrete).
However, a minimum cement content is required to To convert from OD to saturated surface dry (SSD)
ensure good finishability, workability, and strength. weights, multiply by [1 + absorption capacity (AC)].
Volume of dry-rodded coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete Volume of dry-rodded coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete
for different coarse aggregates and fineness moduli of fine for different coarse aggregates and fineness moduli of fine
aggregates aggregates
Fineness Modulus
Max Aggregate (in) 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3
9. Adjustment for moisture in the aggregate -- The 9. Adjustment for moisture in the aggregate -- The
water content of the concrete will be affected by the water content of the concrete will be affected by the
moisture content of the aggregate. moisture content of the aggregate.
SM Moisturecontent (MC ) AC SM
Concrete is required for an exterior column located Step 1. Required material information (already given).
above ground where substantial freezing and thawing Step 2. Choice of slump. The slump is given, consistent
may occur. The 28-day compressive strength should be with Table 1.
5,000 lb/in2. The slump should be between 1 and 2 in. and
the maximum aggregate size should not exceed ¾ in.
The properties of the materials are as follows:
Cement : Type I, specific gravity = 3.15
Coarse Aggregate: Bulk specific gravity (SSD) = 2.70;
absorption capacity = 1%; dry-rodded unit weight = 100 lb/ft3;
surface moisture = 0%
Fine Aggregate: Bulk specific gravity (SSD) = 2.65; absorption
capacity = 1.3%; fineness modulus = 2.70; surface moisture = 3% Step 3. Maximum aggregate size. Given: ¾ inches
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17.01ft 1,701 lb
70 62.302
100 lb
yd 3 ft 3 yd 3 75 62.261
80 62.216
Unit Weight 85 62.166
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Step 8. Estimation of fine aggregate content by the Therefore, the fine aggregate must occupy a volume of:
absolute volume method.
Water: 280 lb/62.4 lb/ft3 = 4.49 ft3 27 ft 3 19.77 ft 3 7.23 ft 3
Cement: 700 lb/(3.15 x 62.4 lb/ft3) = 3.56 ft3
Step 9. Adjustment for moisture in the aggregate. Step 9. Adjustment for moisture in the aggregate.
Since the moisture level of the fine aggregate in our The weight of aggregate from the stock pile is:
storage bins can vary, we will apply a simple rule to adjust
the water required. WeightStock Pile WeightOD 1 MC
The change in the weight water due to the moisture of
Decrease the amount of water required by surface the aggregate from the stock pile is:
moisture content of the weight of the fine aggregate
WeightWater WeightOD SM
Increase the amount of aggregate by the amount equal to
the surface moisture
Adjusted WeightWater WeightWater WeightWater
Step 9. Compute stockpile weight based on Step 9. Adjust the amount of water based on
moisture content moisture content
Fine aggregate required from the stockpile is: The required mixing water required is:
280 lb - 1196 lb (0.043 – 0.013) fine aggregate
1,196 lb (1 + 0.043) = 1,247.4 lb/yd3 or 1,247 lb/yd3
Moisture Content 4.3% Moisture Content 1% Moisture Content 4.3% Absorption Capacity 1.3%
Coarse aggregate required from the stockpile is: - 1,718 lb (0.01 – 0.01) coarse aggregate
= 3,909 lb/yd3
Total = 144.8 lb/ft3