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MR 2

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Spatial Descriptions and Transformations

 Robotic manipulation, by definition, implies that parts and tools will be moved around in space
by some sort of mechanism. This naturally leads to a need for representing positions and
orientations of parts, of tools, and of the mechanism itself.
 There is an universal coordinate system with respect to that everything is referenced
 We will describe all positions and orientations with respect to the universe coordinate system
 A description is used to specify attributes of various objects with which a manipulation system
deals. These objects are parts, tools, and the manipulator itself.
 In this section, we discuss the description of positions, of orientations, and of an entity that
contains both of these descriptions: the frame.

 Once a coordinate system is established, we can

locate any point in the universe with a 3 x 1
position vector.
 Picture represents a coordinate system, {A}, with
three mutually orthogonal unit vectors with solid
 A point A P is represented as a vector and can
equivalently be thought of as a position in space,
or simply as an ordered set of three numbers.
Individual elements of a vector are given the
subscripts x, y, and z:
 Often, we will find it necessary not only to represent a
point in space but also to describe the orientation of a
body in space. For example, if vector Ap locates the
point directly between the fingertips of a manipulator's
hand, the complete location of the hand is still not
specified until its orientation is also given.
 In order to describe the orientation of a body, we will
attach a coordinate system to the body and then
give a description of this coordinate system relative to
the reference system. In Fig. coordinate system (B) has
been attached to the body in a known way. A
description of {B} relative to (A) now suffices to give the
orientation of the body
Rotation matrix
 The rotation matrix between coordinate systems A and B is given as below.

 This particular rotation matrix describes {B} relative to {A},

 A set of three vectors may be used to specify an orientation. For convenience, we will
construct a 3 x 3 matrix that has these three vectors as its columns. the scalars rij are the
components of any vector which are simply the projections of that vector onto the unit
directions of its reference frame. The dot product of two unit vectors yields the cosine of the
angle between them
Inverse of rotation matrix
 Rows are the unit vectors of {A} expressed in terms of B

 Vector (B} expressed in terms of A is its transpose

 I 3 is the 3 x 3 identity matrix.

 For the rotation matrix inverse is equal to transpose
 we know that the inverse of a matrix with orthonormal columns is equal to its transpose.
 The point on the body whose position we describe
could be chosen arbitrarily, however. For
convenience, the point whose position we will
describe is chosen as the origin of the body-attached
 The situation of a position and an orientation pair
arises so often in robotics that we define an entity
called a frame, which is a set of four vectors giving
position and orientation information.
 Equivalently, the description of a frame can be
thought of as a position vector and a rotation matrix.
 Frame {B} is expressed in terms of frame {A} and origin
of {B}.
 In figure, Frames A and B are known related to
universal frame {U} whereas C is known related to A
Mapping - translation

 Mapping involves the changing the description of one frame in relation to other
 Consider a point BP in frame {B} which has to be expressed in terms of a frame {A} which has
same orientation as B
 Both vectors are defined relative to frames of the same orientation, we calculate the description
of point P relative to {A}, AP by vector addition. APB ORG, a vector that locates the origin of {B}
relative to {A}

 The quantity is not changed but the description of the frame

is changed to represent the translation
Mapping - rotation
 The rotation matrix defined earlier position of {B} with respect
to {A} also

 The rotation matrix is set of 3 column vectors or rows

 The situation will arise often where we know the definition of

a vector with respect to some frame {B}, and we would like
to know its definition with respect to another frame {A} and
their origins are coincident
Rotation matrix

 In order to calculate A P, we note that the components of any vector are simply the projections
of that vector onto the unit directions of its frame. The projection is calculated as the vector dot
product. The components of A P can be calculated as,

 Assembled in the form of matrix as,

 This helps in description of the point BP in frame {B} with reference to frame {A} as AP
2D rotation about Z axis - example
 Frame B is rotated by 30 deg from A ccw about
Z axis
 The assembly of unit vectors is given by

 The point AP is given by

General transformation

 Frame B is not coincident with frame A also it has a vector

 APBORG is a vector used to define the position of origin of B
with respect to frame A.
 Frame B is rotated with respect to A defined by rotation
matrix R
 If a point BP is known than AP can be determined using:

 Conceptual form for transform is given by a

Transformation matrix T of size (4x4)
Homogeneous Transformation matrix
 The unknown vector A is determined by multiplying a transformation matrix with known
vector B
 [0 0 0 1] in transformation matrix and [1] is vectors are added for ease of matrix

 4 x 4 matrix is called a homogeneous transform.

Example: Frame B is translated as
well as rotated

B =[3 7 0 1]
Operators - translation
 The same mathematical forms used to map points between frames can also be interpreted as
operators that translate points, rotate vectors, or do both
 Figure indicates pictorially how a vector AP1 is translated by a vector AQ Here, the vector AQ
gives the information needed to perform the translation.
 The position Ap2 after translation

 In the form of transformation matrix

Operators- rotation
 Another interpretation of a rotation matrix is as a rotational operator that operates on a
vector A P1 and changes that vector to a new vector, AP2, by means of a rotation, R

 The rotation matrix that rotates vectors through some rotation, R, is the same as the rotation
matrix that describes a frame rotated by R relative to the reference frame.
Example- rotation
Example – translation and rotation

Numerically this is similar to the frame rotation-translation example

Frame Mapping vs Transformation

 From this point on, the terms frame and transform will both be used to refer to a
position vector plus an orientation. Frame is the term favored in speaking of a
description, and transform is used most frequently when function as a mapping or
operator is implied.
Compound Transformation
 Compound frames: Each is known relative to
the previous one
Inverse of a transform

If we know the transform from frame

B with respect to A
and if we want know the transform
for frame A with respect to B
Inverse transform will be useful.
Example: Inverse transform

 Inverse is given by

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