Instantaneous Centre Method-Velocity at A Point: An Alternative Approach To The Relative Velocity Method
Instantaneous Centre Method-Velocity at A Point: An Alternative Approach To The Relative Velocity Method
Instantaneous Centre Method-Velocity at A Point: An Alternative Approach To The Relative Velocity Method
velocity at a point
In determining the velocity of points on a
mechanism, the concept of instant centers can
be used as an alternative approach to the
relative velocity method.
With known ICR & VA determine other angular
velocities and linear velocities
ω= V/R
1. When two links are connected by a pin joint, the instant center relating the
two links is at this pivot point.
2. The instant center for two links in rolling contact with no slipping is located
at the point of contact.
4 Rules
3. The
instant center for two links with straight line sliding is at infinity, in a direction
perpendicular to the direction of sliding.
4. The instant center for two links having general sliding contact must lie somewhere along
the line normal to the direction of sliding contact.
Determine the instantaneous centers for the air
compressor mechanism
1. Draw kinematic diagram
• Instant centers that cannot be found from the four rules for primary centers are
located with the use of Kennedy’s theorem. It states that “The three instant
centers corresponding with any three bodies all lie on the same straight line”
The instant center diagram that is used to obtain (13) is shown in Figure Focus on
the lower triangle formed by (13), (14), and (34). Also notice the upper triangle
created by (13), (12), and (23). Likewise, (13) must also lie on a straight line
formed by (12) and (23), both of which have been previously located. 13 should
lie on the intersection of lines drawn from these pairs of centers. Link 3 appears to
be rotated about this point relative to 1.
The instant center diagram that is used to obtain (24) is shown in Figure In an
identical process, Kennedy’s theorem states that instant center (24) must lie on
the same line as (14) and (12), which have been located. Likewise, (24) must also
lie on the same line as (23) and (34), also located. Thus, if a straight line is drawn
through (14) and (12) and another straight line is drawn through (23) and (34), the
intersection of these lines will determine the location of (24). Link 2 appears to be
rotated about this point relative to 4 .
I 34
Example: The crank rotates at 100 rpm of the 4 bar mechanism.
Locate all the instantaneous centres and find the angular
velocity of BC analytically.
Example: Locate the instantaneous centres and determine the velocity of
the slider A and angular velocity of AB if the crank angular velocity is 10
rad/s analytically.
Determine the ICR for the mechanism and velocity at E and angular velocities
at EB and AB.
AB = 250; angle 36.86deg; BE =800; angle 62deg;
1 i 12
2 1 2 3 4
12 13 14
i 23 23 24
3 34
i 14
i 13
i 34
i 24
Graphical method using Instantaneous center-
velocity analysis
I The velocity of a rotating body is proportional to the distance from the pivot
II. The instant center that is common to two links can be considered attached
to either link.
III. The absolute velocity of the point, which serves as the common instant
center, is the same, no matter which link is considered attached to that point.
1.Isolate the link with a known velocity (link A), the link containing the point for which the velocity is desired
(link B), and the fixed link (link C).
2. Locate the instant center that is common to the link with the known velocity and the fixed link (instant
center AC).
3. Locate the instant center that is common to the link with the known velocity and the link that contains the
point where the velocity is desired (instant center AB).
4. Determine the velocity of the instant center (AB). This can be done by understanding that the velocity of a
point on a link is proportional to the distance from the pivot. The instant center (AC) serves as the pivot. The
known velocity on link A can be proportionally scaled to determine the velocity of the instant center (AB).
5. Locate the instant center that is common to the link with the point whose velocity is desired and the fixed
link (instant center BC).
6. Determine the desired velocity. This can be done by understanding that the velocity on a link is
proportional to the distance from the pivot. The instant center (BC) serves as this pivot. The velocity of the
common instant center (AB) can be proportionally scaled to determine the desired velocity
A graphical technique for proportionally scaling a vector uses a line of
centers, LC. This is a line drawn from the pivot point of the link to the
start of the known vector.
3. Isolate links with known velocity, unknown velocity and fixed link [2,4, and 1]
4. Common instant centers between them are 12, 24 and 14
5. The velocity of instant center (24) is graphically proportioned from the
velocity of point B. Draw a perpendicular line at B with its velocity magnitude
and direction. Link 2 contains both point B and instant center (24); therefore,
the velocity is proportionally scaled relative to instant center (12). This
construction is shown in Figure b. The magnitude of this velocity, v(24), is
scaled to 7.4 ft/s.
6. The velocity of point C is graphically proportioned from the velocity of instant
center (24). Link 4 contains both point C and instant center (24); therefore,
the velocity is proportionally scaled relative to instant center (14). This
construction is shown in Figure c. The magnitude of this velocity, vC, is scaled
to 13.8 ft/s.
7. Determine the Angular Velocity of Link 4
Finally, the angular velocity of link 4 can be found from the velocity of
point C. Point C has been scaled to be positioned at a distance of 5.4 ft
from the pivot of link 4 (point D).
2 Analyze the mechanism and Determine the angles required
3. Incorporate the General Instant Center Velocity Procedure
At this point, the general method for using the instant center method can be followed to
solve the problem.
a. Isolate the links.
Link 2 contains the known velocity,
Link 3 contains the point for which the velocity is desired, and
Link 1 is the fixed link.
b. The common instant center between the known and fixed link velocities is (12). By
inspection, this instant center is located at point A.
c. The common instant center between the known and unknown link velocities is (23). By
inspection, this instant center is located at point B.
d. The velocity of instant center (23) is simply the velocity of point B. This can be
determined as
e. The common instant center between the unknown and fixed link velocities is
(13). This instant center is located at the intersection of instant centers (12)–
(23) and (14)–(34).
By inspection, instant center (34) is located at point C and (14) is located at
point D. Therefore, instant center (13) is located at the intersection of links 2
and 4. This point is labelled N in Figure b. The angles DAN, AND, and the
distance AN can be determined from the general triangle AND.
Link 3 instantaneously rotates around instant center (13). Thus, the
angular velocity of link 3 can be calculated from the velocity of the
common instant center (23) relative to instant center (13). This is
illustrated in Figure c and is calculated as follows:
The velocity of point (34) can also be obtained using the angular
velocity of link 3 because it is instantaneously rotating around instant
center (13).
6(6-1)/2 = 15
1 2 3 4 5 6
1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6
2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6
3,4 3,5 3,6
4,5 4,6
ICR 13 & 24 1
ICR 46 & 15 1
ICR 25 & 36
ICR 35 & 26
Problem 1
For the compressor linkage shown in Figure use the
instantaneous center method to graphically
determine the linear velocity of the piston
as the crank rotates counter clockwise at 1500 rpm
I 13
I 34
I 14 inf
I 23
I 24
I 34 B
I 12
3 I34
I24 2 4
I12 I14
Problem 2: If 2 is known [1 rad/s] Find 3 and 4 analytically
O2A = 1 m
O4B = 0.5m
AB=0.75 m
3 B
2 4
2 O4
I12 I14
1. Find VA, normal to O2A, magnitude= 2(O2A)
2. Find 3=length of VA/ (I13A)
3. Find VB, normal to O4B, magnitude= 3(I13B)
4. Find 4=length of VB/ (O4B)
Velocity curve of a mechanism
It is convenient to trace the velocity magnitude of a certain point, or link, as the
mechanism moves through its cycle. A velocity curve is such a trace. A velocity
curve can be generated from a displacement diagram previously
Linear velocity & Angular velocity are given by
A displacement diagram of the piston operating in a compressor was plotted
previously. This diagram was plotted relative to the crankshaft rotation. Use this
data to plot the piston displacement relative to time when the crankshaft is driven
by an electric motor at 1750 rpm.
1. Refer the displacement diagram solved before.