Ethnic History Philippines
Ethnic History Philippines
Ethnic History Philippines
Information and publications from government agencies. National Commission on Indigenous Peoples, Mindanao Studies Program, UP-
Diliman, Cordillera Studies Program, UP Baguio,
Jama Mapun
village life
habitat and livelihood
religious beliefs
upland and lowland interactions
their adaptation to outside and/or foreign
their role in philippine history
Reading List
Arumanen-Manuvu Custodio A. Saliling
Timeline – highlight the characteristics of the period check whether they possess the characteristics of
the people during the era
habitat and livelihood, descriptions of the tools that they used, economic life
Diet because this will also highlight their economic activity (hunting, gathering or agriculture)
A. Library Documentation
Census Materials – determine the size and composition of the
population of the society to be studied and find out the pattern of
demographic distribution in the are
Maps important in plotting the spatial distribution of population, in
calculating distances to specific points, and in describing the ecological
situation in the community being studied.
Weather reports – economic life of the people depends much upon the fluctuations of
weather conditions
Soil Reports – necessary for evaluating the land tenure system or in gaining insights
into the agricultural activities of the people
In Panay, for example, areas with brown reddish soil, are planted to sweet potatoes
and cassava; sandy soil to corn, tobacco, watermelons, tomatoes and vegetables.
Bananas thrive in almost all kinds of soil while rice thrives best in black loam soil
Historical records- know what important events had taken place in the village or
town; when was the village founded? Who were the founders? When did the shift in
technology start, if modern agriculture has reached the community? What happened
when the shift took place?
55 volumes of Blair and Robertson’s The Philippine Islands is a comprehensive sourcebook of
information about the early history of the villages, towns, and provinces in the country.
Published articles – journals, books, magazines and newspapers are major sources of
additional information about a number of things concerning village life.
B. Official Records
Municipal Records -
Church Records
Police blotters
Ethnographic Documentation – refers to the use of the material aspects
of the people’s life as a source of information in assessing the level of
socio-cultural integration of community organization; material artifacts
are closely related to the people’s aesthetic taste, religious ideas, social
status and technological skills; activities of the people
Domestic artifacts – house-types, attires, weapons and household utensils
Of what materials are most houses made? What are the sizes? What
sociological values are placed on houses? Constructing houses is often
associated with certain cultural beliefs; what kind of attire is common in the
area? Do people weave their own clothes? If they do not, where do they
purchase them? What is the dominant color preference in the community? Are
there different attires for different occasions? What do people wear during
ordinary days? What do they war during holidays? What do they wear when
working in the field? How do they wear the attires?; what kind of weapons do
most people carry?
Religious paraphernalia – what is the nature of the belief system? Is
there any definite place of worship? What are the paraphernalia
used made of ? How are these materials acquired? How are these
and other objects integrated into the religious belief system?